Monday, January 31, 2005
6:23 PM
mood: very happy and i skip because of whip!!! :)
wow. great day. no Mr. J morning tho cuz of the teacher meeting. but i saw him in liturgy. he was right behind me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG! he got a haircut!!! :) and he was singing! sigh. so, the day was normal. lauren was stupid in lunch, as per usual. then came double. oh sigh, double. :) he had a cold today!!!!!!!! oh my god, everytime he sniffled or coughed, i winced! it was so cute tho!!! aw, god he's adorable.and then i asked him something about the essay and he knelt down next to my desk to explain it. he was sooooo close..............i know i was getting red! i noticed that he's cuter than i thought. sigh. he's so lupin-y too!!! :) oh sigh..........
so, the rest of the day went by without event. i didn't get the notebook at all today. oh well. it was screwed up cuz of liturgy! after school, hung out with chrissy, at her locker, bought drinks, walked around and then asked Mr. J about the homework just to talk to him. :) he's so adorable!!! then after chrissy went to driver's ed, i saw him leave!!!! call me a stalker chrissy, but i walked past his room and saw he was getting ready so i walked slow and then i peered around the corner and saw him leave. he was so cute in his little green jacket that i sqealed right there!!!!! sigh. more when i get home. :)

*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, January 30, 2005
4:08 PM
mood: bored but happy
what a boring day. but..............I LOVE MY NEW COMPUTER!!!!!!!!!!! IT REALLY ROCKS MY SOCKS!!!!!!!!! oh sigh, it's great. and tomorrow i get to see M.r J!!! yay!!! :) more then.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Saturday, January 29, 2005
8:20 PM
mood: happy and excited
well, woke up ready for a day of shopping!!! went out around 12:00. first, well, i can't say cuz i was getting stuff for padfoot and she is reading. so, i bought her stuff. i also bought myself some gel pens, (like i need anymore), and an HP desk calendar. pimp. then we went to office depot and bought...........A NEW COMPUTER!!!!!!!!!! I'M ON IT NOW!!!!! IT'S A COMPAQ AND IT'S ALL QEUED UP AND I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!! well, that's it. gotta go talk to Prongs. later. :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, January 28, 2005
3:09 PM
mood: very good and marauderish
well, today was very good despite the abscense of a certain teacher. :( Lin came back!!! yay!!! finally we have our good old prongs back!!! :) we hung out at Chrissy's locker in the morning. classes were all dull. double was sucky without Mr. J. we just watched some movie. ugh. not much happened today really. i think i'm getting sick. THANKS ALOT PRONGS!! LOL. j/k. um, i can't wait to get home so i can IM my marauder homies!!! :) more when i get H to the O from da M shout out to da E!!!! LOL.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, January 27, 2005
3:52 PM
mood: very very happy
well, i am in the library after our meeting and i am sooooooo hyper from being with padfoot but i will begin at the beginning. :) so, i was pretty down this morning. it got a little better as the day went on but nothing was as good as double. he had a sweater! i think i said that already............not important, um. he also had tan pants and cute little brown shoes. he was very cute today! the only bad part is that he's not going to be here tomorrow!!!!! ::sobs:: oh well. the meeting was so much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was just me and padfoot. scary combo! she was all hyper so she got me hyper too! we read the newsletter and she loved my poem! then we had these lemon cookies and they got like, stuck in her mouth and she did a Darth Vader thing.....LOL. then we listened to FM Static and Switchfoot and she went through her backpack. she found a bunch of crap.......including a dollar...........hmm. well, um, we found a creepy book that someone left there and then we made a very fun video for Lin on chrissy's digital camera. so fun. ....... this was the best day of the week, hands down. more later. :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
8:57 AM
mood: a little down
well i am in english class and i should be researching theaters. LOL. lin is sick again!!! ::cries:: oh well. we didn't even get to spend good time with Lupin cuz someone was taking a test in there. :( but he does have a sweater!!! LOL. well, gotta go do other stuff i'm not supposed to be doing. :) more later!
p.s. lin's gonna miss the meeting!!!!!!!!!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
6:45 PM
oh i am so mad i'm shaking. kevin or kelly must have given scumbag my IM name cuz she just IM-ed me. i am so frikkin mad!!!!!!!!!!!! i can't believe it. i just can't believe it. she was like, saying she was sorry and crap. yeah. right. go shove it. bitch.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
6:33 PM
hey, yesterday was the full moon! it was really big and creepy. if ya heard any howls, it was me. i apologize, i misplaced my wolfsbane potion. :) but i am feeling ok today despite all the scratches.........*whimper*....... sorry.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
6:30 PM
mood: okay
well, lin was not here today!!! poor deer. but we didn't have the notebook! i had to go to Mr. J's with kelly. not there's anything wrong with her, she's just not lin. but he was soooooooooo darn cute today!!! blue shirt with red tie and the cutest little black dress shoes. :) so, we got our course proposals in homeroom. finally. i am thinking about AP chem cuz i don't want to cut up cats in anatomy!!!! lord. i have to find out if Mr. J knows what he's teaching next year. yeah, and Graney said we shouldn't choose based on the teacher! ah, shove it! double was very very fun! i am surprised that he hasn't realized that i make eyes at him and stare at him the whole period. LOL. sigh. so, after school was alot of fun! chrissy was there for driver's ed and we hung out with Katie in the library. i found a whole bunch of new Lupin icons. sigh. chrissy, i might want to change my siggy!!! LOL. maybe. hey, if you talk to kristina, mention that i still need a damn comment box!!!!! lord. so, i guess that's it. gotta go rot my brain with fanfiction. :) get well soon lin!!!!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
6:30 PM
mood: eh, but better than yesterday
well, today was only slightly depressing. LOL. double was one helluva treat tho! he had a sweater!!! it was the cutest little brown thing with brown pants and the same exact shoes that Lupin packs into his trunk at the end of POA!!! *squeal* :) so, after that, i got really depressed after spending lunch with lauren. i told abby and citlalli that my jacket was like Harry's in POA, (today was a Pride day), and Lauren's like, "oh, i liked it at first but now that i know it has to do with Harry Potter i hate it." omg, i was so pissed. i was just like, "oh, that's nice lauren." god, sarcasm is great. lauren sucks. :( so, anywho, after school was fun in the library with Chrissy. very fun indeed. i got rather depressed in 7th period and drew a bunch of pics of Lupin. then i snapped out of it and i was like, i refuse to get depressed! the marauders still seem like they're falling apart and that's sad but i can't fall into a depression! so, Mr. J will perk my days up and i am sure that the marauders will grow stronger soon. i hope. it does distress me that Padfoot and Prongs aren't wearing their necklaces. oh well. :( well, oh yeah! lin was sick today! she could barely talk! the poor deer........oh and after school, chrissy was like, "if u get me a dogbone for my brithday, i'll kill you." well, Padfoot, i hadn't thought of that but thanks for the great idea!!!! :) came home. had dinner. did homework. now i am on here and no one is on. i am sad. oh well. um, that is all for today i guess. i cannot wait to see what Mr. J wears tomorrow. sigh. :) more tomorrow.p.s. Prongs, please write up your thing for the newsletter!!!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, January 24, 2005
6:34 PM
mood: depressed
wow. what a depressing day. the only good part was double when Mr. J was talking about WILD animals.............growl.........heehee. so, anywho, i am feeling depressed becasue of the marauders. i feel like we are falling apart. i feel like chrissy and lin don't care anymore and i can't make them care and it really pisses me off. i feel so left out with them. i feel like chrissy will always call lin and vice versa. i feel like i'll be forgotten if there's important news. i feel like i'm butting in on there friendship. i feel like i came in on their one year relationship, i mean, i didn't even know lin! i feel like i barged in. i feel like they have so many inside jokes adn crap and they've been through more and there's stuff they say that i don't get and i hate that. but i can't change it. urgh. i think they've had a two person friendship for so long they're having trouble including me. i don't blame them. i know this is what Remus must have felt like, maybe even Peter. now i might know why they thought Remus was the spy. because he was left out and they thought he might want revenge. god i hate when i babble. i feel like they leave me out alot and i hate it. but i don't want them to feel guilty and include me just because they feel guilty. i don't want them to feel like someone has a gun to their heads. urgh. this is making me so mad!!! this is all i thought about on the way home. i wish they could know. well, they will now, way to go Egan. grrrrrrr. i just feel so left out of the loop.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, January 23, 2005
7:26 PM
mood: bored
well, today was the most boring day of the week. except for all the snow. got on at 11:00. IM-ed with Padfoot. fun. :) got off and laid around watching TV. did my geometry and french homework and watched more TV. LOL. listened to alot of Switchfoot and now i'm on IM-ing with Padfoot again. urgh, bo-ring! at least tomorrow i have double period to look forward to!!!!! yay!!!! :) well, more tomorrow. :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Saturday, January 22, 2005
6:23 PM
mood: very good
wow! look at the snow!!!!!!!! it's great!! :) um, after lunch, we went to the library and it was like, hard to see cuz of the blowing snow!!!!!!!! it was great! well, i printed high quality pics and got something for french. came home. listened to alot of Switchfoot. played pool at our neighbor's house. very fun. :) had dinner and now i'm on here. IM-ing with the marauders. :) um, there isn't much to write about on weekends cuz i don't see Mr. J!!! LOL. more tomorrow.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
10:55 AM
mood: good
ah! diu merci c'est le weekend!!!!! :) LOL. well, i did nothing last night. at around 6:00, Padfoot and Prongs called, reprimanding me for leaving a nasty comment on Prongs' blog. well, amanda left a mean one and i felt like being mean right back! she's such a jerk! and Prongs is my friend, i'm gonna defend her! i would do the same for Padfoot. we're the marauders! :) well, i IM-ed alot with Padfoot last night. and read an awful lot of fanfiction. :) also listened to an obscence amount of Switchfoot. LOL. :) well, i had a peaceful night of rest. not good dreams tho.........drat. well, more later on!
p.s. "More than fine, more than bent on getting by, more than fine, more than just ok."
p.p.s. at the moment, i am trying to upload the third chapter of my new story, "look what a mess we made". please read and review!! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, January 21, 2005
1:53 PM
mood: marauderish
i am feeling very marauderish. and i'm glad that it's friday!!! actually, i'm in french so, diu merci c'est vendredi! :) LOL. well, didn't i tell ya it was sweater weather??? he had one today!!!!! he didn't talk to us much in the morning tho. :( um, Cindy gave me this pimpin pen from Florida that has a bunch of glitter in it and it lights up!!!!!! :) i love it! :) um, then double rolled around. oh he was like, extra lupin-y today!!! he got all mad at one point and crumpled up his paper and threw it in the recycle bin. he actually made it in! we were like, "two points!!" he's so cute. and i noticed today, his hair is so soft. it looks very soft. oh, what i would give to touch it....................ahem. anyway. now i am in french and i am supposed to be researching impressionist painters. yeah, right. LOL. i have all i need. so, more later on! :)
p.s. Chrissy.....have fun with Brandon!!!!!!! LOL.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, January 20, 2005
3:51 PM
oh yeah, as i walked to the library guess who i saw????? MR. J!!!!!!!!!!! aww, he's staying late....how cute!!!!!!!! :) sigh.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
3:43 PM
mood: okay
wow. yeah, well, yesterday i didn't get a chance to post. yesterday was kind of a drag actually. trudged though the day disorganized and rather moody. *shakes fist at moon* yeah, so. double was good tho. i realized that if Mr. J stands next to me, i'm at eye level with his ass. yeah, it ain't bad either!!! heehee. well, the spirit assembly was "slightly dissapointing". LOL. :) then we had scrapbooking. fun!!
today is good so far. we had a Mr. J morning but left him early cuz Padfoot had to talk to Lockhart. ugh. did some research in french. actually i just checked my mail. LOL. um, the day went by fairly quickly. double was tons of fun! Mr. J told us about the cat they used to have named Scamper. it didn't like him because he put its head under the faucet! LOL. well it kept scratching the furniture!!!!!! man it was funny. he looked so cute today with his little brown tie and matching brown pants. *squeal* um, then after school we had our meeting. in fact it was a matter of minutes ago! it was sooooooooo much fun! it seemed to last forever! hey, marauders, if you have any more ideas of columns you want to write, email me! i will be on AIM at 6:00! talk to you then!!!!!!!!
p.s. Mr. J rox my sox.
p.p.s. Lauren is stupid
p.p.p.s. SWITCHFOOT ROCKS!!!!!!! (more than fine.....more than bent on getting by....)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
3:17 PM
mood: marauderish
okay day. a little depressing though. went thru day actually dreading double for once. NO MR. JOHNSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAN WAS I PISSED!!!!! grrrrr. and there's only one week to the full moon. urgh. so, the only perk of the day was the marauder notebook and even that was a let down cuz no one had time to write in it. :( oh well. after school, we saw Mr. J! and he had a sweater!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a red one!!!! it is so cute and i want to tell him to wear it again but he'd be like, stalker!!! (heehee, i just happened to stumble upon.......you!!) :) LOL. well, now i am in the library and thank god in heaven that chrissy is here!!! and now i don't have to be plagued with Lauren!!! LOL. well, more later!!
p.s. I MISS MR. JOHNSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
8:18 AM
mood: eh, not happy to be back to school but happy to see the marauders!!!!!!
wow, yeah. last night when i was babysitting we watched the Easter Egg on Return of the King. hehe, LOL. "When will you wear wigs?" LOL. it was soooooooooo funny!!!!!
so, this morning Lin gave me my Switchfoot cd!!!! can't wait to hear it!!! woohoo!!! but then she got all mad cuz of something Amanda said. stupid wormtail. poor prongs. don't listen to her!!! OMG!!! ONE WEEK TO THE FULL MOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FLEE IN TERROR!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! more later. :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, January 17, 2005
8:08 PM
mood: so happy i could scream!!!!!!!
THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH PADFOOT!!!!!!!! oh my god, i love them all so much!!! clay is so sexy, heehee, adorkable. that's my new word. :) and the digimon one! omg!!! i love it sooooo much i can't even begin to tell you! i love you!!! i printed out a wallpaper for you for doing this. you'll love it. see u tomorrow when i will shower you with thanks!!! LOL.
p.s. you kick.........balls?
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
7:01 PM
mood: very happy
wow. what a dull day. sat around listening to music, finished my Ancient Runes homework, and then laid around more. i was banned from the internet today. yeah, wow, i almost shriveled up and died! lord. typed a new chapter of "night of the full moon" that i will post soon. then Padfoot called me. she was making more stuff for my blog! aw, Padfoot rocks. so now i am babysitting and using their computer. *smiles wickedly* yeah, and i saw all the new stuff on here and you guys rock!!!!!!!!! i love it all!!!!!!!! :) so, see u tomorrow! with no Mr. J.....:( boohoo.
p.s. potter potter potter potter potter potter potter potter potter potter potter potter weasley weasley!!!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, January 16, 2005
7:36 PM
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
2:06 PM
mood: very marauderish
wow. what a night. LOL. we stayed on the internet for a while. then we went into Prongs' room and read all our notes and the whole notebook!!!! wow. then we began something that occupied our time for quite a while. Prongs suggested that we make a page in the marauder notebook to just write down random quotes that come into our head. well......that one page turned into three. wow. yeah, we have so many it's awesome! :) we had so much frikkin fun! which reminds me, bla bla bla dea frikkin da! :) haha!!!!
then we started a third page. the nastiest page of all. LOL. yeah, Lupin is an animal in bed, James has golden balls and Sirius wants to know if you've ever done it doggy style? LOL. oh yeah, Mr. Johnson.....i didn't do my homework....do i get a spanking??? HAHA!!!!! :) we had so much fun! my face is still sore from laughing so much!!!!!! ooh, kinky. LOL. :) "*in my sleep* sweater.......weather.......Johnson.......squeal!.....sigh....." heh heh, best bloody peanut butter i've ever tasted. and i am a full moon biotch. LOL.
yeah, so that was a very very fun night. we did manage to get SOME sleep after Padfoot's stupid snoring! or whatever it was........then we woke up and laid around. saw the Potter Puppet Pals. LOl, bother! :) had breakfast and then we watched the Easter Egg on the Lord of the Rings DVD and then..................the long awaited........Dragonheart. wow, David was the biggest asshole!!! LOL. but i felt sorry for him at the end, when he died. sigh, poor lupin.......
yeah, so now i am at Padfoot's. my mother is going to pick me up. until then, i am enjoying the high-speed internet and lovely keyboard. it's fun! :) well, i guess that is alll for now. Mr. J rox my sox!!!!! heh heh, after this i will go.....H to the O from da M shout out to da E!!!!!!!!!! this was the best bloody post i've ever written.............
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Saturday, January 15, 2005
7:19 PM
mood: very happy and marauderish
yeah, pretty good day. woke up and laid around. was actually a very rushed morning. took a shower and had lunch. then me and my mom went to the library and i printed out GOOD QUALITY PICTURES. yeah, that's a switch from home. LOL. came home and then went out again. lordy. picked up Chrissy and her mom was not happy! LOL. stupid dryer.....then we went to Lin's. we laid around listening to music for the longest time!!!!!!! LOL. i am now in love with Switchfoot, FM Static and Lucky Boys Confusion. LOL. so, yeah, i tried to call Kevin but he has not answered. he left a message on my machine and my mom told me but i haven't got in touch with him yet. oh well. we watched our Marauder tape and now we're in Lin's computer room, drinking hot cocoa, (LOL), and Lin is creeping Chrissy out. heehee. :) um, oh!!! Lin's sister has this yearbook and guess who is in there????? MR. JOHNSON!!!!!!!!!! YEAH! I KNOW! :) wow. yeah, i was having way too much fun there. heehee. and now Lin says she can make an icon out of it! that, would rock my socks. ugh, Lauren says that. grrrrr. well, more later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, January 14, 2005
7:46 PM
oh yeah, his voice was so damn deep and sexy. oh lordy.....
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
7:40 PM
mood: very very happy
well, i came home and ate dinner. i was a little bummed cuz a character in the book i am reading had just died. so i put on a Billy Joel record and was about to do my homework when.........i got.....THE CALL!!! dun dun dun! i thought it was Lin so i picked up and said hi. it was....kevin. kemp. i was so totally blown away. he said he was happy to talk to me and it was like we'd never been apart! so then he had to go and he says, "hey, do you wanna do something Sunday? like go to a movie or a restaurant or something?" well, i didn't know so i told him to call me back. now my stomach did a funny little thing when he said it to me but i ignored it. so, i tell my mom and dad and my dad goes, "mary, he's asking you out on a date!" well then i was freaked out. i called Padfoot and i was hyperventilating and, oh my god. so yeah, my weekend is full all of a sudden. tomorrow i go to Prongs' and sleep over and sunday i might have a date. weird. i can't wait tho! i was thinking, how am i going to survive four days without Mr. J and now i have the marauders and kevin to make up for it. wow. yeah, awesome day! so, gotta go read padfoot's kickass profile! later! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
3:52 PM
mood: very happy and marauderish :)
well, i had a very good day! but the undisputable high point was our morning in Mr. J's room! :) he talked to me and Lin!!!!! we were soooo happy!!! :) OMG! he was so cute. first, he was shaking his tape dispenser, and it was making a shaky-shake noise so he goes, "ooh, feel like doin the salsa?" i burst out laughing!!!! then, he goes to Lin, "she has a big test today," pointing at me, "you should be scared." he says to me. and i'm like, "I'm not scared!" and he goes, "well, there are three people in this room and one of them should be scared." LOL. then as we walked out he goes, "be afraid!" oh, it was sooooo cute! AND he had a sweater!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!! oh, yeah, last night we had a real depressing conversation with Padfoot cuz Amanda, our new Wormtail, said "F*** you" to her in her LiveJournal. ok, asshole, but, you don't do that to marauders! me and Lin were so ticked off. stupid jerk. so we ignored her today. double was really good, obvioulsy, except for the fact that i found out Mr. J will not be here on Tuesday due to some STUPID MEETING!!! i was very upset. :( oh well. now i am in the library after school with you-know-who next to me. urgh. i'm sorry if she drove u away at my locker Prongs!!! i didn't want u to leave! oh well. yeah, i think she's finally picking up on the fact that i don't really like her anymore. sigh. well, three day weekend is ahead and we might do something at Prongs' house! can't wait! but that means, 3, no 4 days without Mr. J!!! i must go weep. :(
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, January 13, 2005
7:46 PM
oh yea! i got my report card today and i am pleasantly surprised. :) all A's except geometry, 3.7 GPA and i ranked 31st out of 178. very happy. :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
7:40 PM
mood: happy
drinking: hot cocoa!
well, i was glad that today was the shortened period day. sigh, nothing like it. :) hung out in Mr. J's room. no sweater but he had a nicely color coded green outfit. and a nice tie. went through the day with no real occurrences worth mentioning. unless of course you include Becki putting her arm around poor poor Lin! LOL. what an idiot, as hermione would say. LOL. :) so, yea, double was fun. sigh. he was telling us how, in grade school, they told him that is they had an air raid, that they should go under their desks. he's like, "i knew, even at 8 years old, that a metal desk would not protect me from a nuclear fallout." LOL. he rocks my socks. :) well, then after school, we had the second marauder meeting of the week! awesome!! :) we had so much fun! listening to Jimmy Eat World and talking about our ex's and the stupidity of school dances. LOL. then of course, Lauren was waiting for me in the entrance hall. ugh. she LIED TO ME! i asked her if the library was open and she said no! and it was! jerk. went in there and watched the "Kingdom of Heaven" trailer. dissapointing. only a little blip of David and the sound wasn't working so i couldn't hear his cute, "I have to pray". oh well. and, sorry Padfoot, but too many shots of Orlando Bloom for the love of chocolate!!! sheesh. oh well. came home and had Thanksgiving dinner for dinner. weird, but delicious! LOL. picked up Market Day with my mom. and saw the moon. teehee. it's a nice crescent. very cool looking actually. and now i am on here. well, gotta go talk to the Marauders! more tomorrow! can't wait to see Mr. J in the morning! by god we are going to talk to him or else perish trying! ha!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
11:10 AM
mood: laptop happy!!!
wow. yea, i am in french and i really should not be doing this!!!! LOL. this morning we hung out with Mr. J again. sigh. but we still did not talk to him!!! :( next is double with him!!! sigh. well, after school we have a meeting!! yay!!!! more later. :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
6:43 PM
mood: okay
drinking: hot chocolate!!!
not a bad day. hung out in Mr. J's room. he's so cute. :) but i feel like we're ignoring him so we're gonna try to make conversation tomorrow. :) went through the day. boring! until double period!!! :) LOL. despite the abscence of a sweater, he had a cute little tie with a lighthouse onit! sigh. yeah, he drew this "map" of Israel and it was so cute cuz he could not draw! awww, adorable. :) and he said that if he dies :( b4 his wife, then she's gonna put on his tombstone, "irresponsible lout". LOL! :) he's so damn cute. :) well, i got picked up at the regular time today. WEIRD!!! but lauren was walking with me and lin. god! why does she have to butt in??? lord. she is really annoying me lately. came home and had some good Hereshy's chocolate. YUM! :) chocolate helps. :) i did my homework and now i'm on here. :) lord, i just had the most serious, (sirius LOL), conversation with Padfoot. god. i don't like those but i guess it all had to be said. i'm glad it's out there. well, i need to go search for David Thewlis pictures and drink hot chocolate. it helps. :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
7:52 PM
Mood: very happy
Drinking: hot chocolate!!!
LOL Well, what a day!! Woke up hoping against hope that Mr. J would let us in his room! I was nervous and worried that he might not! So, I get there and Prongs is waiting for me. We marched toward his room and I was shaking!! Weird. So, we go in and I'm like, "Mr. Johnson, can we just, hang out in here?" And he waved his arms as though to say, there's plenty of room. How cute!!!! So we sat in there and talked. Then Padfoot came in and told us the horrible news. She could not come to the meeting today because.......her dryer blew up. Of all things! So, we went through the day, doing the notebook. I LOVE the notebook! It is going great, we have a great system! Mr. Johnson was sooooooo cute in double! God I love double. LOL. He set some paper down on my desk and when he walked away I realized, he smells great! And it's not a cologne smell or anything. It's just a nice, clean, soap smell. Sigh. That's how Lupin should smell. LOL. So then came the meeting after school. No Padfoot, so it was mostly either awkward silence or uncontrollable laughter hiding from the mean janitor! LOL. Very fun. Came home, did homework, and ate. Then talked with Padfoot about Kingdom of Heaven, the new David Thewlis and Orlando Bloom movie. Sigh. Oh! And Padfoot lent me Dragonheart where David is an ass. But has no facial hair. More tomorrow. Can't wait to see Mr. J!!! have to go chat with the marauders. Later.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, January 10, 2005
3:25 PM
mood: very very happy!!!
wow. what a lupin-y day. LOL. this morning i was so nervous about going into Mr. J's room. then we see, there's a teacher meeting!!!!!! grrrrrrrrrrr!! so we are so gonna do it tomorrow and i can't wait!!! no sweater today but a very nice red tie. :) kept up the marauder notebook. :) i love it!!! and Prongs decorated it even more!!! it rox!!!! :) not much happened today. double period with Mr. J was paradise!! we switched seats so now i'm closer to him. sigh. :) after school, we hung around padfoot's locker, then prong's, then mine. and as we were walking toward the library, who is walking behind us?? MR. J!!!!! sigh. i think i have gotten another serious (sirius) obsession!!!! i like him. alot. sigh. i won't bore u anymore. WAIT! this is my blog!!! and i'm gonna write about what i like! and i like Mr. J!!!! sigh. so, anywho, i will not be on AIM or even the internet tonight because i have a boatload of homework and i have to babysit. so i will sit there, watching POA on their big screen TV, doing homework and thinking about Mr. J. sigh. more tomorrow!! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, January 09, 2005
6:22 PM
mood: very marauder-ish
very good day. woke up and went on the net. IM-ed with Prongsie. :) had a late breakfast that sort of counted as lunch. then we cleaned the whole house, top to bottom. took down all the christmas stuff and guess what happened?????? my brother kneeled on our Prongs ornament!!!! i was sooooo frikkin ticked off!!!!!! grrrrrrr. i almost cried. lord. so then i took a shower and laid around. cleaning out my purse and going thru stuff in my room. mikey's friend Andrew came over. he has a brother who's a sophomore. heehee. :) they hung out and i laid around doing nothing. watched a little of POA. laid around more. had dinner and now here i am. not a bad day. and tomorrow first, we are going to hang out with Mr. Johnson in the morning instead of Mr. TC which is, i think, i very wise decision. :) i hope he has a sweater on!!! i hope, i hope, i hope, i hope!!!!! well, more tomorrow! :)
p.s. 31 to 17, vikings are beating the packers! if the vikings win.......the packers are out of the running!!!! awesome!!! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Saturday, January 08, 2005
6:12 PM
mood: very happy
this afternoon, after eating lunch, we went out to Joliet to a costume shop cuz my brother needed a costume for the play they're doing at his school, "Hamlet". so he got this knight's costume and it came with a sword. well, the sword is SILVER plated!!! silver kills werewolves! so he's taken to chasing me around with it. LOL. then, we saw these pimp scarves there with the Gryffindor, Slytherin, and Ravenclaw colors! awesome!!! but they were not cheap! i think they were handmade. cool. then we came home and i have been just lying around. i only have till 6:30 so i gotta go IM Prongs. bye! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
10:57 AM
oh yeah, and Prongs thinks i should buy Mr. J a sweater in our senior year! whaddya think? :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
10:54 AM
mood: very good
watching: cooking shows
well, last night was very enjoyable. i IM-ed with Prongs. very fun! then we watched old TV shows and read Prisoner of Azkaban. now it is about 11:00 in the morning and i am IM-ing with Prongs again! i love AIM!!! :) it certainly is clearing out my inbox!! LOL. well, more later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, January 07, 2005
3:22 PM
mood: amused
wow. well let me start at the beginning. today was very good. last night, after i posted, i had a very nice conversation with Padfoot and i felt better. :) had a very marauder morning and everyone loved the marauder notebook. :) we started it right away and we had a very good system and i love it. it's very organized. :) went through the day without large event. MR. JOHNSON DID NOT HAVE A SWEATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT'S WHAT I GET FOR STAYING HOME YESTERDAY!!! GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! sigh, but he had a very spiffy, dignified red shirt on. it was cute. :) so, now i am in the library and the teachers are out in the peace pole courtyard having a SNOWBALL FIGHT!!! there's TC and Stefl and Cartier and Prendergast and Weil, i think. oh and Miss Link and it is very funny. :) LOL. of course, Mr. J did not join in. huh, he is too dignified to things like that. although, it would be cute to see him having a little snowball fight. awww, now i wish he was out there! cute. i love Mr. J. i really really do. sigh. well, more later. maybe.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, January 06, 2005
7:56 PM
mood: a little bummed
watching: Mary Tyler Moore
it was a very boring day. laid around watching TV while mom was at work. when dad got home we played out in the snow a little. then i came in and got on here. talked to amanda i was so bored! LOL. then talked a little with Chrissy but i was bummed cuz she was doing her homework and i missed her so i was sorta sad. :( more tomorrow. i need a good dose of maraudering magic to bring me back up. :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
8:20 AM
mood: quite good
i made my own snow day! LO. :) if anyone else stayed home, email me. i will be on at 6:00 for AIM! see u then! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
3:24 PM
oh yea, Kristina, i hope u are happy, i did not change the font color!!!!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
3:22 PM
mood: very happy
i am at school in the library after a hard day of working and stuff. so i didn't post yesterday so i will do that first.
Monday night since i did not post later: i talked to Chrissy!! thank the lord! she said it was fine and i think we are all good now. no more depressing emails. brother. then my mom went to work and my dad made me wait to download AIM until she got home!!!! grrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!! but i did and it works now! YAY!!!!! :)
Tuesday: very good day in my opinion. had a "tea party" in the global room, thus annoying Lockhart. LOL. :) then we went thru the day, passing notes and such until after school. the marauder meeting. minus one marauder!!!! padfoot was not there!!! she went to spend time with her 'friend' Chris. LOL. but we had some good quality moony/padfoot time. giggling over Mr. J and Tom Felton and Lupin. very fun, but a tad awkward. so, overall, a very good day. OH! then i went home and IM-ed with the marauders. very fun!
Wednesday/today: woke up and saw a hell of alot of snow on the ground! but do we get a snow day??? NOOOOOOOOO!!! grrrrr. went to school, grudgingly, with the only good thing being Scrapbooking with the marauders. so, what gets cancelled? Scrapbooking. go figure. go thru the day passing notes. fun, fun,fun! :) then i get to double period which is always good cuz of Mr. Johnson! and he has the cutest little green sweater on! i could just die!!! :) then Miss Nolan came on the P.A. and we all thought it was a snow day but she's like, "no, that's not it.". which so totally sux because it is like 6 inches of snow out there!!! we deserve a snow day!!! well, i guess there might be more later if anything interesting happens. i will be on the computer anyways cuz i always am. araceli is here and she wants to see my layout so byebye 4 now! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, January 03, 2005
10:38 AM
mood: okay
downloading: AOL instant messenger!!!!!!!!
i am very happy cuz of what i'm downloading!!!!! but, i'm also a little upset cuz i told Padfoot to call me but she hasn't and i'm worried. :( but tomorrow i'll see her. we have our goofy little Tea Party first and then.......MARAUDER MEETING!!!!! i can't wait. last night i stayed up until midnight watching "Alfred Hitchcock". i was so scared by it and i couldn't get to sleep!!!! but i LOVE that show!!!!! :) teehee. well, gotta go check 4 emails! more later! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, January 02, 2005
6:07 PM
mood: good
watching: Mork and Mindy :)
pretty good day. woke up at 10:00 and was on here right away. but no one else was. where is everybody?? oh well. took a shower and got dressed. went shopping with my mom. got two shirts and a pimp little jacket. i love it! :) came home and laid around. TRIED to read Macbeth. urgh, Macbeth stinks. i hate it! i can't understand what anyone is saying!!!!!! it frustrates me! well, if any of the marauders are on, my mom caved and i'm going to download AIM right now!!!!!! give me ur names! i should be something with Lupin in it. watch for me!!!! i'll be on soon!!!! :) oh, and read "If I Fell", my new story, the sequel to "The Beauty Within". bye! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Saturday, January 01, 2005
6:44 PM
mood: very good but bored
watching: Attack of the Clones
what a great movie. but i just realized i have had a wasted existance all week! except for the marauder party that rocked my socks, all i've done is eat, sleep, go to the bathroom and read. oh yeah, and sit in front of this bloody computer. i'm a lazy slob. oh well. this afternoon i watched old TV shows, the movie "Uncle Buck" and now "Attack of the Clones". i also began to read Macbeth cuz i just remembered i have to for english, (transfiguration). we had the most delicious steak dinner!!!! oh lord, it was good! now i'm sitting here, doing this blog, emailing Prongs, trying to upload my new chapter of "the bonds of friendship" and watching my brother and Matt "Yugioh" duel. i am bored out of my skull. two days till i get to see the marauders again!!!!! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
11:09 AM
mood: happy
watching: The Twilight Zone.....
well, last night was dull. we sat around talking. urgh. then we did the New Year's Eve Mary and Mike show. that went well at least, then at midnite, we ran outside and let off party poppers and blew horns. pretty fun, actually. kev-o, my cousin, said he was gonna put firecrackers in old computers and blow them up. i said a prayer for him. :) i can't believe it's 2005!! this is weird!!! but cool.
today i have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING planned. surprise, surprise. while Padfoot is going through her horrible lunch and Prongs is probably watching movies, i'll be here, watching old TV shows and reading Macbeth for english class. oh brother. more later, i might be on around 6:00, like usual.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
seventeen, QoP, chicago, friends, family, blogging, fanfiction, Harry Potter, Remus Lupin, chocolate, journaling, driving, The marauders, classic rock, alternative, swing music, Beatles, Graham Colton Band, Switchfoot, Maroon 5, Beatles, Billy Joel, Michael Buble, Click Five, Wicked Jack Lemmon, the 50's and 60's, conservative, George W. Bush, old movies, reality TV, SHOEBOX PROJECT, AIM, remus/sirius lurve, remus/tonks lurve, White Album, inside jokes, hangin' out, internet, LiveJournal :)

%Mood: Busy
%Book: "Duty and Desire" by Pamela Aidan
%Song: KT Tunstall, AAR & Switchfoot
%TV:"Seinfeld", "Simpson's", "Frasier", "Arthur", "Nova", "The Apprentice"
%Film: "The Terminal"
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
Daily Dudes
%Mary ~ Slowly Drifting
%Kris ~ Blurred Vision
%Kelly ~ Lost Freak
%Chrissy ~ Burning Soul
%Lin ~ Fairytale Dreams
Affilates of Myself
% My MySpace
%My LiveJournal ~ "Notorious Notations"

%The Marauders
