Monday, February 28, 2005
3:50 PM
mood: deliriously happy :)
well, what a day! first of all, even tho we did not have a Mr. J morning, he had the most adorable sweater!!! it was bluish grey, with a blue and white striped shirt underneath, navy blue pants and black shoes. *swoon* double was great except for when Julia insulted him by saying she thinks he's gay!!!!!!! evil! he's married with a daughter, weirdo!!! lor-dy. oh yeah, i had lunch with Miss Nolan today. WEIRD!!!!!!! it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be but still, who signs you up to have lunch with your prinicpal????!?!?!?! Evil Miss Reynes, that's who!
after school was the best part of the day. i went and bought a sprite and then, see, chrissy did not stay after so i had to go in alone!!! boy am i glad i did!!!!!!!!!! :) we talked for a solid 25 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all alone!!!!!!!!!!! i don't know if i was more surprised that he was letting me talk with him for that long or if he was more surprised that i wanted to!! i told him i was bored! so we talked about homework, and then we got into how we both like to have hardcovers rather than paperbacks. and then he wanted my top five WWII movies and then my top five Jack Lemmon movies cuz i told him that was the best actor ever. he said that his sister's b-day is St. Patrick's Day, (ah! so is my brother's!!), and how i'm very rooted in my irish heritage. :) then i told him how Graney hates us and i had to explain how we're the marauders. he looked it up and said it meant "plunderer". ah, well, at least he doesn't hate us for it. i could care less about Graney. then we talked about the whole werewolf thing. and he told me how he taught his wife AND his daughter how to drive!!! and he likes Star Wars!!!!!!!!!! *squeal* then i walked out next to him! NEXT TO HIM!!!!! i watched him put his gloves on, i think we were talking about the Oscars but i was watching his cute hands slide into his gloves. then he left. i thanked him for keeping me entertained and he's like, "i tried..". he's adorable. :) then i watched him get in his car out the library window. best day of my life. BEST DAY EVER!!! :) -sigh- well, the library is gonna close so i have to split. i might write more tonite. i won't be on AIM to talk about this tonite, sorry. see u in the morning! (i told Mr. J that!!! -sigh-)

*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
9:15 AM
mood: quite good
on the laptops in english. i'm on here cuz i finished my essay first. naturally. lol. this student teacher that's in here said it was good. :) i haven't seen Mr. J at all this morning cuz he was in a teacher meeting. :( i can't wait for this period to be over so i can walk down those stairs and see him. -sigh- lol, speaking of periods, i woke up with mine this morning!!!! PAIN!!!!!!!!!!! lord save me. and my morning was so discombobulated cuz my mom is still sick!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrr. i wish everyone in my house would get better already!!! lordy. well, more later on. :)
p.s. prongs was belching all morning in T-C's room!!!! nasty!! and Padfoot was squeaking around on his squeaky chair! lol. might i say, Mr. J's chair is much squeakier!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, February 27, 2005
6:39 PM
aw!! thanks for the comment lin!!! :) and no, sorry, i do not know what..........that thing.....is. sorry. what is it?? LOL.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
9:57 AM
mood: a little left out
listening to: Blues Brothers
wow. i just read padfoot's blog and i'm just feelin a little left out. she had a good weekend. wow. oh well. i hope Annie was good. sorry i couldn't go. i really wanted to too! :( u must tell me about it tomorrow! nothing happened ysterday so i did not post. sat around listening to my mom cough and make crazy fever-induced comments to me while i did my homework. urgh. did go to the library though and printed some sexy pictures. :) finished all my homework except history and english. not bad. i cannot wait to go to school tomorrow. i feel so cut off from the marauders on the weekends cuz i live so frikkin far away!!!! grrrrrrrrrr. oh well. and i miss Mr. J!!! :( oh, IM-ed my cousin Kevo last nite. very fun. very fun indeed. he rox my sox! :) well, i gotta go listen to the music of Elwood and Jake and think about Mr. J when he was in the Blues Brothers faculty assembly. later!
p.s. if anyone from fanfiction.net is reading, YES SWEATER WEATHER TAKES PLACE IN THEIR THIRD YEAR!!! lordy.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, February 25, 2005
7:58 PM
mood: very happy indeed
listening to: Switchfoot, "On Fire"
what a great Mr. J day. :) we tried to take a picture of him in the morning but it didn't work. i told him to look for himself on WQOP! :) -sigh- it was the greatest WQOP ever! told Mr. J that he looked good on it. :) lots of actual conversation with him today! advancement in the relationship from stalker to friend. LOL. double was good as ever. burgandy shirt, chekced tie, navy blue pants and black shoes. he was extremely cute and lupin-y today. when he was talking, he did this thing with his head that just reminded me of lupin so strongly! he was really funny today really. :) after school me and lin walked past his room but he wasn't there. i went to the library and looked out the window every five seconds to see him leave. then i saw him walk past the library and took matters into my own hands. i was extremely brave and went in there by myself!!! first time! :) here is our conversation, M-means me and W-means Whipp. :)
W: yes, mary what did you want? *after seeing me peering into his room warily*
M: oh, i just wanted to tell you to have a good weekend. *resembles a tomato*
W: oh, well, thank you. you too. and don't read too much Harry Potter!
M: oh, geez.......
W: when's the next one coming out?
M: July 16th.
W: oh, counting down?
M: yeah, it's gonna be a good summer!
W: *throws head back and laughs, i love when he does that* oh yeah, now, ya know what i would do? i would read all of them, start with the first and lead up to this new one.
M: oh i am! i'm on the third one.
W: yeah, and when they're all out i'll buy you a copy of Lord of the Rings to read. ::smiles::
M: oh lordy. chrissy already tried to get me into it!
W: yeah?
M: i refuse to be sucked in!
W: well...............ya know it has nothing to do with today's pop culture, like the movies. it goes back to the sixties! i bet your mom read them
M: no she didn't. she doesn't read Harry Potter either though
W: well, that i'm ok with.
M: hey!
W: no, i'm sorry. well, have a good weekend
M: you too!
W:thank you again!
M: mm-hmm! ::walks away in a happy daze::
it was glorious......................-sigh- i was a pile of mush the whole way home, just thinking about him. sigh. more tomorrow peeps! gotta go daydream! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, February 24, 2005
7:13 PM
IT'S THE FULL MOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RUN AND HIDE AND LOCK YOUR DOORS!!!!!! SCREAM IN TERROR!!! no really, it's all orange and real low in the sky. oh the freakiness........ gotta go take my Wolfsbane Potion. say a prayer for poor remus.......... :(
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
7:11 PM
oh yeah! me and chrissy and lin found out that we have the same retreat day!!!! next monday! i think............well, the point is we'll be together!!! yay!!!!!!!! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
7:06 PM
mood: better than last night and marauderish
today was great! SWEATER!!!!!!!!! the cute little stripey one with khaki pants and plain brown shoes. in the morning, when we left his room, i went, "your clip for WQOP looks great!" and he's like, "Well, it's all in the production." we walked away and kelly goes, "you flirt!" i blushed all the way to english. chrissy got her 50 cents!!! haha!! lin put it in an envelope and had T-C hand it to her in class!!! kick-ass! she's like, "You sneaky little bitches..." LOL.
he was adorable in double. he was picking on me!!! -sigh- then he was passing out the practice ACT tests and he's like, "don't start till i give you the sign." and everyone's like, "What's the sign??", he's like, "I don't know!" and Alex goes, "Hey, you should do a little dance up there so we know when to start!" so, he's watching the clock, looking at us and then he breaks out in full frontal tapdance!!!!!!!!!! it was great!!!! after seventh, i walked down those lovely stairs that lead right to his room and told him, "i liked your little tap dance!" heehee. :) i blushed all the way to my locker. re-did the clip with chrissy and lin for WQOP. then the meeting!! :) very fun. mostly talking and joking and being marauderish. which includes Chrissy balancing pop cans on her teeth and pennies on her nose. LOL!! :) very fun. well, that's all for today. i got a scripture reflection with "FINSH ME!" written all over it. later! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
7:23 PM
love the icons padfoot! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
7:21 PM
oh yeah, yesterday was great after school! that was really the only big event of the day. Chrissy stayed after cuz driver's ed was cancelled but she didn't have a ride. we had so much fun! we talked to Mr. J about "Things Fall Apart" and his globe hat that is sooooo cute. LOL. and he was chewing gum!!!!!!!! *squeal* then we organized chrissy's folders in the library. FUN! came home and since i was banned from here, i helped assemble our new computer desk that i am on right now. very nice.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
7:10 PM
mood: very happy!
well, what a day!!!!! lovely Mr. J morning even if he didn't talk much. -sigh- lin said he and Mr. TC looked alike while walking down the hall. ohhhhhhhhhhh the creepiness..............LOL. i kept trying to pay chrissy back for my coke all day but she wouldn't take it! don't worry Miss Padfoot........... you'll get it somehow, one day. double was great! light blue shirt, striped tie, bluish pants and bluish shoes. very cute! :) his hair looked so soft and i loooooooove his hands!!! oh my god! -sigh- after school was good and then bad. i taped chrissy and lin doing their little "mine"skit. LOL. then chrissy went to the library and me and lin went by Mr. J. the IHM kids are coming on friday to shadow and Mr. J used to work there so i was having him do a little welcome thing. oh he was so cute! and i was soooo red! he looked so cute standing there thinking of what to say. he was like, "I like QOP, except for world history double period. and that girl that sits right there!" -sigh- then he was standing behind me watching it and i was so blushing! he was so close!!!! -sigh- then i got pissed off at the WQOP equipment and my CD player wouldn't close. grrrrrrrrr. must be the moon. LOL. came home and discovered my mom is sick now too!! lordy. had dinner and did stupid scripture for stupid miller. urgh. well, i just realized..........THE FULL MOON IS TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!! but so is our meeting. LOL. i can't wait!!! after what happened tonite, i just wanna thank chrissy and lin for being my marauders. i love u guys!! see ya tomorrow! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, February 21, 2005
7:03 PM
mood: rather bored and i don't wanna do my homework! don't make me!!!
noise: FM Static
well, the day was full of internet, followed by music videos, and some icon conversations with Prongs and then dullness and a little bit of.........eh. yeah, the traumatic moment of the day was when my mom forced me to clean the shower. oh somebody just shoot me now. lor-dy. i cannot wait to get back to school. away from all my brother's coughing and my parent's yelling and reprimanding. i just wanna see the marauders again! and.......of course.......my Whipp. sigh. and yes, Prongs, you must get a Dom thong now!! that would be so damn funny! oh, and, btw, nice new layout prongsie!!! :) well, i guess that's all. tomorrow's post will probably be written in a Mr. Johnson induced cloud of happiness. must go try and type up something that might pass for a french paper. later folks!
p.s. "don't wanna look i just wanna find, can't ya give me somethin to believe in? keep ur religion don't need ur lies, i'm just lookin 4 one good reason, feel like it's teenage hunting season, and nothing out there sounds half decent. who's out there? who's gonna save us? before we all fall through the cracks in the pavement!" -FM Static's best song ever. :)
p.p.s. quiz results:
Your Years at Hogwarts by nevermindless
Name: Mary
The Sorting Hat places you in:Ravenclaw (Blue and Bronze)
Subject you are naturally best at:Astronomy
Your favorite book:Great Wizards of the Twentieth Century
Pet you bring to school:Elegant Scops Owl
You are most known for:Your pet.
p.p.p.s. one more thing, how do u put pics in your entries?
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, February 20, 2005
6:23 PM
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
10:48 AM
you are never going to believe who just IM-ed me. Jenna. urgh. i blocked her. i do not want to be brought back into the frame of mind i was in back in grammer school. those were the worst years of my life and i don't wanna be reminded of them. came here and read my comments to remind myself i have real friends. i love u chrissy and lin!!!!!!!!! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Saturday, February 19, 2005
3:24 PM
mood: tired
wow. what a great night. i went to Chrissy's at about 6:30 after a lot of negotiating over the phone. we went to Lin's from there. watched "Grease" and grooved. then watched "The Notebook" and cried and cried. laid around in Lin's room reading old planners and magazines and talking about weird things we can do with our bodies. :) LOL. went to bed around 3 or 4. Chrissy annoyed me with her breathing, and her arm twitching and Lin's nose kept whistling!! LOL. woke up at 10:30 and heard about Chrissy's strange dream! LOL. then watched the deleted scenes from "The Notebook" WHOO!!! wooooooooow. :) then we talked about food while starving to death and too lazy to get up and get food. came home and ate McDonald's at high speed. YUM. then we watched POA and now we're watching CoS. more later. :)
p.s. i miss Whipp!!! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, February 18, 2005
3:23 PM
mood: very WHIPPed
well, seeing as i am not allowed to go on tonight, i will post while i am at school and in a much better mood. well, the Mr. J morning this morning was fantabulous! he had a sweater!! RED!! -sigh- even tho we had to be quiet, the things he was doing made me wanna squeal!!! :) he laughed to himself while reading something and then he looks up and he's like, "sorry." LOL. then Lin said he put bunny ears behind my head and he was like, sneaking around the room cuz this girl was taking a test. ah, he was very cute. :) double was GREAT! he had on a red sweater with a light blue shirt underneath, (ooh, underneath it all.............LOL), and navy blue pants and these cute little brown shoes. :) sigh. he was like, opening windows and saying how it gets hot in here even tho it's like ten outside! i was like, it's gettin hot in here.....hey, u know the next line. :) except for the fact that all we did was watch a movie and i couldn't even stare at him cuz he was in the back, a very good sweater-licious double period. :) after seventh period, i walked around by his room with Lin but he wasn't in there so i dropped my stuff in the library and bought a drink. then, i walked past his room again and he was across the hall so as he crossed to his room, i told him "Have a good weekend!" and he said, "Thank you Mary, you too." sigh......................i think he's beginning to suspect. LOL. then, at 3:10 exactly, i saw him get into his car!!!! he took off his coat! must be a little hot...............hehehe. well, i guess that's all the Mr. J news for today. stay tuned for the next edition of this blog, "I'm Shriveling Up Cuz It's a Three-Day Weekend Without My Whipp." LOL. later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, February 17, 2005
6:47 PM
mood: very marauderish
wow. Mr. J was like, irresistable today. he was just so cute in the morning! talking to us about his new world map. LOL. the day went by. double was great. he had on his lighthouse tie, bluish pants and bluish shoes. veyr cute. :) um, we had the awesomest marauder meeting filled with paper airplanes, candy wrappers, hiding under the table, taking videos on the digital camera and a come-down-able globe. LOL. that was the BEST meeting EVER!!! :) very fun. very fun indeed. more tomorrow. need to go drink my cocoa and watch the HP music videos on this site. bye!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
7:19 PM
okay, i don't feel like posting. the truth is that the only good thing today was Mr. J's sweater. padfoot was bummed and then i was bummed. duoble was great tho. he was in a very good mood and that made him cuter than usual. i guess that's it. sweaters forever and i am WHIPPed. LOL. :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
3:36 PM
oh yeah, and, no more comment wars, like chrissy said. please and thank you.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
3:33 PM
there will be a real post later tonight but i just wanna thank you for the comments and thank chrissy for threatening to beat up a certain someone. :) and thanks to that girl from FF.net!! review! please!!!!!!!! thanx for commenting and isn't it just so cute when guys u like have cute little colds??? poor guys. Mr. J is STILL coughing!!!! i wanna hug him but he might get a restraining order sooner than i had planned. :) LOL.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
3:43 PM
damn!!!! i just looked out the window and Whipp's car is gone! i missed him leave! damn........
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
3:16 PM
mood: very happy and "Whipp"ed!!! LOL.
great day!! had little Mr. J dreams last night. :) very lovely Mr. J morning. :) i was talking about yesterday and he wasn't in there yet and chrissy's like, "Watch, he's gonna walk in like, right now!" and he did!!!!!!!!!! weird. and then, he looked right at me and said, "i guess it's the little things that make life worth living." ohhhhhh siiiiiiiigh. :) then he told us, "i despise beanie babies, i hate beanie babies, i dislike everything to do with beanie babies." LOL. he wants to burn them. hehehe. .................. yeah, so, um.......... double was great! he had on a burgandy shirt, navy blue pants, black dress shoes and a red and black patterned shiny tie. -sigh- :) he still has that goddam cold!!!!!!!!! poor little guy......... :( well, the rest of the day was pretty dull after that. amanda badgered me about Mr. J in chem. and if ur reading this, SHUT UP!!! oh, and to all of those comments, let's see,
chrissy: yeah, i might need it now......::smiles devilishly:: LOL. it was funny when he was picking on you!! and it's all in good fun!! yeah, he likes LOTR. i might have to watch it now........LOL. kelly: by the end of the year, he might want one!! hehehe.....
amanda: ew.........just.........just ew.
more later! :)
p.s. i asked whipp what the homework was after school and he was so cute! he asked lin how her thing went. he's so considerate.................sigh................
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, February 14, 2005
6:51 PM
mood: still working off the natural high that i got at 3:30!!!
listening to: FM Static
okay, i must start at the beginning. thanks for the comments. and no i do not want any thongs!!! free or otherwise!! lordy.
Lin wore her deer necklace today like a good little marauder! LOL. :) did a whole lot of nothin in most classes. took the AP practice test in english. not that bad. then came glorious double!!! :) today he was wearing a light olive green shirt, dark olive green pants, a shiny green tie and those brown lupin shoes!! :) he was still coughing!! poor little guy. :( his wife is at a meeting tonight till 10:00 so he'll be all alone on Valentine's Day!!! poor guy. my first thought was, hey, i'll come keep ya company!!! LOL.
so, the day went by. the best bit of the day came after school. and on Valentine's Day too. as lin might say, what are the odds?? LOL. walked around to everyone's locker, walked with Chrissy. dropped stuff in library and i wanted to go to Mr. J's, naturally. i was just gonna ask him about the homework, playing dum, and ask him what pages in the book and that crap. so i did. then chrissy, my angel, asks him about his posters! he's all explaining them and lordy i was so happy! then we talked about like, global showcase, he's asking Chrissy about hers and we found out that he likes LOTR and he knows how obessesed i am with HP. LOL. his impression of the HP accent was great. i shoulda been like, "ok, do lupin!" LOL. he was sooooooo cute and we were in there for like 15-20 minutes!!! i was like blushing the whole time!! then he got his coat on, *sqeal*, and we left. chrissy went into the librry and i waved to him as he went to the doors. then i got to see him get into his car!!! oh lord, what a great afternoon! i was like, skipping down the halls with Chrissy!!!! :) i love u Chrissy for providing conversation!!!!!!!! i owe you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BIG TIME!!!!! wow. i'm still like, giddy from it. :) it was great. i gotta find an excuse to go in there with her after school tomorrow now! wow. that's all the i can say, wow.
so then, came home and ate dinner and now, here i am typing this on my neighbor's computer while babysitting. and still thinking about it. wow. if he doesn't know i like him now, he's dense! i was blushing all over the place and laughing at all his jokes! well, they were funny. :) wow. ::blushes just thinking about it:: poor guy is all alone at his house with his cat and a newspaper. i wish i could go keep him company..................padfoot, i might need that thong now.......... ;)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, February 13, 2005
6:43 PM
mood: very happy
well, sat around and ate lunch. washed my hair and we went out to Best Buy. i bought a new CD player cuz i've dropped mine a bazillion times. it's very nice. came home and at dinner. and now i'm on here. IM-ing five different people at the same time!!!!!!!! lord. so, yeah, i IM-ed "thehpgang" from fanfiction.net. she's very nice. and very into remus, like me. :) and she's read this blog! LOL. hey, if ur reading now, you can comment now!!!!! i looooooooove my coment box!! well, later!
p.s. NO THONGS!!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
10:28 AM
mood: very loved
wow. i would thank you all for commenting!!!! (god, i feel like i'm at the oscars! LMAO). no really, i love getting these comments!!!! prongs, i HATE glossaries!!!!!!!! grar. have fun copying my lab! lol. padfoot, if u buy me that thong i will personally kill you!!!!!!! And hey, how else are ya gonna let people know what u want? at least i know what i want, unlike snuffles here. LOL. so, yeah, thanx for commenting! keep it up!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Saturday, February 12, 2005
6:36 PM
mood: happy
listening to: FM Static: "All the Days"
this day has been a good one. woke up and went on here. saw my comment box from Padfoot, the coolest person in the world and wrote that ecstatic entry. must have been rather tired when i wrote it. LOL. 9 AM or something like that.......so, after i woke up, we had lunch and i discovered that i have my bro back!! he's not sick anymore!!!! whoot! LOL. yeah, so we had some fun this morning watching TV cuz i haven't gone anywhere near him for like, a week. very fun. :) um, then our parents went shopping and we blasted Switchfoot so loud that the neighbors probably heard it!!!!!! it was AWESOME!!! :) went to the library when the parents got home. printed like, 13 pages of pictures. LOL. it cost me $3.25!! :) but i love the pics! gto McDonald's for dinner. came home and ate. started my glossary . 11 theorems to go!! lord. (not 'of the rings' Padfoot!!!) sat around listening to Switchfoot, FM Static and Blues Brothers. very fun, considering that i remembered Mr. J was Elwood Blues in the faculty assembly!!! awesome....anywho. um, now i'm on here. IM-ing Padfoot and reading fanfiction. i love fanfiction. oh! if u are a fan of David Thewlis, like i am , check this out:
http://www.cafepress.com/davidthewlis it's an online store full of thewlisian merchandise!! and even if u don't like Thewlis, check it out and get ideas for my birthday! (i like the journal and the werewolf shirt and the messenger bag guys!!) LOL.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
9:11 AM
I LOVE YOU CHRISSY!!!!!! I GOT A COMMENT BOX!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks!!! :) ya made my day! now, if someone can get Mr. J to come to my door and hand me flowers, it will be the best day of the year. LOL. j/k. i love comment box!! ya hear that peeps? you can comment now!! so, you'd better!!!!!!! :) oh btw, after i posted yesterday, i saw Mr. J get into his car out of the library window!! LOL. he's so cute...........
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, February 11, 2005
3:09 PM
mood: lovesick and very happy
well, we had a Mr. J morning!!! best one of the week, really. got to stay in there for the whole time and everything! :) he was squeaking his chair this morning and going, "attack of the pterodactylals!!!" oh, it was so damn funny! i felt really sorry for Chrissy this morning. none of her group on global will do any work! she was crying and it was really sad. :(
double was fantabulorious! :) LOL. he wore a tan shirt, brown pants with the cuffs rolled up about an inch, a brown tie and those brown lupin shoes!!!! he was so adorable!! he still has that cursed cold!!! he's coughing so bad i wanna hug him! lordy. i was watching him when he was doing one-on-one's with other students and he was crossing his legs at the ankle. it was adorable and then i got to see that he had brown socks on! :) oh sigh. oh! it was so cute! he dropped one of his papers and he went, "eeh!", sorta high pitched and i almost squealed!!!! LOL. then he was trying to do an Australian accent! oh lord. very good day for a Mr. J fan! :) then, at the end of the day, i went to my locker as quickly as possible and then picked up Lin and we walked toward the front doors. now, on the way there.....you just so happen to pass............Mr. J's room!!! wow, what a coincidence!!! LOL. so, i told him to have a good weekend! and he said, "thank you Mary, you too." oh sigh. well, that's all that happened today. lots of Mr. J stuff, and no real reality things to comment on. now i am in the library daydreaming about Mr. J and wondering if it would be too risk-ay to go wash my hands and then say hi to him. cuz his room is on the way to the bathroom. i dunno. more later. :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, February 10, 2005
6:09 PM
mood: good
i don't have alot of time. so here goes. we spent way too much time at Padfoot's locker and we got into Mr. J's room at around 8:25. he was all like, "oh! i was worried! you're late! i was wringing my hands here and....." he was so damn cute. and............sweater!!!!!!!!!!!! :) LOL. had the stupid harmony day thing. urgh. the only good that came of it was that i got to have lunch with Prongs for once! :) cool. after school we had our meetin. unfortunately, Prongs was not there because she had a three-hour! but we're proud of her!! :) teehee. well, my head is on the chopping block here. i gotta go!
p.s. my screen name is ILuvMoony171.........that's for "thehpgang" from fanfiction.net
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
6:36 PM
hey, this brings up something. if he does know....what do i do about it? chrissy asked me that and then had to go to dinner. i don't know what i would do. nothing i guess. unless he confronts me about it. i do think, however, that he knew damn well i didn't leave my lunch bag in there. something about the way he smiled at me tells me he might know. it was a very delivishly sexy smile..........sigh. and that wink on monday, oh god. i almost melted right into the linoleum!!! man............LOL. i'll stop now. any ideas if he does confront me?
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
6:30 PM
mood: marauderish
tuesday: didn't post cuz i was distraught. LOL. um, Mr. Johnson still has that pesky cold and it is making me wanna just hug him!!!! :) double was fantabulous as always! i came in and this was our dialogue:
me: hello mr. Johnson!
Mr. J: hello mary! how are you?
me: i'm good.
Mr. J: i would have guessed that. i would have looked at you and said boy that mary egan is good.
he's so damn cute. it was mardi gras so we had a party in french and i foolishly ate a cupcake and two reese's. LOL. so, after media, i went home cuz i didn't feel good. spent three and a half hours on the net but did not post. i'm an idiot.
today/wednesday: very very very good day. went into Mr. J's room in the morning but he was conducting an experiment with his sociology class so we had to leave. but he was so nice about it and he was all courteous and sayin that he appreciated it. he's so cute! lauren is all mad at me fro something dum in scripture and she's bein such a hypocrite cuz she says that stuff to chrissy and then says hi to us. god, i hate her. did not eat lunch. i don' t know why. i got yelled at for my marauder badge!!!!!! yay!!!! now i get to suffer for it too!!! graney was like, "i don't want that on you! it means theif!!" i was like, yeah, whatever. go read the books again cuz it obviously did not sink in the first time jerk. ugh. double was great. i was asking him alot of stupid stuff so he'd come by me. sigh. liturgy. urgh. it was okay. very gospel. LOL. after school was GREAT!! me and chrissy dropped our stuff in the library after buying drinks and went to go see Mr. J. sigh sigh sigh. i pretended like i forgot my lunch bag in there just so i had an excuse for coming in. chrissy thinks he knows i like him cuz when we came in he was like, "mary! you're in here at 8:00 and you're in here now....." i dunno. that wouldn't be so bad....if he knew...i guess. and that card i gave him was a dead giveaway. i dunno. everyone is feeling loads better and it's starting to get back to normal. amen! well, more tomorrow!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, February 07, 2005
6:35 PM
mood: scared
i wanna go back to school. now my dad's sick and i'm scared shitless of getting germs. i am washing my hands everytime i see a sink. lordy.
today was very good! i wanted to go home cuz i didn't eat lunch and i reall did not feel good but i stayed cuz it's been two days since i have seen Mr. J. you will never believe what happened!!!! i asked him to borrow a history book cuz forgot to bring mine and he was sort of like, glaring at me cuz i always forget my book. then, he turns back towards me and goes, "that was a lovely note, i must say." referring to the card i gave him and he WINKED at me!!!!! omg. i melted. well, almost. i was squealing inside my head. that was my only shred of happiness all day. now i am back in the hell hole that is home where everyone but me and mom are sick and she's at work. oh lord i'm gonna cry. i must go finish my french paper and then cower in fear behind the couch in the living room. ::cries::
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, February 06, 2005
10:33 AM
MOOD: happy, but my eyes itch.......
what a great night! all i can say is that, it started out a little awkward for me but i totally eased into their company and had a great time! chris is fun to torment, kristina is nuts!! but she's so much fun. :) and Mary is cool automatically cuz she has my name, LOL, but she is very very funny! and brandon! oh god, brandon reminds me of my cousin kev and i just think that him and chrissy should go out already!!!!! LOL. they're so damn cute together!!!! and, of course i already knew lin and kelly and obviously chrissy! oh yeah, DDR.........it isn't that bad, but u do not put two uncoordinated people, (ex: me and lin), on the mats together. you should put one experienced and one uncoordinated so you don't embarass two people at once. of course, that would save you time................LOL. well, i guess that's all. i had so much fun guys!!!!!
Chrissy: happy birthday again! and thanks for letting me come and i am so glad i now know all these people!
Lin: you were like my sanctuary when i first came cuz i didn't know anyone! thanks!
kelly: thanks for bringing up things that we knew but they didn't. :)
Kris: wow, i never knew that the person who makes the layouts does a squeaky voice! thanks for making me feel included!
Mary: wow, 76 boos, that's really something. thanks also for not making me feel left out!
and to all of you, PRETZEL FIGHTS ROCK!! BUT DON'T THROW COKE CANS! lol. :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Saturday, February 05, 2005
9:28 AM
i'm scared guys. i have been up since 4 A.M. cuz my brother was puking in the bathroom and i am a severe germaphobe and i could not get back to sleep for fear of breathing in the germs!!!! i listened to FM Static and POA soundtrack for a while and then cried. i had to lysol the keyboard and mouse so i could go on. i cannot wait to go to chrissy's and get out of this germ house!!! save me padfoot!!!!!!!!! i have to go hole myself up in my room now.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, February 04, 2005
6:44 PM
Mood: very good and not starving anymore! LOL.
Watching: Seinfeld
So, I forgot to tell u yesterday that Prongs got a three-hour detention! It would take forever to type out the story so I won't. But today was fantabulous!!! Mr. J had on my favorite sweater of his this morning! The only bad thing was that we had to be quiet in there cuz people were taking a test. At least we got to be in there! He was so cute. :) I did not get a chance to leave the card on his desk in the morning though. So, I went through the day, thinking of how I could do this without completely humiliating myself. So, during double, at the end, I just walked up to him and said, "Here, for appreciation day." He took it and he said, "thank you, thank you." He said it with such nice sincerity and everything. I was ecstatic!!!!!!! Plus, it's creepy cuz I just wrote this new fanfic in scripture class where Hermione gives Lupin a present for Christmas and he says exactly what Mr. J said to me, "thank you." And I imagined him saying it just like Mr. J did. Sigh. So, that made me very very happy. Nervous, but happy. :) The rest of the day went by in a blur of happiness. :) Then, after school I wanted to go ask him if he liked it and, ya know, talk to him a little but I missed him. He left early today, of course! No, he said he was going to visit his father who's in the hospital. Aw, he's so cute. :)
Came home and we went out to dinner to "Daniello's". Delicious! And now we're back here. Tomorrow is Padfoot's birthday party!!!! Woohoo!!!!! Well, I guess that's all. Today was basically a Mr. J haze of happiness. LOL. And now I leave you with a quote from my dear friend Prongs: "Whoopee frikkin doo." :) here's another quote from Seinfeld: "how do ya know it was her dude?" Heeheehee, love that show!
p.s. i found M.r J on yahoo people finder! yeah, i'm a stalker.........so?
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, February 03, 2005
6:18 PM
i don't have alot of time. very good day. Mr. J had a cute little red shirt and very cute tie on today. :) kelly decorated chrissy's locker. very pimp. um, the meeting was great! we finally took a marauder picture and padfoot loved her presents!!! gotta go b4 i get killed 4 going over the time limit. more tomorrow.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
6:38 PM
mood: good :)
peace pride day. oh joy. LOL. Mr. J wore jeans!!!! oh it was so cute! :) we spent the morning in his room after being scared shitless by Miss Nolan telling us she appreciated us and shaking our hand. weird. the day went by. double was great! as usual. :) Mal asked him a question and he came over to her desk. she sits next to me so if he's facing her desk..........ya know what's facing me??? oh yeah............:) -sigh- that is the only class i enjoy volunteering in. :) after school, i hung out with Chrissy. around 3:45, we said goodnight to him and i walked her to driver's ed. then i saw him walking out the front doors. i skipped into the library and SAW HIM GET INTO HIS CAR!!!! it's red. the color of.....love......sigh. came home. ate dinner and did homework and now i am IM-ing with padfoot, my homey. :) tomorrow is her birthday!!! and our meeting!! and she's gonna love her present!!! :) LOL. more tomorrow.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
6:17 PM
mood: pretty good
well, today was parent visitation so my mom came along with me to school. very weird but fun. had a Mr. J morning even tho she was with me. oh sigh. he was soooo cute today!!! but i couldn't enjoy it as much as i usually do cuz she was there. oh well. he was cute. no sweater tho. :) during homeroom, i got a little pin that says, "excellence". it reminds me of a prefect badge and lupin was a prefect so.................yeah. :) um, after that i did not feel good! my stomach felt all weird and my mom and Ms. Geinosky said i looked pale so mom just took me home. laid around doing nothing. then i had dinner and i feel better. did homework and now i am on here. IM-ing the marauders. :) they missed me!!! awwwwwww. :) Padfoot said she saw Mr. J after school!! oh sigh. he's so cute. i can't wait to see him tomorrow!! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
seventeen, QoP, chicago, friends, family, blogging, fanfiction, Harry Potter, Remus Lupin, chocolate, journaling, driving, The marauders, classic rock, alternative, swing music, Beatles, Graham Colton Band, Switchfoot, Maroon 5, Beatles, Billy Joel, Michael Buble, Click Five, Wicked Jack Lemmon, the 50's and 60's, conservative, George W. Bush, old movies, reality TV, SHOEBOX PROJECT, AIM, remus/sirius lurve, remus/tonks lurve, White Album, inside jokes, hangin' out, internet, LiveJournal :)

%Mood: Busy
%Book: "Duty and Desire" by Pamela Aidan
%Song: KT Tunstall, AAR & Switchfoot
%TV:"Seinfeld", "Simpson's", "Frasier", "Arthur", "Nova", "The Apprentice"
%Film: "The Terminal"
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
Daily Dudes
%Mary ~ Slowly Drifting
%Kris ~ Blurred Vision
%Kelly ~ Lost Freak
%Chrissy ~ Burning Soul
%Lin ~ Fairytale Dreams
Affilates of Myself
% My MySpace
%My LiveJournal ~ "Notorious Notations"

%The Marauders
