Monday, March 28, 2005
5:44 PM
mood: eh
ah yes, wisconsin draws ever nearer! bless the lord! and i have just been informed that we will get back on friday and then leave again on saturday for michigan!!!!!!! a nice week abroad!
today i did............NOTHING! suprise surprise. i sat around watching TV and listening to really loud music on the PC. then i typed up that last two chapters of "Sweater Weather". i know, i know, you're all saying "oh holy day, she got off her lazy ass and did it!" and i don't blame you! :) so, i am going to post that right now. :) your welcome! lol. and then i laid around more. so, very eventful day! not. i'm glad to be going to wisconsin if for nothing else, to have something to do!! lordy. dull days my friends, dull but relaxing. well, i suppose that's all. i am going to go post my chapters and then play POA computer game.
note: if Madina is reading, which i hope she is, i miss u girl!!! if you're not on tonite, i will talk to you on friday!!!!!! :) later!

*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
11:01 AM
ah! last day to post! tomorrow at this time i will be in the car. i am pretty happy cuz i am going to wisconsin and my mom just walked in with two huge bags of chocolate!! :) i must go read, more later! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, March 27, 2005
5:30 PM
mood: full of food and happy
listening to: "Accidentally in Love"
just had this great beef roast for dinner. man, DELICIOUS! today has been great! played a whole lot of POA and looked at old photo albums and just laid around watching TV and it has been great! no one even got dressed all day! i gotta tell you, i've had the easters where we get all dressed up and go to someone's house and you have to act all polite and sometimes phony and i can tell ya, i definitely prefer this type of easter that i just had today. well, that's all. i have to go check on fanfiction and then we're gonna watch "The Great Escape"!!!! yay!!!!!!!! more tomorrow. Happy Easter everybody!!!!!!! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
9:08 AM
mood: happy but tired
i know, i know, it's early. here's yesterday: i sat around having a whole lot of fun with my brother and did alot of POA on the PC. very fun!!! and then we colored eggs. :)
today: nothing yet, perhaps later. oh! we got "The Great Escape" from the "easter bunny". must watch it later! well, happy easter! more later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Saturday, March 26, 2005
9:51 AM
i forgot to put this in here. two things:
one: american idol. they had to redo it and after everyone called in again the bottom 3 was michala, nadia and................ANTHONY!!!! NOT FUNNY!!!!! but Michala is GONE!!!! (like Frank Sinatra, like Elvis and his mom, whoo, sorry!) so, be happy
two: starting tuesday until friday i will be gone and sad to say, this poor blog will sit stagnant with no updates because i will be swimming and thinking about Mr. J up in Wisconsin cuz that's where he used to live. lol. :) yep, that's me the stalker. no but really, with all the talking to him i've been doing, i've moved up from stalker to friend!! so, anywho, monday will be my last post and then it's off to Wisconsin. i know, i know, first kristina now me. sorry guys, but bye!!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, March 25, 2005
4:03 PM
FULL MOON!!!!!!!!!!!!
mood: relaxed and slobbish :)
i did nothing today. be happy. pray for werewolves everywhere tonite, especially my remus. :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, March 24, 2005
5:40 PM
mood: relaxed
wow. nothing happened today. mom was at work all morning so i cranked up FM Static and Clay and Grahm Colton Band and sung very badly very loud. ah, very fun. also passed all my "final exams" on POA. and watched a whole lot of crappy TV!!! picked my bro up in the afternoon and went to the eyeglass place to get his glasses fixed. tried on alot of bad glasses!! lol. came home and got on the net. stayed on til about 3:45. very fun. very slobbish, sluggish day. nice for spring break. :) well, more tomorrow!! :) it's the full moon tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!! lol.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
1:54 AM
mood: relaxed
listening to: Grahm Colton Band:Jessica (thank you kel!)
tuesday: had an ok morning in the global room. rather dull without Lin! had extremely short classes since they were squeezing a whole day into about 3 hours and 25 minutes! weird. double was great as ever! light olive shirt, green patterned tie, dark olive pants and those adorable lupin shoes!!!!!!!!!!! he went out of his way to wave to me!!!!!!!!!! :) and the whole period i was just staring at me cuz he was really cute! those shoes, and his sleeves rolled up?? mmmmmmmm!! yummy. as i walked out, he was standing by the door and he raised his eyebrows at me and said, "have a good break!" :) sigh. heard all about Ms. J's messy divorce. i feel bad for her but we didn't have to do the homework cuz we were talking about that the whole time!!! SWEET! after school, went to Chrissy's locker, ran from Amanda who was trying to contaminate me with her germs and then told Mr. J, "have a good break!" and he said, "thanks mary, you too!!" sigh. :) came home and had white castle for lunch. laid around playing POA, surfing the net and watching TV all afternoon. had a rather boring night but i voted for Anthony on Idol! don't worry Kris, we'll keep him on!!!!!
today: oh wow. today is such a slug day. my mom was gone all morning so i watched TV and then played POA on the PC and since i was all alone, i swore very loudly when i lost! lol. :) then she got home and we just watched TV. and now i'm on here. being a slob. hey, it feels good after you haven't taken a sick day in like, 4 months cuz you wanna come in every day to see what Mr. J is wearing!!!!!!!!! :) i know, i know...........obessesed. :) lol. oh, yeah, Idol had some big problem with their phone lines so we have to watch them sing the same songs again and vote again! pain in the ass..................
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, March 21, 2005
5:51 PM
mood: pretty good
my locker was all cleaned out for me this morning!! yay!!! :) Mr. J said hi to me when i saw him goin to his meeting. CURSE THOSE TEACHER MEETINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol. had a very fun morning in the global tossin the brain around!!! FUN!!! :) had three quizzes in row!!! leave us alone people!!!!!!!!!! had a very good lunch cuz lauren now knows what it means when me and michelle go, "SWEATER!". lol. never woulda guessed.................hmm. double was great! first off her had on a light blue shirt, red tie with white dots, bluish pants, and dark blue adorable dress shoes. :) had a lot of fun exchanging glances with lauren when he acted cute and calling him over to ask dum questions and then forgetting the answers cuz we were lookin at his hair! lol!!! after school, we went to his room. me and lauren. had a great time talking to him about our "criminal records" and lots of junk. very fun. but it seemed to be not as glorious cuz lauren was there. oh well. came home and found out that i didn't have to babysit!!! yay!!!!!!!!!! so, i'm on here. hi kel! i know ur reading! well, g2g AIM!! :) later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, March 20, 2005
5:42 PM
mood: eh
okay day. oh, yesterday i went to the library and played a lot of POA for the computer. very fun!
today, went to WalMart and bought a great set of pens and mike bought Sonic Adventure2 for Dreamcast. it's pretty cool. i spent the entire afternoon playing POA on the computer. i learned the patronus!!! very pimp. :)
and, now, i would like to reflect on this morning, it was so weird. i was doin my thing on the net and i came to chrissy's blog. it hit me like a train. i had no idea that lin's grama was that bad! i must say again that i was very shocked and my prayers go out to you and your family. may you get thru this ok.
and on a lighter last note, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVID!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! must go watch, "The Quiet Man" as a St. Patrick's weekend tradition! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
10:13 AM
oh wow, i just read chrissy's blog and i just wanna say that my prayers go out to lin and her family and may her grandma rest in peace. she is in a better place now, lin.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
9:55 AM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVID THEWLIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Saturday, March 19, 2005
9:43 AM
quote: "We are normal. We're just... different as well."-sirius black in "This Time Around
listening to: Paul McCartney/Wings: Band on the Run
well, yesterday, yes, let me see...........had a career day fair. yeah, there were like, no occupations that remotely interested me so i just picked up all the free pens! :) and talked to Mr. J................-sigh- there were ants in my lunch so i did not eat. then we went to double, well that calmed my freaked out heart. lol. he was wearing a white shirt, a red tie with circle-y patterns and blackish pants and those adorable black dress shoes. :) he was very cute and i talked to him alot during class too. :) after school, my mom forced me viz email to go tell the peeps in the office that there were ants in my locker. lauren, the saint of the day, came with me and we were starting to clean it out when the janitor dude came. he cleaned it out with one swipe of his brave hand and said tha he would spray it over the weekend. urgh. on an impulse, i told Lauren about my crush on Mr. J and i'm standing there waiting for her to exclaim, "EW!!", but she goes, "Oh my God, me too!!!" lol. so we talked about him until i got picked up. never would have thought lauren! came home. spent a while on the net IM-ing peeps like Chrissy and Kelly and Madina. then read a whole shitload of fanfiction. :)
today is my brother's birthday party. just me, my parents and four goofy little boys. well, it could be more people, i guess it could be worse. i just wish i had plans cuz i know that seeing my bro with his friends is gonna depress me cuz i'm not with my friends. oh well. i miss u guys! see u monday!!!!!!!!!!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, March 17, 2005
7:09 PM
i just read my comments and i am glad that you like that word chrissy, i do too. :) you are spiffy, i am spiffy, sweaters are spiffy, we're all spiffy spiffy!! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
7:06 PM
mood: happy and irish
happy st. patrick's day!!!!!!!!!
happy birthday mike!!!!!
i forgot to wear my "kiss me i'm irish" pin. that would have been fun to wear to Mr. J's class. ::wink:: i saw him on my way to the global room and told him "happy st. patrick's day". he smiled. ::sigh:: had an okay morning in there. listened to chrissy, lin and kelly talk about what kind of babies cara and this guy tom would have. all i can say is ew! Miss Weil is an idiot. she made her whole spanish class cry!!!! i felt so bad for chrissy and lauren! she like, dropped their grades for no reason! jerk. double was great! he wore my fave brown sweater, brown pants and those adorable lupin shoes. :) he was sooooooo cute. he said hi to me and i said, "it's an irish day!" and he was like, "ah yes it is an irish day lassie," in an irish accent!! cutie!!!!!!!! :) he was very funny today. saw Mr. J leave at 3:25. i am an idiot for not going in there and taking advantage of the sweater but i had no reason to go in there! oh well. came home. had leftovers while everyone had corned beef. ew. my grama came over for my brother's birthday. took alot of pictures. lol. after she left i got right on here. im IM-ing and doin this and now i must finish my scripture. farewell!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
7:03 PM
mood: fairly happy and content
not a bad day. spent the morning in the global room. and, u guys may not realize this but i think we're more marauderish since we decided to lay off it. weird, huh? today u could dress up as influential women in history. lol. foley was Ellen! funny....she even danced!!! coolio. double was great!! white shirt, red tie with white dots, bluish pants and cute little black dress shoes. what a spiffy stud! :) lol. he gave me my grade, (A-), and when he leaned in to tell me, he smelled sooooo goood!!!!! :) watched a really good video in there about women and how they are influenced by the media. that really annoys me but it was a great video! played a fun jeopardy game in last period. we lost. lol. then after school, i really forgot my lunchbox in whipp's room. and i was waiting for the perfect moment to go in there so i could have a conversation too. but he came into the library to pick up something he printed and told me i forgot it in there. so i followed him to his room and he let me in and i thanked him for, "keeping it safe". he was like, "people tried to take it and i told them, that is Mary's!!!" lol. came home, ate dinner and now i'm on here. just as a last minute note, i miss being the marauders! but it's a wholel lot better than it was! and i thank u guys for not breaking it off with me completely. :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
6:32 PM
mood: pretty damn happy
spent the morning in the global room, watching people do the homework they didn't do at home. lol. it's a joke guys! miller was an idiot saying that illness is the devil and she pissed off a whole lot of people! um, Mr. J had jeans on today so it was like, whoo!!!! buns of steel.................mmmmmmmmm. :) lol. yeah, there's my news report for the day chrissy!!!! :) lol. wow, that was funny. um, anywho, had an okay spirit assembly. kelly was in it! nice job holding the bat! lol. ya did ur best but at least the freshman didn't win!!! :) saw Mr. J leave but felt like i shouldn't impose on him after yesterday. i do have SOME self control......................some. :) um, that's about all that happened. hello to MuSiCObSeSiOn if she is reading!!! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, March 14, 2005
5:43 PM
mood: wonderful
well, i had a great day! played catch with a stress-ball brain this morning in the global room. very very fun!! :) went thru my day mostly happy. got great new seats in scripture! by nadia, kelly and chrissy!!!! doesn't get better than that! lol. um, after school, i walked to Mr. J's room and he was coming out of the faculty lounge and he said hi to me so i told him i had nothing to do and i asked him if he was busy. well, he said no so we had a nice long 20 minute conversation. may i say, "HOOHA!", for having guts!! if i was still my chicken-y self from last week i would not have anything to report on Mr. J-wise!! :) sigh. more tomorrow!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, March 13, 2005
6:39 PM
mood: intrigued
oh wow. just watched the thing on Star Wars on 60 Minutes. i cannot wait for that movie!!!!!! it is gonna be da bomb!!! May 19th!!!! it draws ever nearer! see, here's the great agenda this year:
May 19th: Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith (which is gonna be SOOOOOOOOO kickass!)
July 16th: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
November 18th: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (on the big screen)
yeah, it's a good year. and somewhere in between all that i'll find time to have a life. LOL.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
6:23 PM
okay dudes, i don't really care if you say i'm obsessed but i just read kelly's blog and she said that Mr. J was at the spring dance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i gotta start goin to these dances!!!!!!! wouldn't that have just been spiffy? wow..........................that would have been fantabulorious.........must go daydream..........................
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
6:17 PM
mood: content
pretty good day. had a big breakfast this morning, bacon, eggs, the whole deal. took a shower and got dressed which i don't usually do on saturdays. then we went out to visit my cousin and her cute little baby who is my second cousin. he is ADORABLE!!! ok, you think i live far away? they live in a place called, Manhattan, yes, named just like the New york city except it's in Illinois. weird. well, it's past New Lenox!!!!!!!!!! yeah, far. so, he was really cute and me and mike played with him and i tried to tell him about Harry Potter and mike tried to tell him about Megaman. yeah, we are gonna mold this kid so he likes the right stuff. LOL. he already gets the whole, "love the bears, hate the packers" thing from his dad so that's good. lol. came home and on the way home, we could see Sears Tower off in the distance!! sometimes it's so clear and there is like, nothing out here where i live so you can see downtown. major coolness. :) makes me feel good to be so near Chicago. dudes, Chicago rocks. came home and finally did my French homework after eating a whole large fry from Burger King all by myself. urhg, maybe that's why i don't feel so good. lol. laid around doing nothing and now i am on here. must go read fanfiction. :) later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Saturday, March 12, 2005
1:10 PM
mood: very good
well, not much happened yesterday. spent the morning in the global room wit ma peeps. :) we had a stupid "mutli cultural awareness" presentation during double so no watching Mr. J talk. :(
um, the irish dancers were cool. :) and he had a sweater on! my fave sweater! and when i came in to the gym and walked toward him, he put out his hands to let me in to the row of folding chairs. sigh, so gentlmanly. :) after school i had no courage whatsoever to go talk to Mr. J. poop. i'm a chicken. came home and put on about fifty billion fanlistings on here. any below the row that begins with "ravenclaw" is new. all by myself, i did it!!! :)
today i woke up and laid around watching Tv. went on here for a while, watched the "Demented Cartoon Movie". yeah, long story. then i read the saddest fanfic in the world where Remus is dying because peter got him with his silver hand and he keeps having flashbacks and then sirius is holding him as he dies and then sirius gets like, shot or something and i was just crying soooo hard!!! :( then we went and picked up my bro's new glasses. and also got lunch. might i say, my bro looks spiffy in his new specs. :) then i watched my new favorite show, "Blake Holsey High". there's a fanlisting for it somewhere down there. yeah, i know, i'm a loser. well, gotta go finish watching the sexy Proffessor Z!!! later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, March 10, 2005
6:52 PM
today was pretty boring. but i spent the morning in the global room and i was extrememly comfortable with kelly and lin and chrissy. it feels great guys!! i luv beng normal aroung u. no meeting tho cuz chrissy's mom arranged her schedule around the fact that we weren't having meethings. lin stayed after anyway!!!! silly girl. LOL. um, OH!!! today is Remus Lupin's birthday!! J.K. Rowling said so! so, he's a picses.......hmmm.........hopefully compatible with geminis.................LOL. i was in a very good mood all day and double only helped it. in addition to being more comfortable with lin and chrissy, i am now more comfortable with Mr. J too!!! :) sigh. well, i guess that's it. more tomorrow!! :)
p.s. happy birthday remus!!!!!!!
p.p.s. sorry for the short posts, i have no time!!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
7:20 PM
wow. i don't have alot of time so i cannot go into details. sorry. last night we had a great conversation on AIM and we are all ok now. and it's all thanks to kristina the wisdom genius!! :) i luv you!!!!!! um, today was okay. not much happened. i just found out that, sadly, we will not be able to have a meeting tomorrow or maybe never again. eh, we will find a way to have a meeting somehow. um, i just wanna thank chrissy and lin for listening to me and i really liked hearing what u had to say. i'm glad we all good now! see, we can still be friends!!! :) well, more detailed post tomorrow. scripture homework calls. CURSE U MISS MILLER!!!!!!!
p.s. had two nice Mr. J mornings all alone in his room in a row. -sigh-
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
7:14 PM
i feel soooooooo much better. wow.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
7:03 PM
thank you kristina.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, March 07, 2005
6:31 PM
retreat day!! not a bad day at that. talked to kelly alot. i must thank u kel for being there for me! but i think i'm ok with chrissy and lin now. as ok as we can be anyway. we baked bread! and it was pretty good. we also made clay thing-ys and i forgot mine! LOL. i went back there at like, 4:00 and they were all in the garbage! how nice. talked to Mr. J after school. :) i asked him what we did in class since i missed it. well, i don't really know what we did cuz i was too busy watching his mouth move and watching him put his hand thru his hair. -sigh- it's very easy to talk to him now!! :) well, more tomorrow. :) please comment!!!!! please!!!!!!!!!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, March 06, 2005
10:10 AM
mood: disconnected and ignored
i am feeling very mad over here. why are u all ignoring my messages?? do u even read my blog anymore? that hurts guys, really. please don't ignore me completely. please? :(
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Saturday, March 05, 2005
6:25 PM
okay, guys, i need to bring this out. i'm not trying to offend anyone or anything i was just wondering. why is it i don't have links to chrissy and lin's blogs anymore and they don't have one to mine? i was just wondering. it makes me feel disconnected. even more. even if we need space, can't we still read each other's blogs? it just seems like u don't want to be friends at all anymore. i dunno, please let me know?
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
6:03 PM
absolutely nothing happened today. i just want to thank kelly for her comment. that was very nice. kel, i sincerely apologize if i ever made u feel left out with scumbag. i know how it feels now to be the third wheel. i'm sorry, and just to let ya know, i have cheered up a bit. :)
to the marauders, please call or email or at least comment on here. please? i would love to relive any tension and work this out like kel said. well, it's ok, we have retreat on monday, right? :) i hope i didn't step too hard on anyone's toes with those posts. please don't take it personally! i luv u guys.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, March 04, 2005
7:51 PM
mood: much better
i just want to apologize for those last 2 entries. i was writing in a blind rage and it was wrong. i am really sorry. please don't take anything i said to heart. i'm an idiot and i am sorta over it now. so, again, sorry!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
3:21 PM
and another thing, you know how you have dom and orli??? well i have Mr. J! OKAY?!?! i can talk about him if i want. it has sucked big time all day trying to keep in what i wanna say about him. OKAY??!?! lord. i'm sorry but i am getting real mad now. please comment or IM me or email me or even call so i'm not yelling at no one here!!!!!!!!! ARGH!!!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
3:10 PM
mood: shitty
this week has been poop. the whole damn week except for monday!! tuesday everything seemed to be fine until late at night when me and Padfoot were IM-ing. and then it began. she didn't want to be in Mr. J's room anymore cuz she felt uncomfortable. i think we didn't talk about it enough. wednesday morning came and he had on my favorite sweater of all time and we didn't go in there. we had to hang out in the sucky global room. that day was full of passing notes full of feelings and...........ugh, it was just bad! thursday was even weirder because wednesday night we had a chat with Lin and got her opinion. and of course, she took Chrissy's side. thursday was rotten. i still didn't go in his room. instead, i got to enjoy an uncomfortable morning in the global room. goody. our meeting was horrible. for the first time. i wrote an editorial pouring out my feelings about it and we were all too chicken to discuss it. very awakward. at least on thursday after the meeting i got some long awaited one on one time with Mr. J. i helped him carry books down to the cafeteria............:) -sigh- came home and had this HUGE discussion online about the editorial. well, they want space. sigh, i don't. oh sorry, "it's not about want". i guess they need the space. well, we tried it today and i have been a basket case. in the middle of the day i was ok but in the morning my mom was all asking me what was wrong cuz i kept tearing up! i wanted to cry the whole way to school. Mr. J wasn't here so i HAD to go to the global room. i talked to KELLY!!! i am so alone. no offense kelly.
here is what i feel. i feel like chrissy and lin are so like, made for each other. maybe i shouldn't try to butt in on their perfect little relationship. but then i think, i have a right to be friends with anyone i want. and i WANT to be friends with chrissy and lin. the thing is, i always end up feeling like a third wheel while they laugh their asses off at some joke i don't get and then they explain it to me and by then, it ain't funny anymore. and they have those huge long phone conversations where they get more stuff to talk about the next day and exclude me from. all i'm thinking is, "and you say you made changes for me????" it doesn't seem like it. all those things u mentioned online, u did out of your own free will. i thought you did it because you liked me. maybe i was wrong.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, March 03, 2005
6:29 PM
love the layout kristina! so much going on and when i actualy feel like posting, i'll fill u in but i'm having some stress this week. see u soon.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
seventeen, QoP, chicago, friends, family, blogging, fanfiction, Harry Potter, Remus Lupin, chocolate, journaling, driving, The marauders, classic rock, alternative, swing music, Beatles, Graham Colton Band, Switchfoot, Maroon 5, Beatles, Billy Joel, Michael Buble, Click Five, Wicked Jack Lemmon, the 50's and 60's, conservative, George W. Bush, old movies, reality TV, SHOEBOX PROJECT, AIM, remus/sirius lurve, remus/tonks lurve, White Album, inside jokes, hangin' out, internet, LiveJournal :)

%Mood: Busy
%Book: "Duty and Desire" by Pamela Aidan
%Song: KT Tunstall, AAR & Switchfoot
%TV:"Seinfeld", "Simpson's", "Frasier", "Arthur", "Nova", "The Apprentice"
%Film: "The Terminal"
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
Daily Dudes
%Mary ~ Slowly Drifting
%Kris ~ Blurred Vision
%Kelly ~ Lost Freak
%Chrissy ~ Burning Soul
%Lin ~ Fairytale Dreams
Affilates of Myself
% My MySpace
%My LiveJournal ~ "Notorious Notations"

%The Marauders
