Friday, April 29, 2005
6:04 PM
mood: relatively relaxed but sick as a dog....or a wolf as the case may be. :)
well, i stayed home again. i really wanted to go on account of missing yesterday. but i spent half the night blowing my nose for the love of dumbledore!!! so, i stayed. watched ALOT of TV. did a whole lot of nothing really. just got rest cuz i HAVE to go monday!!!!! well, i guess that's all since nothing happened. talk to y'all soon!
i HATE being sick!!! ::cough cough::

*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, April 28, 2005
3:51 PM
oh yeah! constantine is gone forever from American Idol!!! thank god it wasn't my darling anthony!!!!!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
3:46 PM
mood: calm
well, not a bad day. got up and took a shower. then headed out to work with mom. i had a good time. just watched her do her thing the whole time. she answers the phones, and pre-tests the patients and then, they have this huge room that is just files!!!!!!!!!!! i helped her pull some out for monday. it is cool in there. um, got out at noon, and got Mcdonald's for lunch. came home and watched TV. then to KMart where i bought lead and monkey stickers. picked up my brother and came home and got on here.
i wonder what Whipp wore today................
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
6:21 PM
mood: content
listening to: Graham Colton
this week is just flying by!!! weird. woke up with a sore throat. good Mr. J morning. someone was taking a test in there so i was quiet for the first bit of the morning. then he asked me how i was and i told him i might not be there tomorrow cuz of "bring your daughter to work" day. um, then he was sooooo cute like, crooing or something, he was like, "ba-ba-buh-ba-ba..." and then he was making trumpet noises!!! what a cutie! had speeches for student council in homeroom and they ran overtime so we missed some of lunch!!! geez....student council double was great! he said we needed our textbooks and gave me this look cuz i always forget it and i was like, "i have it!!" light green shirt, green patterned tie, brownish pants and these SPIFFY black shoes. i love all his little Mr. J-isms. he's so adorable! his sleeves were rolled up and he had this little cuff made on his pants. :) he was sooooo cute while explaining our paper to us. ~sigh~ watched "the naked chef" in french. no, he is not naked!!!! lol. he was amusing. :) got to use the laptops in english. um, after school, me and lauren went to get our lunchboxes from Mr. J's room. i left mine on purpose, she really forgot. he had someone taking a test so we couldn't stay and talk. however, i got a glimpse of him passing the library and fixing his hair. cutie. but his car was still there when i left! poor guy. came home and had dinner. then took aspirin for my throat. oh! also got my progress report! 1 B, 2 A's, and the rest were just "pass". Miss miller said i'm "a pleasure to have in class". WTF????? who knows........i spend the whole class hiding behind kelly's head!!!! (thank you kelly, lol). well, g2g read ff and wait to see who gets kicked off American Idol. (OH PLEASE LET IT BE SCOTT!!!!!) um, sorry guys but i will not be there tomorrow, yeah, i know, you're jumping 4 joy. but i'm gonna go to my mommy's work and then i get a day off too. :) more tomorrow!!!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
6:02 PM
mood: giddy
listening to: Switchfoot
in the morning, M.r J wasn't in his room, his stuff was but it was locked. so, Miss Mairs (how d'ya spell that?), came by and unlocked it. me and nadia wrote "Mr. Johnson is the BEST teacher in the world" on his board. :) i went down to the caf with her. then we came back and sat and talked. um, when he did come in, he read the board and he was like, "thanks but money talks." and i said, "oh, well, i'm broke and i like complimenting you more." lol. then he had to erase it. :) he gave me this cute little look when i left. we had the evil Miss Baltikas for a sub in french. i swear, she's dead from the neck up. double was great as usual. white shirt, greenish tie with patterns, dark olive pants and........LUPIN SHOES!!!! he gave me a big, "well done" on my paper. he looks like he needs a haircut. lol. when i went to get my binder for the quiz in geometry, i saw him in his room, all alone with a can of pop, grading papers. how cute. i didn't get to see him after school tho cuz a girl was taking a test in there. but i did see him leave at 3:35. so i came home and ate dinner and finished my dum geometry homework. and i did make an attempt at current events but i'll probably end up waiting til next wednesday to do it, (thats' the day b4 it's due). lol. um, well, gotta go surf the miracle that is the net and wait 4 Idol to come on.
p.s. thank you madina for that lovely email!!!!
p.p.s. my brother found his Bears hat!!! lol, inside joke. :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, April 25, 2005
6:42 PM
to kelly and chrissy, the dynamic duo:
hey, leave me, my fanfiction, and my funny british comedies alone!!
but thank you immensely for the comments!!!!!!! i luv you!!! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
6:24 PM
mood: fairly content and happy
listening to: Graham Colton: Cigarette
pretty good day. my brother stayed home. baby. the morning dragged slowly until finally i saw the light at the end of the tunnel that is double period. :) he was just so unbearably adorable today. blue shirt, red tie with patterns, khaki pants, and brown shoes. we had a nice class talking about Holocaust Day and the book "night". i don't know why but all my classes seemed to last forever today!!! did prayer in scripture. urgh. after school was the best bit of the day. :) went to his room at 3:00. waited for him to come in and while i was waiting, these seniors came into his room and wrote a bunch of stuff like, "come to prom!!" and "bring the wife!!" and "i'll cry if you don't come!!!" on his board. i love seeing these things cuz it shows me that i'm not the only one who admires him. of course, i don't just admire him, i'm in luv with him. lol. anywho, he told me that today i was going to be washing desks instead. so i proudly did so. he left and came back and i was halfway done and he was like, "you are too good to me mary!" and i said, "i try!" and he said, "no, other people try, you succeed!" ~sigh~ he joked about taking a picture of me working and sending it to my mom. lol. i told him how my weekend was useless. and i explained to him, the art that is fanfiction. :) i left at 3:35 and saw him leave at 3:40. sigh again. i was deliriously happy on the ride home and my dad could not figure out why. :) if all goes well, he never will. :)
so then i came home and ate dinner and i am now celebrating my liberation from the monsters that are Matt and Kevin that i babysat for. i'm gonna miss the cash but they were so annoying last time that i don't miss them! lol. no, i really am gonna miss goiong over there. i don't know what to do with myself!!! lol. well, that was my day. how was yours? leave me a comment and let me know!! i love getting comments, people. please leave some!!!!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, April 24, 2005
6:32 PM
mood: happy
saturday/yesterday: had a great day full of reading fanfiction, blasting Graham colton and laughing with my brother for no reason! lol. then we watched those crazy british comedies on channel eleven and laughed even more!!!! then we watched a crazy musical called, "How to Succeed Without even Trying". quite amusing.
sunday/today: laid around reading fanfiction and stuff. had delicious homemade chicken soup for lunch!!!! yum. :) then laid around more reading fanfics and listening to Graham Colton. went outside and played basketball with my brother until my ears hurt from the cold. lol. then watched alot of TV and played with my brother. now i must go explore the world of fanfiction. again. lol. more tomorrow!!!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Saturday, April 23, 2005
9:47 AM
mood: glad it's the weekend
listening to: what else? Graham Colton of course!!
i don't have anything for today.......yet. so here's friday:
friday/yesterday: Holocaust Rememberance Day! very heavy stuff. but b4 we got into that i had to have my fun in Mr. J's room. got to see his socks. how cute. burgundy shirt, red patterned tie, black pants and black shoes. very spiffy. he made fun of me for my travleing copy of POA. lol. so, first we finished watching "Schindler's List". very sad ending. lot to handle. cried. came back and had lunch. then we went to the museum they set up for us. very nice, but sad. we saw little exhibits set up about all the stuff. then, when it was time to go to the next room they played a train noise, which added to the freakiness and reality of the experience. in the last room they made us wear stars like they did and they treated us like the prisoners, minus all the brutality. they said that if it said certain stuff on your badge, you stepped forward and you had died. how awful. i did survive tho. came back to the room and made little squares to commemerate the day that they are gonna make into a booklet. ya know what? T-C is not a bad guy! he complimented my square. :) lol. then we went to hear a survivor talk. he was great. the poor little guy! his stories were very real and it was nice to have someone who was really there telling us. i mean, u can only read so many books. so, after that, we were dismissed and i waited for Cindy a little but it was getting late so i left. um, i ran into Mr. J with a stack of papers and he said, "more papers for monday!" lol. then he asked me how i liked it. i saw him leave at 3:30. had a good talk about WWII with my dad on the ride home. um, came home and had dinner. then spent the rest of the night reading fanfiction. :) well, more later!
p.s. the first time how we slept with the light on, and the sun's comin up and we woke up on the floor, all the things that ya feel that ya can't describe, why can't it be like the first week?
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, April 21, 2005
2:44 PM
mood: eh
had a good mr. j morning! he needed help with his laptop so i got to go behins his desk and help him! i didn't really do anything cuz he happened to push the right button himself but i like the fact that he said i could go behind his desk. i was so close to him............sigh. read "night" the rest of the time. watched "Schindler's List" in scripture. idiot started talking over it and i was gonna get up and kick her in the head! french class is making me sooooooooo hungry lately cuz we're learning all about the food. delicious! i'd go to france just 4 the food!! :) double was great. khaki shirt, brown tie, brown pants and those LUPIN SHOES!!!!! yay!! :) he's got a composition notebook, how cute! he told us how he leaned over someone's desk and they had too much white out on their paper and it got on his tie! and it was the tie he wore today! i've seen the proof!! lol. he was just so damn cute today. had a normal end of the day except that AMG is being nice to me and alex all of a sudden...............should i be scared or has she just changed her medication? i dunno but i like learning how to edit. now i am in the library, emailing people, reading fanfiction, the usual. well, more later! maybe.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
8:29 PM
mood: good
listening to: Graham Colton Band
had a Mr. J morning. he let me make a key for his europe map. :) miss miller showed OUR comic to everyone! awesome. and this year, since i have knowledgable friends, i know what 4/20 is. it's dumb. got a 91% on my math test! then i found out that my average in french is a 103%!!!! awesome! double was great! light blue shirt, red tie, tan pants and brown shoes. he did this cute little glance thing at me and we got to see his Auschwitz slides. these girls in my class think he's gay cuz we haven't seen his wife and daughter! jerks. watched Schindler's List in english. it got sadder. after school, played around on the net and then hung out with lauren in the main office. Mr. J was still there when i left! poor guy. came home and had dinner. did homework and then went to drop off driver's ed forms at Lockport. i get out of driver's ed the day b4 HBP!!! awesome. well, more tomorrow! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
3:42 PM
monday/yesterday: it was really hard to get going after my little sick day on friday and then the weekend. oy vey. morning in the PC lab where i kept getting compliments on my hair cuz i put it up for once. double was great! blue shirt with thin thin stripes of white, deep red tie, navy blue pants, and black shoes. he told us about his "authentic aztec string" and the ever popular, "bag-o-journals". long story, folks. :) after school, i got to go in there and help him. we talked alot and i found alot of paper clips so i was like, "i found an abundance of paper clips, i assume that's my pay..." and he goes, "if you're a paper clip person, be my guest!" lol. came home and had dinner. then i went and babysat the terrors for the last time until july!!!!!!!!! woohoo!!!!
tuesday/today: well, yesterday, i forgot my lunch box............somwhere. lol. so i checked the lost and found but it was not there. took my test in Miss Power's room, a.k.a. the testing center. lol. it was EASY!!!! then i had a Mr. J morning. i told him about my lunchbox dilemma. lol. we talked a bit and i read "Night". he was like, "ur not finished???" lol. then i found out that the girl who has the locker next to me, picked up my lunchbox cuz i left it on the floor!!! thank god!! double was fabulous. :) white shirt, green tie with footballs on it, brownish pants and plain brown shoes. his sleeves were rolled up and he was just very cute. we watched Schindler's List. good so far. for some reason, our WQOP is not going to be Blue's Clues. who knows why? AMG is on crack!!! so that brings me to here. in the school library. emailing peeps and posting on the good old DTO forum. and of course i sit here wishing they had acess to cuz i got a bunch of author alerts!!! urgh. well, i guess that's all. poor Mr. J has to stay very late today cuz he's a part of Holocaust Day. more tomorrow!
p.s. amanda u suck for having Mr. J on friday! i have T-C!!!!!!! :(
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, April 17, 2005
7:10 PM
i didn't do anything productive today! i sat around on the internet. then we went to the new Menard's that opened by us and got lunch. then i sat around reading my lovely Artemis Fowl book and listening to my lovely Graham Colton CD. :) i like spending money. lol. then i read HP editorials and then more Artemis Fowl. then we had delicious steak on the grill for dinner. i sat outside with Mike and Matt. watching them make sheilds out of tree bark. wow. very amusing. and now i am on here. more tomorrow!
p.s. i no longer hate Mondays! they mean i get to help Mr. J organize his mess! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Saturday, April 16, 2005
7:20 PM
mood: satisfied and happy
watching: The 3 Stooges
what a great day!!!!!!! first off, happy brithday to my daddy! lol. woke up and laid around all morning reading fanfiction til noon! had lunch and showered. then we played outside a little until we went out. we went to barnes and noble and my dad bought some stuff with the gift card we gave him. then we went for pizza at Ed and Joe's. yummy. then to border's where i bought the Graham Colton Band cd called, "Drive". check em out! they rock! and the cd was only $10.00!!! when we were at the cash register, the dude there was this awesome gay guy who was telling us about what they do there for the Harry Potter book when it comes out. he was amusing. :) then across the street to Barnes and Noble again and bought "Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception", the 4th book that i did not even know came out! i can't wait to go read it. but in order to do that i have to go finish checking my mail. later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, April 15, 2005
6:19 PM
thursday: my cold got worse. i had a Mr. J morning. sigh. he looked very..........dashing. he was pretty busy so i just sat there pretending to read while i really watched his every move. :) we watched a really good movie in english called, "Raise the Red Lantern". it's in chinese with english subtitles but it's good. my eyes were all watery all day and it drove me nuts!! double was great tho! burgundy shirt, deep red patterned tie, black pants and black dress shoes. oh his sleeves were rolled up and boy was he spiffy! we started WWII and i was the only one who really knew the answers! hope i impressed him. :) after school i was on the net for a while and then at 3:30 i went down to mister spiffy's room. :) i told him i might not be there tomorrow cuz of this pesky cold and i gave him my organizing paper and he was like, "oh so you're spreading the germs to me??" lol. then he was like, "well, the important thing is that you get some rest." what a sweetie. :) then i came home and i had to go babysit where we watched a bootlegged version of "Robots". lol. it was pretty good
friday/today: i woke up at 7:30 and discovered that my parents had taken pity on me and not woken me up. thank god. i sat around watching TV and talking with my mom. she went to the store and i went on the PC. also saw Ryan Seacrest on "Ellen" and he was actually funny! i hate him on American Idol but when he's being himself he's pretty funny. mom came back and we went to Lockport Library to pick up the book, "Night" cuz i have to read in it and i forgot it in my locker. came home and laid around. when she went to pick up Mike i read a bit of it and it is really good!!! but terrifying too. after that i went back on the PC and read HP editorials with my bro. now i must go because amanda and fanfiction beckon me. later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
6:03 PM
mood: content
listening to: "Wings": Band on the Run
harmony day, oh joy. had a Mr. J morning. just sat there reading, "Sense and Sensibility" and then we talked about the story project we're doing. Mr. J was on the panel during homeroom! he told a very sweet story about this girl he taught and she was like the only girl in her math class in college and stuff. very nice. had a good lunch playing "football" with balls of paper and my fingers as the goal post. fun. double was lovely. light olive shirt, green patterned tie, dark olive pants and...................Lupin shoes!!!!!!!! he matched very nicely. :) he was very cute explaining stuff to me and getting jokingly mad in the library. cutie. after school me and lauren bought some books from the book sale in the library. it was swamped with freshman. ugh. then Mr. J left around 3:50 after his meeting about Holocaust Week so i didn't get to talk to him and for some reason i had my head turned so i completely missed him leave! poop. came home and had dinner and now i'm on here listening to the beautiful voice of Paul McCartney and waiting for American Idol to be on. more tomorrow!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
6:22 PM
not much happened all day. miss miller put on Cher while we worked. creepy. found out that i got into the French NHS. sweet! double was great! blue shirt, blue plaid tie, dark blue pants and cute black dress shoes. not much happened again cuz today was a work day but he had his sleeves rolled and boy was he spiffy!!!!!!! Mr. J left right away after school! i didn't even see him leave! :( but i got alot done on the net then. signed up for a few more forums. :) they're fun! um, the only sucky part of today is that i feel like i'm getting a cold. i blame amanda and lauren!!!! lol, j/k. :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
9:45 AM
and thanks for the comment from chrissy, whatever it may mean. i'm glad u commented! :) and i am glad that kelly can read april. lol. madina, why don't u comment, girl?????
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
9:43 AM
i'm in english and i just wanna say, LAPTOPS ROCK!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!! and so does Mr. Johnson for letting me stay in his room in the morning. :) more later.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, April 11, 2005
8:01 PM
not much happened today. hung in the PC lab in the morning. i swear this is the last post where i mention the people formerly known as the marauders. but it is the end. we are no more. and i don't know if i was expecting fireworks or cannons or a 21 gun salute but all i know is that life is a lot easier now. double was great! white shirt, green tie, olive pants and those goddam lupin shoes!! :) not much happened until after school. went to his room at 3:10. he was all ready for me with stacks and stacks of papers in file folders. i organized my ass off while getting to enjoy Mr. J's company. what is better than that? organizing and Mr. J in the same room. wow. beauty. came home and had dinner and then headed out to babysit. that is where i am now. i just realized i need pics for history. don't wanna dissapoint my Whipp-y so i must go print them! more tomorrow! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, April 10, 2005
7:11 PM
okay, today i watched the old Batman show, bought gel pens, bought a paperback POA, pre-ordered Half Blood Prince, looked at really big homes that rich people live in and i want, watched my idiot neighbors play in their garbage cans, and got over the biggest issue this year. emotionally draining! lol. but a good day nontheless. now i must go read fanfiction. later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
10:08 AM
since i did not post yesterady, i will do it today.
saturday: woke up and had to get dressed right away cuz my brother's friend came over. stayed on the net until he left. read alot of fanfiction! then we went to the library and renewed my books. then we went to car dealers. BORING. lordy. we were gone for like, 5 hours!!!! came home and played outside with my brother. a very good weekend so far. next time i post, i will have "Half-Blood Prince" preordered!!! whoopee!!! more later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, April 08, 2005
8:17 PM
quote: "In the time of the Aztecs, when there was war, there was no music playing in the background like on movies, it was pretty silent. it was just slash, thunk, slash, thunk, over!"-Mr. Johnson
pretty good day. had an ok morning where everyone complained about their internet. for once i can say, "hooray for dial-up!" lol, that's a new one. watched the, (no offense), BORING funeral of the pope. sorry, but it was. watched Blues Clues in media. sweet. steve rocks my socks. :) um, double was as good as ever. :) light blue shirt, red tie, tan pants and LUPIN SHOES!!! he seems to be favoring those this week. lol. he was spinning his inflated globe and he explained muskets and germs to us. very entertaining. after school the computers were all down so where did i go??? guess!!! Mr. Johnson's room!!!!! ah!!! you get a prize!!!!!!!! :) lol, j/k. um, talked alot and i'm sorry but i think all lauren does is annoy him. it's sad but she is just too..........too. it's a shame. came home and played outside in the tree with my brother. very fun. very indeed. i leave you with this..........COMMENT!!!!!!! please? :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, April 07, 2005
2:44 PM
COMMENT!!!!!!! I BEG OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ahem, now that that's over, thursday:
today was a pretty good day. had an ok morning in the global room. luv that poem lin! lol. had uneventful classes until double. blue shirt, deep red tie, dark blue pants, and dark blue shoesies. ah, he just looks so..........spiffy. i can't think of another word for it. i swear to god i just wanna touch his hair!!! :) sigh. the only bad thing was that Weil came into our room. ::shudder:: urgh. had a fun media where we talked about our theme for WQOP, "Blues Clues"!!!!! it's gonna be pimp. lol. had an awful geometry class, stupid becki and stupid therese were throwing paper at me and bugging me and i wanted to kill them! oh well. more later dudes.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
7:14 PM
mood: content
pretty good day. rather interesting. went to first period and then met in the cafeteria. got on the bus and drove to the big city, AKA downtown chicago. lol. very fun. hung out with amanda the whole time just cuz i had no one else! (just kiddin amanda, u know that). um, we had to do a scavenger hunt thingy with all the French Impressionist paintings. not bad. went to the gift shop and bought 2 postcards, 2 pencils and a pen. we got down to the cafeteria in the basement of the Art Institute. i didn't know it would be so expensive and i only had 3 dollars left! well, amanda lent me some money and i was still 2 dollars short. so this stranger, this lady mnext to me in line, she goes, "here, take this two dollars." i was like, tripping over my feet thanking her!!!!! she's a saint. so we sat in there and ate. we wandered after and made it b4 the bus pulled away, thank god. i'm paranoid about that. lol. we drove back to school and had some free time so i read Harry Potter in the caf with amanda. after the bell rang, i got my stuff and went to the library. at about 3:15 i went into Mr. J's room and took a quiz that i missed and we had a big long conversation, i won't bore you. lol. so then, i asked him if i could help him with some stuff on mondays cuz i'm always there. and he said yes!!! whoopee!!!! came home lighter than air. had no homework so i'm on here. more tomorrow. g2g talk to madina!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
3:41 PM
okay then, it does. lol
mood: hot and a little exhausted
this school library is unbelivably hot. wow. it could be the fact i just came from talking to a certain here goes:
monday: dude, i did nothing! NOTHING!!!! i watched TV with my mom and checked my mail and read a bunch of really good HP editorials. here they are: and here: they rock my socks. :) then i went to Matt and Kevin's to babysit and they FINALLY GOT THEIR POA DVD BACK!!!!! OH HOLY DAY!!! so i played around with the special features and watched the Lupin scenes on their big screen and got paid 20 bucks for doin it. lol, life is great.
tuesday/today: back to school people! rise and shine! god it was so hard to wake up! but i did it. and when i walked past Mr. J's room at about, 8:00, i got this shock in my stomach and i was so glad to be back. god he's adorable. amanda, i know ur reading, shut up now. i must post this cuz everyone reads it. i feel a little ignored by chrissy and lin. are u guys ignoring me on purpose? i don't know. i'm not mad, i just wanna know. ya know? i don't know. it was 75 frikkin degrees today!!!!!! wtf is up with that, huh???? lordy. double was great, first time i really smiled all day really. tan shirt, dinosaur tie, brownish pants and those damn lupin shoes!! :) oh wow, let me tell ya, it was like, a lion not being fed for two weeks and then being thrown a steak! sorry for the graphic analogy but that's how it felt! and of course, it was hot so he had those sleeves rolled up! sigh. people were making fun of him today and i have half a mind to say something. that's mean! oh well. it got soooooooooooooooooo hot by sixth period and i was upstairs for geometry! wow, it was HOT!!! and i foolishly wore knee socks!! urgh. now i am in the library. i just came back from telling Mr. J i will not be here tomorrow cuz the french class is all going to the Chicago Institute of Art. very fun. he was like, walking somewhere and first he stopped me to tell me something about some list he gave us and then he totally stopped what he was doing to listen to me! it was great. and i just saw him leave at 3:30. the wind was blowing his hair and when he got in his car, he was like, fixing it in the mirror!!!! squeal! he is just so damn adorable. well, i may post later. one last note, MADINA! WHERE ARE YOU????????
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
1:34 PM
does this work at school?
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, April 03, 2005
8:07 PM
mood: glad to be home!
Saturday: left around noon. picked up my uncle and we rode to Michigan. got there around....oh............ 3:45? i think. they had a dormer put on there condo so stuff was all yucky. the walls are in the process of being painted and there isn't much furntiure. so we put togther some beds and dusted alot of stuff. my aunt came around 5 and we went out to dinner at a place that was sorta like, "the Leaky Cauldron". :) spent the night singing songs a cappella with my brother in the new dormer upstairs. : ) fun.
today/Sunday: woke up and laid around while dad and uncle John worked on a fuse or something. lol. um, went out for "breakfast" at like, one o'clock. crazy family.............then we got McDonald's cuz i did not want breakfast at one o'clock!! then we listened to Clay on the nice music system they have and then we went to park they have there and played around, spying on the other kids. :) then we went to the dollar store and i bought gel pens and a Harry Potter journal. :) came back to the condo and cleaned up. we set off at 5:00, got home at about, 6:45. ate dinner and watched "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition". love that show. well, more tomorrow! i had an excellent weekend! how about u? comment, please. :)
p.s. Daylight Savings Time sucks.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, April 01, 2005
6:56 PM
I HAVE RETURNED!!!!!!!! ::cue psycho music::
Tuesday: we got up and loaded the car and drove for a really long time and finally arrived in the land of cheese and Packers. lol. we bought a lot of chocolate and watched alot of cable. then we swam all night in the pool and indoor waterpark. very enjoyable. :)
Wednesday: woke up and felt weird and it turned out that i got my "monthly friend". urgh. so, i got ONE freakin day of swimming. not fair! laid around moping all morning. went to Downtown Dells and took a vintage photo in Victorian style. very fun! and i got to wear a cool hat! :) bought fudge. yum. sat and watched dad and mike swim. :( laid around watching cable and then went to a magic show. "Rick Wilcox". he is one snazzy sexy guy. and a very good magician! really good illusions, i had no idea how they did it!
Thursday: woke up and took a shower in the crummy Wisconsin water. it makes your skin feel all tight. icky. had a delicious breakfast at this place with the BEST hot cocoa ever!!!!!!! drove around out in the middle of nowehere. weird, but relaxing really. watched a shitload of cable. went out for dinner. then sat around down by the pool, checkin out guys while dad and mike swam. heeheehee. then watched more cable.
today/Friday: woke up and watched TV Land. very fun. went into Downtown Dells and bought these cheap gel pens at this really dinky little souvenier shop. fun. :) got driving. only stopped once, for lunch. driving, driving, driving. lordy. listened to POA on CD tho, that was fun. got home and stretched my legs! laid around watching TV, like i didn't do that enough. lordy. well, i have to go clean out my inbox. might i say, I HAVE MISSED THE INTERNET!!!!!!!!!! I AM GLAD TO BE BACK!!! PLEASE COMMENT!!!!!!!!
NOTE: i hate to leave again but i will post one last time tomorrow morning and then i am leaving for Michigan. :) sorry!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
seventeen, QoP, chicago, friends, family, blogging, fanfiction, Harry Potter, Remus Lupin, chocolate, journaling, driving, The marauders, classic rock, alternative, swing music, Beatles, Graham Colton Band, Switchfoot, Maroon 5, Beatles, Billy Joel, Michael Buble, Click Five, Wicked Jack Lemmon, the 50's and 60's, conservative, George W. Bush, old movies, reality TV, SHOEBOX PROJECT, AIM, remus/sirius lurve, remus/tonks lurve, White Album, inside jokes, hangin' out, internet, LiveJournal :)

%Mood: Busy
%Book: "Duty and Desire" by Pamela Aidan
%Song: KT Tunstall, AAR & Switchfoot
%TV:"Seinfeld", "Simpson's", "Frasier", "Arthur", "Nova", "The Apprentice"
%Film: "The Terminal"
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
Daily Dudes
%Mary ~ Slowly Drifting
%Kris ~ Blurred Vision
%Kelly ~ Lost Freak
%Chrissy ~ Burning Soul
%Lin ~ Fairytale Dreams
Affilates of Myself
% My MySpace
%My LiveJournal ~ "Notorious Notations"

%The Marauders
