Monday, May 30, 2005
4:18 PM
mood: having a good weekend
quote: "He's too dangerous to be kept alive!"-Mace Windu
friday: mr. j morning. sat in there reading until 8:20 when i went to my AP english meeting and found out my summer reading. had a good but sad last WQOP. double! white shirt, lighthouse tie, navy blue pants and shiny black shoes. he made a little speech so we heard it from him.....he's leaving for good. i was on the verge of tears the whole time but sucked it up and asked him if he would be there after school tuesday. he said yes. did oral exam in french, not so good. urgh. i was just glad i got it over with and we watched "Amelie" more. miss geinosky was waiting outside of chem to tell me dad was picking me up right away! sweet! so i got home early! we went to Enzo's for pizza. then to Plush Horse 4 ice cream. then we came back and rode bikes to the rock pile. came home, barely missing the rain! lol. had a good convo with chrissy. :)
saturday: woke up to loud clanging of metal on metal. we were getting a new furnace put it. urgh. i pulled the covers over my head and slept for another hour. got up and watched a little TV. went on net, read ff and checked mail and wrote a new chapter of "night of the full moon". know u were waiting 4 that one! lol. had White Castle for lunch. went to the dead end and played for a long time. came home for a snack and then back out. came back while supervision went to the store and played in the basement. had pizza for dinner and played in the basement until about 9:00. then watched 70's music infomercial and went to bed.
sunday: woke up and watched TV. got on net and read ff until about 10:30. took a shower. sat around reading and watching the Indy 500. fun! went out bike riding after lunch with matt, mike, kevin and bobby and our moms. all the way to Wendy's!! trust me, that's far. came back and played with the old typewriter in the garage. the supervision went to the store and i got on the PC. oh, Danica Patrick has become the first women to lead a few laps in the Indy 500 and she finished in 4th place which is the highest ranking for a woman. u go girl!! she rocks. had dinner and sat around watching "Yankee Doodle Dandee" and then played in the basement with mike and matt who slept over.
monday/today: woke up and watched TV for a while. then taped a little news show with matt and mike. then got dressed, had lunch and went to see Star Wars again!! it was great....still. just got home and i am on here, surfing the net and waiting for the steaks to be done 4 dinner. yum! we will probably just sit around and watch "Back to the Future II". later! :)

*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, May 26, 2005
7:53 PM
mood: content
quote: "well, appearances are everything and they can be decieving." -Mr. J
monday: pc lab in the morning. talked to lauren about star wars. got papers back in english and they were all "A"'s!!! watched the end of "Sense and Sensibility" with it's happy ending and sexy colonel brandon, lol. got a B+ on my chem test. :) back to my old lunch this week, kel i miss u!!! double!! white shirt, tie with....something on it, navy blue pants and shiny shiny dark blue shoes. sleeves rolled up and guess what was back?? the "bag-o-journals"!!! lol. found out amanda is going camping so she can't do her "mission" this weekend! so the torch has been passed to the saint Agent Kelly. lol!! miller the bitch moved my seat just cuz lauren asked me 4 a pen!! she's such an idiot. went to his room at 3:05. last monday to be in there. :( talked for a long time. sigh. um, came home, ate dinner, did homework, got on here and forgot to post. lol
tuesday: chess club in the morning. another draw match with lauren! lol! had a b-o-r-i-n-g scripture class. urgh!! did our skit in french. double!! light blue shirt, dino tie, khaki pants and brown shoes. oh he was like a breath of fresh air in the boring morning. found out miss foley is leaving. so sad!! :( watched creepy movie in chem....atoms with english accents....and they were secret agents....bizarre. played scrunchie sports in the main office with lauren, fun! came home, had dinner, did homework, went on here and blogger was bein a bitch.
wednesday: great mr. J morning! talked to me alot. :) test in geometry and i think i did good. double! khaki shirt, dark olive tie with patterns, dark olive pants and....LUPIN SHOES!! sigh. he was just sooooo spiffy!! watched the sick french movie, "Amelie", in, (what else?), french. after school got a smile and a nod from mr J. *melts* went to chess club and got beaten by lauren!!!!!! argh!!!!! i tried. came home, had dinner, did homework and now i am on here, Im-ing and trying to get my friggin dial-up to go faster!! more later! :)
thursday: what a day!! had a mr. J morning and he showed me his baby picture!! to die for!! :) in chem the other chem class gave her a party cuz she's leaving so we got to play with the balloons they left and we talked the whole time. then we decided that each person will bring in three dollars and we'll buy her something. um, watched "Amelie" in french again. double! he was late, lol. shirt with teeny tiny blue and white gingham pattern that u have to see close up, deep red tie, navy blue pants and blue shoes. watched the movie and when he walked past me, omg, he smelled good!!!!!!!!! mm!! and the bird is NOT satan!! lol, had to be there. boring media and sorta sad lunch. got a 92% on my geometry quiz!!!!!!!! oh yeah!!!!!! after school, the library was closed so me, lauren, citlalli and abby cleaned out my locker. then we sat on the steps outside. then abby and citlalli left so me and lauren walked all around the school outside while carrying a heavy backpack. then we sat in the courtyard and saw a mysterious balloon go past the window.........chrissy!!! then we held the door for teachers coming out of their meeting cuz we wanted to get in and they gave us cookies. lol! then we hung out on the computers. came home, had dinner, did homework while fam enjoyed the nice weather. urgh.....damn miller. then i came on here and to my delight blogger was working so here i am. oh yeah, CARRIE WON AMERICAN IDOL!!!!!!!! IN 'YO FACE BO FANS!!!!!! ahem, elvis has left the building and always remember the cookie. later days!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, May 22, 2005
5:07 PM
mood: happy
saturday/yesterday: woke up, watched a little TV. went to the theater and waited for a half an hour for it to open. then sat in the theater for another half hour. then, at about 10:45, after all the damn previews, it began......"Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith". it was great!!!!! i will not give anything away on here in case there are some stagglers who have not seen it yet but it was better than i imagined and......WOOKIES ROCK!! lol. um, got Doro's for lunch. came home and ate it. then set out right away for the dead end. we spent like, 3 hours there playing around on the rock pile. very fun, but very dusty. lol. came back and mom and dad went to the store. we played in the basement. came up to see that they had come back with "Series of Unfortunate Events" on DVD and they bought "Blues Brothers"!!! awesome!! went back in the basement. came up 4 dinner. went back down. then came up and watched "Blues Brothers", and "Some Like it Hot". three great movies in one day. beautiful.
sunday/today: woke up and laid around like slugs. then watched "Unfortunate Events", which is about an hour long, then spent another hour playing with special features. i am tellin u, special features rock!!! :) then washed my hair and we went to the rock pile again. fun!!! but today it was windier and the rock dust kept getting in my eyes!!! urgh. um, came back and ate a brownie. all i ate before dinner was a breakfast bar, noodles and a brownie. bot cool. spent a long time just sitting at the rock pile or on the driveway singing "The Beach Boys" who should be assassinated for making such ridiculously catchy songs!!!!! lol. now just had dinner and i am on here now. must go do.....stuff. later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, May 20, 2005
7:43 PM
mood: meh
thursday/yesterday: had a strange dream that i'd rather not remember. Mr. J morning. he explained stuff to me and it was cute. more "sense and sensiblity", boy that colonel brandon is one spiffy guy! double! light blue shirt, red tie with black dots, khaki pants and brown shoes. he told us of his genius idea........."NIMA". long story. lol. after school just browsed the net. then watched bunnies out the window with lauren. there were 6 of em!!! adorable!!! :) came home, had dinner, did homework, went on the net, then watched "the apprentice" season finale. kendra won!!! thank god!!! and.........STAR WARS EPISODE III: REVENGE OF THE SITH CAME OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
friday/today: gloomy weather this morning. had a mr. j morning. just sat there reading. had a sad WQOP for the seniors cuz it was their last day. :( good lunch and media. double! light olive shirt, dark olive pants, green tie, and..........Lupin shoes!!! woot!! :) sigh. he was adorable. and we watched "All Quiet on the Western Front". good movie so far. had fun with Amanda the klepto in french. lol. took test in chem. lauren left right at 3:00 to see Star Wars. before me!!!!!!!!!! urgh. not fair!! lol. just surfed the net. came home, had dinner, played around with POA DVD, then got on here. got to go finish reading fanfics. pleace comment?? that's all i ask. i know u have busy lives but just put "hi" or something, that's all i want!!! please?? :(
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
7:25 PM
mood: good
listening to: Switchfoot
tuesday/yesterday: pride day. woohoo. chess club in the morning. got whooped. me and kelly spent all of scripture class naming state capitals. fun!!!! but we could not think of Massachusetts!!! we're so dense. watched "sense and sensiblility" in english and guess who's in it?? Alan Rickman and that dude who plays Fudge in the third movie. it's crazy but Mr. Rickman is pretty spiffy in there!! talked with amanda in french. double!! white homecoming shirt with grey long-sleeve underneath, jeans and gym shoes. cutie. i asked him what the capital of Mass. was and he's like, "i don't know! look in the atlas!" so i did and it's...............drumroll.........BOSTON!! yeah, we're stupid. did an in-class essay the whole period that i kicked ass on!!!!!!!!!! 3 and 1/2 pages baby!!! whoot!! ahem, had a fun lunch playing alphabet animals. lol. after school just surfed the net. came home and had dinner, did homework, played around with special features on POA, then watched a little of idol......with no anthony............weep. but i voted tne times for vonzell!!! u go girl!! beat that country wimp and that idiotic rocker!!!! whoot!!! ahem.............yeah.
wednesday/today: had a mr. j morning. he was looking very spiffy. lauren came in and we talked and observed. lol. it was a loooooooooooooooong morning!!! weird. fun lunch talking about how OLOR corrupted us! lol. double! blue shirt, deep red tie, navy blue pants and these shiny shiny black dress shoes. sigh. he was just real cute and lupin-ly teaching. sigh. um, there are these four girls right next to me that talk so much in that class and that is sooo disrespectful and it pisses me off and today they were making fun of Harry Potter but i did not let them get a rise out of me. i slammed my locker afterward tho. :) bitches. more "sense and sensibility". after school went to chess club. abby and citlalli came and i got whooped by abby and this junior noelle. sheesh. abby made this innocent comment to lauren and lauren was like, bitching about it all the way to the office and then she was pacing the office saying, "i'm over it, it was nothing" and on and on and on. i was like, girl! is that your biggest problem to get over??? get a life. came home and had delicious dinner on our new grill. :) yum. did homework and then came on here. so, that was the past two days. see ya tomorrow and please comment!!! i'm a comment junkie!! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, May 16, 2005
7:06 PM
mood: happy
was in the PC lab in the morning. read a play in english. very strange. now i am back to kelly's lunch!!! u guys rock!!!!!!!!! :) had a good media class. double! white shirt, plaid brown tie, brown pants and those lupin shoes!!! :) i missed him over the weekend! he was just really cute today with his sleeves rolled and those cuffs on the bottoms of his pants. :) wrote notes back and forth with kelly in scripture. fun!!!!! (hey kel: pinnochio!!!) after school went to his room and he was talking to miss P so i waited in the hall. when he finally was there and i was there, he looked over my essay sheet and we talked alot. he is adorable! after that, in the marble lobby, lauren was crazy, hopped up on dayquil and talking to walls and that mosaic of Mary in there!!!!! weird!!! but funny. (kel: remember when i was talking to snow? lol) came home, ate dinner, did homework and now i am on here. more tomorrow! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, May 15, 2005
5:37 PM
mood: content
well, woke up and laid around. had french toast and bacon for breakfast. got on here. got off around noon right after mike got home. took a shower. dug into my homework! got it finished while watching "Toothless". cute movie!! :) then watched "The Incredibles" again. had leftovers for dinner. just finished watching that movie and now i'm on here checking my mail and crap. more tomorrow!! only three weeks of school left and two months from tomorrow until HP&tHBP!!!! cannot wait!!!!!!!! later! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
10:53 AM
mood: glad it's the weekend!!! (but i still have the looming cloud of homework over my head)
friday: had a mr. j morning after he was done getting filmed by this senior. it was our WQOP and i thought it went pretty well. lost track of time in english while writing my essay. i am very proud of it! listened to election speeches in homeroom. double! white shirt, dinosaur tie, navy blue pants and brown shoes. he was really cute! we designed magazine covers and it rained alot!! i accidentally-on-purpose left my lunch bag in Mr. J's room so i could go tell him "have a good weekend". i went there three times and each time the door was locked but the light was on. i waited there the third time and Kulpa came and opened the door for me. oh well. came home and went out to Chesdan's for pizza. then to walmart where we bought our very first DVD player! we're moving on up in the technology world!! :) then to office max where i bought some pens and we got an external floppy drive 4 the computer. lastly to Michael's where i bought the picture mat fro scripture. came home and watched Andy Griffith on DVD. good times!
saturday/yesterday: woke up and was immediately abandoned by everyone in the house. my mom went to work and my dad and Mike went to alex's. read fanfics, blasted music, and that kinda crud. watched a little POA. mom came home and we ate lunch. then i went on the net for about 2 hours. :) got dressed and went to the library where i printed 6 pages of pics and picked out some books. next to Dominick's where i lost a hair tie for the first time in my life. lol. then to Blockbuster where we got "Rear Window", and "The Incredibles", both on DVD!!! :) got home and dad told us mike was sleeping over at alex's so i had a relaxing night. lol. we watched "The Incredibles", ate dinner and then watched "Rear Window" which scared the shit out of me!!! all in all, an excellent day! :)
nothing has happened yet today so i will post later.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, May 12, 2005
8:22 PM
mood: pretty good
ahem, anyway
had a mr. J morning. it was great! he looked very spiffy. :) i told him that my fave person got kicked off american idol........(see the mad message above).......he said, "oh no! whatever shall we do??" lol. he was helping students alot. and he went to go to the office and said, "that's it! i'm not helping anyone else now!" and he got stopped halfway there and had to come back. lol! he tapped the edge of my desk and leaned down to me, chuckling. he's adorable. oh yeah, here's his fave noise of the day, "ow!" it was funny. nadia shares my pain over anthony. :( .................i weep. and i pray that vonzell wins now. double was oh-so-sexy! khaki shirt, plaid brown tie, brownish pants, and LUPIN SHOES! sleeves rolled...........mmmm. he was just adorable today and he quoted Macbeth as we left. lol. cutie. stupid janelle in media. stupid michelle in lunch. urgh. saw Mr. J on the way in to lunch and he nodded his head at me. sigh. after school, went to his room at 3:00 with Lauren and we talked to him for a while. i won't bore u with details but it was great! "Fritz"...........that's all i have to say........."Fritz"........lol. ;) came home and had dinner. finished homework. read ff and now i am on here. talking to kev-o, da man!! he rocks. so, more tomorrow!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
8:09 PM
mood: okay
tuesday/yesterday: great day! had a mr. J morning. he was looking extremely spiify. :) read funny french sale papers in french. hilarious!!! right amanda? lol. double double double, white shirt, greenish brown patterned tie, brownish greyish pants and lupin shoes! oh god, it was hot in that room and he had his sleeves rolled up and those shoes and...........man..........i was turned on! lol, sorry guys. did current events and he liked it. tried to film in media. TRIED. lol. got a bad grade on geometry test. not happy about that. after school me and lauren decorated abby's locker. very fun! lol. came home, ate, did homework, got on the net, watched Idol, voted and watched "Amazing Race". let me just gloat now, UCHENNA AND JOYCE WON!!! IN YO' FACE AMBER AND ROB FANS!!!!!!!!!!! WHOO!!!!!!!!!! ahem, that's all.
wednesday/today: torrential rain this morning!!!!!!! had a mr. j morning again. had to leave for a while cuz someone had to make up a debate. wandered and could not find lauren!!! came back and he told me how he hates his cat. lol. uneventful morning. had a good media! miss G was nice and we got our filming done, that's a first really! double.......sigh. light blue shirt, red tie with patterns, khaki pants and brown shoes. he told this one girl to stop talking and he is cute when he's forceful!!! :) he was very animated today and enlightened us with the fact that there were "furry mushrooms" on his tie. lol!!! after school went to chess club with lauren. VEYR FUN!!! OMG!! we played a game and no one won. lol. mr. wolff was there and lauren was having a cow!!! it was extremely fun. came home and ate and watched TV and finally just finished my homework!!!! thank god!! gotta go enjoy myself. later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, May 09, 2005
7:26 PM
mood: happy as a lark :)
well, spent the morning at lauren's locker and then in the PC lab where me and nadia found sexy piccies of Hatori!! :) lookie: http://fbgaleries.free.fr/hatori/index.html siiiiiiiigh. anywho, had to talk to Graney during chem so i didn't get my quiz back. damn graney. um, took geometry test that i completely forgot we were going to have!!!! my lunch and media are back to their normal times thank goodness. but i do miss lunch with kelly, beth and annette. :( double was fabulous!!!!!!!!!!! he's back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! burgundy shirt, black and red tie, navy blue pants and these black dress shoes that turn me on! he said that he appreciated all our kind words in the card. :) he had his sleeves rolled up and i just kept thinking how good it is to have him back! i asked him if i could still come after school and he said yes and gave me a cute smile. :) sigh. did teacher surveys in scripture. i rated miller very............very.............accuratley...........heeheehee. ::rubs hands together:: she'll get what's coming to her! after school i went to his room and i will not bore u with details but it was bliss after 4 days without him. sigh. my Whipp-y is back. i thank the lord. more tomorrow!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, May 08, 2005
6:46 PM
mood: rather happy
woke up this morning, no, got woken up this morning. gave mom her presents. had breakfast and got on the net. read ff alot. got dressed and played around outside with mike and matt. went to Little Red Schoolhouse and then St. James' church. walked around. then went out to Doro's for soft serve ice cream. yum! came home and rode bikes to the "new dead end". lol. had fun! um, came back and relaxed. then had DELICIOUS steaks for dinner!!! and watched Seinfeld. :) well, gotta go read ff and crap. later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
10:19 AM
saturday/yesterday: woke up and watched a little TV. then i had to get dressed and me, mike and my dad went to the dentist. it was easier than i thought it was gonna be, really. um, went to Kmart and bought stuff for mom. some flowers and then stopped at Fannie Mae and got chocolates for her and a free sample of carmel for me. :) delicious! came home and sat on the net for quite some time, downloading pics and reading ff. got McDonald's for lunch and went right back on the net. :) read bikes with mike and matt down the "dead end" that isn't a dead end anymore. lol. came back and played tag in matt's yard. really fun!!!!! :) hung out on the PC till we went to get dinner. then the whole night was taken up by watching Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets!!! haven't watched that in a while. and i got to see sneak peeks of Goblet of Fire!!! :) looks great!
well, today is sunday but it's only 10:20, nothing has happened yet so i will write more later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, May 06, 2005
8:08 PM
mood: glad it's the weekend. :)
first off, thank u soooo much for commenting, ally! :) checked mail in the morning. had ok morning classes. had a great lunch just talking. had a better scripture than i've had all year!! we got a script and everything now! lol. today was the last day i had to walk in to WH and see that dum lady sitting in HIS chair!!! thank god! after school, looked at pics and crap on the net. my sprite EXPLODED by the vending machines! it was awesome! lol. um, put our notes for Mr. J in envelopes and slipped them under his door. came home and had dinner, leftovers. then did homework and the parent units went to the store while we blasted music. :) well, g2g surf the net! more tomorrow!! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, May 05, 2005
3:13 PM
mood: eh
had an ok day. spent the morning checking email cuz i couldn't find Lauren!!! started reading a new manga called, "fruits basket". it's great!!!!!!!!!! :) no miller!! whoot!! so we all went nuts, talking and shit. fun. had an awful double again. sat around being confused, staring at the dum lady wishing for her to spontaneously combust and talking about mangas with nadia and lauren. had a FUN lunch playing "goin to the theatre". I WON!!!! IN YO' FACE KELLY!!! lol. sorry. um, now i am in the library looking at pics and checking email. more later, maybe!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
7:50 PM
mood: ok
spent the morning in the library playing table hockey with lauren and a highlighter! :) fun. had a boring morning. had an awesome lunch playing "globalization" and "goin on a picnic". double was awful!!! it was dank and dark and empty and there was a fat lady at his desk!!!!! it was horrible!!!!! so then, after school, i went to the chapel and we practiced for the FNHS induction. my whole fam came to watch!! :) we had to hold candles and i was afraid i was gonna drop mine!!!! lol. then we said, "la personne qui sat deux langues, en veut deux." which means "the person who knows two languages is worth two people". :) had refreshments and then we all drove home. went out to dinner at Chili's. yum!! now we are home and i am on here. :) um, oh yeah! one Whipp-less day down, only 2 more to go!!! i can do it!!!!!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
3:23 PM
mood: okay
monday/yesterday: ok, let's see. spent the morning in the PC lab. lauren said she missed me! :) took the quiz i missed in chem. not bad. for media, i'm being forced to switch lunches!! cruddy. double was great as usual. he said he didn't have anything for me after school but i could come and hang out. :) khaki shirt, green tie, brown pants and lupin shoes. he got a haircut!! how cute!!! :) um, went to his room at 3:00. he was gone most of the time cuz he had to talk to T-C. so i drew him a flower on his board. when he did come back, we talked about various things and nhe complimented my artwork. :) um, he was happy for me cuz i'm being inducted into the FNHS tomorrow!! :) and he liked my cool nickel. :) when he was examining it, i got to stare at his hands. :) um, said goodbye to him at 3:45 and saw him leave at 3:50. came home, ate and did homework and then i unexpectedly had to go babysit. did homework while they played XBox. then i watched "The Princess Diaries" on Disney channel. good movie! :) lol
tuesday/today: ok, well, i coughed all last night so i was very tired today. had a Mr. J morning and i was sitting there reading and Miss Cruz came in and they were talking. well, i'm sitting right there, how can i not hear? so, then he told me personally that his dad died sunday night. :( i felt soooo bad 4 him!! he was really upbeat about it tho, i was glad of that. so in scripture, since i would probably just be staring off into space, i made him a card. um, talked to amanda in french and i won't put all the details here but I LUV U AMANDA!! U ARE A SAINT!!! ahem, i'm done. um, double rolled around. light blue shirt, deep red tie with black dots, navy blue pants and brown shoes. he told us this cute little story to explain Plato's Republic. :) lol. um, by some miracle, me and lauren got the entire double period world history to sign my card!!! so, he was about to leave, and he told the class all about it. he was leaving right after our class and he won't be back for the rest of the week. :( so i raised my hand and gave it to him. he loved it!!!! he was like, "i noticed that attention wasn't that focused at times, i wondered if it was normal...." lol. he liked the flower i drew on the front, (the same one i drew on his board), and he kept thanking me. :) sigh. had different lunch and different media and both seem really good! i got kelly and beth and annette in lunch and a whole new group in media. it's better. media is, i liked my old lunch, (no offense to the 4A group). the school seems empty without Whipp. i can't walk past his room and see him now. i miss him already. :( more later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, May 01, 2005
7:41 PM
mood: still sick but alot better than friday!!
saturday/yesterday: pretty good day. spent the morning on the net and reading "Princess Nevermore". very good book. :) mom and dad went to the store and me and mike played around watching old tapes we've made. um, not much happened until "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" came on. VERY MUCH FUN watching that. :) love that movie.
sunday/today: um, woke up and went on the net. played around. dad and mike went for haircuts and me and mom made cookies. yum!!! they came back with hot cocoa from White Castle. delicious!!! :) um, laid around. lol. (i do that alot!!) then mom went for an interview and dad got out of our way while we did the Mary and Mike Show, "welcome to May" edition!! very fun!!!!!!!!!!! :) and it turned out really good with our new sound effects from the PC!! :) lol. and monkey........well.........he did some stunts. lol. poor thing. so, that was all. we had fun watching old home videos and now i'm on here. so, more tomorrow!!
i am just looking forward to seeing my Whipp even if he has to see me with chapped lips......lol.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
seventeen, QoP, chicago, friends, family, blogging, fanfiction, Harry Potter, Remus Lupin, chocolate, journaling, driving, The marauders, classic rock, alternative, swing music, Beatles, Graham Colton Band, Switchfoot, Maroon 5, Beatles, Billy Joel, Michael Buble, Click Five, Wicked Jack Lemmon, the 50's and 60's, conservative, George W. Bush, old movies, reality TV, SHOEBOX PROJECT, AIM, remus/sirius lurve, remus/tonks lurve, White Album, inside jokes, hangin' out, internet, LiveJournal :)

%Mood: Busy
%Book: "Duty and Desire" by Pamela Aidan
%Song: KT Tunstall, AAR & Switchfoot
%TV:"Seinfeld", "Simpson's", "Frasier", "Arthur", "Nova", "The Apprentice"
%Film: "The Terminal"
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
Daily Dudes
%Mary ~ Slowly Drifting
%Kris ~ Blurred Vision
%Kelly ~ Lost Freak
%Chrissy ~ Burning Soul
%Lin ~ Fairytale Dreams
Affilates of Myself
% My MySpace
%My LiveJournal ~ "Notorious Notations"

%The Marauders
