Thursday, July 28, 2005
3:26 PM
mood: content
ally: i'm sorry i cut u off last night, my parents came home. :( talk to ya soon!
tuesday: had an extremely weird dream. woke up and watched TV. watched the Shuttle launch. very cool. went to matt and kevin's at 11:00 to babysit. went on the net there. ally says that Ravinia should work and i cannot wait!!!!!!! stayed over there for lunch. came home and watched TV. went swimming. we were alone for a while and then bobby and kevin came. urgh. played Silent Marco Polo. matt got all sulky cuz we wouldn't play baseball. ugh. i came home and mike went to play. i watched TV and read. very rainy and gloomy. not a bad thing, tho. had White Castle for dinner.
(Ally: do u have White Castles where u live?) went on the net. then sat in my room with Billy Joel playing and i read Princess Diaries trying to rid myself of a monster headache. and my sunburn is peeling. ew.
wednesday: bernadette peters was co-hosting with Regis! awesome!! :) read Shoebox and continued to do what i do best, watch TV. had lunch and watched TV. watched some old Mary and Mike Shows. mike went to play with matt and i sang ridiculously loud to the following CD's: Lillix, Josie and the Pussycats, Vanessa Carlton, Norah Jones, Lindsay Pagano and Princess Diaries soundtrack. SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!! it was a blast! watched the adorable Alex Keaton and then more M&M Shows. had dinner. got on the net. stayed on for a long time!! took a shower and then sat in my room with GCB playing and read Princess Diaries.
thursday: woke up, watched TV, as is the custom. read alot of steamy fanfiction. watched old tapes. lunch and then more tapes. mom came home early. i read Clay's book and watched Alex Keaton, sigh. had dinner and now i am on here. dull day, really. well, later!

*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, July 25, 2005
7:05 PM
mood: nursing a baaaad sunburn
saturday: HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANILE RADCLIFFE! stayed up the night before goofin off. lol. woke up and went on net and what do i find?? my lovely new layout has been put up by the saint, Kris!! i can't thank u enough, girl!! got off and took a shower. then i proceeded to drive around all day. Gas City and the bank and then this warehouse way far away that was selling office supplies. god, i had a field day there!! :) off to see Auntie Gracie who was blown away by the fact that i am now driving! lol. swooned over my permit and all that crap. talked for a while. then to Kmart where i bought the cutest monkey shirt!!! love love love it!!! :) came home and ate dinner. played around with the office supplies i bought, lol. watched TV and then "The Apartment" and "The Fortune Cookie". two fabulous Jack Lemmon movies in a row!!!!!!!! i was gonna plotz!!! i've been waiting to see "The Apartment" for about 2 years now!! it was a great day.
sunday: woke up and went on the net. had lunch and then went to swim since it was about 100 degrees outside!! hottest day of the summer and i got to spend it swimming! so fun. water fights and chasing and snack-eating and "spectaculars" and oh god, the sunburn!!! urgh. it....welll.....burns! lol. ouch. came in and ate dinner. finished "The Fortune Cookie" and then watched "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory". the real one!! not the gay one with Johnny Depp. ew.
monday: woke up with another first day of school dream in my head. not a bad one really. watched "Elf" with Will Ferrell. very funny. even funnier cuz it's a christmas movie in July. lol!! lots of rain and thunder. read some old Shoebox stuff cuz now i have the PDF version and can see the pics!!!!!!!! :) had lunch. spent the majority of the afternoon reading "Princess in Training". very good. went swimming. in the rain. lol. quite fun really. :) had lots of marauder-y goodness and when Haley and Conner came over, me and matt and mike got even more marauderish. :) came home for a delicious dinner and now i am on here. must go save more PDF Shoebox. later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, July 22, 2005
7:17 PM
mood: happy
thanks for the comments!!!!!!
edit: love the new layout of Half-Blood Prince!! thank you Kristina!!!!!!!!!! :)
thursday: stayed up wednesday night with mike, theorizing. fun!! got up, watched TV, read some J.K. Rowling interviews and editorials on Mugglenet. watched TV. took shower and cleaned the stove. had lunch and vacuumed the front room. watched TV and sat around, played a little POA on the computer. dad came home with grama. she showed us pics from Spain. mom came home with a pizza and we ate and talked. then we went for a walk/bike ride. then i drove us to DQ. yum. drove around a ritzy neighborhood, wanting the houses cuz they looked like Hogwarts for god's sake!!! lol. came home and sat talking. dad took her home and we watched TV. saw the full moon out the dining room and it had a creepy aura around it!! weird,
friday: woke up, very tired, very early. watched TV and watched mike play on the computer. had lunch. watched more TV. played POA on the computer and finally, FINALLY, beat that dumb Buckbeak challenge!! HA!!! SO THERE YOU DUM HIPPOGRIFF!! no, i like him. lol, Witherwings!!! watched more TV. wrote my paper on "1984" for AP. had dinner. and now i am on here. later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
6:20 PM
mood: happy........and sad
tuesday: woke up, breakfasted, read HBP, right away. played a little POA computer game. went over to Matt and Kevin's at 11:00 to babysit. went on the net there. had fun doing email and ff and crap. lots of fun when there's a new HP book. everyone's in a frenzy, analyzing and crap. very fun. :) came home and ate lunch. more POA computer game with reading in between while it loaded. we played on the computer from 1:00 till dad got home at 5:00!!! awesome. mom got home and we ate dinner. went on the net. got off and watched TV while sipping cocoa, the drink of werewolves. :) then me and mike began watching "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone". very sad to see.......a certain character after the sixth book.........
wednesday: woke up, ate breakfast and began to read! read until 1:00 without stopping. god, my throat! we read all but the last chapter and broke for lunch. ate and cursed a certain character for bumping off another certain character. played around on the PC. finished the book and cried alot. matt came over and he and mike fooled on the PC while i did AP work. had dinner. and now am i on here. must go post for Kayla and Ally! later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, July 18, 2005
7:22 PM
mood: ecstatic about HBP!!!!!
friday: well, woke up thinking, "today's the day!!!!". read Order of the Phoenix until about 11 AM. showered and had lunch. played a little POA computer game. driver's ed was a good last day. i went first on the expressway and then just around. me and cassie talked about HP and she browsed my purse, lol. got ice cream. we talked about how i don't go to Lockport, (since it finally came up), and then more HP. came home and sat around. matt and kevin got me a little blue Hot Wheels porsche cuz i passed!! so cute. ate dinner. went on the net. um, matt came over and we went outside for a bit. came inside and finished Star Wars:Episode I. got all dressed up!! i drove there. we got a wristband and wandered a bit. lots of people were in costumes! there was a guy wearing the Azkaban shirt and had a cardboard rectangle with Sirius' prison # on it. it was awesome. we sat in a secluded corner of Borders doing the crossword puzzles they had. watched Matt eat Every Flavour Beans. very entertaining! moved around, bought trading cards and a chocolate frog. sat reading a book about, "the magic behind HP". then they told the first group, (red), to line up!!!!!!!! we were blue so we were the second group. we heard the screams at the front of the store as the first one was sold!!! we lined up and talked to this nice guy in front of us. lol. we inched.........and inched...............until............we got it!!!!!!!!!! i hugged it!! people were yelling, "this is the happiest day of my life!" and so it was. very exciting. read a little in the car. we got White Castle fries. yum. came home and read until 2:00 in the morning.
saturday: honestly, not much to say here. i just.........read. lol. and read. and read. was halfway done by dinner. ate and read more.
sunday: read. and read. was done by about 10:00. only took me a day and a half! i cried. started reading it out loud to Mike immediately. read nonstop for 8 chapters!!! god my throat hurt. had dinner. then read more. then we watched J.K. Rowling on Dateline. cool. then we went to swim!!! lots of fun. did u know there's spray-on butter??? i didn't. very cool.
monday: woke up, ate breakfast and then read to mike. until lunch. ate. played POA computer game. laid around pretending that the marauders found the HP books. lol, fun. a little more reading. watched TV and ate dinner. came on here and got summoned over to Matt and Kevin's . took shower and flitted over there. it was only 4 like, ten minutes. urgh. came home and now i'm on. more to do, later! :)
p.s. the book was FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, July 14, 2005
6:41 PM
mood: happy happy happy..............AND ANXIOUS 4 HBP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tuesday: kind of a bad day. argh. woke up, watched TV and took a shower. went to matt and kevin's to babysit. came home at noon and had lunch. in driver's ed we did one-way streets in Joliet which looks a little like downtown Chicago. i thought i did ok and i was having an ok day and then the teacher told my mom that she may not pass me!! i was like, wtf, lady??? god. i was very pissed. i came home and ate dinner and then i had to go and babysit again. mom came cuz it was getting late and their dad wasn't home so we took them to our house and i went out driving. everyone kept getting up my butt about it!!!! argh. came home after and listened to soothing POA soundtrack. :)
wednesday: much much better day. watched a little HP clip on the Today Show. went on the PC and got some AP work done. got dressed and had lunch. driver's ed was sooooo much better. i went first and she said i had a good day. we did.....::dun dun dun:: the EXPRESSWAY!!!!!!!! woooooo. very fun. then me and cassie had fun singin along to B*witched and All American Rejects and Avril. lol. very fun! she told mom i did better. then mom let me do a drive-thru, pickin up dinner. yummy. came home and ate while watchin TV. then dad took me driving around. came home and went on here. spent a long time on the computer.
thursday/today: woke up, ate breakfast, (which was Frosted Flakes), and started reading OotP out loud to my brother. we are on, "Seen and Unforseen" and there is no way in hell we're gonna finish for tomorrow. oh well, maybe we will. never know. washed my hair and went to matt and kevin's again. watched kevin play "Madagascar" on XBox. came home and had lunch. driver's ed was so frikkin fun! we had a teensy test on all the maneuvers. i went second and she kept sayin how much progress i've made. :) went in the drive-thru and she treated us to drinks. it was a very laid-back day. she even let cassie show us her house! lol! came home and swam!!! was marauderish and made a few great wave pools and then they went to play basketball so i made a whirlpool. came home and ate dinner. and now i am on here. i must go post a message on the LJ for kayla and ally. later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, July 11, 2005
7:15 PM
mood: content
friday: sorry for my bad updating skills, i'm busy. woke up, watched TV, read ff. spent time having a tickle/pillow war. very fun. got dressed and had lunch. driver's ed: different lady called Miss Jackson. she talked less and i could concentrate more. drove through Joliet listening to the surprisingly good Evanescence CD that Cassie brought. we almost ran out of gas!!! lol. came home and swam!!! :) had dinner and drove all over the damn town and picked up our 50 million rolls of film at Walmart! finally!! last year's birhtday was in there! god. and i finally got my pic of the infamous Mr. Johnson. very cute. :) hung out in mike's room all night.
saturday: woke up, went on the net. read ff. mike was weird all morning, weird. had lunch and listened to the "Sgt. Pepper" record while mom and dad were at the store. read the paper when they got back. watched "50 Greatest Sports Moments" and "The Long, Long Trailer". spent a while thinking. about ally and the whole meeting up thing. it's risky but i think we can do it! had dinner. played a bit in mike's room and then matt invited us to swim!!!!!!!! night swimming is sooooooo pimp!! :) had delicious ice cream over there too! :) came home and matt slept over. we watched a little of "Star Wars: The Phantom Menace".
sunday: woke up, went on net, got off and read ff. got off PC at noon and ate lunch. took shower. I drove to drop mike off at Alex's and then to "Home Goods" where i bought a nice photo album and a journal. wandered Kohl's and Target. I drove home and put the photos in my new album. watched TV for a while. then I drove to pick mike up. came home and had delicious turkey dinner that was like Thanksigiving come early, lol. then we went swimmin' again!! whoot!! had alot of fun being marauderish and made up a new game called "Silent Marco Polo". quite fun.
monday: woke up, watched TV. did crap on the PC like my RPG audition and reading ff. got dressed and ate lunch while watching TV. in driver's ed we did parking!!! terrifying. i could do everything except perpendicular parking. parallel parking is really not that bad!!! mom picked me up and let me drive to the library where i sent my thesis statements off to miss wille and printed pages about Shoebox, lol. about 18 pages!!!!!! cripes. then came home and sat for a while. had dinner and went on the net. where i am now. read a great review of the fourth movie which had a screening in Chicago. go to mugglenet.com to read it. :) well, now i really must go because we are going to swim. more later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, July 07, 2005
6:22 PM
mood: content and happy
shout out to madina and ally: thanks for commenting!! i looooooove you!!!!
monday: happy fourth of july! woke up and everyone was home! lol. mom and dad went to breakfast and i got on here but neglected my blog. lol. got an "lj" message from ally. fun fun fun!!! :) got off and read Shoebox. had lunch, watched some TV. we were gonna go swimming but it got all windy and crap. so i read Shoebox, lol! it rained a little, not as much as we hoped for. got off and watched the lovely Alex P. Keaton. :) read Shoebox again and made a wallpaper. had dinner. then i drove in the rain!! ahhhhh!!! it's not that bad, really, lol. came home and went on the net. email and ff and Shoebox and IM-ed Ally and Kayla. :) my new marauders!!! :) got off, read ff, and then watched the end of "Return of the Jedi".
tuesday: woke up, watched TV, was banned from net. :( took a shower, had lunch. off to driver's ed. behind the wheel part!!! teacher named Miss Mars and two other girls named Cassie and Sam. i did ok. came home and watched TV. dinner and then i drove to the Lockport K-mart!! awesome!!!!! :)
wednesday: happy birthday to matt, the Orland Park Padfoot, lol. woke up, watched TV, went on the PC and read Shoebox!!!!!!!!!!!! read the last 2 parts that are up. i just have to wait for updates now!!!! very very good. got dressed, had lunch, vacuumed, off to driver's ed again. drove on rural roads. easy!!! i drove home and got my schedule for school next year! went on the net, email and ff livejournal messages and comments. i love coming home to comments. sigh. had dinner and watched TV. read and wrote ff and then watched TV.
thursday: woke up, watched all the news about poor poor london. what a horrible thing! took a shower and made a pizza for lunch. off to driver's ed. drove in dowtown Lockport and downtown Joliet which is a little shady! lol. i almost rear-ended some guy!!!!! i freaked out!!! whoo, got to listen to my Graham Colton CD. came home and swam swam swam with the Orland marauders. lol. then had dinner and now i am on here. and i must get off to go driving. later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, July 04, 2005
11:22 AM
mood: happy
shoutout: ally!! yo girl! i luv ya! thanks for bein my Padfoot!! and thanks sooooooo much 4 commenting!! talk to ya soon!
sunday: what a great day!! only 13 days to HBP. woke up, TV, discovered my numerous mosquito bites, souveniers of last night's fireworks. lol. went on the net, emailed Ally and did ff and Shoebox and found LOADS of icons!!! got off and was forced to vaccum the entire van alone. argh. then mom let me drive to "Daniello's" for lunch!!!! it was awesome! of course, i didn't go on any main roads, only backstreets. hey, it was still driving! came home and ate and watched a documentary on The Beatles. it was good. then went driving more around the neighborhood and tried to park in the parking lot of Aldi and i can tell u this: i can get to my destination fine but i am never gonna be able to park once i'm there!!!!!! argh again. came home and had dinner. lounged for a bit. then we went to Lemont for fireworks. read OotP to my bro, saw a cute kid in a sweater vest, and then had awesome fireworks!!!!!!! the sound was echoing off the houses and reverberating back, it was cool! came home and watched Alfred Hitchcock.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, July 03, 2005
10:25 AM
mood: content
quote: "you stole my cake?? i thought i ate it when i wasn't paying attention!"~sirius
friday: it's july? holy crap. only 15 days to Harry Potter!! :) woke up, watched TV. mom was home till one o'clock today. went on the net, did email and ff and........Shoebox. lol. got off and read Shoebox. it's crazy, the slash has sorta stopped. i mean, they talked about the kiss but then sirius moans Remus' name while kissing his girlfriend!!! WTF??? argh. had lunch, watched a little TV. went back on the PC and read Shoebox. dad came home early. went on the net at 3:30, email, ff, Shoebox, icons and IM with kelly, ally and chrissy. kelly with her gigantic files.........chrissy too!!! urgh. lol, just kiddin! had dinner then went out driving again. drove the car instead of the minivan today. meh, it was ok. a little speedier.
saturday: woke up, TV, AP vocab. went on the net, got an email from my dear friend Ally, (i luv ya!!!), did ff and signed up for a livejournal. also joined the Shobox Project Cult. heeheehee. got off and had lunch. took a shower. parents went to Menard's and i read Shoebox. had dinner. played croquet with matt and kevin. then we went to the balloon festival in Lisle. played ball and listened to swing music and danced and dueled and watched fireworks. also gave each other marauder tattoos. lol. then came home.
i will post a sunday post later.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
seventeen, QoP, chicago, friends, family, blogging, fanfiction, Harry Potter, Remus Lupin, chocolate, journaling, driving, The marauders, classic rock, alternative, swing music, Beatles, Graham Colton Band, Switchfoot, Maroon 5, Beatles, Billy Joel, Michael Buble, Click Five, Wicked Jack Lemmon, the 50's and 60's, conservative, George W. Bush, old movies, reality TV, SHOEBOX PROJECT, AIM, remus/sirius lurve, remus/tonks lurve, White Album, inside jokes, hangin' out, internet, LiveJournal :)

%Mood: Busy
%Book: "Duty and Desire" by Pamela Aidan
%Song: KT Tunstall, AAR & Switchfoot
%TV:"Seinfeld", "Simpson's", "Frasier", "Arthur", "Nova", "The Apprentice"
%Film: "The Terminal"
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
Daily Dudes
%Mary ~ Slowly Drifting
%Kris ~ Blurred Vision
%Kelly ~ Lost Freak
%Chrissy ~ Burning Soul
%Lin ~ Fairytale Dreams
Affilates of Myself
% My MySpace
%My LiveJournal ~ "Notorious Notations"

%The Marauders
