Wednesday, August 31, 2005
6:18 PM
mood: meh
note: may god watch over all the people in the South that were hit by Hurricane Katrina.
tuesday: pretty good day. library in the morning. algebra was meh. french was fun! took partner quiz and did dictionary stuff. :) had another fire drill in AP which was kinda fun cuz Miss Wille is a self-proclaimed: "freak-about-fire-drills". lol. morality was HOT and BORING. lunch was fun. cindy was at our table. after school, the stupid internet was down. urgh. did AP homework. drove home with The White Album playing, very pimp. saw a deer!! he had antlers and he was eating!!!!!!! awesome! had dinner whence i returned home. went on net. squealed with ally about SBP audio version which is unbelieveably awesome!! got off and watched a very good "Nova". then went to bed with horrible allergies. ugh.
wednesday: had a great dream that i was at ally's house. it was F-U-N!!! :) lol. went in the library and my email was working so i actually emailed ally a bit b4 school! anatomy was hysterical!!!!!! me and ashlene and liz racine had to do this station where we put index cards on liz's body labeling body parts. soooooooooooo funny!!! algebra was meh. history was boring. god almighty i miss Mister Johnson!! god. during homeroom, stood by the chess club board in club fair. it was fun. lunch was ok. morality was HOT once again and i had to draw Ashlene. it came out very....very crappy as u may well can guess. AP was very very fun and Miss Wille dubbed me a rock star of vocab. oh yeah!!! had surprise fire drill in french which scared the billywigs out of everyone!!! sheesh. after school, discovered that chrissy and lauren are pregnant!!! lol. ::i'm kidding, guys:: rushed to the library and checked email, emailed ally and mom. rushed upstairs to chess club and then rushed to buy a drink, then back to chess. it was fun!! it's getting more structured. you know me and my structure! did not drive home, taking a break. had dinner and watched TV and now i am on here. listening to SBP audio version and it is sooooooooo majorly pimpin'!!! :) it puts me in an extreme state of moony-ness. especially since the girl who's doing moony's voice has this pimp sort of, irish accent. love love love it. later, dudes!! (not a word from u, lin! lol)

*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, August 29, 2005
5:40 PM
mood: content
music: White Album in my head
** my heart goes out to those in the midst of hurricane Katrina**
Friday: went on the PC in the library. in algebra, the korean girl did 48 problems in, like, 4 minutes. good god. short but cute WQOP. history was a bit snoozey. in homeroom......GOT PLANNERS!!!!! WOOT!! lunch was fun. morality was dull. AP was fun, did poetry and felt moonyish. went to anatomy. it is much more structured than topics. i need structure! after school, hung out on the PC. lauren left at 3:30. came home, had dinner and watched TV. went on the net. IM-ed Ally, fun!! :) got off and played around with icons. watched old tapes and listened to the Digimon Soundtrack with mike upstairs. very very fun.
Saturday: woke up. watched TV in mike's room. decorated planner. :) parents went to the store, we got dressed and listened to the White Album. alex came over at 11:30. i listened to more White Album in my room. had lunch. went on the net. got off and drove to the library. printed pics 4 planner and got some books. came home and decorated planner feverishly. drove alex home and then to "The Pit" for dinner. delicious!!!! ::grins:: drove to Orland Video and rented some. came home, watched "Laura", very good movie, and decorated planner.
Sunday: woke up, watched TV. went on the net. got off and did my AP homework. had a a little lunch. went back on PC and read ff. watched a little Mary Tyler Moore. had dinner. laid around watching TV. decorated planner and watched "And Then There Were None". great movie.
Monday: went in the PC lab in the morning. me and nadia and lauren loooked at each other's planners. :) had a first fire drill second period. in history, was in a group with the korean girl. poor thing, we're corrupting her. read in homeroom. ashlene told a funny story in lunch. she's great. :) morality was HOT and boring!! AP was ok, lots of quizzes. algebra was meh. went on the net after school. lauren left at 3:30. did all my homework there. drove home with White Album playin'!! :) had dinner and i am on here now. we're gonna go to an old car show at about 6:30. can't wait!!!!!! well, may god bless all those in New Orleans and Alabama and Mississippi. they need it.
you know what i really like? the internet. this is going to sound so loser-ish but i love having like, an online identity. i love talking to people all over the country or, in some cases, the world. i love how an icon represents me. i love this blog. i love how i can express myself thru it's layout and the fanlistings. i don't know why but i relish in the internet. it is my life. it displays who i am and it is very very fun. :) i luv it.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, August 25, 2005
6:20 PM
mood: content and happy
note: comment, damn it!!!!!!!!!!
wednesday: happy birthday Rupert Grint. :) the counselor said i have to wait for the schedule lady to transfer. argh. did the myth thing we did in freshman year in topics. bleh. switched my seat in algebra. had a good lecture in history. talked with Ashlene and did homeowrk in homeroom. at lunch, the whole table talked about drama with friends. morality was meh. AP was wonderful. discussed the stories we read and i told her that i would not defile my book by taking notes in the margins!! it's a sin!!!! lol. in french, sarah brought in all this stuff that her brother got in Paris! like a french newspaper and paintings that people actually painted for him on the street! awesome. the new computers were working after school!!! :) they're faster! came home and had dinner. went on the net. it was a pretty good day.
thursday: went in the library on the PC in the morning. french was meh. topics was icky. algebra was meh. AP was great! we learned the official AP birthday song!! :) morality was a snooze as usual. took yearbook picture in homeroom! i think i took a good one. talked to Ashlene about stomachs eating themselves....yeah. lunch was fun and crazy and i got my new schedule!!!!!!!!! i am out of topics!! yeah!! and i have anatomy with Ashlene! :) history was HOT!!! ugh. after school, went on the net. emailed people and chatted on the forum. it closed at 3:30 so i walked around with Lauren. came home, had dinner and now i am on here. later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
7:46 PM
mood: kinda tired and now aggravated.
i wrote a long post and blogger has failed me. i must start again.
monday: went to PC lab with Nadia. Graney told me i have to put the desire to transfer in writing. sat thru topics where we learned the scientific method and where our nose is......good god. got heavy textbook in history. read in homeroom. lunch was meh. morality was a snooze. mr. J came up in AP and miss wille goes, "don't you just miss Mr. Johnson?? ah, if only he hadn't been married." LOL!!!!!!!! took a pretest in algebra. did homework in library with Lauren. drove home. had dinner, did notes, parents went to the store, i came on here. then we watched "Stalag 17". great movie. :)
tuesday: gave in note to Miss Geinosky. she said it'll be ok. dumb 'ol Graney. sat in library with Nadia and Lauren. nadia saya we must make a new list of "not-make-sensical" quotes 4 this year! :) algebra was meh. french was meh. AP was great!!! soooo my Remus class. lol. morality was boring. sat by ashlene in homeroom and we starved together!! lol. she reminds me of u, ally, if ur reading, which you should be!!! lol, j/k. pretty good lunch. took a pretest in history. what's with the pretests?? huh??? we did an experiment i did last year in topics and my partner thought i was smart because i could do the line graph. good god again. Lin, you are the angel of death. ::screams and runs:: lol. did homework in the library. Graney told me that the transfer when thru!!! hallelujah!!!!!! told Lauren about Shoebox and she is sufficiently freaked out. lol. came home, had dinner, just finished AP notes and here i am. please comment, later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, August 21, 2005
6:16 PM
mood: content
music: Michelle Branch:"You Set Me Free"
saturday: woke up with memories of a Shoebox dream in my head. that update was really really wonderful. :) read HBP in bed a bit and then downstairs too. went on net. drove to the library with mommy. printed pics. then on to Lockport Library where we picked up "Jane Eyre", it's a really old, green copy that is very moony-ish. :) (AP is sooooooo my Remus class!) then Jewel and lastly McDonald's for lunch. came home, ate, watched TV. read, "The Healer's Keep" by Victoria Hanley which is turning out to be quite good. Ally didn't at 3 like she said she would......tsk tsk. lol. just kiddin! had dinner. went to rent movies. came back, started "War Games" with Matthew Broderick the cutie and Ally calls!!!!!!! we talked for like, an hour. it was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much fun!!! i love my mommy and daddy 4 letting us talk. :) got off and finished "War Games" and then watched "Help", the Beatles movie. delighfully hilarious and marauderish. went to bed.
sunday: woke up at 6:30 in pain. hello monthly friend. ARGH. took me a while but i eventually got back to sleep. woke up again and watched TV. on the net. loads of slash icons since last update!!!! great icons!!! :) (i'm going to kiss you, vomit-mouth) ummmm, organized all my icons and reread part 23. ::big grin:: had lunch. watched and videoed some stuff off FlashPlayer with mike. he commented on here, very funny. :) extracted photos from PDF Shoebox for a scrapbook. got off and listened to GCB in my room. Danica Patrick took eighth place in the race today. poor kid. had dinner and now i am on here. later dudes!!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, August 19, 2005
7:50 PM
mood: HYPER!!!!!!!!
thursday: really good last day of summer. woke up, felt like i had a cold. watched TV, played Pacman, more TV. washed hair and went to Matt and Kevin's at 11:00. went on the net. ran home in the rain. watched TV. mom came home and i went on the net again. got off and read ff. watched TV. had dinner and more TV. went to matt and kevin's again at 6:30, spent the whole time on the net. very fun. :) trotted home and watched TV and ate cookies.
friday: FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!!! DROVE to school!! came in and Lin was right there, so i got my schedule and talked to her a bit. saw lauren and SCREAMED!!! lol. walked around with her. along the way, saw Chrissy and Nadia! :) advanced algebra was first. the teacher looks like she's gonna be nice. got to take off our skirts, thank God!! french class is smaller than last year but i know everyone and i know the teacher already so it's fun. then U.S. History which is WEIRD cuz it's in Mr. J's room and she has plants in there..............urgh. but i like her. i have Citlalli in my homeroom and that's all, lol. lunch is great too!!! Ashlene, Kelly's friend from freshman year is back so i sit with her and Lauren and Susan and Citlalli and......unfortunately..........Lindsey Phelan. ugh. they gave us little 8 ounce Pepsis, cute. Lin's locker is right across from mine! sweet! went to Personal Morality which is my double and a snoozer. urgh. Ashlene is in there but she sits far away.
then came the best part.........AP ENGLISH!!!!! WHOOT!!!!!!! i love it already. miss wille rocks my socks!!!!!! we are the tie-dye class!! god, i love it.
next to Topics which sucks monkey butt big time. too slow and the people in there are IDIOTS!!!! god. so, after school, i went to the counselor and i am gonna transfer to Anatomy. i wouldn't survive in there. walked around with Lauren cuz the computers have that virus that's going around. drove home. relayed my day to the fam. ate dinner. watched TV and relaxed. then organized all my binders and crap. and now i am on here. SHOEBOX UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this makes my day even better!! my parents are at the store and i am talking to Ally. HI ALLY!!!!!!! we're being hyper together, heehee. more later!!!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
5:11 PM
mood: happy
tuesday: woke up, watched TV. went to matt and kevin's to babysit. matt didn't feel good so the usual chaos was absent. :( i went on the internet. came home and ate lunch and watched TV. mom came home and mike went to play. i gazed at the lovely Alex Keaton. had dinner. went on the net. then went upstairs and watched old videos with matt and mike.
wednesday: mom and dad were off today. woke up, got dressed, went to mike's orientation at the junior high. came home and the machine had a message from ally!!! i freaked. they didn't seem too bothered. we drove to Blue Island to buy cookies. yum. got Pizza Hut for lunch. came home and ate. they gave me PERMISSION to talk to Ally!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's great!!!!!!!!!!! life is good suddenly in many aspects. went swimming. the water was frigging cold!! shot some hoops and i beat them!!! weird. little swimming and then ran around. mikey got stung!!! i told mom and dad and they jumped off the couch like he'd been stabbed. brother. came home and had dinner. now i am on here. more later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, August 15, 2005
6:20 PM
mood: content
music: Paul McCartney, "Tripping the Live Fantastic"
quote: "why don't we do it in the road?" ~Beatles, White Album
saturday: what a day. weird dream. very scary. woke up, mike and dad left for Alex's. went on the net. got off and got dressed. me and mom drove to the bank and Dominick's and McDonald's for lunch. came home and ate while watching TV. sat around being bored. i was very mad at the boys, i don't know why but i think it has to do with PMS. urgh. went to Orland Mall and browsed but bought nothing, lol. came home and had dinner. more TV. boys got home at 6:30. on net again. made a Shoebox wallpaper.
sunday: woke up, went on net. TRIED to post on fanfiction but it is being very very stupid right now. argh. got off and got dressed. ate lunch. drove to Sports Authority, then "DSW" where i got new gym shoes for school!!! Black, Skechers, very nice. came home and listened to music upstairs. went to Daniello's for dinner. then headed to Ravinia, i did not drive, too much tollway. lol. got there and the parking was full so we went to a public parking garage and took a shuttle bus to the place. i was dissapointed at not meeting ally, but it was Star Wars music and it was G-R-E-A-T!!!!!!!!!!! :) walked to the pavillion and watched the orchestra play! and then played cards, lol. took the shuttle bus to the garage and then came home. and so began my last week of summer.
monday: woke up, went on the net when mom left to email ally. got off the net and fixed wallpaper i made Saturday. watched TV. had lunch and watched TV. mike went on the net and showed me these FlashPlayer videos. very funny!!! listened to a little White Album. made "PhotoStories" and some more wallpapers. dad came home. showered. dad had Paul McCartney BLASTING and it's still on!!!!!!!!! had dinner and now i am on here.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, August 12, 2005
2:13 PM
mood: content
music: Kelly Clarkson
quote: "sexy sadie, what have you done? you made a fool of everyone..."~Beatles
note: what happened to my readers???? i miss the comments!!!!!!
wednesday: woke up, watched TV. listened to the White Album, of course, lol. had lunch and watched TV. more White Album. i love listening to it cuz it's mentioned in Shoebox. :) mom came home and i went on the net. lots of reviews, lots of ff and lots of icons!! got off and had dinner. it was the Mr. X one on Simpson's!! :) then we drove to Target to pick up my glasses. they are p-o-s-h!!! :) got Dairy Queen and then came home to watch "Mrs. Doubtfire".
thursday: had a great dream that i met Ally. :( woke up to lots of rain!!! yay!!! watched TV for a while. wrote the ninth chapter of "night of the full moon" and read some ff. White Album once again. went to matt and kevin's at 11:30. watched them play laser tag and then lots of fighting. amusing. came home and ate lunch with more White Album on in the background. mom came home and i read ff. mike got picked up by Alex's dad for another little birthday thing. went on the net. email and ff and LJ and icons. got off and watched TV. had dinner, read ff, then just watched TV.
friday: woke up, watched TV. made lunch with White Album playing. heeheehee. ate and watched TV. more White Album while reading ff. now i am on here. dull day, really. only one week from today is my first day of school and the full moon. what a combo. later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
5:16 PM
mood: content
music: Kelly Clarkson
quote: "everybody's got somethin to hide 'cept me and my monkey!"~Beatles
monday: happy birthday ally!!! :) woke up. when mom left i went on the net and sent ally a lovely monkey e-card. lol. Peter Jennings died. sad. R.I.P. um, played marauders all day, pretty much with a lunch break. really fun. then sat around being marauderish and listening to The White Album by the Beatles, (I GOT BLISTERS ON MY FINGERS!!!!!!!!!). AWESOME ALBUM!!!! :) dad came home. i showered and ate dinner. then went on here. got off net and finally finished chapter 8 of "night of the full mooon".
tuesday: woke up, watched TV. more White Album, lol. went to babysit at 10:30 and watched them play laser tag. entertaining. :) came home and had lunch. more White Album, lmao!! we're hooked!! :) mom came home and we went swimming. we started out swimming but then we chased the little kids and put them in jail, or matt's porch, lol. it was fun until i fell and hit my face on the grass. urgh. went in the pool 4 a bit and then in the tree. came in for dinner and now, here i am. later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, August 07, 2005
3:36 PM
mood: meh
saturday: woke up, watched some TV. washed hair and shaved legs. went to Target for eye appointment. how cheesy, eye doctor in TARGET. lol. failed the eye exam, undoubtedly. time for new glasses!!! finally decided on some nice rectangular ones with black frames. studious. onto various stores and McDonald's for lunch. dropped mike off at alex's for sleepover b-day party. came home after picking up movies at Blockbuster. went on here. no word from ally. :( where are u, girl??? got off and read ff. had dinner. more ff. mom and dad went for a walk and i blasted Kelly Clarkson. they came back and we watched "Tootsie" with Dustin Hoffman. superb movie!!!!! really fantastic!!! :) talked with them for a while and then we went to bed.
sunday: woke up, watched TV. went on the PC and read ff for a looooooooooooooong time. had lunch. went to Menard's and then picked Mike up. now we are home and i am on here. and i am listening to my fam fight while they consruct a shelf. wow. later!
ally: i miss you soooooo much! where are u??? happy birthday if you're reading this on monday!!!! i'll send u something then too. ttyl! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, August 05, 2005
3:15 PM
mood: frazzled
soooo much to tell.
tuesday: woke up, watched TV. had lunch. washed hair. mom came home. me and matt and mike went for a bike ride. what a mistake! they did not know where they were going and it was way too hot to bike ride. i was about to collapse when we got home!! ran to matt's and jumped in the pool! swam for a while. came in and blow-dried hair to perfection. had dinner. went on net. got ally's phone number.......and that's where it started.
wednesday: read this book late into the night. mistake!! woke up, watched TV. was shaking. and then i did it. i called Ally. we had sooooooooooo much fun talking!!!! we talked for like, 45 minutes!!! it was awesome! got off and had lunch. did a Mary and Mike Show with matt. dad came home with dinner. we ate. asked them. they freaked and needless to say, it's a no. i'm sorry ally, i tried. it is a whole lot more peaceful without bringing it up again. ok? we can still talk. in stealth. just leave me comments on here and i will respond in my entries. it's for the best.............and my safety. had a weird and uncomfortable night.
thursday: my dreams were riddled with ally. woke up. all i did was watch TV and think all day. saw the creator of Mugglenet on Chicago Tonight. he's cute, lol. wrote a little ff.
friday: woke up, went on net when mom left to delete some emails and stop watching topics on DTO. :( it's sad. got off and watched a little TV. played marauders with mike. had lunch. played more. then watched TV. mom came home and she finally let me on here after a huge pep talk.
ally: i miss u already. talk to ya.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, August 01, 2005
5:30 PM
mood: happy and excited
music: Kelly Clarkson: "Since U Been Gone"
what a weekend........
friday: woke up, watched TV. played around all day. had lunch while listening to The Beatles: Sgt. Pepper's. awesome album. best one, really. played more. mom came home early again. mike went swimming. i watched the adorable Alex Keaton while suffering from a minor strange headache. argh. had dinner. went on the net. i drove to Blockbuster and the bank and then Walmart where we got school supplies, (ICK), and i bought a new pimp purse. then to KMart where i bought two shirts. one with Rocky and Bullwinkle on it and another with "It's Only Rock and Roll But I Like It" on it. pimp. came home and sat in my room with Mike, cocoa and Billy Joel playing. also, my school books came and the ones for AP look good! :)
saturday: ok, well, woke up. mom and dad went out to breakfast. went on the net and did various crap. had lunch they brought home. read Shoebox. showered. mike's friend alex came over and my mysterious headache returned. argh. mom and dad did yard work. i sat in my room with Switchfoot on. sat outside, watched TV, had dinner. went in room again but with FM Static this time. read Clay's book. then i drove to drop alex at home. well, i got yelled at a bit and we were all yelling in the end and it was not a good day for the driver-in-training. wrote a very long journal entry. lol. with lots of swearwords. but i felt better after that and we watched "The Thomas Crown Affair" with the spiffy Mr. Steve McQueen. heehee.
sunday: woke up, listened to records for a while. got on the net and read the LJ. well, me and ally have a bit of a problem on our hands. her parents wanna talk to mine which is perfectly natural but, how???? argh. got off and listened to more records. read Clay, headache back. :( had lunch and read more. then i drove my mommy to Lemont where we wandered Offic Depot. then to Target where i bought a backpack, the Kelly Clarkson CD, (FINALLY!!), and a Pink Floyd CD for dad. lol. drove home and listened to the CD in my room. came down and watched some auto race in Michigan with dad. Danica Patrick, who rocks, was in it!!! but her engine failed near the end. :( had dinner. watched TV and finished Clay's book. then sat in my room with my mom. we listened to Kelly Clarkson, she read the newspaper and i read "Absolutely Normal Chaos". after that i consulted Mike, my confidant, about me and ally's problem and we're working something out! we talked until 12:30 at night.
monday: woke up, watched TV. wrote ff while listening to Kelly Clarkson. then read some ff. had lunch and watched TV. mom came home. mike went out and i watched Alex Keaton. sigh. decorated my new ff notebook and kept watching TV. had dinner and now i am on here. more later, gotta think.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
seventeen, QoP, chicago, friends, family, blogging, fanfiction, Harry Potter, Remus Lupin, chocolate, journaling, driving, The marauders, classic rock, alternative, swing music, Beatles, Graham Colton Band, Switchfoot, Maroon 5, Beatles, Billy Joel, Michael Buble, Click Five, Wicked Jack Lemmon, the 50's and 60's, conservative, George W. Bush, old movies, reality TV, SHOEBOX PROJECT, AIM, remus/sirius lurve, remus/tonks lurve, White Album, inside jokes, hangin' out, internet, LiveJournal :)

%Mood: Busy
%Book: "Duty and Desire" by Pamela Aidan
%Song: KT Tunstall, AAR & Switchfoot
%TV:"Seinfeld", "Simpson's", "Frasier", "Arthur", "Nova", "The Apprentice"
%Film: "The Terminal"
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
Daily Dudes
%Mary ~ Slowly Drifting
%Kris ~ Blurred Vision
%Kelly ~ Lost Freak
%Chrissy ~ Burning Soul
%Lin ~ Fairytale Dreams
Affilates of Myself
% My MySpace
%My LiveJournal ~ "Notorious Notations"

%The Marauders
