Monday, October 31, 2005
3:42 PM
mood: meh
music: Mugglecast 13
IMPORTANT NOTE: please oh please click on my LJ and comment. u can comment anonymously but say who you are in the comment and.........i don't know, i feel bad cuz i am putting alot of work into that LJ almost every day, a nice little entry, and i would like some feedback. thank u.
quote: "yeah he says, i don't give a *beep* what your father thinks.......only he doesn't say beep."~Eric Scull
saturday: mike woke me up at 7 AM cuz Fred, George and Ginny were on Kids WB, showing technological secrets of the HP movies. we watched that. then we started this ridiculous thing...where.....well, me and mike said lines back and forth and they were rhyming.....it was very amusing. played a bit. had lunch and watched TV. washed hair. vacuumed the whole house. the dude from Josten's came and now my ring actually has my name on it! lordy. watched "Sorcerer's Stone". matt came over and we watched Mike try to pass this level on Sonic. looked thru old folders. parents went out. i worked on my shirts and listened to the good old White Album. had dinner. got all dressed up in our costumes, me and mike decided to be Lily and James, lol. well, the party at matt's was..........something else. the kids were insane! i would say the high points were: carving pumpkins, screaming the Sox song in the basement and Ghost in the Graveyard outside. came home and watched "Dial M for Murder", which i ADORE!! yeah. the only bad part of the night was that mike snapped his glowstick and it went all over the couch, yeah.
sunday: woke up and watched TV. spent the entire morning online. ally lost my phone number!!! lmao. got a mean review, read some ff, puttered around on LJ communities, parents went out and i blasted music. fiddled with and posted on some LJ shtuff. they came home and we had lunch. little more on the net. got off and Ally called. we talked for a little bit and she had to get off to get a verdict on NYC. did homework and watched "My Favorite Wife" with Cary Grant. hysterical..........just great. Bears won! did homework and watched a good and scary Alfred Hitchcock Hour. *scary voice* whoooooo!!! lol. had dinner. watched "Catch Me If You Can". oh. my. god. GREAT MOVIE!!!!!!! just a.......just a wonderful movie! yeah.
monday: ok morning, HAPPY HALLOWEEN! i did NOT know it was a frikkin dress down day. mad about that.......but, yeah. had annoying Noelle in the PC lab, god. got candy in french class. got candy and played Simon Says in anatomy. history was boring, did some notes. watched some video in homeroom. had funny Lauren stories in lunch.........wow. were in groups in morality, more funny stories. had a FUN AP class, lots of "Sense of Sensiblity". new thing in algebra. after, saw Lin's Sox pics. now i am on here and i am listening to Mugglecast. THIS IS AN AWESOME DISCUSSION ABOUT THE MOVIES!! i love it. awesome. well, later!

*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, October 30, 2005
1:07 PM

*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, October 28, 2005
3:23 PM
mood: meh
music: Mugglecast 11 (sooooooooo funny!!!)
wednesday: SOX WON! TOOK 'EM FOURTEEN INNINGS! THEY GAME ENDED AT 1 IN THE MORNING!!!!!! MAN. so, ok morning. stuff in the library, some Aaron Rowand pics. teeheehee. miss Davis played the cool White Sox song! awesome. also did stations in there. changed seats in algebra. watched video and took notes in history. did algebra in homeroom and Ashlene left 4 recruiting. lunch was dull w/o Ashlene's stories! lmao. worked on prayer with Citlalli in morality. AP was really really fun!!!! we were just......it was fun! also watched Lear. started watching "Sleepy Hollow" in french. after school, went to chess. i BEAT Chrissy!!!!!! yes, it has happened!!!!! she blames it on her lack of sleep......i say no. lol. we walked around talking. came home, had dinner. did LOADS of stuff on the net. very fun. got off and watched the Sox game!
thursday: THE CHICAGO WHITE SOX ARE THE WORLD CHAMPIONS!!!! everybody say "woot!!" lol. yeah, everyone at school was ECSTATIC! that's what happens when u go to a school close to the city! lol. got to wear pajamas if we brought $2.00 for this senior who has leukemia. poor girl. in french, watched movie and got to talk to Miss Jancys. stations in anatomy. reviewed in algebra. AP was fun, watched the movie. worked on prayer and talked in morality. fun with ashlene in homeroom and lunch. also bought a drug-free braclet in lunch. got grades on our PowerPoints in history. 40 out of 5o, not bad. after school, listened to Mugglecast on the PC. it was AWESOME!!!!!! really good and really funny. go to mugglenet.com, guys, it's great! came home, had dinner. did homework. got on the net. talked to peeps. found out that this weekend is not going to work for Ally. ::weep:: honestly, i am like, so dissapointed. well, another weekend then! got off and watched "The Apprentice".
friday: ok morning. the school was kinda empty. probably lots of people at the Sox parade even tho we DID NOT get the day off. and Laurence DID!! urgh. chrissy and lin went. lucky ducks. did shutff in the library. took quiz in algebra. watched movie in french. notes in history. read Prisoner of Azkaban in homeroom. listened to Ashlene's funny funny stories in lunch. everyone was mad about not having the day off in morality. we made protest signs. AP was fun. we have begun the post, John Donne. he rocks. Graney RIPPED Ashlene's sign off her skirt. urghhhhhh!!! Graney is such a bitch!!!!! she thinks she runs the school!! god. we did stations in antomy. now, i am in the library. i updated my LJ with a post about the Sox. ummmmmm, yeah, i hope Chrissy and Lin had a good time at the parade!! got any Aaron Rowand pics you wanna be generous with??? heehee. later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
6:32 PM
mood: meh
NOTE: please oh please take the time to click on the linky to my LiveJournal. it's under all the links to people's journals. please oh please click, read and comment! i take the time to post there and no one is reading it. thank you.
monday: WHITE SOX WON GAME TWO!!!! awesomeness. ok morning, saw Lin in her pimpin Sox gear! printed part 20 of Shoebox in PC lab. french was cooooold. we thought of things to do while people are on retreat. stations in anatomy. watched video and i read pt. 20 in history. ashlene told me a Miss Kulpa story in homeroom....ohhhhh man. that woman is whacked, really. talked to ashlene in lunch and when she bought spree, 2 came out for the price of 1!!! lmao!! :) finshed the movie in morality. i have a "B" in there. pitiful. had a fun Lear discussion in AP. coooooooold in algebra. i got an 85% on my cumulative test. did lots of fun stuff on the net after school. came home, had dinner. we all went to this pumpkin farm on Bell Road and picked one out. very cute little place. got back on the net when we got home. lots of fun.
tuesday: ok morning. bad traffic, i drove. we saw a rainbow!! it was really really vivid! very cool. today was retreat day and it felt very odd not to be carrying anything into school. odd. did email and shtuff in the library. ashlene came along and we walked down to the chapel. well, it was an okay retreat. we talked and did prayer and ate oranges, (odd) and got into groups to make little clotheslines (very cute clothespins, keeping those!), and watched the plastic off pop cans burn (more in my LJ), anda bunch of crud. ate "lunch" with ashlene and amanda. i say "lunch" because all i had was two cookies and a pepsi. they NEVER have food i like, ah the injustice of it all. did a bunch more stuff, like games and virtue stuff and more prayer. then we got out!!! i did stuff in the library. (posted on my LJ!! hint hint, wink wink, ad nauseum). i was very very hungry from no lunch. came home, had dinner, food never tasted so good. did algebra and now i am on here. GO WATCH GAME THREE!!! lol.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, October 23, 2005
7:16 PM
mood: i feel happy but i have a headache!
note: GOOOOOOOOOO WHITE SOX!!! don't stop believin!!!!
saturday: woke up, watched me some TV. ally emailed me and said she could call, i told her to tomorrow. did some stuff, got off and got dressed. i drove around all day, it was great. we went to Office Depot in Chicago Ridge. then we went to Walmart out there which made us drive all around the old neighborhood....like back where Kelly's grama used to live....it was major weird. wow. but, um, at Walmart, i bought two gifts for Ally, who reads this so i can't say what i got but i am very happy with it. :) um, um, went to Doro's cuz the prices were really low in honor of the Sox....well, we sat there in line for 45 minutes. it was packed!! the only good part about sitting there was that this kid was selling Sox shirts...so i got one now!!! so, we went to McDonald's, got food in about 2 seconds, came home and ate it. went upstairs. listened to music, looked at old photo albums. parents went to the store and i made a Goblet of Fire shirt and a Peace shirt. parents came back, we put away groceries, me and mike had a secret Republican meeting with his safe of ideas. whoo, we're losers. lol. then we all listened to a Bill Cosby record. very funny. had dinner, finished "Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World" from last night. and then....it was GAME TIME!!! WAHOOOOOO! i wore my shirt and my hat, right there in the family room. lol. well, Josh Groban sang the National Anthem very nicely and............WE WON!!! WHITE SOX WON GAME ONE!!!!!!!!! w00t.
sunday: woke up, watched TV, went on the net. had breakfast and then went back on the net. gave my LJ a facelift and i'm gonna put a link to it on here. i feel bad for it! lol. off the net and read ff. off the PC and began history notes. parents and mike went out, i stayed home, did notes and watched my Switchfoot DVD. also blasted the music. they came back and we watched more TV. then we watched "Peter Pan" and i decorated my planner. had dinner, finished "Peter Pan", and did more planner. Bears won!! w00t! more TV. ally never called. :( well, when i talked to her on friday, she said she didn't feel good so i bet she was sick. poor thing. it got dark really early!! it's weird. now i am on here and game 2 is going to begin!! GOOOOOOOOO WHITE SOX!!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, October 21, 2005
7:12 PM
mood: bubbly
music: "Super Nanny" on the TV
note: thank you soooooooo much for submitting the memories of me! i giggled madly while reading them. that's fun! :) if anyone would still like to leave a memory of me, the entry is below this one. thanks!
wednesday: ok morning but BAAAAAAAD traffic. lordy. sat at a table in the library. chrissy and lin came in and then ashlene came and we went thru our anatomy binders. notes and binder check in anatomy. took a test in algebra and she had the frikkin windows open!!!!!! the wind was wuthering!!!!!! LMAO!!!! whoo. wrote an in-class essay in history and i think i did SUPERB on it. i felt really good about it. read in homeroom. talked to ashlene in lunch. lauren and her lunchtable friends are dumb. they were all making cheat sheets. yeah, how about studying, losers?? god. morality was sad. we sat in the dum circle again but it was sad cuz we were talking and kim and nicole were almost crying cuz they have sick parents. sad. :( sub in AP, watched Lear. chrissy......is trying to kill me. yes, it's true friends. she is trying to slowly wittle away at my nerves by creeping up behind me. she is the devil itself!!!!!! lol, just kidding homeslice!! lol. french was a BLAST!!! we got to watch everyone's funny presentations. it was GREAT! :) after school i went to chess. chrissy wasn't there so i played Araceli. yeah, she's a beginner and she beat me. i am put to shame. then we went to the library together at like, 3:30. it was a real bummer at chess, no one was there! poo. came home, had dinner, watched TV and did homework. got on the net and had fun. except that NO ONE was on AIM!!!!! i was lonely. got off, organized icons and then watched the end of "Secrets of the Dead" with daddy. not bad.
thursday: weird dream that me and lin were at some dance and they had huge calenders and we were looking at a lupin one and a sleeping beauty one. that's what happens when u make someone a birthday card, read ff, and get disney icons in one night. disturbing....
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIN!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!! lol. helped chrissy decorate her locker, taped my card on. :) (i want your Sox balloon, lin!!! lol) so, french was ok. stations in anatomy. reviewed in algebra. vocab and movie in AP. movie in morality. better than listening to the loser talk! lol. read anatomy article in homeroom. talked to ashlene in lunch. went thru notes in US. after school, talked to chrissy and she so kindly showed me her pictures of......cancer. lovely chrissy, lovely. yeah, i am NEVER smoking!!! ick. went in the library. did a bunch of crap and had fun. :) i was thinking about how i really like who i am this year. so, this is who i am: a sophisticated, bokish, eclectic, pimpin, black-frame glasses, HP freak/LJ geek. that's what i feel like anyways. i like it, call me that if u want! lol. came home, yummy dinner, watched TV. typed up SCS thingy. then typed my story. then we watched "The Apprentice".
friday: great dream! we went to ally's house and my mom really liked her and she let me sleep over there. ah yes, if only it were reality. but we ARE meeting very soon! :) rushed morning, not good. talked to chrissy and went to the library with her. reviewed for anatomy with her and lin. algebra, got tests back. 84%, not bad. took cumulative exam, eh. french was ok. lame WQOP and i got 34 out of 35 on my quiz. :) got to sing the national anthem. good times. history was ok. we graded ourselves. homeroom, i sat by ashlene in a bought of rebelness and she told me her HILARIOUS lauren story. oh lord........that girl is mixed up! lmao. tooo funny. talked with ashlene in lunch too. watched movie in morality. AP was FUUUUUUNNN!!! it just left me feeling bubbly and happy. i ADORE that class, really. took quiz in anatomy, not too bad. after school, did bunch of crud on the net. came home, watched some TV and then we went to "Chesdan's" for dinner. delicious! stopped at Sears and wandered. now we are home and here i am on here, waiting for chrissy to come back from away. lol. later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
7:41 PM
If you read this, even if we don't speak often, please post a comment with a memory of you and me. It can be anything you want - good or bad. When you're finished, post this little paragraph on your blog and be surprised (or mortified) by what people remember about you.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
6:13 PM
anywho, good morning and great hair!! PC lab in the morning. printed a Sox emblem to pin onto my sweater and also printed part 9b of Shoebox, tooooooo funny. love that part. french was ok, did stations in anatomy. watched presentations in history. talked to ashlene in homeroom and lunch. morality was dull as a dungeon. got college advice in AP, lol. algebra was meh. after school was fun on the net. Jaida actually replied to my comment on her LJ! it feels like talking to a celebrity!! it's werid. also read some good smutty ff. realllllllllly smutty. lol. yummy dinner. did homework and watched TV. then got on the net and stayed on for a loooooooooong time. got off and burned the SBP soundtrack onto a CD!! pimp! FULL MOON!!
tuesday: the full moon was all creepy and like, shining in thru my window onto my bed. very very creepy. ok morning, actually got to hear the soundtrack in the car! weird. library. reviewed in algebra. worked on project in french. i was thinking, i disagree with people about politics and yet we're still friends. i mean, they're good friends too. i have a lot of liberal friends! lol. like, Ashlene and Ally! and Chrissy and Cecilia. it's weird. like, last year i probably would not have gotten along with Ashlene because of a dumb reason like politics. this year is SOOOOOOO much better!!!!!!!!!!! AP was good, watched part of the King Lear movie. morality was HORRIBLE. i hate the class, i think it's a waste of time, i don't particularly like Mr. D and i HATE most of the people in there. god. read in homeroom. talked with Ashlene and made fun of Lauren (lol) in lunch. history was ok. got a 23 out of 26 on the test. took LOTS of notes in anatomy. after school was nice. soundtracks playing on my earphones and some good ff. chrissy stopped by and scared the SHIT out of me!!!!! lord. lol. came home, had dinner and now i am on here. later guys!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, October 16, 2005
5:55 PM
mood: happy and excited
aside: YAY FOR MY LAYOUT!!!!!!!
saturday: woke up, sat in the kitchen with parents. had cocoa krispies and came on here. talked to ally. got off, vacuumed the family room and then couch cushions. took a shower. had lunch. then i got all dolled up for our family portrait. we went and the people were very nice and very professional. we took one together and the just me, just mike, me and mike, and mom and dad. very nice. :) sat at home for a bit. then we went to see, "Wallace and Gromit: the Curse of the Were-Rabbit". there was a cute short with the Madagascar penguins before it. the movie was GREAT!!! first off, claymation is sooo faascinating. and the movie had great subtle humor and a wonderfully constructed plot. i really liked it. :) very british as well. heehee. picked up McDonald's on the way home. whence we returned home, we ate and then i trekked upstairs. put on the White Album and proceeded to put my clothes away, go thru my drawers, read old Mr. J stuff. then mike came up, we put on Maroon 5 and i organized my desk. also, WHITE SOX WON!! ONLY ONE MORE GAME TILL THE PENNANT!!!!! w00t!!
sunday: woke up, had a muffin and got on the net. that is when i wrote the entry below in my "new layout madness". i still loooooooooooooooove it!! :) i'm showing my whole family and they're like, "ooooooooookay." lol. got off and burned some CDs. read new editorials from the wonderful Brandon Ford on Mugglenet. :) talked to parents about Ally plans. heeheehee. did homework. parents went to the store and we blasted music and such. I FINISHED MY STUDY GUIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!! wahooooooo!! i also made a very idiotic move and accidentally deleted my playlist on iTunes. shoot me. lord. got on here and talked to ally. it looks like we're meeting soon!!! i can't wait!!!!!!!!!! well, time 4 dinner. later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
10:20 AM
yeah, i clicked on my blog on this fine sunday morning, as i always do to check 4 comments and my first reaction was, "did i click the right address in my favorites??" and then i was like, "OMG!! CHRISSY DID IT!!!!" lol. so, i looooooooooooooooooove it soooooooooooo much!!!! thank you chrissy!! you rock my layout world!!!
and now to the comments: yes, Lin i think someone should come forward and just say who it is. it is pissing me off. also, i love you too!! lmao. yeah, Pierzynski rocks my socks that are white, (lol), and group work totally sucks butt and Bush rocks. so, y'all should just shut up!!!!
anywho, i love my layout, chrissy rocks, thank you so much, i knew you would do it! i never doubted you! lol. well, maybe just that once........KIDDING!!! later all!!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, October 14, 2005
7:12 PM
mood: happy
music: Shoebox Soundtrack
quote: "Shoebox is like.........like slashcrack!"~unknown
thursday: what a day. but what good news i got while in the shower. my mother poked her head in the bathroom and told me how the Sox won! OH MY GOD!! i know y'all heard it already but here goes. it was a "drop third strike" which means, essentially, that the batter can run! lol. so, A.J. Pierzynski (sp?) hits it, sort of and the catcher didn't tag him so HE RUNS!!! and then wonderful Joe Crede comes in, hits that ball and they win. it was great. well, i only saw replays on the news but, it was cool. also, my neighbor said that this "drop third strike" has happened to two other teams while in the playoffs and those two teams went onto win the World Series. cool. beans. :)
so, anywho. ok morning. no computers as usual. so i sat at a table with nadia and alex which was fun cuz they were bashing the evil librarian the whole time! quite funny. french was meh. had fun with stations in anatomy. :) took a quiz in algebra. AP was ok, took a practice test. morality was dull. took another tally, lmao. Ruffner Room for homeroom. did a little reflection thing. i like talking about myself so it wasn't that bad. talked to ashlene about the game in lunch. then came history. we were in the PC lab working on our power points and we ran out of time. so, i closed it and it didn't save. or it did and i don't know where it saved to. I WAS PISSED. BIG TIME. now, they did stay after to get the bibliographic info which really helped and they did offer to stay and help but by that time i just wanted to do it alone.
let me tell you why i have ALWAYS hated group work. because i am "the smart one" all the time and am therefore burdened with the most work. then the other people spend the whole week talking and goofing around and then, suddenly, it's due!! and they want it done. so i end up doing it. NOT because i am a doormat, well, that's part of it. but other than that, by that time, i am so uptight about this project that if i delegated it to someone else, i'd be worried sick if they were gonna do it. yeah. so, i HATE group work.......with a passion. i work better alone. you know, not good at human relations and all that.
so, after school, i finished it all by myself. then spent the rest of the time on the net. also made copies out of the sexy book. heeheehee. also, the coin slot on the pop machine was jammed. damn. stupid. came home, had dinner. did homework and got on here. some weird person commented and the below entry is addressing that. i am very annoyed and perplexed. please just tell me who you are, i won't be mad. anywho, got off and watched "The Apprentice".
friday/today: bad morning at first. cramps on the way to school. bleh. but then there were actually computers open so i went on. got a 16 out of 22 on my algebra quiz. blech. french was fun!!! took a quiz and organized my binder and Jasmine killed a bee again! SOOOO FUNNY! also, WQOP was decent. pretty fun. did our presentation in history and she said ours and this other group's was bad and THEN explained how we should have done it. IDIOT! why didn't you explain that before????? urgh. homeroom was fun, talking to ashlene. lunch was even more fun, hearing about Ashlene's plans for a Pyramid Car. tooooooooo funny!! i was dying. morality was dull and he started talking about Bush and i started getting mad. yes, the government is cheating us a little. what are you gonna do about it? why don't you stop saying "in regards to"??? freak. had a fun discussion in AP about King Lear. took a quiz and started talking about SCS in anatomy. i'm excited. my topic is obsesseive compulsive disorder. which i used to and sort of still do have. after school, ashlene was there for a little. completely redid the Power Point. came home, had dinner and watched TV. right now, parents are at the store and i am on here. later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
8:08 AM
i just wanna put this out there.
there is someone, called: "thiswastheonlynameleft". who the fuck are u?? you are really bugging me! just put up your real name if i know you, ok? don't use a lame name like that! please!!!! just tell me who you are because i am ANNOYED. i won't be mad if you tell me who you are. ok? please just let me know. i mean it, that's dishonest to not put your real name on your opinion.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, October 13, 2005
7:18 PM
list thingy from Ally, these are FUN!!
1. What is your middle name?
2. Last person you kissed?
hmmm....my mother, on the cheek, lol
3. What are you listening to right now?
4. What are the last 2 digits in your phone number?
5. What was the last thing you ate?
candy bars (yes, plural!)
6. Last person you hugged?
my mom
7. How is the weather right now?
Cloudy and around 55 degrees.
8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
oh god...ummmm..........ally.
9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
smile, personality, hair
10. Favorite type of Food?
11. Do you drink?
no ma'am
12. Do you smoke?
no way!! can't even stand the smell of smoke!!
13. Ever get so drunk you dont remember what you did?
Pah! No...
14. Hair color?
light brown (NOT BLOND!)
15. Eye color?
sometimes brown, sometimes green
16. Do you wear contacts?
nope, could never get the things in
17. Favorite Holiday?
christmas, labor day (dont' know why), and fourth of july
18. Favorite Month?
19. Have you ever cried for no reason?
ohhhhhhh yes. hasn't every girl?
20. Last Movie you watched?
21. What books are you reading?"King Lear" for AP Lit and "The Supernaturalist" on my own
22. Piercings?Not even ears
23. Favorite movie?
Spiderman, Singin in the Rain, Hitchcock movies....i can't choose one!! i'm a cabbage!!!! lmao...no one is going to get that joke......
24. Favorite basketball Team?
don't watch basketball
25. What were you doing before filling this out?
stealing icons and checking email
26. Any pets?
27. AIM?
ILuvMoony171 (but please don't IM me)
28. Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn?
lots of butter, lots of salt
29. Dogs or cat?
mmm, i like both
30. Favorite Flower?
31.Have you ever been caught doing something you werent supposed to?
erm....yeah, recently? talking to ally.....well, i kinda confessed.....i dunno
32.Are you single or taken?
33.Have you ever loved someone?
uhhhhhh, YEAH!
34. Who would you like to see right now?
Ally and Mr. Johnson
35 .Are you still friends with your ex?
ummmm, we left each other on good terms but i never see him
36. Have you ever fired a gun?
37. Do you like to travel by plane?
not really........
38. Right-handed or Left-handed?
39. If you can be with someone right now, who would it be?
Ally, Mr. Johnson, and a number of good QoP friends( you know who you are)
40. How many pillows do you sleep with?
41. Are you missing someone?
ohhhh yes....he used to teach history. :(
42. Do you have a tattoo?
lol, no
43. Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday mornings?
final note: GO SOX!!! .............and "happy is a yuppie word", didja know that? lol.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
3:59 PM
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
6:10 PM
mood: organized and content
music: "Shoebox" by Barenaked Ladies
monday: woke up, and because it was COLUMBUS DAY my mother let me stay home. nolan is on crack. anywho, i watched some TV. mom went to the car place and i went on the PC. i had a wonderful morning full of slashy goodness. :) lol. listened to the SBP soundtrack and read some smutty fanfiction. lmao. mom came back but then went out to the store. i read "Couer de Loupe" by LadyJaida. mom came back. me and mike burned some CD's from uncle John. had lunch and watched TV. more burning CDs. got off and watched more TV. got back on around 2:30 and went on the net. got off, read ff and then watched TV. had dinner, read some Goblet of Fire. mike went out to play so me and the parents watched "Seinfeld" and "Wife Swap" and then "Monday Night Football".
tuesday: ok morning. i drove to school. no computers in the library so i worked on my story. algebra was blah, french was ok. had a good discussion on King Lear in AP; i like knowing what's going on in the story, lol. kept a tally of his dumb sayings in morality. "in regards to": 29 times and "being aware of": 6 times. wrote story in homeroom. talked to ashlene in lunch. PC lab in history and stations in anatomy. after school, had loads of fun on the net. forgot my CD player at home so i had to listen to dad's crazy, "Mahavishnu" crap. got home and had dinner. watched some TV. then we went to Uncle John and Aunt Madonna's. my cousin Beth's adorable fiancee was there, Dan, his name is. sigh. they had the Sox game on, die-hard south siders that they are. just sat around joking. i really really love it over there. :) came home, and went on the net. talked to Ally and saw her HOT Cary Grant layout!! whoo!! got off, caught the end of "Amazing Race" and some of the Sox game.
wendesday: the Sox lost........i am in despair.
ok morning. waited in the main office for the Josten's guy. me and Ashlene bought water and then came back to the main office and there he was. we both got our rings. mine is still screwed up but he wanted to me to have one at least. and i want me to have one too. lmao. went to homeroom and started the testing crap. we got 2 breaks and i talked to Ashlene. overall, there were 5 sections, 3 writing/reading and 2 math. i was WAY BETTER on the reading/writing than i was on the math. math is the bane of my existence and a grave menace to society! blah. mom was there to pick me up at Noon. we drove to White Castle and got some for lunch. came home and ate it while watching the very fun, "People's Court". lol. went and picked up mike, i drove and we blasted "Switchfoot"!!! w00t. then we came home and i went on the PC. got off and did some homework, watched TV, had dinner and now i am on. later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, October 09, 2005
7:39 PM
mood: content
saturday: well, having driven there friday night, i woke up in glorious michigan! read some, "Goblet of Fire". sat in the family room and talked. went to McDonald's for breakfast which i have never done! kooky. came home and ate it with music blasting, lol. then we had fun with the Trivial Pursuit questions that my aunt and uncle always have there. mom read them to us, it was fun. Pizz Hut for lunch. then we went to a dollar store, an antique shop and another dollar store where i bought a book light and Strawberry Shortcake pens. came back to the condo and just relaxed. then we went to "The Easy Street Inn" for dinner. yummy. came back, finished watching "Mr. Roberts" which we started on Friday and watched "Mary Poppins". then me and mike hung out upstairs.
sunday: woke up, watched "Singin in the Rain" which is one of my all-time favorite movies!! played upstairs. washed my hair in the nasty michigan water. got dressed and ate some lunch. then we set out for the Orchard. bought some apple pies, apple doughnuts and apple cider. then we went on the hayride. picked apples, went past the haunted house and did the corn maze. it was kids against parents and me and mike won!! HA!! lol. stopped at the grocery store. then we just sat in the condo being lazy slobs, drinking cider, lol. we headed back around 4:00. i read King Lear for the whole ride. got pretty far. on, 97.1, "The Drive", there was this whole thing on the John Lennon. it was awesome. got home, ate some dinner and got on here.
as a last note......my wonderful mother is not making me go to school tomorrow. it rocks. :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, October 07, 2005
3:14 PM
mood: meh
wednesday: had a good morning! it was a half day! no computers so i caught up on King Lear. packet work in anatomy. ms davis is rooting for the Sox, it rocks! :) quiz in algebra. ms. lapinskas also loves the Sox!!! :) lol. great South Side school....lol. morality was blah. i did prayer. discussed King Lear in AP. french was all right. mom picked me up at 12:10. we drove to "Long John Silver's" for yummy yummy food. then to the car place. then to pick Mike up. but we were early so we went into Kmart. i bought this tres cool peacoat! it's black so it matches my skirt and my shoes and my bloody glasses!!! it rocks my socks. picked mike up. came home, went on the net real quick. got off and listened to SBP audio. got off completely. watched TV and did some homework. had dinner. more TV. got on the net again. burned SBP audio onto a CD. watched "Nanny 911" and SAW THE SOX WIN AGAIN!!!! WAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i <3 the white sox. ooh, also finished Ally's shirt.
thursday: good morning and great hair!! lol. (lin, you can't have my hair, it's kind of.....attached.) library in the morning and i actually got on a computer!! ::gasp:: did this cool activity in french. i'm in ashlene's planner!!! i know, it rocks. we had fun doing stations. algebra was meh. AP was fun. in regards to morality, girls, i want you to be aware that.....IT'S INTOLERABLE!!!!!! urgh. did my algebra in homeroom. had fun with ashlene in lunch, talking and making fun of lauren when she tried to ask why i don't like her anymore. bleh. took test in history. eh. after school, the frikkin library was closed again!!!!! grrrrr. sat in Pride Park. did anatomy packet. it was too cold so i sat by a locker for a bit. then back to Pride Park and i listened to my SBP audio CDs. Chrissy and Lin stopped by and shared their booty with me. thank ye me hearties! lol. called mom on one of the dirty, greasy payphones. then washed my hands. ewww. sat in the main office till dad came. stupid librarians.....came home, had dinner. watched TV, then i got on the PC and listened to music, watched a SBP video and did crap. fun.
friday: had a bad morning. went in the library and did email and crap. got a sudoku problem in algebra!! miss nolan is sooooooooo bogus!! she was telling us that the reason we don't have monday off is because of how Columbus offended the Native Americans and took their land or something and it was realllllllly annoying and complete BS! urgh. had WQOP and a teacher in training sat in in french as well. got to use laptops in History!! w00t! :) lol. did work in homeroom, talked to ashlene and ignored lauren in lunch. he wasn't there in morality......we had a sub......it was great! took test.....totally failed that one. yeah. did King Lear junk in AP. lots of stations in anatomy. now it is after school, yes i am typing this from the school library, computer 12.....it's my baby, lmao. i never type it here! this is weird. chrissy is here! lol.
note: i am going to michigan for the weekend, sorry but this is the last post i will put up until monday. enjoy it! and pleeeeeeeeeease comment!! they are my drug! lol. later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
6:59 PM
this is a fun survey i stole from ally a while back. scroll down, read this, comment and then read the entry for mondy and tuesday and comment on that too! thank ya kindly. :)
- - Your Room - -
- - Walls
What is the theme of your room? umm, don't have one
What color are your walls? white...and two walls have wallpaper with little pink flowers on it
What color do you want them to be? maybe a pale pink or pale blue
Do you have wallpaper, what is it? yes, i told you, small pink flowers!
Any posters, of what? Prisoner of Azkaban
- - Bed
What color are your sheets? right now? burgandy
What size bed do you have? twin
One pillow or two? two
What do you sleep with on your bed? used to sleep with Ted the Bear but not anymore
- - What's in your room?
TV? sadly, no
VCR? again, no
DVD player? pssh, we only have one
CD player? yup
Any kind of game system? gameboy....sometimes
Computer? ha! i wish!
Mini fridge? nope
any animals? nope
- - Closet
Got one? yup
Is it messy? a bit
Color coded? sort of
What's in it? clothes, dollhouse, crap, etc.....
- - Other
How many windows? three small ones in a row to make one big one up off the ground
Is it messy? my room? or the window? the room is not messy, nor is the window, lol
Any cool lights or lamps? a touch lamp and a little one that rotates and casts flowers on the ceiling....and a light on the ceiling with a fan connected
Any cool chairs or bean bags? sadly, no (not like ally's cool pobason chair!)
What color is your carpet? ummmm, pale pink
Any rugs? nope, wall to wall carpeting
Do you have a phone in your room? psssh, no
What's on your nightstand? oh, my touch lamp, assorted post-its, glasses, flower clock, assorted crap.....
Do you have a "secret spot" for things you don't want your parents to see? uh-huh!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
6:51 PM
mood: chipper
music: "the Simpson's" in the background
note from a south sider: WHITE SOX WON!!!!!!!! WOO-HOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
monday: pretty good day! found an interview with LadyJaida and Rave in the morning!! squee! just read the interview first period french. then we all went down to the cafeteria. i started reading, "The Supernaturalist" and it's pretty good so far. got on the bus. sat next to Cecy Flores. we talked a bit. drove past Midway Airport and saw the skyline of Chicago!!! i <3 Chicago. got in the museum and got to wander for a while. i wandered with Cecy, Ceci and Tricia. saw this AWESOME exhibit on minature rooms!! it was sooooooo cool!! then we went to the Toulouse-Lautrec giftshop. i bought a pen and two postcards. then we got into the exhibit. we got these cool little headsets that told you about each painting! i thought it was cool. after that, me and Cecy went to the larger giftshop where i bought one more postcard. then me and Cecy went OUTSIDE THE MUSEUM! THAT'S RIGHT FOLKS! MARY WAS OUT IN THE CITY OF CHICAGO....TECHNICALLY ALONE.....FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER!! w00t. so, anyways, we went to this cute little restaurant called, "Corner Bakery" for lunch. i had a yummy turkey sandwich and we just sat talking. then we went to this "Poster Plus" place. bought another postcard! lol. came back to the museum and Chante and Jasmine were missing. the bus driver got majorly pissed. we found them around the block, wow, it was a screaming fest. lol. came back and sat in the caf with abby and citlalli. after school, did crap on the net. posted some Shoebox moments, saw a new pic of Ally, (very nice!). came home. had dinner. FINISHED coloring packet!! wahoo!!!!!!!! watched TV. couldn't get on the net cuz mom and dad were waiting for a call. typed up ideas for my new original fiction story. watched the Bucket get towed away!! ::Weep:: yes, the '88 Plymouth Reliant is no more. sad. tragic. i came home from the hospital in that car!!! lol. then we finished "Spiderman 2". AWESOME MOVIE! AWESOME ENDING!! :)
tuesday: ok morning. was a little irritated but my hair was perfect! stupid bitch librarian kicked me off the PC for a freshman! gag. but b4 she did i made the shocking discovery that almost all posts have been taken off DTO forums by a hacker! our precious roleplaying is GOOOOOOONE!!!! urgh. algebra was eh, french was ok. miss wille wasn't there in AP, and i forgot King Lear so i couldn't read. urgh. morality was HOT AND BORING! AND IF HE DOES NOT SHUT UP WITH "IN REGARDS TO" AND "BEING AWARE OF".......MY HEAD WILL EXPLODE!!!!!!!!! urgh. counselor talked to us in homeroom. had fun talking with Ashlene in lunch. she is GUNGHO about the Sox in the playoffs. me too, but not as much as her. lol. history was meh. started new stations in anatomy. after school, dug myself a hole with icons. sent them all to myself but it is ALOT. urgh. came home. had dinner. sat here watching TV cuz I CANNOT FIND "KING LEAR". i am upset. now i am on here. later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, October 02, 2005
6:42 PM
Name: Mary
Age: 16
Birthday: June 20th
Location: Illinois
Sexual Preference: MEN!.....ahem, i'm straight...
Height: 5 feet
Weight: about 98 lbs.
Body type: i dunno.....
Eye color: sometimes brown, sometimes green
Hair color: light brown
Favorite bands: Graham Colton, Switchfoot, Maroon 5, Beatles, Wings, Jimmy Eat World, plenty more!!
Favorite movies: Harry Potter series, Singing in the Rain, Star Wars series, anything with Jack Lemmon, anything by Hitchcock, And Then There Were None, loooooooads more!
Religion: Catholic
Smoke: no way
Drink: nope nope nope
Drive: yes sir! alot this weekend too....lol
Job: No, lol, i need on tho
Piercings/tattoos: Nope
Favorite type of music: rock, alternative, swing, big band, classic rock
Are you in a band?: nope
Do you know how to play any musical instruments?: nope, sadly, i was not blessed with musical talent.
Interesing fact about yourself: i have a fetish with pens and journals and pretty much all stationary like things
Favourite animal: kitties, doggies, monkeys and wolves
Food you love: chicken, steak, CHOCOLATE, sour skittles, sour patch, peanut butter cups, potatoes
Food you hate most: almost all vegetables
Favourite T.V Shows: I Love Lucy, Family Ties, Get Smart, all classic TV, Wife Swap, Amazing Race, Nanny 911, The Apprentice, Super Nanny, Extreme Makeover: home edition, and Monday Night Football
Name a singer you like: Jon Foreman from Switchfoot
Name a singer you hate: Hilary Duff and Lindsay Lohan
Your best friends: haven't i done this already? lol. Ally, Chrissy, Lin, my brother, Ashlene, Kelly
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
6:14 PM
mood: relaxed
music: Maroon 5: "Shiver"
saturday: well, woke up and mike and dad went to Uncle John's to help fix something. i watched TV. got on the net. did crud and talked a little to Ally. me and mom went to McDonald's for lunch. came home and ate it. told mom about how me and ally wanted our moms to talk. then Ally called! we talked a little and then handed the phones to our moms. it went really well! and we hope to be meeting at the end of the month! WOOHOO!! lol. then we talked for an hour. got off, talked with mom, decorated planner. then we went to Walgreen's and bought blank shirts, (for Ally's Padfoot shirt, GoF and Shoebox) and some candy. then to a plant place where mom bought a nice pot of mums. we came back and the boys were home so we all went out to Orland Video for movies. then to Mo's Chinese Kitchen and finally to Long John Silver's. came home, and we all ate our respective food. late dinner!! watched "The Lady Vanishes", a GREAT Hitchcock movie with a cute, Lupin-y Brit actor. heeheee. then me and mike hung out upstairs listening to 60's Gold CD's and of course, "American Pie", but we sang the real lyrics, the Weird Al Star Wars lyrics. i loooooooooove that song!! the version by Weird Al, anyway and i know it by heart!! :) then we read Goblet of Fire and went to bed.
sunday: woke up, watched TV and got on the net. got off, washed hair and got dressed. had lunch. then me and mom went out galavanting again!! lmao. to Dominick's, Menards, Michael's(for fabric paint), and Walgreen's. came home, did STUPID coloring packet and listened to the rain. ::grin:: i lurve rain! had dinner and did more of the DUMB packet. and now i am on here. we will probably just watch "Spiderman 2". later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
seventeen, QoP, chicago, friends, family, blogging, fanfiction, Harry Potter, Remus Lupin, chocolate, journaling, driving, The marauders, classic rock, alternative, swing music, Beatles, Graham Colton Band, Switchfoot, Maroon 5, Beatles, Billy Joel, Michael Buble, Click Five, Wicked Jack Lemmon, the 50's and 60's, conservative, George W. Bush, old movies, reality TV, SHOEBOX PROJECT, AIM, remus/sirius lurve, remus/tonks lurve, White Album, inside jokes, hangin' out, internet, LiveJournal :)

%Mood: Busy
%Book: "Duty and Desire" by Pamela Aidan
%Song: KT Tunstall, AAR & Switchfoot
%TV:"Seinfeld", "Simpson's", "Frasier", "Arthur", "Nova", "The Apprentice"
%Film: "The Terminal"
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
Daily Dudes
%Mary ~ Slowly Drifting
%Kris ~ Blurred Vision
%Kelly ~ Lost Freak
%Chrissy ~ Burning Soul
%Lin ~ Fairytale Dreams
Affilates of Myself
% My MySpace
%My LiveJournal ~ "Notorious Notations"

%The Marauders
