Wednesday, November 30, 2005
4:08 PM
mood: content
quote: "i'm secretly in love with you......"~chrissy
tuesday: HAPPY BIRTHDAY BLOG!! hee. i felt very irritated this morning, don't know why. worked in algebra. chrissy is now secretly in love with me!!! lmao. wow. recipes in french. in AP, we scored our essays, i got a 5, right in the middle. sat in a circle in morality. i HATE circles but i got to sit by Aslene and we were very very giggly! lol. oh yes, i am now..."the Egan-ator". lmao.........wowza. read in homeroom. talked in lunch. groups in history. cats in anatomy, ewwwwww. after, went to FNHS, bought a Pepsi, played the name game and got some announcements. we got out early so i sat in the library with chrissy, soooooooooo fun! came home, had dinner, did homework. then i had to go to Matt and Kevin's at 6:30 to babysit. but i didn't mind becauseeeee......THEY HAVE HIGH SPEED INTERNET!! yep, had loads of fun listening to Mugglecast and shtuff. fun fun fun. came home and watched "The Amazing Race".
wednesday: had a good morning. sat in the library with Chrissy, Lin, Keli, Nicole and 'G'. it was fun! worked on algebra shit. cats in antomy, it's getting so i'm not like "ewwwwwww" anymore, it's more like "oh, hi cat!" lol. matrices in algebra, not soo bad. groupwork in history. did algebra in homeroom and heard nassssssty conversations in lunch, but me and Ashlene had fun! groupwork in morality. discussed "Scarlet Letter" in AP. reviewed the imperfect in french. after, went to chess club. had cookies and discussed our t-shirt design. chrissy came and we embarked on a quest for refreshments!! lol. then we played a game, saw pics of Mr. Wolff's baby boy and talked about Nintendo, lmao. had a lot of fun!!!!!!! came home, dinner and homework. and here i am!
note: there is currently a huge post about my friends on my LJ from last night....if you're interested.

*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, November 28, 2005
4:14 PM
mood: tired but content
quote: "Nice night for a neck injury!!"~Kevin in "Home Alone II"
saturday: woke up, watched TV, watched mike play on Nintendo DS. got on the net. parents went to the store and i made mac 'n' cheese all myself! lol. that's the extent of my culinary talents. lol. got off the net and read "Imperius" with music on. parents came home and we helped them bring in and assmble our new TREADMILL!! lol, i don't know why i'm excited. i plan to go on it tonight, tho. played MarioKart on DS, which i am now, like, addicted to!! lol. very fun game. took a shower. had dinner and played on the DS, lol. then we went to Manhattan (illinois, not NY, dipshit) for my little second cousin's b-day party! he's 2!!!!! and he is the cutest little thing ever! lol. we had cake and some real good hot cocoa, mike played with him and got tired out, lol, kids can go forever!! karen, his mom, let me use the net! very fun. Jaida put up a notice about Shoebox!!!!!!! ecstatic. um, um, um, then i just sat and talked and watched mike play with Preston (the b-day boy). little Brookie was there too! she was adorable!!!!!!!! so, we came home and played some DS while listening to Shoebox Audio.
sunday: last day of break, i weep. pretty rushed day too. woke up, watched TV and read the funnies. played DS and put on the ridiculous "Donkey Kong Movie". we only watch it to make fun of it, really. lol. ate some lunch. watched a little of "The Parent Trap"(THE OLD ONE!!). then, mom didn't want to go out, so me, mike and dad went to Game Crazy where mike bought a Megaman game and i swooned over games i couldn't afford. then it was onto the theater where we saw "Goblet of Fire" for the second time!!! w00t!!! :) i also took notes! and, despite the lack of lighting during the film, they turned out all right. i now have the entire movie outlined. hee. i'm a loser. came home and had dinner. the Bears won!!!!!! that's, like, 7 in a row!! awesomeness. finished "Parent Trap". then watched "Julie". it was all right. got to bed a bit late and my schedule was all thrown off so i went to bed grumpy. grrrrr.
monday: o.m.g.......RAIN!!!!!!! it was POURING!! but it was awesome! i was tired tho and had kind of a bad morning. there were no PC's so i sat in french, coloring my planner for the week. lol. did a round table in french where everyone was so sleepy that hardly anyone participated. poor ms. jancys. cats in anatomy with no Liz. only me and Ashlene. we were sleepy so we kinda just sat there, lol. got my essay back in history!!! a 25 out of 25, 'A'!!!!!!!!!! and lots of "Well Done!"'s in the margins. then, she says she's gonna read out loud the one she thought was the best. well, she starts reading and i'm like, OMGWTF that's mine!!!!!!!! lol. it was cool. went to the tech lab in homeroom. printed article for AP and some random Shoebox thingys. talked with Ashlene in lunch. took notes in morality and then he just let us talk. talked about "The Scarlet Letter" in AP, which is our next book. got a 70% on my algebra test.........EW. urgh. at the end of algebra, Nolan comes on and tells us that there was a water main break on the property! bad news: building must be evacuated by 3:15, good news: there may be no school tomorrow!! cross your fingers!! so i photcopied my algebra and went to call my mom. i tried 3 times but the line was busy!! so i sat in between the doors, on the concrete floor from 3:20 till 4:10. fun! lol, NOT. gag. i read my history. came home, had dinner, did homework and here i am.
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: tomorrow is my blog's birthday!! it will be one year old! get it a gift!! lmao, just kidding!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, November 25, 2005
6:45 PM
mood: happy
quote: from Seinfeld.....
Jerry: you're crying at "Home Alone"???
George: the old man got to me!
thursday: HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! woke up, watched TV, the Sox totally traded Aaron Rowand. WTF?? urgh. got on the PC and finished "Oblivious", the BEST fanfic EVER. wonderful. umm, got off and me and mike began our first Thanksgiving tradition! we played "Toy Story" on Sega! then we played "Sylvester and Tweety". very fun. had our delicious lunch of turkey, potatoes, stuffing, rolls, the whole deal. wonderful and delicious. :) watched Lucy. then, we ate cheesecake, lit a fire in the fireplace and did our other Thanksgiving tradition. we watched "Sword in the Stone"!!!!!! i loooooooove that movie!! it was great. then, "Miracle on 34th Street" was on! awesome!! had leftovers for dinner. got on the net. did some stuff. got off, ate some more cheesecake, lol. took a nice hot shower. then we watched 2 hours of "The Apprentice". it was a very nice Thanksgiving. i am thankful for my family, Ally, Chrissy, Lin, Ashlene, food, home, health and Harry Potter. :)
friday: Black Friday! ooooooh. lol. woke up, watched TV. got on the PC and began "Imperius", the sequel to "Oblivious". parents went to the store. did some music shtuff. they came home and we put groceries away. they went for lunch, i did more music shtuff and ff. ate lunch. read ff and watched "Lucy". drove mike to alex's. came home, watched TV, Billy Joel was on "Ellen"!!! the neighbor came over and we all talked a bit. went to pick Mike up. came home, had dinner and lit another fire. and now i am on here. i looooooove break.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
6:52 PM
mood: content
tuesday: ok morning, very very cold. tutored chrissy a little in algebra, lol. heard Nolan's yearly speech on how we treated the Native Americans badly. urggggggggggghh!!! excuse us for starting a country, god. i hate her. took algebra test, it was baaad. i didn't even answer the last question. urgh. did the stupid imperfect tense in french, urgh. in-class writing in AP, fun, lol. morality was dumb but me and ashlene began playing "Mr. D Bingo". we make a bingo chart and put his sayings in the squares. when he says one of his little things, put a dot in the corresponding box, get 5 in a row, yell (or whisper) BINGO! lol. fun. made more charts in homeroom. fun with ashlene in lunch. korean girl had current events in history, cute. and ms. lynch was having trouble with the maps, so we cracked a few jokes about how Mr. Johnson wouldn't have had trouble with them, lmao. got a 40 out of 42 on test. cats in anatomy. SICK. after school, did a number of things causing emotional flucuations. nevermind. came home, had dinner, watched TV and relaxed. then got on the net. did shtuff and finally talked to Ally! sheesh. got off and watched "The Amazing Race". great episode!
wednesday: woke up, no school!!!!!! mike stayed home too, he had a stomach pain, we think he pulled a muscle. mom went to work. and since it is the one year anniversary of PoA coming out on DVD, (yes i remembered, i am a dork!), i watched it. it was lovely. went on the PC afterwards, did icon shit and listened to music. watched "I Love Lucy" and ate lunch. hung around being stupid, that's what me and my brother do! lol. :) mom came home with "McFlurries" for us. yummy. we got dressed and went to Orland Video where we picked up 6 movies for over this break. fun! came home, watched TV, typed AP essay, read "Oblivious" with music playing. had dinner and watched TV and now i am on here. lata! HAPPY THANKSGIVING Y'ALL!! hope ya have a great one!!!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, November 21, 2005
6:31 PM
mood: meh
music: Beatles: You've Got To Hide Your Love Away
sunday: woke up, watched TV, got on the net. soooo many icons!!! lol. i'm an icon whore, really. lol. i got off and the parents went to the store. i vacuumed the whole house and that gave me such a rush that i couldn't stop cleaning! so i made the beds, spruced the family room and put clothes away. watched Mike mop the kitchen. they came back and we had lunch. i also re-did my nails. changed my sheets on my bed. washed hair, put it up and got dressed. listened to Switchfoot and did some homework, got on the PC for school. Aunt Madonna and Uncle John came over! i x3 company. :) did some icon junk and music crud. got off, had a delicious dinner and talked with them. me and mike goofed off. looked through old stuff with the "White Album" on. Aunt and Uncle left. had cocoa and watched some TV. then we watched "The Blues Brothers"!!!!!!!!!! i x3 that movie soooooooo much! :)
monday: cold morning. Peace Pride Day!! lol, whoo-pee. they tore down my Sox sign off my locker for stupid open house. grr. PC lab in the morning. saw Lin on mugglenet!!!!! lmao!!!! stuff in french. COLD and GROSS in anatomy. ick. test in history, not too bad. read ff in homeroom. talked with Ashlene in lunch. groupwork in morality. we discussed "A Modest Proposal" in AP. quite satirical, lol. reviewed in algebra. after school, the dum speakers on the PC wouldn't work so i couldn't listen to the new Mugglecast. grrrrr. handed in my money 4 the Daddy-Daughter Dance! :) came home, had dinner, did homework and now i am on here. :) lata!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Saturday, November 19, 2005
6:31 PM
mood: ecstatic!
music: MuggleMiniCast #2
quote: "i love it when they walk...."~Ron Weasley (GoF)
quote #2: "in the ratings...."~Andrew Sims
friday: GOBLET OF FIRE COMES OUT!!!!! yeah. i finished "Pride and Prejudice" on Thursday night! and the stupid full moon was shining through my window! grr. it was COLD in the morning! my god. we saw the Weasleys on WGN. stuff in the library. quiz in algebra, not bad. interesting WQOP in french, and 2 little quizzes. it was Ms. Lynch's birthday! we did groupwork in there. Hoops for Hunger in homeroom and Lauren was petting me, loser. only Chrissy can pet me!!!!! lol. Ashlene had loads of funny funny stories in lunch! individual work in morality and me and Ashlene passed notes. "Pride and Prejudice" fun and John Donne in AP. very fun! :) notes and talking in anatomy. after school, Chrissy was totally mocking me with her pretty little GoF shirt and her already bought tickets. i curse you! lol. did stuff in the library. ummmm, came home, had dinner, and watched TV. got on the net. was on a looong time. very fun. got off, played upstairs with mike. then, when we were brushing our teeth, me and mike were extremely giggly........wow. then we were CRAZY until like, 11:30. just let me say, in the ratings.......lol.
saturday: woke up, watched TV. got dressed in my lovely lovely Goblet of Fire shirt. we went to an open house at St. Francis University in Joliet, it's very nice. and we got pens!!!!!!! lmao. then we drove to the theatre!!!!!!!!! we sat outside a while, eating popcorn, then we sat in the theatre. i was sooooooooo antsy!!!! as the previews ended, i was sooooooooooooooo EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well, let me say, it was beautiful!!! it was true to the book, it was a lovely spectacle to the eye, all the actors really did their best work and Mike Newell did a SPECTACULAR job, especially comapred to Mr. Alfonso Cuaron.....loser. so, let's see, Prisoner of Azkaban was a burger, Goblet of Fire was a steak! i really loved it. alot. and i cried when somone died, i really did. the end was intense. we got out at 4:00. i was really just, speechless for a while. then......the discussion began!! lots and lots of discussion, all through dinner! got on the PC and Ally called!!!!!! and we were just like, "movie, movie, movie!!!!!!!!!!" lol. and now i am on here. :) hee.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, November 17, 2005
2:23 PM
mood: happy
wednesday: FULL MOON!!!!!! ah. ok morning. stuff in the library. cats first period in anatomy, ew. new thing in algebra. i want to scream. in history, (this came as a huge shock), i heard of Mr. J. :( ms. lynch said that he's training student teachers. sigh. i became useless. finished DUMB notes in homeroom. me and Ashlene worked on anatomy in lunch. did individual work in morality and passed notes with Ashlene. AP was LOADS of fun with "Pride and Prejudice". :) had a small quiz in french. after, went to chess club. we played ONE game of chess and then i spent the rest of the time talking with Chrissy and Katie. F-U-N!!!! :) came home, had dinner, did homework. got on the net. got off and watched Star Wars documentaries. very very fun.
thursday: had a good morning. my mom called me out of the shower to watch a clip of Dan on WGN. wow.....i was wet. lol. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO COLD!!!! lots of stuff in the library. round table in french, fun. notes in anatomy, no cats, thank God. groupwork in algebra and i actually get it!!!!!!!!!!!! Mary Dedic was very very very very very annoying. man. college talk and fun with "Pride and Prejudice" in AP. :) blah blah blah in morality. went to the college center in homeroom. fun with Ashlene in lunch. current events and a quiz in history. after, i talked with Chrissy, i am now her pet. :) now i am on here and Chrissy just scared the shit out of me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! grrrrrrr.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
7:02 PM
mood: content and well
monday: had a dream that wasa jumble of things including Ally, Lupin and Mike........odd. ok morning. PC lab, added more "interests" to my LJ. quiz in french. cats in anatomy. it STUNK to high heaven, really. very very gross experience. notes and stuff in history. read in homeroom. fun with ashlene in lunch. prayer service in morality where in knocked down canned food and ashlene almost fainted. afterwards, Mr. D yelled at us for being "disrepectful". shut up. AP was FUUUUUN!!! discussed "Pride and Prejudice" which i ADORE!! :) Lin cut her hair! very nice, very nice. algebra was meh. after school, watched a Dan interview from CBS, sex-ay. :) came home, had dinner, did homework, went on the net. still no Ally, i am missin her. watched Paul McCartney mom taped off "Ellen". he rocks. alot. got off and watched Monday Night Football.
tuesday: another weird dream involving some kind of journey, math, grama and my neighbor........i don't know where these come from, i really don't. ok morning, library. did some stuff and then got off to read. it was COLD in algebra! the woman is psycho. took a test. french was meh. AP was fun as usual, writing workshop and Pride and Prejudice. quiz in morality. he's mad at us, so he's making us just do silent work. FINE BY ME! NOW I DON'T HAVE TO HEAR YOUR STUPID VOICE! lordy. finished the sheet he gave us and a bunch of other homework! read in homeroom and Christie was very very dumb. fun with ashlene in lunch. quiz in history. anatomy was.........GROSS!!!!!!!! we began cutting and it was SICK! after school, went to the FNHS meeting. Ms. Lapinskas asked me to get popcorn for her and sister Helen.........i did. lol. the meeting was fun. got out early so, got on the net and started listening to Mugglecast Live Podcast, it's fun. chrissy tried to scare me again!!!!!! lol. came home, had dinner, did some notes and now i am on here.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, November 13, 2005
5:00 PM
mood: chipper
music: football on TV
friday: had a good morning. went to FNHS tutoring in the morning. only one person came for a little bit, then i just sat there so i could at least get points. omg! the school was swarming with shadows!!! lol. colored in algebra. saw Brady Bunch WQOP in french, it was pretty bad. we played review games and Bingo in there. very very fun! :) had a VERY FUN debate on Vietnam in history class. very heated, lol. went to the PC Lab in homeroom for that Discover thing. we researched colleges and i am considering DePaul University. maybe i could live downtown!! lol, yeah right. gave Ashlene her birthday card in lunch. she loved it!!! and she had that fun "you know you're from Chicago" thing! we just had alot of fun talking! watched some cheesy movie from the 80's telling us to make good decisions in morality. blech. AP was FUUUUUN. we had so many cute little shadows!!! lmao. and we did a writing workshop and a good discussion on "Pride and Prejudice". Mr. Darcy is pretty damn sexy, lol. talked about the cat dissection in anatomy. yeah, we start that baby on monday. i am shakin in my boots. icky. after school, chrissy was there. we talked and i did stuff on the net. came home, had dinner, watched TV. got on the net and did LOADS of stuff. very fun. ally wasn't on tho. :( sad. got off, watched "Super Nanny" and did some history notes.
saturday: woke up, watched TV and got on the net. did loads of stuff. lots of fun, again, lol. got off and parents went to the store. i read ff. also played some music and watched the Switchfoot DVD with mike. they came back with tons of groceries and then went out to get lunch. they came back with White Castle and Mcdonald's and we ate. then they left for the store again!!!!!! me and mike browsed through LOADS of music. they came home, i read a little ff. went upstairs with mike. watched him play Sonic. very very fun!!! had dinner and played around. (paused for a very funny "Fawlty Towers, lol). watched him play more Sonic and took history notes. we actually got some good rain and the wind was wuthering!!!!!!! creepy.
sunday/today: woke up, watched TV and continued history notes. mike woke up at 11:00!!!! sheesh. Ally called!!!!!!!!! we talked for a bit. had lunch and watched TV. got on the computer. did stupid morality portfolio and revised King Lear paper. got on the net real quick. read a cute thing on Ally's LJ, got a nice comment from Mandy and sent my irony and satire examples to Sam Sorocco for AP. got off and read ff. got off and have been watchin mike play Sonic all night, finished homework too!!!! awesome.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, November 10, 2005
2:48 PM
mood: cheerful
quote: "it's the freakin weekend baby, i'm about to have me some fun!!"
wednesday: ok morning. mike was off. the wind was wuthering!!! lol. and i got my monthly friend.........blah. stuff on the net in library. was in alot of pain in anatomy, took notes. in pain in algebra too, had a sub and did group shtuff. notes and a quiz in history. read in homeroom. lunch was............meh. morality was dull as dust, groupwork. AP was fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun!!! we did the writing workshop again. got a 26 out of 26 on quiz in french. after school, skived off chess club cuz i woulda just sat there! lol. did fun shtuff on the net. (poor ally tho!!!) came home and got my report card!!!!!!!! A honor roll!!! pimpin!! lol. :) had dinner, did homework. got on the net. lots of crap and got to talk to Ally. she's doin better. also IMed Ashlene a bit. got off, watched "Trading Spouses" with the CRAZY lady!!!!!!!! awesome. also got to talk to my grama in Arizona a little on the phone. :)
thursday: had a good morning. no school once again for mike. read on the way to school. talked a bit to chrissy. library, no PC's, so i read "Pride and Prejudice". fun with dry erase boards in french class! w00t. notes in anatomy. and Miss Davis called Mark Maguire and Sammy Sosa "dingbats". i was DYING. rofl. groups in algebra. AP was loads of fun! lots of stuff crammed into one class period. we had prayer in morality, me, ashlene, citlalli and lindsey. lindsey actually talked!!!!!!! creepy. did the first ACT practice thing, i did good on it. Devona told Mr. D not to say "in regards to"!!!!!!!!!! rofl. he just laughed and kept doing it, creep. worked in homeroom. fun with ashlene in lunch. power point in History. now i am in the library listening to Mugglecast 14. it's fun!!!! ohhhhhh, it's over. sad. well, lata!!!!! CHECK OUT MY LiveJournal !!!!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
6:32 PM
mood: all right
note: i changed the font, whaddya think? also: Lin, you should see those movies!! they are beyond classic! :)
quote of the day: "Thru is only a word when you're in your car, getting a hamburger."
monday: mike is sick now!! lol. he stayed home. i drove to school. no computers in the lab. made me grumpy, and i already did not want to be there. bleh. sat in french class early. in french, jasmine was beefing about how everybody hates the black people! u know what? it gets a little annoying. worked on packet in anatomy. got a 15 out of 15 on history quiz!!! read PoA in homeroom. had fun in lunch making fun of lindsey and lauren, fun. morality was dull, groupwork. AP was.....exciting......i missed alot. after school, felt bad for ally, her friend is being an ass cuz of a boy. ::cough:: lauren! ::cough:: urgh. worked on King Lear paper. came home and i got my letter from Bush!!! and a picture! pimp. i <3>
tuesday: ok morning, i drove again. library, lin regailed me with stories of Phelps twins in Woodridge, i may just go. stuff on the board in algebra. quiz in french. writing workshop in AP, groups in morality. they collected yearbooks in homeroom for a dum reason.......don't even feel like typing it out, lol. lunch was a little dull......meh. US was meh, lecture on Vietnam. anatomy was ok, reviewed the packet. after school, chrissyness gave me a note. i sat in the cafeteria, (the library was closed), and did my homework with Switchfoot on in my ears. fun. came home, got mike from Matt's, had dinner and did homework. now i am on here. later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, November 06, 2005
5:19 PM
mood: blah
saturday: woke up really congested. got on the net right away. did a buncha crap. got off and listened to the MuggleMiniCast while eating lunch. watched some TV. watched mike on the net. mom and dad went to the store. me and mike listened to the MugggleMiniCast again. very very funny. they came back and me and mike hung out upstairs. had dinner. watched mike play Dreamcast and then watched "Fawlty Towers". lol.......british comedy. i love that show. then we came downstairs and watched "What's Up Doc?"!!! awesome movie!!! i love Barbara Streisand. then, a documentary on Bob Newhart came on, so we watched that. i love Bob Newhart too, lol. and, we got rain!! so, it was a special evening, lol.
sunday/today: woke up. watched mike play sonic and ate some french toast. yummy. read "Pride and Prejudice" for school. then, "The Apartment" came on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love love love that movie! love love love Jack Lemmon!!!! had a chees sandwich. heeheehee. then, "Some Like it Hot" came on! another classic Jack Lemmon flick. lovely afternoon. had dinner. finished "Some Like it Hot" and now i am on here. wondering where Ally is. haven't seen her all weekend. hmmph. i think i'll email her. later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Saturday, November 05, 2005
10:44 AM
mood: sick
music: "Daisy" Switchfoot
thursday: woke up feeling as though i was swallowing knives. yeah, so i stayed home. took some aspirin and just laid in bed. when mom got back from taking mike we watched TV and had some soup. she went to the store and i basically just watched TV. she came home with "Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith"!!! our first Star Wars on DVD!! lol. also had lunch when she got home. watched the deleted scenes. mom went to pick mike up. when she got back, i watched the deleted scenes again with mike. had dinner. got on the net. saw ally's new haircut! soooo cute. and put a new layout on my LJ. CHECK IT OUT! then watched Star Wars while drinking cocoa. i wrote a HUGE review of the plot and it can be found on my LJ. read it!!
friday: woke up, no school!!!!! still sick tho, bleah. watched TV and mom left for work. Oprah showed us her house in Santa Barbara. i want it!!!!!!!!!! got on the computer and typed up my huge entry on Star Wars. mom called. saw Michelle Branch with Santana on "The View". went back on the PC and read ff while eating my lunch of Ramen noodle soup. yummy. dad called. i watched "I Love Lucy". then i got back on the PC and went on an organizing rampage!! i organized allllll my favorites and all the loose documents i had floating got put into a folder. mom came home with mike and she went to the store. i organized ALL my loose icons and made an icon page for printing. then we watched 2 HOURS of Arthur!! how cool?? very. had dinner and got on the net. tinkered with the color scheme on my LJ. did a bunch of other shtuff. got off, drank cocoa and watched "Super Nanny". then i took a shower cuz i was.......really gross. lol. used this new shampoo and my hair was di-viiiine! watched "The Apprentice" on tape from Thursday and went to bed.
i will post the weekend on sunday night.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
6:42 PM
mood: content
tuesday: holy banana boat, it's November! sheesh. horrible traffic in the morning. wrote some of my story in the library. worked on sheets in french. church was meh until Nolan got up AND we had to sing the Go Make A Difference song. shoot me now. Nolan talked about some stupid Abercrombie shirts that she wants us to boycott.
first off, i hate that store and i would never ever shop there. second, that insults my intelligence. i know there are the few girls who are dumb and would wear a shirt that says: "with these, who needs brains?" but, i wouldn't and i know a lot of girls who are smarter than that. how stupid does she think we are? lastly, i HATE miss nolan and her hippy activist attitude. SIT DOWN LADY, WE DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT. sorry.
anywhos, in double, (NO MORALITY!!) we watched "Dummies Guide to Girl's Catholic High School". it was really really good! :) got yearbooks in homeroom, very fun to look through. in lunch, Graney asked me to go recruiting at O.L.O.R. i refused. i don't care what she says, i am NOT going back to that school........ever again. soooo! history was meh, we took a quiz with notes and i laughed at the slackers! lol. review in anatomy, review in algebra. after school, went to French National Honor Society. got yummy dark chocolate and it was nice. went to the libary after that. came home, had dinner. did homework and watched TV. then hung out on the net. got off and watched "Amazing Race". quite good.
wednesday: today was a half day with 65 minute periods. god help me, no actually that went pretty fast. ok morning, talked to chrissy a little. net in the library. anatomy first, took quiz, not too bad. took quiz in algebra, i think i did good on it. history was fun, i was in a group with Keli and the Korean girl, very amusing. mom was there to pick me up at 12:10. i drove home. had lunch and watched "People's Court". drove to get mike. came home and watched TV. burned some CDs and started a new ff. had dinner. finally carved our pumpkin and now i am on here.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
seventeen, QoP, chicago, friends, family, blogging, fanfiction, Harry Potter, Remus Lupin, chocolate, journaling, driving, The marauders, classic rock, alternative, swing music, Beatles, Graham Colton Band, Switchfoot, Maroon 5, Beatles, Billy Joel, Michael Buble, Click Five, Wicked Jack Lemmon, the 50's and 60's, conservative, George W. Bush, old movies, reality TV, SHOEBOX PROJECT, AIM, remus/sirius lurve, remus/tonks lurve, White Album, inside jokes, hangin' out, internet, LiveJournal :)

%Mood: Busy
%Book: "Duty and Desire" by Pamela Aidan
%Song: KT Tunstall, AAR & Switchfoot
%TV:"Seinfeld", "Simpson's", "Frasier", "Arthur", "Nova", "The Apprentice"
%Film: "The Terminal"
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December 2006
January 2007
Daily Dudes
%Mary ~ Slowly Drifting
%Kris ~ Blurred Vision
%Kelly ~ Lost Freak
%Chrissy ~ Burning Soul
%Lin ~ Fairytale Dreams
Affilates of Myself
% My MySpace
%My LiveJournal ~ "Notorious Notations"

%The Marauders
