Friday, December 30, 2005
12:58 PM
mood: content
music: Beatles: While My Guitar Gently Weeps
thursday: thursday was a really fun day. woke up, mom left and we decided to watch Hitchcock's, "The Lady Vanishes". ah, it was brilliant. and it was one of his old ones so it had something i love. see, all his old ones seem to have a sweet girl and a cute, Lupin-y man looking out for them. i adore that! after that, went on the PC to listen to music, read ff and do icon crud, lol. had lunch and watched "Cosby". then me and mike played checkers and mancala, all of which he beat me at! urgh. printed my new Shoebox collage. back on the PC for music, HP music videos and i created some "PhotoStories", which are very addicting. lol. got off and dad came home with McDonald's for us. ate and mom came home. then we all went out to Orland. first to Walmart where i bought some cute pens, then Game Crazy where they did not have MarioKart(me angry!!!!!!), but where mike bought Super Mario World. lastly to Barnes and Noble where i bought a 2006 Goblet of Fire calendar. very nice. :) came home and sat on the internet until bedtime.
friday: my grama is coming over today!! yay. she lives in Arizona so it's fun to see her now. woke up, watched TV and talked cuz my mom was home today. took a shower, put my hair in braids and began the clean-up. lots and lots of cleaning. we went out to lunch. came back, watched TV and then vacuumed the whole house, sheesh. now i am on here. can't wait for grama to come!! well, later!

*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
4:07 PM
mood: content and relaxed
tuesday: woke up, mom left for work and we decided to watch "Alice in Wonderland". it was cute! :) watched some TV and read. got on the PC. we read the new "Underground Lake", i uploaded the White Album into iTunes and made a Shoebox part 24 wallpaper. listened to music and ate lunch. watched Lucy. got back on the PC for music and reading. then on the net real quick to renew my library book. i also did some other fun stuff. got off, listened to music, organized icons and read ff. got off the PC, dad came home, picked up library books and went to return them. we watched Arthur and i finished the 12th Unfortunate Events book!! it was wonderful!!!! :) only took me 2 days. mom came home and we had dinner. back on the net. Matt came over and gave us the Harry Potter Scene It? game!!!!! so i got off and we played it! it was awesomeness!! can't wait to play it with Chrissy and Lin!! as u can see, a very exciting day, lol.
wednesday: woke up, mom left. we watched "Spiderman 2" today. it was awesome! played "Scene It?". had lunch, talked to mom. sat around goofing off, watched Lucy and then "Starting Over". got on the PC. read ff, uploaded "Into the Woods" and organized icons. dad came home. mom came home, lol. we had a great dinner and watched TV. and now i am on here. is it just me or are my days getting increasingly boring? lol. later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, December 26, 2005
4:04 PM
mood: cheerful
note: i apologize for my Shoebox-induced coma, i was VERY excited! part 24 ROCKED!!!!
saturday: had a dream that me, chrissy and lin were at a dance at QoP and we had a lot of fun! :) woke up, watched TV, got on the net. loads of junk, including talking a little with Ally! :) got off, had Christmas music on. watched mom and mike mix the dough for gingerbread cookies. watched some TV. wrapped presents for the fam. then i got all dolled up and we left for Uncle John & Aunt Madonnna's. we got there, sat for a bit. then Kev came and we went into the basement. we talked, it was fun! had dinner. more talkin and then Tim and John came down and they were playing a football video game, quite amusing. then we went upstairs for the grab bag! it was pretty fun. mike ended up with an electronic 20 questions game and i ended up trading my McDonald's card to Kev for a cute stationary set. went back in the basment and watched "The Christmas Story". GREAT movie!! lol. headed home. examined our grab bag winnings, then watched "Home Alone" and played chinese checkers. quite a fun Christmas Eve!
sunday: MERRY CHRISTMAS!! woke up the parents around 6:00, a reasonable time considering that last year we woke them up at 3 AM! then we tackled the presents!!! i got: "Alice in Wonderland" on DVD, "Spiderman 2" on DVD, "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" CD, THE WHITE ALBUM on CD(very very very happy!!), "Into the Woods" soundtrack, 3 cool nail polishes from mikey, "A Series of Unfortunate Events: book 12", "Z for Zachariah", a Sox World Series champion shirt, these really soft footie socks, a nice crystal angel from Grama and loads of candy, as usual!!! :) then mom and dad opened their presents and they loved them! played around with our presents, had a little breakfast and listened to my CD's. made gingerbread cookies. ALOT of cookies!!! lmao. wrapped some presents for our little cousins. ate a fantastic lunch! laid around for a bit and then got dressed. we headed over to my cousin Connie's house. they gave me a nice red Old Navy hoodie! we played with our little cousin Preston and our other little cousin Brooke, it was very fun. soon, we headed home. watched the Bears game. WE BEAT THE PACKERS!! WE WON THE DIVISION AND ARE IN THE PLAYOFFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! awesomeness. then we watched "Bozo, Gar and Ray" and a Dick Tracy DVD we gave my dad.
monday: woke up, watched TV and read my Unfortunate Events book. got on the net and what was there for me?? well, you know but i like typing it, lol. A SHOEBOX UPDATE!!! it was really really really really really really good. i loved it, a lot. got off, ate lunch and watched "Lucy". read and watched TV all afternoon. ate dinner and i am on here now.
i hope your holidays were stellar! New Year's is coming up!! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
9:37 AM
my christmas was stellar and i loved every bit of it and Shoebox has been updated.
that last part up there? that is why there is no update here today. i should have done it yesterday but i was at my cousin's house and then we stayed up late watching crap and then i go on this morning and there's a friggin shoebox update that made me go all shaky and sweaty and i felt like, oh merlin, i don't know. lmao! i love shoebox. and i am in such a shoebox mood. whew, wow, concentrating on breathing right now. so, there will be an update on here soon. just not right now. perhaps tonight. one cannot tell how long my shoebox-induced coma of sorts will last. wow, must go finish reading it and then have lunch.
merry christmas and happy new year!! for fun, comment and tell me the best gift u got yesterday! later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, December 23, 2005
4:03 PM
mood: relaxed and somewhat slobbish
thursday: first day of winter and first day of Christmas break! woke up, mom left for work and we watched TV. listened to GoF and read some Narnia. watched more TV. listened to music, had lunch and then watched "Lucy". then we got dressed and went to Matt and Kevin's. their puppy is just too cute. lol. the net was not working so i played Solitaire, listened to their dad's playlist and SBP and then GoF. came home. dad had his usual haul from the company raffle. this year it was two cakes, cookies and some gourmet cocoa! lol. mom came home with dinner and we ate. then i came on here. lots of junk. then my net was being annoying. so i logged off and we called grama to thank her for our presents. talked a while. then i got back on. read the update to "Of Ice, Blood and Fire". yeah, Remus is dying!! what the hell does that author think she's doing?!?!?! he'd better be all right! lordy. got off, drank my yummy gourmet cocoa, and watched Carol Burnett and then the "Recess" Christmas Special. do you remember "Recess"? that was a fun show! lmao.
friday: well, frankly, it was a dull day. mom was home. we woke up and watched TV. ate some lunch. watched "Lucy" as usual. we watched "The Santa Clause" and mom went to the store. then we watched "Arthur's Perfect Christmas". dad got home from work early. then mom came home and we all watched TV!! lmao. had dinner and more TV. and now i am on here. so, as u can see, we are quite the slobs. lmao. lata!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
1:30 PM
mood: happy and relaxed
music: Goblet of Fire Soundtrack: Do the Hippogriff
tuesday: happy half birthday to me!!! my locker is sexy, lol. thanks to chrissy and lin!! :) thanks again guys! sat in the library wit mah peeps, lol. first exam was history, really quite easy and i think i did well on essays. she also had this cool piano music playing so, that was neat. then was morality. by gum, that was a waste of my time. lol. it was ridiculously easy, so i finished and then read my Narnia. mom was there to get me. i drove home. we got McDonald's for lunch. came home, ate, watched TV and talked a little. picked up mikey. came home and we had to go to matt and kevin's. there dog, Aiden, really isn't that bad. he's quite cute actually! heeheee. i just sat in the computer room on high speed internet! lmao. good times. so, got home around 6:00. mom told me chrissy had called so i called her back and we talked for a bit. had dinner and then just watched TV all night.
wednesday: last day!!! stopped at Grama's in the morning to give her her present. sat in the library. lin gave me the Goblet of Fire Soundtrack and a new wolf necklace!!! thank you soooooo much lin!!!! first exam was AP Lit, it was pretty damn hard, lol. next was algebra. Ms. Lapinskas gave us pencils, lol. that was the worst test i have ever taken in my whole life. gag. walked out with chrissy and lin. mom dropped me off at home. i ate lunch and watched "Lucy". mike and mom came home. i watched TV and then listened to the soundtrack with mike. now i am at matt and kevin's puttering around on the net. gooooooood times, lol. IT'S FRIKKIN CHRISTMAS BREAK!!!!!!!!!! LOL. I'm happy. heehee. their little doggy is asleep on matt's bed and he is just the cutest little thing ever. i want to take a picture and make an icon out of it! lol. well, lata dudes!!!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, December 19, 2005
4:34 PM
mood: relaxed
sunday: woke up and the parents were leaving to buy movie tickets for later. watched a little TV and went on the net. did stuff and IMed Ally! parents came home. i took a shower and blowdried my hair to perfection! lol. ate a croissant and vacuumed. watched TV and read some of the paper. then we left for the theatre!! haha! sorry....um. we got in and they have these cool long tables with these computer swivle chairs!!! we wasn't gettin served cuz we was white!! lmao, just kidding! anywhos, the movie started and we got our food. you get to eat during the movie!!! it's awesomeness. and it was fun cuz everyone in the theater liked "It's A Wonderful Life." i love it more than words can say!!! got out and it was friggin cold!!!!! man. we came home and watched "The Wizard of Oz" as well as the Bears game.
monday: dad was home today! weird. it was an ok morning, dad took us both to school. was in the PC lab in the morning, sent alot of icons to myself. lol. french was my first exam. i finished a little later than i usually do but it was all right. went to anatomy, talked a bit to Ashlene. anatomy exam wasn't bad at all. i finished really early and read Narnia. dad picked me up. we went to White Castle, came home, ate and watched "People's Court". picked up mikey. they dropped me off at home and went to get haircuts and buy presents, (aww, mike's gettin me something, lol, it's cute!). so, i played music, made a wallpaper and read ff. they came home. i got off the PC and watched TV. had dinner, more TV and my history essay sheet. now i am on here! 2 more half days and then BREAK!! wahooooooooo! lata!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Saturday, December 17, 2005
5:05 PM
mood: cheerful
music: Television
friday: fabulous day!!!! exchanged gifts in the library. got a really awesome Beatles magnet from Chrissy! :) she loved my present. um, did the review in algebra and then read. WQOP was cute, a little Christmas special of sorts. i organized my binder and watched the movie in there. got an 18 on my history quiz and we reviewed. talked with Ashlene in homeroom and she made a pointy-pokey-thing, lmao, long story. in lunch, the idiots were WAY worse than usual. so me, Ashlene, Citlalli and Vianey moved to the end of the table! lol. me and Ashlene exchanged gifts! she gave me a cute little stocking with the presents in it! she gave me.....pink, blue and green nail polishes, Reese's and gum! lmao. she LOVED the fluffy pen i got her. :) um, morality was all right. we were SUPPOSED to be reviwing but everyone was just goofing off! lol. Jasmine broke a pen and there was ink all over the place!!! lol. me and Ashlene and Citlalli just had fun with the fluffy pen!!! :) AP was very very fun. we talked about random stuff and then had a poetry circle! lol. Simon Says and reviewing in anatomy. then, after school, me and Ashlene went to our lockers and then out to the car! it's a nice car, lol. i called my mom and we dropped off Katie, and then headed to Ashlene's house. house is nice, parents are nice, we changed. her room is cool!! it's all hawaiian!!! awesomeness. so then we set out for Orland Mall! we walked around. smelled a bazillion candles in Bath & Body Works and then bought one each for our moms. wandered. stopped in at Hot Topic and Waldenbooks. had pizza at "Sbarro". then we "wandered" into that spiffy men's clothing store! lmao. fun times. got chocolate covered raisins for dad. then we found "Plaques Plus" where there was SO MUCH Sox stuff that Ashlene was, like, hyperventilating! lol. i bought my brother some Sox wristbands. headed home. she came in for a bit and we talked with mom and dad. she left and we watched TV.
saturday: woke up, watched TV. went on the net. lots of comments and Ally emiled me my new header! so no Chrissy just has to put it up. got dressed and all ready. i drove and we went out to a cookie place in Blue Island. loooooots of cookies! then we got Pizza Hut for lunch. came home, ate. listened to Switchfoot in my room. got on the treadmill. did 25 minutes and 113 calories! awesome. watched some TV. then we headed out to the Hollywood Boulevard Theatre. bad news is, "It's A Wonderful Life" was sold out. poop. went to Office Depot. bought some pens and higlighters. went for dinner at "The Purple Onion" and then went to Centennial Park to see all the lights. they had a light display timed to music and they played the Sox song!!!!!!!! i loved it. then drove around a fancy neighborhood to see all their lights. came home. now we're watching a show about Fawlty Towers, i tell you i love this show. lata!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, December 15, 2005
4:06 PM
mood: cheerful
wednesday: ok morning, snowy. hung at chrissy's locker and then sat in the library. apparently, it was supposed to be a Pride Day? WTF? urgh. did cat and stuff in anatomy. test with nice Christmas music on in algebra. talked about French and Indian War in history. read 4 AP in homeroom and then talked to Ashlene who seems to think that if i don't get my itchy eye checked out, it will fall out and i will need a glass eye...........yeah. it was fun tho! :) lunch was a HOOT! lol. the idiots weren't there so me and Ashlene and Citlalli had a nice time talking! :) got in groups in morality. mostly, me, Ashlene and Citlalli just talked.......about dogs, lol. did this cool thing in AP with the quotations. very fun! beagn a movie in french and did my oral exam!! so relieved it's over!!! after school, FNHS was cancelled so i sat in the library listening to Mugglecast. VERY fun! you NEED to listen to it!!! everyone!!! lol. it's awesomeness. came home, had dinner, watched TV cuz i had NO homework! lol. hung out on the net. got off, read newest chapter of "Imperius" and watched "The Grinch" cartoon as well as "Trading Spouses". good times.
thursday: it's the full moon. oooooooh! lol. yeah, so. had a good morning, however cold it was. went to french tutoring and no one came. grrrrr. watched movie in french. cat in anatomy. got an 85 on my algebra test and did a review. i was very tired and bored today, don't know why. talked about "A Doll's House" in AP. groups in morality, we just talked. it was alot of fun! went to do the Discover thing in homeroom with Ashlene. talked in lunch. crud in history with stupid people. ugh. after school, talked a little with Chrissy, Ashlene and Lin. listened to Mugglecast in the library. then Chrissy and Lin came to get me cuz they wanted to bounce bouncy balls, lol. so we went in some of the stairways and did it. it was fun! but some dean walked in on us. bummer. then Chrissy steps on the ball and destroys it!! lmao. back to the net. came home, had dinner, watched TV. now i am on here. lata!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
4:42 PM
mood: content
monday: ok morning, felt a little irritated. PC lab, email from Ally and LJ stuff. basically, all my classes were portfolio junk and working on shit, lol. in homeroom i went to the tech lab. found an article for anatomy and fooled around. in lunch, Ashlene was losing her voice, but we managed to carry on a conversation! lol. had a relaxing class in morality. portfolio and meaningless group work. talked about "A Doll's House" in AP. and then, work in algebra with Christmas music on. After school, made-up my quiz in history. then hung out on the internet, getting stalker emails from Chrissy!!!!!!! lmao, too fun. also listened to Mugglecast. came home, had dinner, did work. got on the net, loads of fun. got off and watched "Monday Night Football" and "Nanny 911".
tuesday: well, we drove all the way to school...........all the way. and the lady there tells us that there was a water main break and we don't have school!!! PRAISE THE LORD!! came home, mom went to work. i BLASTED Maroon 5 and got on the net. did alot of junk, IMed some people. got off, listened to music, just messed around. mom called and we talked a little. had lunch and watched "Lucy". listened to music and made alot of new wallpapers! :) did homework, like my STUPID french oral exam, that i STUPIDLY signed up for for tomorrow!!! geez. mom and mike came home. watched TV. met Matt's cute new puppy!!!!! he doesn't have a name yet, so sad. had dinner, watched TV and read for AP. and now i am on here! must go now! lata!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, December 11, 2005
4:54 PM
mood: happy
saturday: a pretty good day. woke up, watched TV. parents went to the store. i went on the PC and made a Shoebox Christmas wallpaper. read some of "Imperius" to mike. had lunch and parents came home. got on the net. got lots of reviews for my story!!! got off and watched "Ever After", which i LOOOOOOOOVE. it started to snow!! wahoooo! played some MarioKart. Alex, mike's friend, came over. i made out all my Christmas cards and decorated the envelopes, you'll love em, guys! :) wrapped some of Ally's stuff. watched TV. had dinner. checked mail, more reviews! parents went to my mom's company Christmas party. made notes on HBP. Ally didn't call. ::weep:: then, "It's A Wonderful Life" and "The Grinch"(with Jim Carrey) came on so, i flipped between the two all night. i wish Jimmy Stewart was still alive, i would have him play Lupin, he's so sweet! played DS and parents came home. watched TV with them.
sunday: woke up, watched TV. did some of my lab and got on the net. mostly school junk. got off, had lunch and watched TV. Parents left for my dad's company Christmas party and they took Alex with them. watched the Bears game, "My Fellow Americans"(with Jack Lemmon, sigh), and "Dirty Dancing". fun afternoon! lol. the Bears lost. grrrr. got on the PC and wrote the second chappie of "Shiver". parents came home and "White Christmas" came on!! i x3 that movie!! :) had dinner and got on here. i been busy!! lol. well, lata!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, December 09, 2005
4:24 PM
mood: content
thursday: what a day! started good, got bad. ok morning, very cold as per usual nowadays. sat in the library. future tense in french. then we went to liturgy. it really wasn't that bad for once. traditional and fast! work day in anatomy. new matrix stuff in algebra. fourth period was skipped. no AP. ::weep:: so morality was next. it was DUMB and BORING! Ashlene told Mr. D to stop saying his thing and he got all offended. stupid. we were talking about laws and i got annoyed with all the rebellious teens in the room so i read through my planner. did practice ACT. fun with Ashlene in lunch (L is for Lame, L is for Lauren!). Christy was dumb in history. we worked and it started snowing! after school i went to the FNHS Christmas party! we had a really good authentic chocolate "Buche de Noel". it was DELICIOUS!! and we watched the DELIGHTFUL "A Very Long Engagement". it was with the same girl who was in "Amelie". i LOVE both of those movies. but anywho, it was a very sweet love story. so, we got done with it at 4:30. i went down to the main office and dad didn't come till 4:35. well, snow was slowing things down La Grange Road was a living hell and i wanted to shoot my head. we didn't get home until 6:45!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my god. so, i ate some dinner and finished my lab report. got on the net and puddled around. Ally is getting..........distant. i dunno. :( also, my MySpace (like the Death Star), is now fully operational!!!!! ::laughs like Palpatine:: yeah, i'm done. so, it's all pretty now! thanks to Chrissy for that! :) got off and watched a little TV and then went to bed upset and agitated.
friday: well, i woke up at 6:40 this morning and my door was closed, my parents had not woken me up!! they were letting me skip!!!!!!!! i smiled. i also got my monthly friend but at least i didn't have it in school. mike stayed home too. mom went to work and i spent the morning playing MarioKart. read some awesome ff. read our old quote books. listened to music, read ff, had lunch and watched "Lucy". more music and ff. mom came home. wrote a one-shot about Remus and Tonks. it's called "Shiver" and it's on ff.net if you're interested in reading it! reviews are appreciated, as always. got off and watched TV. did the treadmill for about 21 minutes, burned about 100 calories! Matt came over and Dad came home. played Mario Kart. had dinner. and now i am on here. lata gatas!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
4:03 PM
mood: happy
tuesday: had a good morning! sat in the library with my peeps! lol. matrices in algebra. then Chrissy scared the shit out of me!!! lordy. activities and songs in french. and it started snowing!! did sample essays in AP. chapter 7 work in morality and then i did some french work. talked and did work in homeroom. fun with Ashlene in lunch. got a B- on my history test and i was called a genius again, oh shut up! god. worked in groups. cat in anatomy, ew. after school, hung at Chrissy's locker. then onto the web! listened to Mugglecast and did other stuff. fun-ness. came home, had dinner, then me and mom made cream puffs for the french party. got on the net. did lots of stuff. IMed some peeps and my MySpace is still under way! i can't believe i am getting one.......hell has frozen over. lol. put up lights and ornaments on the tree. more net. finally got off and we watched "Amazing Race".
wednesday: Pearl Harbor Day, say a prayer. had a good morning except that the temperature was..........2. lol. brought cream puffs to the dining room and sat with my peeps. had a work day in anatomy, so i worked with Ashlene. matrices in algebra. talked about colonies in history, blah. read and talked in homeroom. fun with Ashlene in lunch. groups in morality. "Scarlet Letter" in AP. we finished it! Dimmesdale died!!! ::cries:: sad. party in french!!!! :) had a cream puff, a cookie, some cake and a croissant. yummy food. after school, hung with Chrissy. got drinks, played a game of chess and we talked alot with Julie! loads of fun!!!!!!!!!!!!! then we threw bouncy balls in the stairwell!!!!!!!!! so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol. came home, had dinner, started anatomy lab and here i am. this girl on LJ got me a paid account. i cannot believe it. she really should not have. and now i have 100 icon capacity. wow. must go use it! lata!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, December 05, 2005
4:06 PM
mood: content and cold
sunday: had a dream about me and Kel goofing around (i miss her), and talking about Harry Potter in AP. odd. woke up, watched TV and got on the net. got off the net and played Mario Kart while listening to music. i unlocked new cars for all the racers!!! awesome. parents went to the store and we blasted music. had lunch. parents came home and i read some "Imperius". dad put the Christmas lights up and we watched the AWESOME Bears VS. Packers game!!!!! it was great!!!!!!! and we won! 8 in a row, now? heehee! i read all existing parts of "Imperius". i must now wait for updates. parents went to the store again and i listened to more music while playing DS. they came back with dinner and i got off the PC for the first time all day to eat. then played more DS, lol. then we watched some TV. not a bad day.
monday: ok morning. PC lab, got to be on for a little bit but then i was kicked off. so i sat in the french room coloring, lol. got a 29 out of 30 on french quiz and we began the future tense. pretty easy. cat in anatomy. groups in history and G was singing Christmas songs in Korean! it was cool. talked to Ashlene in homeroom and lunch. groups in morality and Ashlene created Mr. Popcorn!!! lmao, wow. had some fun talk about teeth in AP (lol), and then Scarlet Letter discussion. i am sorry but that book is duuulllll!!! ick. got caught with gum for the first time ever in algebra. lol. after school, talked some with chrissy and lin, went to the library. did shit in the web, hung with nadia. came home, had dinner and now i am on here! lata!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Saturday, December 03, 2005
5:55 PM
mood: happy
music: cute guy on TV singing Frank Sinatra songs :)
thursday: ahhhhh! December!! and with it comes snow and this, in turn, shows us how unprepared Chicago is for snow, despite the fact that we get alot of it.......every year! dumbasses. well, we got all ready and we get out there and it was pretty much a sheet of ice, lots of accidents and sliding. so, we got mike to school and we were going, like, 5 MPH. so, mom looks at me and goes, "you're not goin'". yay!!! hooky day!!!!!!!! :) so, we went to Dominick's and ordered my corsage for the dance. we sat at home and watched "Oprah". then we went to Target. omg, that is a biiiiiiiig store. we spent, like, an hour in there!!!!!!! bought alot of Christmas presents i'm "supposed to forget about". lmao. we got White Castle for lunch. sat at home, eating and watching "Lucy". went to the Dollar Store and Walgreen's. picked up mike and came home. watched some TV. then i used the treadmill for the first time! it was nice. 20 minutes and 81 calories burned! sweetness. i don't think i'm fat but my butt needs some work. lol, sorry, TMI. had dinner, watched TV, got on the net. printed a few pics and watched a GREAT episode of "The Apprentice"!!!
friday: well, quite a good day, started bad though. the garage wouldn't open so we had to lift it!!! it's really heavy! lord. sat in the library talking. took a test in algebra with Christmas music on. took a quiz in french and sang some christmas songs. group quiz in history. talked to ashlene in homeroom and lunch. stupid circle in morality but then me and ashlene got to talk alot. very fun. poetry circle in AP! quiz in anatomy. mom picked me up at 3:00!!! weird!!!! we came home and i had a little something to eat, watched some TV. then i shaved my hairy hairy legs and re-did my nails. got on the net and talked to some of my peeps. :) got dressed and me and my dad set off for the "Daddy-Daughter Dance"! talked alot on the way there. got there, checked our coats and ate. we were the unfortunate first people into the gym. so we just sat at first. then they played, "Saw Her Standing There" and we had to dance! then we took our picture. danced some more, sat in the cafeteria talking for a bit. more dancing. they played a lot of rap, which sucked. but they also played "Don't Stop Believin'" for the Sox fans!! also played "Butterfly Kisses" and that "Time of Your Life" song, both of which made me BAWL! god, i'm a sap. so then i stole a balloon centerpiece and we headed home. talked alot on the way home too! :) came home and watched TV.
saturday: woke up, watched TV and played some DS. got dressed and vacuumed the whole family room. then the guy came to fix our garage door and he was CUTE!! lol. went out, got presents for allllll my friends, so i'm done!!! also bought a new journal so i am BROKE! lol. came home. went out to BK for lunch. then Target where we got mike's new glasses. then Dominick's. came home, and wrapped presents. then played some DS, i am ADDICTED! lol. had dinner and then finished all my Anatomy homework!!! SCORE!!! lol. now i am on here. the past 3 days were GREAT! i can only hope the weeks ahead will be the same.
update: there is a new survey on my LJ.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
seventeen, QoP, chicago, friends, family, blogging, fanfiction, Harry Potter, Remus Lupin, chocolate, journaling, driving, The marauders, classic rock, alternative, swing music, Beatles, Graham Colton Band, Switchfoot, Maroon 5, Beatles, Billy Joel, Michael Buble, Click Five, Wicked Jack Lemmon, the 50's and 60's, conservative, George W. Bush, old movies, reality TV, SHOEBOX PROJECT, AIM, remus/sirius lurve, remus/tonks lurve, White Album, inside jokes, hangin' out, internet, LiveJournal :)

%Mood: Busy
%Book: "Duty and Desire" by Pamela Aidan
%Song: KT Tunstall, AAR & Switchfoot
%TV:"Seinfeld", "Simpson's", "Frasier", "Arthur", "Nova", "The Apprentice"
%Film: "The Terminal"
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
Daily Dudes
%Mary ~ Slowly Drifting
%Kris ~ Blurred Vision
%Kelly ~ Lost Freak
%Chrissy ~ Burning Soul
%Lin ~ Fairytale Dreams
Affilates of Myself
% My MySpace
%My LiveJournal ~ "Notorious Notations"

%The Marauders
