Tuesday, January 31, 2006
4:28 PM
mood: conflicted
watching: "American Idol"
monday: Ok, had a weird dream. Ok morning, Mike stayed home sick. Stupid LJ would not work in the PC Lab. Did "Carmen" in french class. Then, liturgy. It wasn't that bad. There was a cute little kid's choir and a sad homily and the "Our Father" in different languages....but Miss Laehart sat next to me, good God. Boring video in history. Ashlene wasn't here, so I read in homeroom. Ate in silence at lunch and then read. Really boring in P&J, so I colored. :) "Heart of Darkness" in AP Lit. GOT A 97% ON MY ALGEBRA TEST!! Never happened before. Wow. Did a little 'math bee'. Multitude of announcements in anatomy and then took a quiz which I found easy after my studying. After school was....AN IRRITAION FEST!! YAAAAAAAY! Lol. Someone was on my PC and LJ didn't work and then I found one with sound and did some fun BBM stuff. Came home, had dinner, watched TV. Got on the net. Got off and we watched "Skating with Celebrities", "Mad About You" and "Green Acres".
tuesday: Another memorable dream, wow. Mike stayed home again and mom got to come with me to school!! Parent Visitation Day! YAY! We signed in and hung in the cafe with my peeps and Ashlene's mom and Ashlene. We had a big crowd! Lol. Learned something new in algebra. Did "Carmen" in french. Loads of "Heart of Darkness" in AP Lit. P&J was awful, now mom sees! Lol. We sat on the laptop the whole time, playing solitaire and talking with Ashlene and her mom. I didn't get a pin in the Academic Award Assembly.........poo, I was a little sad. Mom tagged along to lunch, we talked and then she left. :( Review game in history. Yeah, we should never ever do those games cuz we have Gabbie in our class and she's a competitive psycho! Lol. Notes and talking in anatomy. After school was NUTS. I got LOADS and LOADS of comments on my LJ post about gays.......wowza. Spent my time replying and listening to SBP and then the BBM soundtrack. Did a lot of thinking on the ride home. Came home, had dinner, did work and then got on here. I just wrote two more LJ posts on my topic of the month........wow. Yeah, and that is all. Well, "American Idol" is on, later!

*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, January 29, 2006
8:37 AM
mood: content
music: FM Static: Something to Believe In
saturday: It was a rather boring day, really. Woke up, watched TV with Mike, got on the net. Got off the net and read some ff. Had lunch and talked about my courses. Parents went out and I listened to music and finished my "night of the full moon" epilogue!! :) Then I got on the treadmill, finally! Did 22 minutes and burned 93.4 calories, not bad! Watched Spiderman bloopers and then the Switchfoot DVD. Mike came home from Matt's and we listened to music, including FM Static, which made me feel immensely nostalgic!! Lol. Read some ff and had dinner. Got on the net again! Lol. Posted my epilogue and emailed a lady from our local newspaper for a job. Got off and we watched "Jeopardy" and "Seinfeld" and then "3 Stooges".
sunday: Woke up, watched TV, got on the net. ALLY WAS ON!! Lol. It was fun talking to her!! The poor thing is sick again! :( Got off the net and read ff. Went upstairs and watched Mike play Hockey and Football on Dreamcast. Then he went on Sonic and all our data was deleted. Holy crapola, that sucks. Parents went out. I folded towels, watched Mike play and did my history. Had lunch and then me and Mike quizzed each other for our respective tests. Sifted through my bookshelf, that was fun. Mikey went outside and I read some "Heart of Darkness". Had dinner and now I am on here! Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, January 27, 2006
3:51 PM
thursday: Had an ok morning, talked with the peeps in the cafeteria and Chrissy invited me to her birthday party next week! We finished "Carmen" in french. Did worksheets in anatomy, and a quiz in algebra. Vocab quiz and Dorian Gray discussion in AP Lit. Colored in Peace and Justice, lol. And he said.....'incidences'.....dude, that's not a word. God. Talked in homeroom and lunch with Ashlene. Took a quiz in history. After, spent my two hours on the net!!! Heehee. LiveJournal would not work, but I still managed to have fun! I watched the BBM trailer....and listened to the BBM soundtrack....and read the BBM short story. I FINISHED IT! It's really quite a brilliant story. :) Came home, had dinner, did some work and then went on the net. Spent some time on there. Got off and watched "Dancing with the Stars".
friday: Had a pretty good morning, except that the ride seemed really looooooong. Sat in the cafeteria talking. Took an easy quiz in algebra! And she told me I got 'em all right!!!!!!! OMG. There was no WQOP. We watched different forms of "Carmen" in french class. Took notes in history. Decorated my planner with Jake-y and talked in homeroom. Talked in lunch. Took a fairly easy test in P&J and then colored my Jake page. It's pretty sexy! Started "Heart of Darkness" in AP Lit and then did a fun poetry circle!! Reviewed in anatomy. Then, on my way out of school, I busted my thumb nail off!!! Holy mo*her fu*ker, it hurt like hell!!! Ouch! We stopped at Game Crazy and Mike bought a game. Came home, ate, had dinner, colored, and now I am on here! Lata!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
2:20 PM
mood: content
tuesday: Well, I totally dreamed about BBM. Lol. Dad woke us up around 5:30 to say goodbye, it was a little sad. Had an ok morning, lots of snow! Sat with my peeps and talked. I was a little worried about dad's flight. Review in algebra and then a small quiz. "Carmen" in french class. Talked a lot in AP Lit and scored our essays. I put some post-its in my planner during P&J and pretty much ignored the inane babble Mr. D puts out. Got course info for next year, (SENIOR YEAR, BABY!), in homeroom. Talked in lunch. Notes and a quiz in history. Lastly, worked on sheets in history. After school, mom and Mike were there to pick me up! Weird. We picked up dinner, came home, ate, watched TV and then got on the net real quick. Did some junk, got off and mom would not let me print my Jake pics.....urgh. Watched some TV. Dad called!!! It was nice to hear from him. Then me and mom talked about college and my courses. Then I got to relax and watch "American Idol", great episode!!
wednesday: Ok morning, it was a little rushed because dad wasn't there to wake us up and mom woke up a little late, eek. We were in the library but they were being mean, so we vacated. We sat in the cafeteria talking. Ashlene showed me pictures of her puppy!!! Adorable!! Anatomy first period, we worked the whole time. Got a good review in algebra and I think I get it. :) Notes in history, worked in homeroom, talked in lunch. Peace and Justice was full of more inane babble, good God. So I colored, lol. Discussed the wonderful Dorian Gray in AP Lit. Aaaand "Carmen" in french class. After, mom and Mike were there again! Lol. Picked up dinnner, came home, ate and now I am on here! Daddy comes home today!! Yay. Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, January 23, 2006
4:05 PM
mood: content
sunday: woke up, watched TV, got on the net. Did some shtuff, got a lot of Brokeback Mountain and Jake Gyllenhaal icons. :) Got off the net and typed my AP Lit and French homework. Got off the computer and ate McDonald's for lunch. Then I worked on my homework in the kitchen. I also watched crazy Matt and crazy Kevin and their insane dog in the snow. Very very amusing. Mikey went out with them and I went back on the computer. I organized some icons. Then the stupid fireplace smoked up the entire family room, so I went in my room till I could breathe again! Geez. Came back down and finished my Remus/Sirius fanfic. Got off and ate dinner. The STUPID Pittsburgh Steelers won. Gag me. Got back on the PC, uploaded some music and read a little BBM. Got off, watched a little football and then we put on "Holiday Inn" which is one of the cutest movies ever! I love it! Watched the end of football. Seahawks are in the Superbowl! I'm ok with that, I'm gonna root for them, not stupid Steelers!
monday: Ok morning, my head was full of Brokeback Mountain, teehee. The stupid PC lab wasn't open, grrr. Then the stupid people in french class were trying to get out of doing their work and I wanted to smack them all, God. Took notes in anatomy. Took notes in history and then a small quiz. Talked in homeroom and in lunch. Mr. D babbled all through Peace and Justice, so I did other homework. AP was fun! We talked about nonsense and then about Dorian Gray. :) Love that book. Had a sub in algebra, so we just worked. After school, gave Chrissy my P&J book and headed to the library. Watched the BBM trailer, among other things. Also posted my Remus/Sirius fic! I am doomed...to be in a Jake Gyllenhaal/gay cowboy coma for the rest of the week, if not the rest of my life. Lol. Came home, had dinner, did homework. And now I am on here! Later!!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Saturday, January 21, 2006
3:52 PM
mood: cold, lol
music: HP&GoF soundtrack: "Magic Works"
friday: I had a pretty good day. Sat in the library with the peeps. Small and fairly easy quiz in algebra, then we learned something new. WQOP was cool with a "Full House" theme. I miss that show!! Did "Carmen" in french class. Got a 30 out of 30 on history quiz (!) and we did our mock Constitutional Convention thing. In homeroom we went to the college center and got our PSAT scores. I think I did fairly well. Talked with Ashlene in lunch. Peace and Justice was full of stupid people and all he did was talk, so I did my french homework. AP was a lot of fun, we talked about colleges and then had a poetry circle. :) Anatomy was a lot of fun too! It was, u know, last period on a Friday and everyone was a little nuts, and we were taking notes on the brains and me and Ashlene kept cracking jokes, it was just fun. Lol. After school, talked a little to Chrissy, then went into the library. I listened to the Mugglecast mix and then part of episode 22, but then I found it.........the Brokeback Mountain trailer. OMG. I wanna see that movie so bad, God. The trailer was fantastic!! And I am now in love with Jake Gyllenhaal, lol. Came home, had dinner, watched the sexy being on "Family Ties" for the last time, weep. Got on the net. Got off, read a little of the Brokeback Mountain short story, and began writing a new Remus/Sirius fic. Got off, watched "Trading Spouses". Went upstairs with Mike, listened to music, played a little Vegas Stakes on the good old SNES, and read a little Shoebox. :)
saturday: Woke up with an odd dream in my head. I was like, I don't know, it was weird, that's all. I think there were gay cowboys in it........lmao. The ground was covered with snow!! Hee, it's pretty! Watched TV, played with Legos with my brother. Parents went to the store. Me and Mike actually made grilled cheese again! Lol. Then we sat down and watched "Spiderman", the first one. It was good. The parents came home. I got on the PC to make an icon-printing-page. Got dressed and me and mom went to the library. Got some articles for SCS out of a book and then off a database. Printed some icons, including some Brokeback Mountain! Heehee. Came home, I got my report card!!!! C in algebra, A in history, anatomy and french. B in morality and AP. Not bad., 3.6 GPA and B honor roll too. Sat around, typed some stuff, had dinner and now I am on here. Lata!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, January 19, 2006
4:04 PM
mood: content
wednesday: Ok morning. Sat with the peeps in the library. Took the quiz in anatomy. It was bloody hard!!! Worked on sheets in algebra. Hate that class. History was all right, we took notes. Me and Ashlene did anatomy homework in homeroom. NO IDIOTS IN LUNCH!!!! They were on some field trip, it was awesome, very peaceful, lol. Peace and Justice was mucho stupid. Me and Ashlene talked for most of the period. Had a substitute in AP Lit, took a poetry quiz and then worked on homework. Did more "Carmen" in french and Ms. Jancys got really really mad at Jasmine, and I don't blame her! Jasmine is disrespectful! It's annoying. After school, took a history make-up quiz. Then went to Chess Club where Chrissy beat me twice! Lol. Came home, Mike and Mom bought a new ribbon for the typewriter! Awesome. Had dinner, did work and got on the net. Also watched "American Idol". Got off the net and watched "Skating with Celebrities", which was suprisingly ok!
thursday: Another ok morning. Went to FNHS tutoring, no one came, lol. I read part 24. "Carmen" in french class. I got 19 wrong on the anatomy quiz!!! LMFAO. But, we got to correct it and get half points for each corrected thing, so that's good. Board work in algebra. It was Miss Wille's birthday! Awesomeness. She gave us cookies! And we sang the AP jazzy-style birthday song! Coolie. :) Then we took a Dorian Gray quiz and I got them all right!!!! Peace and Justice was boooooring. Talked about internet safety in homeoroom. Stupid Ms. Graney. Talked A LOT in lunch. Groups in history. After, talked a little to Chrissy. Then mom picked me up cuz the library was closed, and my brother had a detention so she could pick me up! It was cool. I drove, we went and sat at Mike's school listening to the wonderful Bill O'Reilly. Mike came out, we came home and watched TV. Had dinner that dad brought home. Did homework, watched "Family Ties" and now I am on here! Lata!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
5:12 PM
mood: a little irritated
monday: Martin Luther whatever it is day! All that matters is that we had the day off! Woke up, mom left for work, we watched Oprah, lmao. Then I watched Mikey play a Donkey Kong "ROM". It looks like fun! Got on the PC. Me and Mike read the two newest Underground Lakes. :) They were fabulous! Then we got the old typewriter out of the basement! I love it. I typed up my initial ideas for my new mystery novel. I may be posting it on Fiction Alley or on my LJ. We actually made grilled cheese! I mean, we used the stove! Lol. Watched the bloopers and some of the documentaries on Spiderman 2. Watched "Lucy" and our latest "Mary and Mike Show". Mom came home. Watched TV, typed out my plot synopsis, had dinner. Got on the net real quick. Saw my lovely new Remus/Sirius layout! Love ya Chrissy. ;) Got off, got dressed, and we set off for the dentist. Ick. But, as usual, it was nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be. And my teeth felt really clean! :) Um, the assistant there is going to be on American Idol!! Awesome. Afterwards, I got to read a magazine fullllllll of "Brokeback Mountain", I wanna see that movie so damn bad. :) Came home and watched "Wife Swap".
tuesday: Went to school for the first time in six bloody days. Incipent madness, lmao. Ok morning, got my admit and talked to Lin a little. Went in the PC Lab and printed out part 24 of Shoebox. :P Board work in algebra. "Carmen" in french. Wrote an in-class essay in AP Lit. NO DOUBLE!!!!!!!! WAHOO! Instead, I got to see the Colombian students do a dance! It was cool. Talked A LOT with Ashlene in both homeroom and lunch. Changed seats in history! I'm not by stupid Christy anymore!!! YAY!! I'm by Keli now! :) We took notes. In Anatomy, me and Ashlene talked more. After school, went to FNHS. It was kinda boring. Then I went on the net, only I didn't get much done, grr. Came home, had dinner, started homework and now I am on here. Lata!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, January 15, 2006
3:19 PM
mood: chipper
saturday: Wow, I woke up feeling soooo much better!!! It was amazing. Except that sometime during the night, I went to the bathroom and almost fell down the stairs, lol. Yeah.....um. Despite the fact it was the full moon, I felt wonderful. Lol. I read for most of the morning. Also, our new oven was delivered!! It's very modern looking. :) Parents went to the store and I hung out with Mike. Parents came home and with them came lunch. We ate. They went out again and I got on the net. I spent a loooooong time on there, fiddling with my fanfiction favorites. Did you know I have written 28 stories??? It's crazy. They came back. Mom made some pie crust in her new oven and we just ate the crust like that, lol, it was good. :) Got off the net and organized some crap. Got off and goofed around with Mike. Saw the creeeeepy full moon out the back door!! Had dinner. Watched some TV and read. Watched "The 3 Stooges" and "The Magnificent Seven", which starred the cutie Steve McQueen!! :) Lol. It was a very good day.
sunday: GAME DAY!! Lmao. I had a dream that Chrissy had some sort of school project and me and Lin were helping her with it. It was weird. Finished my "Gilda Joyce" book. It was very good and I cried at the end, lol. I'm a sap. Woke up, watched some TV and talked. Checked my mail real quick and saw the little Rita Skeeter Lin sent me!!!!! I LOVE it!!! <3 Had lunch, watched TV. Got on the PC and typed some notes for my new mystery novel. Heehee. Got off and helped my parents hang some pictures on our bare walls! Took History notes and watched the Steelers/Colts game. The stupid Steelers won!!! Gag me. Then the Bears/Panthers game came on!! We got off to a baaaaaad start. I finished all my notes!!! PRAISE THE LORD!! I absolutely abhor history notes! Lol. Had dinner and now I am on here. Lata!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, January 13, 2006
5:03 PM
mood: sooooo sick
there is no point in saying anything about yesterday (thursday) and today (friday). i stayed home both days. thursday i was coughing up my lungs. today i decided to use three boxes of tissue. ok, that's an exxageration. but i was pretty miserable today. bleh. the past two days have sucked big time. and on top of it, one of Ally's dad's friends died and i'm miserably sick anyways, so we are not meeting tomorrow. blech again. i am soooo sick. i asked my mom to smother me with the couch pillow but she refused. lol. so, yeah, nothing happened and i am therefore excused from posting, lmao. also, because i am so dreadfully sick, i am pardoned for going back on my resolution to use good grammer when posting, lol. so, maybe something interesting will happen over the weekend and then i shall post.
in case you're wondering, i don't feel like posting on my LJ either. later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
4:06 PM
mood: sick
tuesday: woke up in a bad mood. was tired, had a scratchy throat and did not feel like conversing with anyone. blah. sat in the library with my peeps and got to see a pic of Ashlene's doggy! had an algebra quiz first period. i hate that class with a passion. got my FNHS shirt in french class and we watched clips of "Farinelli". interesting, to say the least. we sat in our old seats as a form of nerdy protest in AP Lit. i got a B- for the semester and we did poetry. had a coughing fit in Peace & Justice during prayer. took an easy quiz and read. talked in homeroom. talked in lunch. also got a frame for the Daddy-Daughter Dance picture. took notes in history. then, me and ashlene finished all the cat dissection notes in anatomy! after school, hung with chrissy in the library. came home, had dinner, did history notes. got on the net. when i got off, we watched a really cool edition of "Nova". we're nerds.
wednesday: ugh, stayed home sick today. just felt icky and blah. and i had a fever. i just watched TV all day. there's not much to say. they were showing medical miracles on Oprah, and i got to see Bob the Builder, lmao. so, yeah, i just sat around.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, January 09, 2006
4:30 PM
mood: tired but excited, lol.
quote: "Nothin' really matters, anyone can see, nothin' really matters. Nothing really matters, to meeeeeeeee."~Bohemian Rhapsody
sunday: woke up and mom had gone to work. so me and dad sat around watching TV. then i got on the net. mike got up sometime in there. got off and began preparation for the Mary and Mike Show. then we took the ornaments off the tree. and after much cursing and yelling, got them back in their boxes. dad got us White Castle and McDonald's for lunch. yummy. more preparing for the show. FINALLY, we did it. god almighty, takes us forever to get ready.....man. it was a lot of fun tho. the only bad part was that dad got a little annoyed with us for being loud, lol. we finished it and watched the end product. in my humble opinion, it came out wonderful! clarity on the film, and u could hear us and the music clearly, it was spiffing. mom came home. we had dinner and watched Seinfeld. i put my clothes away. then, we watched "Spiderman 2". i cannot get enough of that movie!!! :) 6 days to Ally!
monday: so tired in the morning, my bed felt soft and warm. and then i had to get up and take a shower. blech. we heard Bohemian Rhapsody on the radio! lol. awesome song. PC Lab in the morning. did email and flist and crap. did stuff for Carmen in french. Ashlene got a puppy!!!! lol. it sounds cute. :) we did packets and talked alot. disussed and got into groups to read the Declaration of Independence in history. talked in homeroom. talked in lunch. Peace and Justice was the most boring thing i have ever sat through in my entire life. i want to shoot myself. lordy. changed seats in AP Lit. and we began "The Picture of Dorian Gray". discovered that Oscar Wilde was gay! that explains alot.........lol. Staatz was here in algebra, shoot me. she said hi to me and i was like, "Get away u scumbag". i hate her. did a sheet in there too. after school, helped Ashlene with her very fun grammar thingys for english. i wish i had to do those!!! lol, grammer nerd alert. also did my shtuff on the net. came home, had dinner, read for AP and now i am on here. 5 days to Ally!!! CAN'T WAIT!! lol. lata!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Saturday, January 07, 2006
3:53 PM
mood: content
music: Nada Surf: Hi-Speed Soul (I LOVE THIS SONG!!)
friday: pretty good day. went on the net in the morning. did email and flist and posted on the Shoebox Cult. packet in algebra. future tense and "Carmen" in french. discussed notes in history, blah, i didn't even do them. evaluated Mr. D in homeroom, heehee, i gave him a pretty bad review. :) talked in lunch. Peace and Justice was dull. i am going to hate that class, i know because i have seer blood in me, lmao. got a kinda bad grade on my King Lear paper in AP Lit and i was a little upset about that. but then we did poetry and that was fun. muscle packets in anatomy and got my semester grade of "A". after school, finished listening to "The Leaky Mug". omg, it was hysterical!!! came home, had dinner. dropped mike at his friend's house for a sleepover. went to Walgreen's, and then Target where i bought brand new headphones, (LOL), and a GoF desk calendar. both things rock da hizzouse. lol, i'm so not ghetto. lastly we stopped at Dominick's. came home, tried headphones and spent about 2 hours on the net. organized some files. and then me and mom watched "Mad About You" and "Seinfeld".
saturday: woke up, watched a little TV and then got on the PC. i had a very fanficcy morning! lol. i read tons of fanfiction from 10:00 until noon!!! had lunch and talked. then back on for a little more ff. then i got dressed and me and mom went to the library. i printed some icons, got two books and copied some cat shtuff for anatomy. stopped at Aldi and came home. mike was home when we got back! lol. i missed him. we just had a steak dinner and now i am on here. lata dudes!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, January 05, 2006
4:09 PM
mood: meh
wednesday: well, last day of break. weep not for me, but for the things i may have done. lol. after mom left for work i watched "The Mary and Mike Show", the August 3rd edition that i found lying in mike's room after HOURS of searching. ok, maybe not hours. the point is, it was fun and i really loved it, i've been looking for that episode!!! urgh. mom and dad called me. i got to watch the new love of my life, "Bob the Builder". lmao, don't ask, i just like it. played Super Mario. had lunch and watched a "Who's the Boss?" reunion on the Tony Danza Show. it was good, i like that show. :) more Mario and watched Lucy, then Starting Over. mom and mike came home. i got on the PC to type up some shit and write the next chapter of my ff. got off and watched TV. dad came home. we had dinner and watched Arthur. got on the treadmill, but only for 6 minutes cuz my stomach hurt. got on the net. and when i got off, we all watched "Nanny 911", the nanny on there sounds like Remus on SBP_aloud! lmao. same accent.
thursday: woke up, and it was early. eek. back to school day! urgh. we got KICKED OUT of the friggin library that we pay $6, 000 to use. god. so we sat in the cafeteria instead. lol. french was all right, we had a speaking activity. got two new people in anatomy, got an A on that exam and changed seats!!!!!!! i'm next to Ashlene!!!!!!!! yay. algebra was a bummer. 60 on the cumulative and 75 on the exam. gag me. changed seats. two new people in AP Lit, which was soooooo fun today!! she LOVED my book review! i was thrilled. :) Peace & Justice, what fun. it's gonna be just as boring as morality, maybe worse cuz we'll be talking about social issues and i do not agree with most of my peer's views on things. god almighty, save me now. talked and read in homeroom. ignored the idiots and talked with Ashlene in lunch. did superb on the US History exam! a whopping 94 out of 95. and i have an A in the class. i love that class!! except of course that i have to put up with IDIOTS. lordy. after school, sat on the net listening to the Xmas Mugglecast episode which i LOVED! it was alot of fun. came home, had dinner, did homework. and once again, here i am! we are back in the swing o' things! lmao. lata!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, January 01, 2006
8:06 AM
mood: a little upset but ok
quote: "No kicks in '06!!!" ~Mike and me ALSO "I haven't posted since last year!!" ~Me
saturday: last day of the year. bloody hell. woke up, watched TV and got on the net. eventually got off there and sat talking. then the parents went to the store so me, Mike and Grama played Scrabble! it was alot of fun. and Grama won! lmao. parents came home. we had a little lunch and played UpWords. dad started a fire and we watched "The Man Who Knew Too Much". then we all sat down to a yummy turkey dinner. mm-mm good! played a little Mario and then dominoes and mancala. watched "The Honeymooner's Christmas" and "Charlie Brown Christmas". started my book review and finished it! Grama complimented my writing! :) hee. wrote some of my new ff, ate cheesecake, watched "The 3 Stooges". and then we put on "North by Northwest", which i ADORE! of course, at midnight, we went out and made a bunch of noise, lol. very fun!
sunday: we had a fun new year's. after making noise, we came inside and watched the fireworks and music. then we couldn't stop saying things like, "I haven't gone to the bathroom since last year!" lmao. took me forever to get to bed. urgh. woke up, watched a thing about people who died last year. got on the net. got off, washed hair and made it all pretty. went to Daniello's for lunch. and then we all set off for DOWNTOWN!!!! yay. i love it down there, a lot. got some sight-seeing while looking for parking, lol. got in the parking garage and started off for Marshall Field's! we looked at the Cinderella windows and then went inside. we saw the big tree!! and mom got bags with the name on them cuz it's changing to Macy's. stupid New York, lol. then we went to Border's. i had my heart set on buying the book of "Wicked". but the cashier told us it was a very adult book, so the parents wouldn't let me get it. i was very very upset. went to see the huge tree by the Picasso and then headed home. i was tired and a little sick of being hospitable. blech. took Grama to my Uncle John's, and stuck around a little cuz my dad's Uncle Joe was there, fun guy, lol. then to the Orland Border's to compensate for me getting cheated downtown. i bought "Eragon", which i hear is good. came home, had dinner, called Lin and then we watched "Extreme Home Makeover" and a show on Gene Kelly (<3) and then "Lucy". good times.
monday: bit of a rocky start. felt icky and had trouble sleeping. then the rain woke me up. then i had to blow my nose, then i had to go to the bathroom! god. got up and called Chrissy. won't go into detail but they didn't get to come over. i was....a little upset. oh well. got on here and fooled around, talked to Lin. got off, had lunch, watched Lucy. then we all got dressed and headed for the theatre to see "The Chronicles of Narnia". it was WONDERFUL!! i loved it. got out, got dinner, came home, ate it and talked. went upstairs and watched TV as well as talked with mom.
tuesday: mom woke me up when she was taking mike to school. very very early. watched TV a little. mom came back and watched a little TV with me. then she left for work. watched fat people on Oprah, lol. folded towels. got on the PC. listened to music, (really loud), read ff and fooled with pics. talked to mom. then more ff. had lunch and Lucy, as usual. more TV. mom and mike came home. i watched "Starting Over". then i did the ACT practice for algebra. god, i bombed that. didn't even get to all the questions cuz it was timed. blech. dad came home. we had dinner and watched Arthur. and now i am on here.
sorry for taking so long to update!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
seventeen, QoP, chicago, friends, family, blogging, fanfiction, Harry Potter, Remus Lupin, chocolate, journaling, driving, The marauders, classic rock, alternative, swing music, Beatles, Graham Colton Band, Switchfoot, Maroon 5, Beatles, Billy Joel, Michael Buble, Click Five, Wicked Jack Lemmon, the 50's and 60's, conservative, George W. Bush, old movies, reality TV, SHOEBOX PROJECT, AIM, remus/sirius lurve, remus/tonks lurve, White Album, inside jokes, hangin' out, internet, LiveJournal :)

%Mood: Busy
%Book: "Duty and Desire" by Pamela Aidan
%Song: KT Tunstall, AAR & Switchfoot
%TV:"Seinfeld", "Simpson's", "Frasier", "Arthur", "Nova", "The Apprentice"
%Film: "The Terminal"
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
Daily Dudes
%Mary ~ Slowly Drifting
%Kris ~ Blurred Vision
%Kelly ~ Lost Freak
%Chrissy ~ Burning Soul
%Lin ~ Fairytale Dreams
Affilates of Myself
% My MySpace
%My LiveJournal ~ "Notorious Notations"

%The Marauders
