Monday, February 27, 2006
4:29 PM
mood: chipper
monday: Ok morning, I was rather tired. Did email, MySpace and surveys in the PC Lab. "Petit Nicolas" in french. Notes and a thick-ass packet in anatomy. Packet and video on Andrew Jackson in history. Talked in homeroom and lunch and the idiots were exceedingly annoying. Questions in P&J, I ignored the dope. "Huck Finn" stuff in AP Lit. Got my plate from Lin, lmao. :) Got a 24 out of 24 on my algebra quiz!!!!!!! And we did dry-erase boards and the fumes ..... they were unbearable! After school, grabbed my PC, talked with Chrissy. Then did email, and MySpace and listened to Mugglecast. Came home, had dinner, did work and watched TV and then made brownies for FNHS. And now I'm here.
tuesday: MARDI GRAS!!! Heehee. :) Had a good morning, has some interesting dreams. And I did a lot of thinking about a certain girl who really needs to
snap out of it. Sat in the cafeteria, helped Keli with math and then read Huck Finn. Then, all these people started pouring in all of a sudden!!! We tried to leave but the teachers were coralling us in. So we sat in the gym for a while. Well, it turned out that someone had pepper spray in their locker and it was leaking, and some people were coughing from it and they freaked out. Once again, it's a dumb thing and we don't get out of school.......lame. Went over the homework and took an 'exit quiz' in algebra. Went to the cafeteria for french party!!!! :) Wahoo!!!!!! I ate a cupcake and croissant and then helped set up for the bake sale. "Huck Finn" in AP Lit. Did my french homework in P&J because it was BORING!!!!!!!! Gawd. Talked in homeroom. For lunch, I worked on the French Bake Sale. I got to eat some of my lunch, sold a lot of beads and then collected in the cafe, which was yucky cuz I don't like hounding people for money. I helped clean up and then got to history a little late, where we just watched that video. Talked about the eyes in anatomy. After school, grabbed my PC, went to FNHS, but we weren't doing anything so I went back to the library and listened to Mugglecast. Came home, had yummy dinner, did work & watched TV. Now I am on here! :)

*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, February 26, 2006
8:07 AM
mood: chipper
friday: Ok morning, Michael Buble in the car and we stopped at Grama's to show her my article, lol. Got to school a little later than usual cuz of it. Sat in the cafeteria doing my history sheet and there were MALES in there!!!!!!! Lmao. Quiz in algebra, and then she gave us the Quadratic Formula thing on our calculators. Went to the library in french, watched WQOP and then researched our paper topics. Quiz with notes in history and then a sad fishbowl.....dumb. Talked in homeroom and lunch. Stupid circle in P&J, did some case studies. East ACT practice in AP Lit and then a poetry circle. Ashlene took a pic of Mister Plug in anatomy!!! LOL!! And we went over the worksheet. After school, grabbed my PC and then went to FNHS. We sorted beads and signed up for stuff. Listened to some Mugglecast. :) Came home, had dinner, watched TV, got on the net. Puttered around for a while. Got off and worked on revisions to my SCS Paper and my "Heart of Darkness" paper. They're all done now!! Got off, watched "Mad About You", "20/20", "King of Queens" and "Mad About You" again, lol. Oh, also, Matt slept over.
saturday: What a fun day!!!!! Woke up, watched a little TV and ate some breakfast. Mike and Matt wanted me to film their "Kid News", so I did. Took a shower. Ate a little lunch and watched their 'news'. Lin, her mom and her sister came for me at about noon. We listened to Buble in the car! Heehee. We arrived at her house, I got to see her awesome new room! We talked for a while about HP and school and stuff. Then we watched "The Breakfast Club" and ate brownies, lol. It was a good movie! Went to McDonald's where some old guy was talking to us and then some 12 year old hit on us!!!! LMAO!! Hilarious.....got to QoP and I called mom. Me and Lin talked while standing in line. They let us in and we got some pretty good seats. Chrissy, Katie and even Beth showed up!! Well, "Twisted" was excellent!!!! Very very entertaining and all the people were great in it!! Ashlene ended up coming and she came by us to talk at intermission. After it was over, my parents were there to pick me up. Came home and Mike showed me a bunch of music he had downloaded. We put some on a CD and listened to it upstairs, very fun. :)
sunday: Had some cool dreams. Woke up, watched TV and ate some yummy cocoa krispies. Got on the net. Got off, read the caption contest, organized some stuff and iTunes. Got off the PC, had some lunch. Dad started the taxes and he needed quiet so we went upstairs. We listened to music, I read Huck Finn and watched Mike on Sonic. Read some old journals and cleaned out journal cabinet. Read Huck Finn and listened to "Goblet of Fire" soundtrack. Watched "The Honeymooners", ate dinner and here I am. Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, February 23, 2006
12:16 PM
mood: content
wednesday: Mike stayed home again. Talked with the peeps, good times! ^__^ Worksheet in anatomy, new thing in algebra, went over packet in history. And look at that, in one sentence, teh morning is gone, lol. Talked and colored in homeroom. Lauren the Loser was all depressed in lunch, so me and Ashlene were like, "Isn't it a lovely day?!?" Lmao. Sat in a STUPID circle in P&J, it was boring, pointless and stupid so I colored. AP was very fun, we discussed "Huck Finn" and I just felt very included. ^_^ Chose research topics in french, I got Marie Antoinette, my first choice!!! :) After school, went to chess club and got my butt whooped, lol. Came home, MY MOM HAD COPIES OF THE PAPER WITH MY COLUMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yea, it pretty much rocks! Lol. Had dinner, did work and watched TV. Hung out on the net, read the "Imperius" update and THANK THE LORD......Remus is not dead, lol. But things still look grim...what a great fanfic, man. Got off, watched "American Idol" and voted!! Pretty cute boys...heehee.
thursday: Ok morning, I was in a good mood. Talked with the peeps, as usual, and I showed them my column!! ^_^ Hee. "Petit Nicolas" in french, sheet in anatomy, review for test in algebra, "Heart of Darkness" papers in AP Lit. Did the stupid ACT practice and then got in a stupid circle in P&J, grrrr.....I colored. Talked in homeroom. Lunch was very.........loud....wow. Um, did packets in history. After school, I grabbed my PC, hung a little with Chrissy, did email, listened to Mugglecast, watched the BBM trailer. Lin popped in, heehee, *pop*, lol. And then I talked a little with them, Chrissy cleaned out her locker!!!! Lmao. I bought a beverage. Lol. Came home, had dinner, read a little poetry for AP and now I am on here! Later days!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
1:45 PM
mood: content
monday: Sigh, day off! Woke up, watched TV, mom left for work and Mike came down. We watched "Regis and Kelly", lol. Then we put on good old "Spiderman 2"!! Love love love that movie!!! :) Ate lunch while listening to our old "Parkston's" shows, lmao, good times!!! I love my cousin Kev! ^__^ Got on the PC, listened to a lot of music, fooled with my iTunes, read some fanfiction and then watched "Lucy". Mom came home. I sifted through icons, read Remus/Tonks fanfics, and made icons with my face on them, lol, not sure if I want to use them yet. Got off and watched "Arthur Day" on TV. That was fun. Ate dinner and read a little bit of "Huck Finn". Got on the net and did a lot!! Got off, watched "Wife Swap".
tuesday: Let's see, Mike stayed home, listened to Michael Buble on the way to school and felt in weird mood. Meh, I don't know. No PC Lab, so I met up with Lin, Keli and Nicole. Lin hugged me and apologised, it's all good now, I was an idiot to think what I thought. Yeaaaaah, so, we sat in the cafe talking and it was fun! :) Imaginary numbers in algebra, good God, shoot me now!! Lots of off-topic talking in french, that's always fun. :) Huck Finn discussion in AP Lit. And what did we do in P&J? Well, what we always do!! WE SAT THERE! I dispise that class, Gawd. Talked with Ashlene in lunch and homeroom. Worked on a packet with Keli in history and we got a lot done!! Got SCS papers back in anatomy, (I got a 48 out of 50), and then we discussed the case studies. After school, grabbed my PC, Ashlene hung with me a little cuz she had to do grammar exercises. I read some emails and got some comments and listened to Mugglecast and watched my FAVORITE BBM clip, entitled "You don't go up there to fish". I love it. Came home, had dinner, watched TV, read some Huck Finn and now I am on here!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, February 19, 2006
3:29 PM
mood: content
music: Michael Buble: The More I See You
saturday: What a day!! First off, had an excellent dream that me and some other girl were living with Jake Gyllenhaal!!! Awesomeness. Woke up, had breakfast, watched some TV. Parents went out and I got on the net. Did bunch of stuff and got to IM with Kelly a bit. Got off, parents came back, and then went out again, lol. Me and Mike made some grilled cheese sandwiches and played around while eating them. Parents came home, we goofed off upstairs and I began cleaning off my desk a little. Then my mom came up and the frenzy began! We cleared off my desk completely, dusted everything that came off of it and the desk itself. We even began my dresser, but dinner was ready. Homemade chicken soup!!! Delicious!! Went back upstairs, cleaned my dresser, polished it and dusted everything that came off it, cleaned my bookcase and vacuumed the floor. Lots of cleaning, man..insanity. Took a nice shower. We watched "Cast Away", which is one of the best movies ever, and then a little of the Olympics.
sunday: Woke up and just laid in bed for a while, looking around my clean room, lol. It's very nice now. :) Watched some TV. Cleaned out one of my drawers in my dresser, had breakfast and dad told us some stories from his childhood. Those are realllllllly good! Lol. Went back up and finished my drawer. Put on some music, did homework AT MY DESK for once!!! Lol. Finished my french work, had some lunch. Put on the White Album, looked through old stuff I found on my desk, including really cute postcards from when my grandparents were in Florida, really cute. Got on the PC, burned CD's for dad, typed up blog, fooled with iTunes. Finished revisions on my "Heart of Darkness" paper while listening to some music. Had dinner and now I'm on here.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, February 17, 2006
4:02 PM
mood: meh
thursday: Really good day!!! Sat with the peeps and had fun talking. Pride Day! :) Read "Petit Nicolas" in french, discussed ALS in anatomy, got an 84 on my algebra test and had to go up to the board, blah. Writing workshop in AP Lit, easy test in P&J. Talked in homeroom and lunch with Ashlene. Stupid fishbowl in history....people are dumb. After school, we went to my locker and then Ashlene's, stopped at her house so I could meet her puppy! Cutest thing ever!! Then we went to the mall. Went to The Icing, Claire's, and Hot Topic. I bought a shamrock bracelet, a feather pen and a Gryffindor pen. Also stopped at Walden Book's where they had....the Brokeback Mountain screenplay. Wow. Ate at White Castle, bought stickers, lol. Came home and we talked a little with my mom. She left and I got on the net. 4-day weekend up ahead!
friday: No school!!! Wahoo!! :) Woke up, got some frosted flakes, mom left for work. I watched some TV, ya know something? It's really a shame that those men ice skaters are gay, cuz the skating looks pretty hot.....lol. Got on the computer and BLASTED Michael Buble!! Looked at icons, blasted some other music. Watched Simon Cowell on Regis & Kelly, he was hysterical! Back on the PC, pics and some videos and more music. Dad called me. Read the "Imperius" update.....OMG....Remus is gonna die!!! AHHHHH! It was a good chapter though, lol. Read a BBM fic, lots of music. Had lunch, watched Lucy and then put on Prisoner of Azkaban, and I began to write down all the mistakes they made, I'm up to 70 mistakes now. Yup.....sad state of affairs. Mike and mom came home, we watched Ellen and Jeopardy. Read some "Huck Finn" for AP Lit. Had dinner, watched TV and now I am on here. Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
4:26 PM
mood: cheerful
music: Switchfoot: Happy is a Yuppie Word
tuesday: Stupid moon was on my pillow last night.....grrr. Happy Valentine's Day! Mom and dad gave me candy as usual. And despite my quite obvious lack of male presence, I was in a good mood. Sat with my peeps. New thing in algebra. We sang love songs in french class. We read love poems in AP Lit! We were in a stupid circle in P&J, so I wrote my Remus/Tonks Valentine's fanfic. :) In homeroom we went to 'service fair' which was good for just about nothing except that we got some candy. Talked to Ashlene in lunch, obviously. Did an in-class essay in history which I think I did all right on and she signed my course contract. Dissected the brain in anatomy, SUPER EW! Grossness. After school, I grabbed my computer and went to the french room for FNHS, but no one was there. So I checked my email. Then I decided to go back just in case and they were all in there. So, yeah, we spent the meeting sorting through Mardi Gras beads. LOTS of beads!!! Gawd. Came home, had dinner, watched some TV and did work. Got on the net, posted my Valentine's Day ficcy. Got off, watched American Idol and they had a mean parody of Brokeback Mountain on it, jerks. Also watched "Mad About You" and "Green Acres".
wednesday: Had fun talking in the cafeteria and outside the library. Watched "ER" in anatomy, learned a new thing in algebra and then got to go to the counselor in history!! It was just the annual talk and it was fun! :) Did algebra and talked in homeroom. Talked a lot with Ashlene in lunch. P&J was a waste of my time. Did these article things and then just sat there.......gag me. Did writing workshop and course contracts in AP Lit. Read some of "Le Petit Nicolas" in french class. After school, spent some time listening to Mugglecast and shtuff. Came home, had dinner, did work and watched TV. Now I am on here! Well, later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, February 13, 2006
4:04 PM
mood: chipper
sunday: Woke up and the parents showed me my progress report. STRAIGHT A'S! EVEN IN ALGEBRA!!! Soooooooo exciting! Watched some TV, read some old journals and watched Mike on Dreamcast. Worked on the outline for my "Heart of Darkness" paper. Read the comics, watched more Dreamcast Mikey! Had lunch and then we got dressed to go get rewards for our good grades! Lol. :) First we went to Borders where I bought a new journal!! Then we went to Tiger Direct where Mike bought a joystick. It was veeeeery snowy on the way home!! Came home, mom and dad went out to buy a car battery, I watched TV under a comfy blanket. :) Then mom and dad came home and they exchanged their Valentine's gifts, lmao. Mom got dad an Eric Clapton CD and dad got mom the Michael Buble CD!!!!!!!!! I <3 it forever! :) Had dinner and got on the net. Also burned the Buble CD for myself! Got off, we watched Extreme Makeover: Home Edition and then "Mission Impossible", the TV show.
monday: Full Moon!! Lol. Pretty good morning, listened to Michael Buble on the way to school!!!! Lol. Can't get enough!!!!!!! PC Lab in the morning, typed out my Valentine for french. In french, I mounted it on some pretty pink paper. Whoo, alliteration, lol. Also got a 60 out of 60 on my "Carmen" quiz!!! We, uh, looked at the, uh.......sheep's brain in anatomy. Majorly GROSS. Icky. Essay stuff in history. Peace and Justice questions in homeroom and then read "Eragon". Talked in lunch. I did prayer in P&J, eek. I was nervous! Mr. D was extremely stupid and it was a dumb class all around. Talked about "Metamorphosis" in AP Lit. Had a sub in algebra and we took a quiz, it was kinda hard. After school, did some grammar exercises for Ashlene and then worked on my "Heart of Darkness" paper. Came home, had dinner and watched TV. And now I am on here..........going to go post on my LiveJournal now.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Saturday, February 11, 2006
3:40 PM
mood: content
music: Something to Believe In: FM Static
friday: Had fun sitting with the peeps in the library. Today was 'Harmony Day' so we had a screwy schedule. Did some COR pledge thing in first period algebra, then, we had a sub so we just did a worksheet. WQOP was all right. We worked on our Valentines in french. Then we went to hear a lady speak about her husband and Wisconsin Steel, it was all right. She was a nice old lady. Then we went to seperate rooms for group discussion. I hate group discussion, lol. Talked with Ashlene in homeroom and lunch. Peace and Justice was something else...Jasmine had a mouthful of water and Devonah made her laugh and she spit it all over her books, disugusting. Ugh. Then Mr. D was just being stupid! I did my algebra. Took notes in history. Food Friday in AP Lit!! And it was Ceci's birthday!! So first we sang, and then we ate cookies that Carly brought in. YUM! :) In anatomy, we went over case studies. And she was asking for an answer, and she's like, "Anyone? ......Bueller?" It was hysterical!! After school was busy, I grabbed my PC, hung our with Chrissy, bought a water and then got Miss Safranek's signatures. She was nice! Worked on my SCS paper and listened to Mugglecast. Came home, had dinner, watched TV. Got on the net for a while. Guess what? I finished my SCS paper!!!! Awesomeness. Watched some TV, read some of my old comic collection and listened to music. And then I watched Mike play football on Dreamcast.
saturday: Woke up at 10:30, lordy. Watched TV and then got on the PC when parents went to the store. Did icons, made a wallpaper, listened to music, read a HYSTERICAL fic about Remus and Sirius babysitting a young Tonks, then me and Mike played with lightsabers. Parents came home, we had lunch and watched a little of the Olympics. Back on the PC and parents out again, I made a Remus/Tonks wallapaper and then me and Mike played around. Parents came home, watched a little TV. Then I watched Mike play football on Dreamcast, Raiders VS Packers. Had dinner and we, (Raiders) won!!! 54 to 3! It was a cool game. Now I am on here. Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, February 09, 2006
4:07 PM
mood: content
music: Switchfoot: Daisy
wednesday: Ok morning, sat with the peeps. Took a quiz and worked on case studies in anatomy. Did a new thing in algebra. Quiz and groups in history. Talked and did anatomy in homeroom, talked in lunch. Wrote stuff in P&J, did my case studies, did my best to ignore the inane drivel, the usual. Talked about junk in AP Lit and then "Heart of Darkness". In french, we went to the dining room and watched the stupid little sophomore's global thing. Meh. After school was crappy. Chess was cancelled cuz Mr. Wolff wasn't here. :( So me and Chrissy sat in the library, bleh. Hung out at her locker. Came home, watched TV, had dinner, did homework, got on the net. Got off and we watched: "American Idol", "Mad About You" and then "Green Acres".
thursday: Ok morning. On "The Drive" they were playing actual record sides, and they played one side of the Beatles' "Rubber Soul". It was awesomness!! I felt a little werid and disoriented, I swear, I blame the stupid female monthyl occurence. Sat in the library and ALMOST forgot I had FNHS tutoring. So, I went upstairs for that. No one came, as usual, so I wrote my book review for the paper. Stuff in french and we got assigned a Valentine, I'm writing mine to Jake Gyllenhaal, lol. Went over case studies in anatomy. Work in algebra. "Heart of Darkness" essay prompts in AP Lit, we also discussed "The Metamorphosis"........weird story. Peace and Justice was boring as usual, I did my algebra and my french. Awesome. Talked in homeroom and lunch. We did our first "fishbowl" in history, it was all right. After school rocked. My PC had sound!! So I listened to Mugglecast, and watched the BBM trailer and typed some of my SCS and Lin became my editor!! Lmao. Came home, had dinner and worked on my courses, blech. Now I'm on here. Gonna go post on my LJ now. Lata!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
3:48 PM
mood: meh
monday: Had a bit of an irrritating morning. Monthly friend is coming, blah. Today was field trip day Sat in the french room a little. Then the bus came, the ride there was a little dull. But seeing the skyline was awesome as always! They dropped us off by the Art Institute and me and Cecy walked to a McDonald's. I had hot cocoa and 2 little hash browns. We walked in the BLISTERING COLD WIND to the Lyric Opera. We sat for a while and then the tour guide person dude came. We had a nice tour. Saw backstage and all the props and wigs and costumes and we got to go on the catwalk! Headed back. We were early so we stopped at Gertie's for ice cream! I had chocolate and sat with Citlalli and Abby. It was gooood ice cream! Lol. Got back to school a little late. Sat on the internet. My head hurt from not eating anything but hash browns and ice cream! Lmao. Came home, had dinner and got dressed. Then mom drove me to White Castle to meet with the editor of our little paper. It's all set! I get to write the column every month!! How cool?!??! Very. :) Came back home and sat on the net. Then we watched "Skating with Celebrities" and "Mad About You" and then "Green Acres".
tuesday: Ok morning, sat with the peeps in the library. Kinda hard quiz in algebra, blah. It was cooooooold in french, lol. We started a new tense. Talked about nonsense and then did "Heart of Darkeness" in AP Lit. Watched a boring video in P&J, I worked on some shtuff. Caught up with Ashlene in homeroom and lunch. We were in groups in history and had some fun with Ji! She's great. Reviewed a sheet in anatomy. After school, listened to Mugglecast Episode 22 and worked on essays. Came home, had dinner, worked and watched TV. And now I am on here. Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, February 03, 2006
5:26 PM
mood: cheerful
friday: Ok morning, it was snowy AND rainy, or as Chrissy says "snainy", lol. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRISSY!! Heehee. Sat in the cafeteria and then stood outside the library. Did new stuff in algebra and took a little exit quiz. Saw a pretty cool WQOP and took a "Carmen" quiz in french. It was reallllllly snowy in history!!! We took notes. Loads of "Heart of Darkness" in AP, that is one hard book! Talked in homeroom and lunch. I just worked independently on the worksheet and ignored Mr. D in Peace and Justice. And we did an ACT practice, Ashlene drew me a highlighter picture of me and a cowboy!!!!!! LMAO!! Did a sheet with Ashlene in anatomy. Talent Show!!!!!!!! The korean girl, 'G', did an AWESOME dance sequence as the opening act! It was great! And she's just the cutest thing. There was a lot of dancing and one singing act, and Irish dancing, and a quintet of violins, and the seniors did a dance thing to 90's music!!! It was a lot of fun. After school, got on my PC! HA! Lol. Watched the BBM trailer, did MySpace junk and then listened to a little of MuggleCast Episode 22. I'm behind!! Came home, had dinner, watched TV. Then went shopping for Chrissy-kins!
saturday: Wow, great day. Woke up, watched TV with Mike. Parents went to the store. I read ff and we blasted some music! :) Got dressed and parents came home. Had lunch, and then out we went! We dropped Mike off at Alex's and then me at Chrissy's! At first, it was just QoP peeps sitting in her room talking. And then Kelly came with Mary J. and Chris!!!!!!!!!! It was awesome! Chrissy was sooooooo surprised!!! So, in the end, all the people there were me, Chrissy (duh), Lin, Keli, Nicole, Katie, Kelly, Brandon, Chris, Kristina and Mary. It was soooooooooo fun. We played DDR and Soul Calibur (which pwns my soul). Chrissy opened her presents and she got HP Scene It!! So we played that and ate pizza, finished our game, (my team won! woot!). Ate some dessert and sat around feeling full of food. Lol. We took a big group picture and then my parents came for me. It was snowy on the ride home! We watched "Sorcerer's Stone", "North by Northwest" and then a 70's music infomercial! Lmao.
sunday: A pretty boring day. Although........IT'S SUPERBOWL SUNDAY!! Lol. Woke up, watched TV, got on the net. Poor Ally, she's feeling real bad at this time in her life. Pray for her, will you? Thanks. Got off. Had lunch and we put on "Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith". I worked on my history notes, mom made chocolate chip cookies. I worked on notes and we put on "Mission Impossible", the TV show! It's good. I just finished my notes!!!!!! YAY! So, I'm on here to celebrate. When I get off, we will feast on steak for dinner and then watch the big game! GO SEAHAWKS!!!!!!!! ^__^ Steelers suck. Well, later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, February 02, 2006
4:16 PM
mood: content
wednesday: IT'S FEBRUARY! Lol. Had a wonderful day! Mike stayed home again. It was a Pride Day and Student Appreciation Day, so there were crazy teachers in the hall telling us they appreciated us........wowza. Sat in the cafeteria and talked. Lin loved my entries! (Lin Campbell, you're my hero!) Took notes and talked in anatomy. Learned something new and got a new pencil in algebra. Took the Constitution Test in history, really not that bad. Talked in homeroom and in lunch, and the losers were......loser-ish in lunch. Mr. D gave us a crossword puzzle and stuff in peace and justice, loser. AP was boring, we had a sub and just sat doing "Heart of Darkness" questions. Got a pencil in french. Then each of us had to sing 4 lines from "Carmen".........by ourselves, in front of the class. Good Lord, I almost puked, but I did it and it's over. After school, went to chess club, where Chrissy beat me but we had a lot of fun playing! Hung at her locker and signed Kelly's yearbook. Came home, had dinner, did work and watched TV. Got on the net. Loads of LJ shit going on, God. Crazy, defensive people. IMed Madina, whom I miss dearly! Got off, watched "American Idol" and then watched "Mad About You" upstairs.
thursday: Busy morning. Mom let me pull the car out of the garage by myself. Lol. Saw the counselor. Sat with Nadia in the library and looked at prom dresses. Sat by peeps. Went to see my Constitution test grade, 62 out of 65, not bad! Review for the "Carmen" exam in french class. Worksheets and talked about our SCS paper in anatomy. Learned a new thing that I actually understand in algebra. Did a lot of good "Heart of Darkness" discussion in AP Lit. Then, in Peace and Justice, me and Ashlene both got called down to the counselor. So we all talked about course selections! It was great!!! Colored in homeroom. Took notes in history. After school, I hung out with Chrissy while the peeps decorated her locker. Then, when she left, I was pretty much a MySpace whore the whole time, yup. Kevin Kemp sent me a friend request.....wow. Came home, had dinner, worked and watched TV. And now I am on here. Well, more lata dudes!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
seventeen, QoP, chicago, friends, family, blogging, fanfiction, Harry Potter, Remus Lupin, chocolate, journaling, driving, The marauders, classic rock, alternative, swing music, Beatles, Graham Colton Band, Switchfoot, Maroon 5, Beatles, Billy Joel, Michael Buble, Click Five, Wicked Jack Lemmon, the 50's and 60's, conservative, George W. Bush, old movies, reality TV, SHOEBOX PROJECT, AIM, remus/sirius lurve, remus/tonks lurve, White Album, inside jokes, hangin' out, internet, LiveJournal :)

%Mood: Busy
%Book: "Duty and Desire" by Pamela Aidan
%Song: KT Tunstall, AAR & Switchfoot
%TV:"Seinfeld", "Simpson's", "Frasier", "Arthur", "Nova", "The Apprentice"
%Film: "The Terminal"
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
Daily Dudes
%Mary ~ Slowly Drifting
%Kris ~ Blurred Vision
%Kelly ~ Lost Freak
%Chrissy ~ Burning Soul
%Lin ~ Fairytale Dreams
Affilates of Myself
% My MySpace
%My LiveJournal ~ "Notorious Notations"

%The Marauders
