Thursday, March 30, 2006
3:38 PM
mood: hyper!!!!!
wednesday: Ok morning, listened to Buble on the way. Sat talking. Review in anatomy. Board work in algebra. Scrapbooks in history, thank God that's over! For homeroom, we went to the Little Theater to vote for class council. Blah, all preps. Talked in lunch. Stupid circle in P&J, did some stupid survey. Did workshops in AP, very fun! Took a very easy test on "Petit Nicolas" in french. After school, dad was there to pick me up. Came home and I got my report card! Four A's, one B, one C. Stupid algebra! Lol. Watched Jeopardy, did my algebra and dad told me hilarious stories from his high school days!! Lmao. Mom came home, we ate dinner, watched TV and then got on the net. Mom and dad went to a funeral for the father of one of dad's old firiends. When they came back I got off, we watched "American Idol", Lisa got kicked off.
thursday: Had a weird dream. Talked with dad on the way to school. Talked in the cafe. Talked and watched a little video in french. Review in anatomy. Quiz in algebra. AP was nice, we talked about "The Awakening". P&J is a STUPID class. I HATE it. Grrr. But me and Ashlene came up with some awesome ideas for the Spring Dance!! And we talked more about it in homeroom and lunch!! :) There was this niiiiice breeze in history, we looked at scrapbooks and talked. After school, dad was there to get me! Came home, watched "Ellen" and "Jeopardy". Did my algebra, had dinner, mom came home and now I am on here. LATER!!!!! ^__^

*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, March 27, 2006
3:42 PM
mood: content
monday: Weird morning, dad is taking off work to be with Mikey who is on Spring Break, so he took me to school. Talked with peeps. Review circle for "Petit Nicolas" in french, notes in anatomy, group quiz in history. Read in homeroom, talked in lunch. Worked on chapter questions in P&J. Took a quiz and discussed "The Awakening" in AP Lit. Board work in algebra. After school, the whole fam was there to pick me up..........yea. Picked up dinner, saw the WHITE SOX CHAMPIONS TROPHY at the sports center by us. Came home, ate dinner, watched TV, got on the net. Got off, watched "The Apprentice" and painted my nails 'dreamy poppy', very nice. :)
tuesday: Ok morning, listened to Switchfoot on the way to school. ^__^ Sat in the cafeteria. Went to first period but then we got to skip both first and second for, "CRASH", a presentation on drunk driving. It was kinda boring, but the stories were sad. Writing workshop in AP Lit and everyone LOVED my paper!!!! :) Stupid circle in P&J. It was pointless so I read "The Awakening". Also read in homeroom and talked in lunch. Scrapbook groups in history, went over the case study in anatomy. After school I went to FNHS, loads of stuff going on. Oi. Dad came for me at 3:30. Came home, ate, mom came home, she ate, lol. Watched TV and did some Marie Antoinette research. Now I am on here. :) Later dudes!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, March 26, 2006
10:39 AM
mood: accomplished
Friday: My day off!!! Woke up, saw QoP on the news again! Lol. Mom ended up not going to work cause she didn't feel very good. Spent the morning on the computer. Listened to some old school music like "Backstreet Boys" and "Aaron Carter" and even "Lindsay Pagano". Craziness. Also read the two newest chapters of "Imperius" and sorted through all my icons. Got off and me and mom watched "Pride and Prejudice"! Had some lunch too. Mom loved the movie, which I was happy about, and I loved seeing it a second time! :) Watched "Lucy" and went to get Mike. Came home, it was pretty snowy! Did my history, watched "Ellen" and "Jeopardy". Matt's mom came over to talk a little. I hung out with Matt and Mike in the basement, lol. Had some dinner, got on the net. Got off, watched "Deal or No Deal", "Trading Spouses", and then "The Simpson's".
Saturday: Woke up, watched some TV. Then me and Mike put on the ridiculous "Donkey Kong Movie" that we bought in Michigan cause it's one of our childhood memories, lmao. It's sooooooooo bad!! But that's the whole point. Looked through Mike's old Lego magazines and I got to organizing Mike's bookshelf, which was very messy! Played around and the parents went to the store. There was pretty much no food in the house so me and Mike were starving!! Played a little Goblet of Fire on the computer. The parents came back and we begged them to get us some lunch, they did. They came back, we ate, QoP was in the Chicago Tribune!! Awesomeness. Listened to some music, organized iTunes. Then I began the dreaded "Huck Finn" paper, gawd. Got on the net to find some critical essays. Also checked my mail, responded to comments and did a little of my flist. Big news!! A young Remus has been cast for "Order of the Phoenix"! I think he looks good. :) Got off, ate some dinner. Worked more on my paper, I got 3 paragraphs done! Got off to watched "The 3 Stooges" and then "The Honeymooners".
Sunday: Woke up this morning, watched some TV, ate some chocolate chip muffins. Watched Mike play Sonic and then took a shower. I just finished my paper and here I am. I'm not waiting till tonight to post this because I'm already off schedule and not much is going to happen today anyways. So, here's the update. Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, March 23, 2006
3:54 PM
mood: okay
music: Into the Woods: Prologue
wednesday: Ok morning, lots of traffic, blah. Talked with the peeps. All the signs were taken down. :( Case study work in anatomy, board work in algebra. Went to third period to check in and then to the Little Theater for the career day panel. Robin Baumgarten was there from channel 9 news!! Awesomeness. Lin was in there too. :) After that we went to the career fair during homeroom. Lin's mom was there, heehee! And me and Ashlene got a lot of pens. :) Heehee. Mr. D was weird when we asked his opinion on the Ms. Nolan situation, creep. Talked about "The Awakening" in AP Lit. Petit Nicolas groups in french. After school, spent a little time in chess. On our way out, me and dad signed a petition some alumni had! Came home, had dinner, did algebra, watched TV, got on the net. When I got off, we watched "American Idol", poor little Kevin got kicked off. :( Then we watched "Monty Python" which was HYSTERICAL!
thursday: Well, today was a half day! Wahoo!! Skipped first and second period for "Making Your College Search Count"........yeah, waste of my time. Board work in algebra, "The Awakening" in AP Lit, stupid circle in P&J, scrapbook groups in history, we have a lot of work to do. Blah. Mommy let me drive home. :) Picked up "White Castle" and..........."Pride and Prejudice"!!!! Heehee. Came home, ate, got Mike, went to the library. Came home and watched......"Pride and Prejudice"!!!!! Awesomeness. It was sooooooooooooooooooooo good!!!!!!!!!!! :) I loved it. Had dinner, and now I am on here. Three day weekend!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
4:22 PM
mood: okay
monday: Happy Birthday to David Thewlis! :) Had a good morning, dressed in a fancy black shirt and jeans. Sat in the cafe talking. After we came out, channel 7 news was there and people were walking around the building, so we walked too. Went to the assigned room for Native American Day. Nicole was with me, so it was cool. We went in the chapel, Ms. Nolan told us a story and introduced the two speakers. Then we were all split up, Lin was with us, so she sat by us. First, we heard the man speaker, he was all right. And then we heard the woman speaker who was pretty funny!! After that we ate lunch. Then we watched a video on how the Illini mascot is wrong, (shut up!!!) and browsed a museum they set up for us. Had a small group discussion and then a closing ceremony thing. After school, spent some time on the net. Came home, had dinner, did some work. Went on the net, when I got off, we watched "Wife Swap", saw QoP on the news, (!!!!!), and then "The Apprentice".
tuesday: It was soooooo windy last night!! Sheesh. Ok morning, sat with the peeps. Miss Graney called us "The Breakfast Club", lmao!!! :) Got caught with gum in algebra and we started some new and dumb thing, blah. Petit Nicolas groups in french. Talked about our paper and "The Awakening" in AP Lit. No Mr. D in P&J!!!!!!!! Did some stupid "Mountains of the Moon" thing and then talked. Did some work in homeroom, talked in lunch. Groups in history. I HATE that project now!!! GRRRRRRR. Blech. Diagram and some notes in anatomy. After school, Chrissy hung with me, and I did some junk. Came home, had dinner, did my history and now here I am! Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, March 19, 2006
4:30 PM
mood: rushed
friday: Happy St. Patrick's Day and a Happy Birthday to my brother! Quite a day. And I don't feel like posting the whole day. Basically, my principal, Ms. Nolan-Fitzgerald was fired by the school board for unjust and personal reasons. The whole day was full of crying, speeches and discussing this horrible thing in our classes. Everyone loved my cookies in AP Lit and Miss Davis was soooooooooooooooo mad in anatomy! After school, there was going to be a rally of sorts but I couldn't stay cuz my dad picked me up. We came home, ate dinner and started getting packed for Michigan!!! We left around 5:00, I think. Listened to the White Album and the Episode III soundtrack. I also did some of my homework in the car. Got there and the condo was freezing cold!!! Lol. We watched "Trading Spouses", "Nanny 911" and "Seinfeld".
saturday: Woke up feeling comfy in Michigan. Finished my anatomy packet and my ACT thing for AP Lit. Parents went out, we listened to music and I did my french. Finished!!! Parents came back and we ate lunch. Me and Mike played cards and then we all decided to go out. We went to the dollar store, got a carwash and then another dollar store. Came back to the condo, listened to music, read and then we went to dinner. Yummy. Came back, watched "The Quiet Man" and then some Star Wars stuff.
sunday: Weird dream. Watched some TV and then "Revenge of the Sith". Parents went out and we played around with the pause button, lmao. They came back and we ate lunch. Finished Star Wars, ate some Sour Patch and Swedish Fish. Played catch up in the loft. Parents went to the store, we got dressed and cleaned up a little. They came back, we watched "Cheers" and then left. :( Sad. Listened to Sgt. Pepper's and then GCB while researching for french. Got home, typed my bro's paper, ate dinner and now here I am.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, March 16, 2006
4:04 PM
mood: content
Firstly, my friend Ashlene wrote this:
Have you ever thought of leaving school on a regular Friday, never to return the following Monday?
Maggie Guilfoyle was a fun, loud, and outgoing teenager who always had a smile on her face.
She was a Junior at Mother McAuley High School; class of 2007, and a Saint Rita Varsity Cheerleader. She was only 16 years old; born on August 17, 1989. 100% Irish. Her favorite holiday was the South Side Irish Parade on Western Avenue, which she looked forward to every year, but this year was different. Maggie never made it to the Irish Parade. She was only a few hours away from enjoying this year's celebration when- This past weekend, Maggie was having a great time with her two best friends: Erica and Jordan, when they suddenly lost control of the car they were all laughing and having fun in. The car skidded into a pole, leaving the inseperable trio in critical condition. Saturday, March 11, 2006, Maggie Guilfoyle was pronounced dead. Please keep these three teenagers and their families in your prayers.
"Maggie, you are never forgotten, and will forever be missed" - Ashlene
Let's pray for her family, k?
Well, frankly, Tuesday and Wednesday? I stayed home sick. I watched TV and that is all! So, here's Thursday:
So, like, it was the first time I have been in school for 6 days. Holy crap. Got my admit and hung with the peeps in the cafeteria who were surprised to see me alive, lol. Caught up on my Petit Nicolas sheets in french. Went over diagrams in anatomy. Algebra..........I am screwed. Completely screwed. I hate math. ACT Practice stuff in AP Lit. Sat in a circle in P&J......god, it was boring so I did my french work. Lol. Student council election in homeroom, talked with Ashlene in lunch. Went in the library for history and found out about the dumb paper we have to do. After school, Chrissy was there. I listened to Mugglecast, read my email, browsed JKR's site and wrote a little of my novel. Came home, had dinner, did some work and now I am on here. Later dudes!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, March 13, 2006
2:54 PM
mood: sick
saturday: Felt ok in the morning, watched Mike play Sega and such. Had some lunch and played a little bit of PoA on the computer. Starting feeling poopy. Got off, cuddled under a blanket watching TV. Laid in my bed upstairs and read. Had some dinner and we watched a little TV.
sunday: Woke up feeling poopy, lol. Did my anatomy packet, took a nice hot shower. Burned some CDs for my dad, wrote my book review. Mike and Matt came in from playing in the tree and we watched "Goblet of Fire" while the parents went to pick up the Michigan condo key. :) Next weekend, baby! They came home, we ate dinner and then watched some TV. Blah.
monday/today: Well, last night was a torrent of rain, with loads of loud thunder. I had trouble sleeping because of the storm and because my left nostril kept getting clogged.......yea. So, this morning, I woke up around 7:15 and I knew that mom was letting me stay. Dad stayed home too, so we got to be sick buddies. Lol, dad never stays home. We watched "Perry Mason" and "The Price is Right" and "Cosby". Ate some lunch and put on "Sahara", a really good WWII movie with Humphrey Bogart. :) Mike and mom came home, we watched "Ellen" and "Jeopardy". Had some dinner and I'm on here. Don't wanna go tomorrow but it depends on the morning....later.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, March 09, 2006
4:17 PM
mood: relaxed
thursday: Anniversary of my granpa's death.....8 years. Yeah. Um, it was really warm outside today! Odd. Sat in the cafe with the peeps. And Miss Nolan suggested we call ourselves something, like a club name............ooooooookay, nazi, lol. "Petit Nicolas" test in french, really easy. Started packet in anatomy. Got a 79 on my math test, I HATE math. Grrrrrr. "Huck Finn" ASPD statements in AP Lit. P&J was boring but, what's new, eh? God. I colored some of my anatomy. Had a prom presentation in homeroom, gag, I'm not going. Stupid Jackie had to sit next to me, and then she realized it wasn't annoying me and that I was ignoring her, and she moves............loser! Talked in lunch. Saw a slide show in history. After school went to take the French National Contest. It was one hard-ass test!!!! Man. Then I sat in the cafe with the peeps, that was fun! :) When they left, I went in the library and saw all the cool JKR updates. Came home, had dinner, watched TV and now I'm on here.
friday: NO SCHOOL! W00t. Also...............HAPPY BIRTHDAY REMUS LUPIN!!! Awesomeness. Got to sleep a little later today, mom woke me up when she left for work. I watched a lot of TV. Got on the PC, listened to......Avril Lavigne, lmao, it's been so long!!! Then I listened to various other music, went through icons and read the Imperius update. Got off and watched loads of special features on the GoF DVD. It was really really cool!!! :) Had lunch, watched Lucy. Got back on the PC, blasted music, made a BBM video, wrote some fanfiction. They came home. Watched Jeopardy and some other TV. Had dinner and now I am on here. Once again, Happy B-day Remus!!!!!! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
4:28 PM
mood: meh
music: Graham Colton Band: All The World Tonight
tuesday: GOBLET OF FIRE DAY!!!!!! And what a day. Loads of fog in the morning. Weird. And we heard that Dana Reeve, Christopher Reeve's wife, died. So sad. :( We stopped at Osco to get GoF but they didn't have the 2-disc so we left. And, well, we were barely halfway to school at 8:00, not cool. And mom had to get to work, so we turned around and she let me stay home. I watched some TV.........yeah. After loads of the boob tube, I got on the other boob tube, the computer, lol. I sifted through a whole lot of icons I had sitting idle. Also read a super super sad BBM fic, and cried a little. So sad. No one wins in that movie! It's tragic. :( Had lunch, watched a little PoA and then Lucy. Back on the PC to read ff. Then, mom and Mike came home with........GOBLET OF FIRE!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!! Ahem. Well, we watched the cast interview and then a cool thing on Voldy, (Ralph Fiennes is hilarious!). Then, we put on the movie, only stopping to eat dinner. It was fantabulous, really. Got on the net. Got off, watched "American Idol", a thing on Chicago and then "Frasier".
wednesday: Ok morning, heard Michael Buble on the radio!!! Heehee. Today was a Pride Day, whoo-pee. Sat with Keli and Nicole in the library going over anatomy. Took a test in anatomy first period, not too bad. Took a test in second period algebra, not so good. Eek. Groups in history. Talked with Ashlene in homeroom and lunch, catching up on what I missed yesterday, gossip-wise. :) Watched some dumb video on global warming in P&J and he caught me doing my history work, lmao. So he got real mad and took away my book. Loser, I just grabbed it and ran at the end of class, I hate him. "Huck Finn" discussion and a quiz in AP Lit. "Petit Nicolas" review game in french. It would have been fun, except that it was last period and people were being stupid, god. After school, went to chess club. I actually got a stalemate with Chrissy instead of losing! HA! Lol. Came home, had dinner and here I am. Later days!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, March 06, 2006
1:02 PM
mood: content
sunday: Woke up, read in bed for a little while. Watched some TV. Then I watched Mike play Sonic while reading some "Huck Finn" and it got really snowy! Then, Ashlene called and we set up plans for bowling!! :) So, I ate lunch real quick and took a shower, and the folks drove me to the bowling place. Her friend Kathleen was there too and Mike stayed with for company. They had fun music on and it was cosmic bowling!!!! Really fun, I lost and Ashlene won, and Kathleen was in the middle, lol. So, we talked for a little while. Kathleen is really nice and she wants to see "Brokeback" too!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay, it's gonna be a gay cowboy party!! Wahoo. So, the parents picked me up and we drove past our old house, it was.........odd. Came home, read some of the newspaper, lots of Goblet of Fire ads!! Watched "Mission Impossible", had dinner, got on the net. Lots of commenting and I changed the layout of my LJ, not sure I like it. Then we watched "The Oscars"!!! My first time ever watching them!! Saw Jake on the Red Carpet!! He didn't win Best Supporting Actor, *tear*. But BBM won for its score and I think Ang Lee won for director. Also, Narnia won for Costumes! It was really fun to watch. :)
monday: School.......blah. My brother had the day off, for Pulaski Day, but not us cuz our principal is on crack! God. So, there was a lot of Oscar talk on the radio this morning, fun. :) Skipped the PC Lab and helped Chrissy and Katie with their math. She checked in sources in french and I began a new fanfic. Looked at the eyes again in anatomy and she went over the gradesheet. Got our essays back in history, I got a B, very dissapointed. Talked with Ashlene in homeroom and lunch. Mr. D showed us some stupid overhead on capital punishment, stuff it. I like the death penalty. So, I finished the stupid chapter 9 questions. AP was funny! Courtney's cell phone rang and Miss Wille was really cool about it, didn't punish her or anything, and then Mary Love told Miss Wille to leave her boyfriend a message! And she did!!! It was hysterical! :) Got a 79 on my algebra test and she gave us time to work, so I read "Huck Finn". After school, grabbed my PC and Ashlene was in here a little. But guess what? I forgot my friggin headphones!!!!!!!!!!! Grrrrrrrr. So, yeah, I couldn't listen to Mugglecast 29, which, despite some people's opinions, I want to listen to. Came home, had dinner. Drove to the library real quick to pick up the book club book for my next article! :) Now I am on here. Lata!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Saturday, March 04, 2006
5:22 PM
mood: content
friday: Ok morning, talked with the peeps. Test in algebra, urgh, not great. Worked in groups for "Petit Nicolas" in french class. Did the fishbowl in history, eek! I was nervous, but it ended up being not so bad at all. Talked in homeroom and Miss Owens took a picture of our homeroom class.........go figure. Had fun talking in lunch, Ashlene told me all her funny puppy stories!! Lmao. Watched some dumb videos in P&J, I did french and algebra. I am sooooooooooooo sick and tired of that class, god. Did really fun poetry in AP! Then, last period anatomy, we dissected a cow eye. Well, it was pretty gross, Ashlene loved it, lol. It was cool to see inside though. After school, mom was there to pick me up cuz Mike had a half day. I drove home and mom said I did well. :) Came home, watched TV. Dad brought dinner home. Ate, watched TV and then got on the net. Basically, I spent the whole night on the computer and then I read some of the quote books with Mike.
saturday: Woke up thinking, "Ahhhhh, the weekend." Read in bed a little, watched some TV. Got dressed and me and mom went to the library. I got some books for french, as well as some books for myself. We bought some lunch, came home and ate it. Mike's friend Alex came over. Me and mom went to Dominick's. Came home, sat upstairs listening to music and doing homework. Read "Huck Finn" and some old journals. Went to take Alex home, picked up dinner at "The Pit, such gooooooood food!!! Came home, ate and now I am on here! Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, March 02, 2006
4:08 PM
mood: content
music: Paul McCartney- Riding to Vanity Fair
wednesday: Another weird dream, sheesh. Pretty good morning, listened to another one of Mike's mix CD's, it was good! Goofy schedule for Ash Wednesday. Optical illusions in anatomy, review in algebra, sub in history, "Huck Finn" in AP Lit. Talked in homeroom and lunch. Journaled and began a fanfic in P&J, lol. Went to french, dropped off books and then went to liturgy. Good Lord, it was dull. And the crazy priest had to, like, introduce each thing that happened, I don't know, it was boring. But we got ashes, lol. :) After school, me and Chrissy went to chess. She beat Katie instead of me, for once, lol. Got drinks and spent the whole time talking, it was a lot of fun!! :) Came home, had dinner, watched TV and did work, got on the net. Did a bunch of stuff, lots of fun. Got off, had pudding, watched American Idol & Deal or No Deal. Auntie Gracie called when I was voting for Idol to tell me she liked my article! :) She also told me cute Preston stories, lol, LOOOOOOOOOOOVE that kid!! :)
thursday: Buble in the morning! Heehee. Chrissy lost her wallet, poor thing. Had fun talking with them. Petit Nicolas in french, diving reflex in anatomy, review in algebra, ASPD on Huck Finn, colored in P&J, lmao. That's all that class is good for!!! Boring homeroom, talked in lunch. Got into groups for our next project in history, I got Kristin and Veronica, so I'm happy. After school the library was closed so I hung wit da peeps in da hood. Lmao. Had a lot of fun hanging in the college center!!! Came home, had dinner, read and watched TV. And now I am on here. :) Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
seventeen, QoP, chicago, friends, family, blogging, fanfiction, Harry Potter, Remus Lupin, chocolate, journaling, driving, The marauders, classic rock, alternative, swing music, Beatles, Graham Colton Band, Switchfoot, Maroon 5, Beatles, Billy Joel, Michael Buble, Click Five, Wicked Jack Lemmon, the 50's and 60's, conservative, George W. Bush, old movies, reality TV, SHOEBOX PROJECT, AIM, remus/sirius lurve, remus/tonks lurve, White Album, inside jokes, hangin' out, internet, LiveJournal :)

%Mood: Busy
%Book: "Duty and Desire" by Pamela Aidan
%Song: KT Tunstall, AAR & Switchfoot
%TV:"Seinfeld", "Simpson's", "Frasier", "Arthur", "Nova", "The Apprentice"
%Film: "The Terminal"
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
Daily Dudes
%Mary ~ Slowly Drifting
%Kris ~ Blurred Vision
%Kelly ~ Lost Freak
%Chrissy ~ Burning Soul
%Lin ~ Fairytale Dreams
Affilates of Myself
% My MySpace
%My LiveJournal ~ "Notorious Notations"

%The Marauders
