Saturday, April 29, 2006
4:12 PM
mood: content, but sick
friday: Well, I stayed home and went to "Take-Your-Child-to-Work-Day" with my mommy! Dad stayed home again. Woke up and I knew that I had acquired an undeniable cold overnight, yuck. So, I watched "Saved by the Bell", (LMAO), and then got dressed. Me and mom listened to Backstreet Boys on the way, LOL. She showed me around the place, it's almost exactly how I pictured it. Dave, the big boss there, came in, he's a little intimidating, lol. Then, mom's co-worker, Traci came in and she brought doughnuts, lol. She's really nice and funny! I copied something off the dry erase board in the conference room for the boss. I put some labels on envelopes and cut some tax things with this really fun paper cutter, lol. Shredded a lot of stuff too. Then mom let me try data entry on the PC, which I really liked. :) Ate my lunch back in mom's cubicle and then her other co-worker, Kathi, came in. Wow, she's quite a piece of work. She's older than mom and she's kinda like, a motorcycle chick, lol. Wowza. Traci let me try a "bank rec" which is where you like, check the checks on someone's bank statement. That was cool. We left at around 1:30, got gas and then picked up Mike. Got two copies of my column at the MegaPlex, and then dropped books off at the library. Came home, and guess what was in the mail? MY ACT SCORES!! I got a '27'!!! I'm pretty happty. :) Watched "Jeopardy", read a little, had dinner, played some little arcade games on the PC and then surfed the net. Got off, watched some old movies we had taped and then "Simpson's" and "Lucy" upstairs. I had fun with mom, it was a nice day! :)
saturday: What a slug day, lmao. Woke up and read a little of "Eldest" in bed. Still sick, icky. Watched a lot of TV with Mike until about......11:30. Then I waltzed down to our computer and played more arcade games, lol. There's this one called "Mooshu Tiles" where you click on matching tiles but they can't be under other ones and........it's really addicting!! It got kinda rainy. I ate some lunch and continued playing the games. Alex came over and took his XBox, glad we're rid of that, gawd. Got off, watched "Everday Food" and then the ending of this Holocaust show me and dad taped and then "Frasier". Just finished eating dinner, put on "Jeopardy" and now I'm on here. Later, peeps! :)

*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, April 27, 2006
5:14 PM
mood: content
music: Billy Joel-"Scenes From an Italian Restaurant"
wednesday: One year ago on this day, me and Ally IMed for the first time!!! Lol. Dad stayed home for his leg and Mike stayed home cause he was 'tired', please. Got to school pretty early and talked with da peeps. Took notes in anatomy, new stuff in algebra, movie in history. Talked a lot in homeroom, (lots of Nolan crap), and then in lunch too. Had Miss Link for a sub in P&J, wowza, prayer took forever!!! Lol. "Great Gatsby" in AP and I did my presentation in french class. Mom picked me up, got dinner, came home and ate. Got on the net. Got off and watched "Amazing Race" and then "American Idol" results. Kellie is gone!!
thursday: Dad stayed home again. My throat hurt, yuck. So I bought some water at school. Had fun talking to the peeps. Listened to presentations in french. Did sheets in anatomy, confusing stuff in algebra. Went over the AP practice tests in AP. Went over questions in P&J, waste of my time, I read "Great Gatsby". Chrissy bought a flower pen for me and Lin gave it to me before homeroom. Talked in homeroom and lunch. Finished movie in history. After school, Chrissy and Lin had to go to Walgreen's for Keli's birthday tomorrow. I checked my mail and wandered. Finally, my mom came and we went home. Went out for dinner, came home, ate and watchedTV. Now I'm on here!! Later!! ^__^
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
4:51 PM
mood: meh
monday: Woke up and felt all bleary because I was up last night feeling sick. Blah. I watched some TV. Then I hauled myself off the sofa and got dressed and put my clothes away and took out my braids!! I love how wavy my hair gets!! Watched a really good "Oprah".At around 9:40, Lin came a-knockin' on my door!! We sat in my room talking a lot about Harry Potter and "Pride & Prejudice" and all sorts of things, very fun. Then we started watching "Narnia", which she brought. Great movie! We stopped it and I made us grilled cheese sandwiches. And I burnt mine horribly, LOL. But they were yummy. Dad came home cause of his leg and he had made another doctor's appointment for this afternoon. We finished the movie and then Lin and me went for a walk! It was SUPER nice out!! We walked around the block once and then all around in the "dead end" where they're building the new houses. Came back and mom and Mike were home. We talked a lot, just sitting there talking about school and people and stupid liberals, LOL. Parents went to the doctor's and we talked some more, and we found the new principal in one of mom's old yearbooks, LOL. Lots and lots of talking about TV and stupid little kids nowadays and the way our world is screwed up and screwed over! LOL. At 5:00, she left. We had a lot of fun talking. I'm glad she came over!! So, I had some dinner and then got on the PC, listened to some music. Watched a really funny "Simpson's" and then the parents came home. Got on the net. Then the toilet backed up...EW...thankfully I wasn't in there when it happened, gross. The parents rushed around trying to fix it while I tried to stay calm. Got off so the parents could call a plumber. Got back on, posted. And guess what?? Mandy made the invitation to the wedding between "iLupin" and "Wicked"!!!! LMAO!! It looks great!!!!!!!! Then watched "The Apprentice".
tuesday: Had to get up early and take my shower fast cause of our pipe trouble. Back to school! Yay..............NOT! Lol. It was dreary out and there was a lot of traffic! Got to school and my HP wrapping paper was gone!!! NOOOOOOO!!! Lol. Talked with the peeps, no one wanted to be at school, lol. I got a "B" on my algebra test!!! We reviewed in there. Did presentations in french. "Great Gatsby" in AP. Talked in P&J. Talked in homeroom and lunch and had to listen to gross descriptions of Spring Break activities from the losers, gawd. Movie in history, started cardiovascular system in anatomy. Mom picked me up, the toilet is all fixed, whew! Came home, did homework and watched TV. Did some notations on my french paper, now I am on here. Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, April 23, 2006
3:16 PM
mood: tired
saturday: Got up early and got dressed and me & mom headed off to the college for an open house. It was a BEAUTIFUL day and the campus was LOVELY!! Had a little intro, went to a presentation on financial aid and student life. Then went to this thing where you could talk to people from the academic departments. The english dude was impressed with QoP and my AP class as well as my column. :) Walked around the campus with mom, very pretty, as I said. Came home, had lunch, picked Mike up and we went to "Barnes and Noble". After a lot of wandering, I bought a nicer copy of "Pride and Prejudice" and "Howl's Moving Castle", the book. Then on to "Office Depot" where we laminated my book review and then to "Michael's" for glue. Came home, dropped Mike off and then went to some scrapbook store where we bought a big
book for my articles to go in. Then to Dominick's, then home. Alex was here. Watched TV, had dinner and talked. Got on the net. Stayed on for a looooooong time!! Got off, watched "The 3 Stooges" and then the Sox game, THEY WON!! SEVENTH WIN IN A ROW!! Spiffy. ^__^ Watched the news and then a 70's music infomercial. :) Lol.
sunday: Wow, what a day. Woke up, watched the "Sunday Morning Show" and one of our "Mary and Mike" shows. Got dressed and went to "Ace Hardware" with mommy. There was a cute kid that hauled these huge bags of topsoil into our trunk. When he was done, he was like, "Have a nice day!" He was cute. :) Also got some lunch out. Came home, ate and then we began construction on the front yard. Wowza!!! Lots of work!! Raked up all the dead grass and spread grass seed and then the topsoil. Went back for more topsoil but there was some old, saggy-baggy guy instead of cutie. :( Lol. Came back and finished!! Then I finished my "Marie Antoinette" poster. We just ordered a pizza and I'm killing time on here. :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, April 21, 2006
3:56 PM
mood: ok
thursday: Woke up, mom left, I watched some TV and then "Oprah". Got on the PC and listened to some old school music!! "Lillix", "Spice Girls" and "Vanessa Carlton". Very fun actually. :) Watched "Bob the Builder", *blush* and then sorted through icons. Dad called at lunchtime and said he was coming home because his leg was hurting him. Ate my lunch, watched TV, dad came home, we watched "Lucy". Mom and Mike came home. Talked a bit. Then I helped Mom carry this table from Michigan that we painted blue up to Mike's room. Put the TV on it and organized all his video games. Watched "Jeopardy". Sat in Mike's room watching and labeling home movies, lol. Ate dinner and watched one of our tapes. Got on the net. Got to talk to Ally again!! It was nice! :) Also talked a little to Kevo. :) Got off and just relaxed.
friday: Odd dream, yeah. Mom let me sleep a little later than I have been cuz dad was staying home. Woke up around 8:30, watched a really good "Oprah". Got on the net. Downloaded "Bad Day" by Daniel Powter. :) Luv that song!!! Browsed and commented on people on MySpace. Got off, sorted icons. Got off, ate lunch and me and dad watched "Hawaii Five-o". Lmao. Then we watched "Lucy" and put on a tape of WWII. Mom and Mike came home. Watched "Jeopardy" and took a practice AP essay, wowza! Watched some TV, read some fanfiction, had dinner and now I'm on here.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
4:33 PM
mood: chipper
tuesday: Well, Mike was supposed to go back to school but he didn't feel good, so he was home with me again. We watched TV and talked a little. Corrected the whole first half of my "Marie Antoinette" paper. Had lunch, watched "Lucy", made some icons. Mom came home early, and so did dad so they could both go to the doctor for my daddy's leg. Watched "Jeopardy" and made some more icons. The parents came back and then went back out to get dinner. Watched some TV. They came back, we ate and then I went on the net.......sea of emotions there, gawd. Also made plans with Lin for Monday!! Can't wait!!! Got off, watched "Idol, voted and then watched a "Nova" about the dimming sun, quite good. :)
wednesday: Had a weird dream. Woke up and mom told me that dad was staying home. He took some medication for his leg and he couldn't drive cause of it. :( He was a sleepy-poo all day, lol. Watched some TV, got on the PC. Worked on my "Marie Antoinette" paper and I FINISHED it!! Thank God. Had lunch, watched "Lucy". Did two AP Practice tests, mom and Mike came home. I helped Mike with his homework and talked a little. Read some of "Eldest". Watched "Jeopardy." Had dinner and now I'm on here. I'm actually talking to Ally, ( finally!). So, lata!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, April 17, 2006
4:16 PM
mood: chipper
sunday: Happy Easter!!! And a very Happy Birthday to my daddy! :) Woke up, looked through our Easter baskets, lol. Got LOTS of candy as well as a $25 gift certificate to Barnes and Noble!! :) Also looked around the house and found all the hidden eggs, heehee. Gave dad his birthday cards. Then we played a round of "Harry Potter: Scene It?". Read
some old journals, had lunch accompanied by POP for the first time in a long time. Oi, lent. Lol.
Watched "Wallace and Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit". That was good. :) Then we put on "War of the Worlds", the new one, but we turned it off cuz it was too graphic, it really wasn't that great. Got on the net real quick to check my mail and stuff. Got off, ate dinner, when dad came out of the shower we had the lights off and candles on a chocolate pie and raspberry cake for him. :) Watched "Alfred Hitchcock" and then "Jack Benny".
monday: Woke up, Mike was off today as well. We watched some TV, watched an old "Sailor Moon" tape!! LMAO!!! Then watched "Oprah". Sorted through icons, made some icons. Had lunch, put dishes away and vacuumed the family room. Finished making a
wallpaper on the computer and then made a few more icons. Then, the rest of the afternoon was taken up by me watching "Pride and Prejudice" on the computer and taking screen captures from it. :) It was lovely, again. :) Dad came home, mom came home, we ate dinner and watched Tv and now I am on here!
Hope everyone's Easter was just grand!! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Saturday, April 15, 2006
4:04 PM
mood: content
friday: Very fun day!! Mike was off too, so that's why it was fun, lol. Watched a little TV, read an editorial to Mike and then some ff. Watched "Oprah". And then we watched "The Demented Cartoon Movie" on the computer, HYSTERICAL!! I love it, lol. Began writing songs for our soundtrack, long story. Made some lunch and ate it while listening to music. Worked more on the soundtrack and we finished it!!!! Awesomeness, I'm real proud of it. :) Watched some meaningless TV, dad came home a little late. Mom came home with "Barraco's" pizza for dinner. Yum. Got on the net and did my shtuff. Got off, wrote some ff, watched a Tom Cruise interview, (he's a bit of a weirdo now), and then gave the parents a concert of the songs we wrote. Took a shower and watched the Sox game (OUCH) and then "Lucy" upstairs.
saturday: Nice, relaxing me time today. Mom woke me up early, blah. Watched some TV and soon guys came to deliver our new matresses!! They are soooooo spongy and bouncy and super soft! Can't wait to sleep, lol. Hung out in my room with "Wicked" playing, looking through old journals. Went on the PC, wrote some fanfiction, got a whole chappie of my new story and chapter 3 of this other one done. Awesome. Went out with mom to the bank and for lunch. Came home, ate, the oven repairman came, we watched some TV. Sat in my room coloring. Went out for DVD's, saw Brokeback, I weep. I wanna see that soooooo bad!! Came back, put on GoF soundtrack, organized stuff in my room and looked through old stuff. Had dinner and now I'm on here. Really really nice out. It rocks da hizzouse. :) Lata!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, April 13, 2006
4:03 PM
mood: meh
wednesday: Ok morning, last day of school before break! Quiz in anatomy, test in algebra, move in history. Talked with Ms. Prendergast about the whole Miss Nolan thing in homeroom and then talked more about it in lunch with Ashlene. Finished movie in P&J, talked in AP (FUN!!), did a conversation all in french in last period french class. Got out and mommy picked me up! It was super super nice outside!!! Came home, watched TV, had dinner, drove to the library and then Dominick's. Came home and got on the net, that was fun. :) Got off, watched "American Idol", BUCKY IS GONE!!! Awesomness.
thursday: First day of break!! Wahoo!!! Watched some TV and then got on the computer to be a zombie. Listened to "Wicked", sorted icons, watched videos, read some Shoebox!!! And "Bob the Builder" was on, lmao. You remember that unhealthy addiction?? Lol. More icons, listened to music, ate some lunch and read the stellar updates on "Imperius". Gawd, best story ever!! Mike and mom came home, we watched "Lucy". I got back on the PC and read some ff. Got off, it was lovely today!!!!! Watched Jeopardy, had dinner, read a little and then got on here. Talking to Ally!! It rocks!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
4:09 PM
mood: bummed
music: Wicked: Wonderful
monday: Ok morning, talked in the cafeteria. Ashlene was at Holocaust Rememberance all day so I was quite lonely, lol. Had a sub in french, we finished "Chaos", what a GREAT movie!! And then we had time to work. People told me to go to the Marble Lobby, so I did, I guess Miss Nolan has been replaced and people were sitting in there as a protest-like thing, but a dean came by and told us, for Miss Nolan's sake, to go back to class. So I moved onto anatomy. She showed us pictures of blood, then I worked on my french and my book review. Went to a different room for history, worked on a packet. Different room for homeroom too, worked on french. People went to get their feet dipped in paint and put on a mural, I didn't go, that's gross, lol. Losers in lunch, gawd, I read. Mr. D got uber mad at Jasmine and Devonah and we watched a movie in P&J. Had a sub in AP too, read "Great Gatsby" and took an AP practice. Also, Ms. G came in and gave me the message that my mom was gonna pick me up. Algebra was stupid, I'm lost. After, mom was there for me. Got McDonald's for dinner. Came home, watched TV and ate, did my algebra, went on the PC. Typed my book review and listened to "Wicked". ^__^
tuesday: So, ok morning, they played a whole Beatles album side on the radio!! And then we listened to Wicked. :) Talked in the cafe. Went to the chapel for a presentation on dating violence. Test review in algebra, talked about "Chaos" in french, movie in P&J, talked to Ash in homeroom and lunch. Talked about the ACT in AP, it was a fun class. :) Movie in history, review for quiz in anatomy. Went to FNHS after school, it was an ok meeting, we elected officers for next year. It is soooo nice out today, it really rocks. Came home, had dinner and watched TV. Now I'm on here and I just wanna say, pray for Ally, she worries me so very much and I miss her tons. :(
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, April 09, 2006
2:23 PM
mood: happy
music: Wicked: Thank Goodness
saturday: Well, what a day!! I woke up really early, got dressed and mom drove me to school to take the ACT. Yikes! Saw Lin and Ashlene, checked in and went to my room. The english was easy and the math was hard. We took a short break. The reading was easy, the science started easy and then got a little confusing. Then I took the writing part, that was easy, lol. The fam picked me up, we got lunch. Came home, ate it, watched Mike on XBox, talked with mom. Took a shower, put my hair in curlers. Sat around some more. Took my hair out, yeah, it didn't work, lol. Got dressed, ate a little something and then mom drove me back to school for the Spring Dance, "Night at the Peacebury", lol. Met Lin there, Keli showed up with her date, Tom, and then Chrissy and Brandon!! Lol. We danced a little and Ashlene showed up!! It was really loads and loads of fun!!!! It was an awesome night. :)
sunday: Well, finally got some good sleep last night, lol. Woke up, watched Mike on XBox, ate breakfast, did some anatomy. Got dressed and we went to the mall. Bought new matresses, lol. Bought some legos at "Toys R Us", then popped over to "Barnes and Noble" for......THE SOUNDTRACK FOR "WICKED"!!!! It's really really awesome!! So, came home, listened to it all, read some ff. And now I'm on here, downloading pics from the dance and listening to "Wicked". Awesome weekend!! ^__^
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, April 07, 2006
4:48 PM
mood: okay
watching: "Goblet of Fire"
thursday: Duo Day!! I was Ms. Nolan and Ashlene was Ms. Graney, lol. Chrissy and Lin were an angel and a devil!! Cute outfits!! Watched "Chaos" in french, took notes in anatomy, algebra was blah, talked about "The Awakening" in AP, took an easy test in P&J. Talked in homeroom and lunch. History was boring. After school, hung out in the library, listened to a lot of Mugglecast. :) Came home, had dinner, did some work and got on the net. IMed Kevo!! Been a long time! Got off, watched a taped episode of "The Apprentice" and then some GoF extras.
friday: Ok morning, Dominican Day, dress in black and white. Fun talking in the cafe. Practice math ACT in algebra, eek! WQOP was cute!!! It was all Beatles! We watched "Chaos" which is sooooooooo good!! Library for history. For homeroom, we all went to a room for Harmony Day activites. I got jewelery making with Ms. David! Made a bracelet and then Ms. Davis was tying it and she dropped all the beads!!! Eek!!! So she said I could do it after school. Talked during lunch. Had a prayer service in P&J and Jasmine was being annoying and Mr. D snapped!! Lol. Talked in AP and Miss Wille said she's not coming back next year. *weep* Worked on packets in anatomy. After school, stayed and made my bracelet. :) Went to the library and worked on my history paper. Came home, ate, worked and put on GoF. Also got my monthly friend. *brood*
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
4:16 PM
mood: meh
tuesday: Second day of Spirit Week! Muticultural Day, I am disgraced to know that I have not one, one piece of clothing that says I am Irish! Sad. So, I just wore my Peace gym shirt, it's green, so, yeah, lol. BBM AND Narnia on DVD today!!!!! Lol. Talked with peeps. Board work in algebra, watched "Danton" in french class. Had a sub in AP, took an ACT practice. No P&J!!! Went to the Multicultural Awareness Presentation instead. It was good despite the liberalist plug for immigrant rights, lordy. Talked in homeroom and lunch. Also bought my ticket for the Dance in lunch. Took test in history and the counselor came by to tell me that mom was gonna pick me up. Took notes in anatomy. Mom got me, came home, watched TV, did my algebra, had dinner and hung out on the net. After I got off, watched Idol, voted and then watched "Nova".
wednesday: Had a weird dream. Ok morning, today was Ms. Nolan's birthday!! Talked with peeps. Took blood notes in anatomy. Board work in algebra, I am LOST, I HATE math!!!! God. History was kinda boring, just sat there. Talked in homeroom and lunch and me and Ashlene got a great idea for "Duo Day" tomorrow!! Did my algebra during P&J. Started watching "Chaos" in french, it's really good so far!! Then we went to the Spirit Assembly!! There was some funny Sox & Cubs stuff at the beginning, learned a new spirit cheer, people played games, recognized sports peeps, then people had their hair cut for "Locks of Love"!!! Abby did it!!! Her hair was sooooooo long!!! Wow. Then we sang 'Happy Birthday' to Ms. Nolan. ^__^ Went to chess after school, it wasn't that great. Mom got me at the old time, heard something about BBM on the radio, they were making fun of it as usual........Came home, had dinner, watched TV, did some work. Now I'm on here. Well, that's all folks!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, April 03, 2006
3:43 PM
mood: happy
music: GoF: Golden Egg
sunday: Fabulous day!!! Day of the Sox home opener, lol. Woke up, watched Mike on XBox, took a shower and then got all gussied up in my fly new pants and a cute sweater loaned to me by mommy for "Wicked"!!! We went to my neighbor's house and she drove us down there. Read a little on the way down and it was awesomness to see the Lake and all the buildings!! :) So, we parked in a garage near the theatre and then went to a McDonald's nearby for lunch. Saw a bum picking through the garbage for food.........ew. Got into the theatre and it was beautiful!! We were a little bit high up and I was scared I wouldn't be able to watch, like at the Sox game that one time!! But I was able to and....well, I don't wanna give anything away but it was WONDERFUL!! It was like, the best thing I have ever seen in my entire life. If I were you, I would go!! GO!! Lol, just kiddin' ya! Came home, ate dinner, edited AP paper, then hung upstairs with Mike.
monday: Ok morning, very rainy!! Talked in the cafeteria. Watched "Danton" in french, changed seats in anatomy, very upset about that. Did this senior portfolio presentation thing. It was ok. Talked and talked in homeroom and lunch. Colored in P&J and then did some stupid sheet, god. Had a sub in history, watched a review video. Sub and ACT practice in AP. Got some stupid sheet in algebra and I feel lost once again, lordy. After school, mom picked me up. Came home, watched TV, had dinner, did my algebra and here I am. Now, Mandy is going to chop my head off if I don't go type my "Wicked" review on LJ. Later!!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Saturday, April 01, 2006
5:17 PM
mood: a little tired
friday: Well, let's see. It was still really nice out in the morning. :) Had fun talking with the peeps. :) Did board work in algebra, watched "Danton" in french, took notes in history. Talked with Ashlene in homeroom and lunch. Did questions in P&J and then talked. Talked about "The Awakening" in AP. Took test in anatomy, is wasn't bad at all! After school, I went home with Chrissy!! We surfed the net a little. Kelly called!!! So Chrissy put her on speaker phone and we got to talk, it was fun! Then we had a showdown of state capitals, lmao! So, when her dad came home, we took the car. First we went to Jewel where we bought flowers for Katie. Went to McDonald's for food. Got to QoP, bought tickets and stood in line with Keli, Lin and Nicole who were already there. Got great seats! Lol. The show was wonderful!!!!!!!! Katie did an awesome job!! After the show, we said hi to Katie and gave her the flowers. :) Chrissy drove me back to her house, we chilled until my dad picked me up. It was a really fun night!!!
saturday: Woke up, watched some TV and then got dressed cuz Mike was having a mini birthday party. A little late! Lol. We ate some lunch and then mom and me went shopping. Got some nice black pants for "Wicked" tomorrow!! Came home and had some cake. Went out again and got NOTHING!! No skirts, red or otherwise. So I came home and sifted through closet and drawers and I eventually came up with this cute blue dress, so the rainbow is off, lol. Had dinner, did my algebra and now I'm on here! Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
seventeen, QoP, chicago, friends, family, blogging, fanfiction, Harry Potter, Remus Lupin, chocolate, journaling, driving, The marauders, classic rock, alternative, swing music, Beatles, Graham Colton Band, Switchfoot, Maroon 5, Beatles, Billy Joel, Michael Buble, Click Five, Wicked Jack Lemmon, the 50's and 60's, conservative, George W. Bush, old movies, reality TV, SHOEBOX PROJECT, AIM, remus/sirius lurve, remus/tonks lurve, White Album, inside jokes, hangin' out, internet, LiveJournal :)

%Mood: Busy
%Book: "Duty and Desire" by Pamela Aidan
%Song: KT Tunstall, AAR & Switchfoot
%TV:"Seinfeld", "Simpson's", "Frasier", "Arthur", "Nova", "The Apprentice"
%Film: "The Terminal"
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
Daily Dudes
%Mary ~ Slowly Drifting
%Kris ~ Blurred Vision
%Kelly ~ Lost Freak
%Chrissy ~ Burning Soul
%Lin ~ Fairytale Dreams
Affilates of Myself
% My MySpace
%My LiveJournal ~ "Notorious Notations"

%The Marauders
