Wednesday, May 31, 2006
4:07 PM
mood: content
tuesday: Last full day!! Woke up kinda crabby, had a bad hair morning too. And then I forgot it was a Pride Day!!! So, when I arrived at school, all this plus the sweltering heat did not make me happy at all. Took a pic with the "Breakfast Club", lol. Reviewed in algebra. Watched the movie in french. Got my paper on "Huck Finn" back and I got an 'A'!!! And a '5', which I think is the highest, very proud of that paper. Miss Carroll came in and told us about our summer assignment. Talked and did a poem. Well, the speaker we were supposed to have in P&J started feeling faint from the heat ( I don't blame her) so she left. And we had to sit there and talk and waste time & money. Stupid Mr. D...........in homeroom, me and Ashlene went to the tech lab, it was a little cooler in there. I checked my email and she sent me funny forwards! Lol. Talked in lunch, the losers weren't there! Last lunch of junior year, so we took a pic. Collected books and talked about the final in history. Reviewed in anatomy. Talked to the peeps after school, hung out in the library, sweltering, lol. Dad picked me up. Came home, had dinner, watched TV, studied a bit and got on the net.
wednesday: Had a good morning. Talked to the peeps. Ashley bought a stuffed bunny, balloons and flowers for Ms. Graney since she's leaving. So, we all pitched in a dollar and signed the bunny's shirt. Then we found her and gave it to her, she gave us all hugs. ^__^ Went to my first exam, anatomy. It really wasn't that bad. The diagrams were really easy, the multiple choice was kinda yucky but, whatever. Took a pic with Ms. Davis! :) Stood in the little hallway by the stairs with the peeps and talked. Headed to algebra. Well, it was a bit hard, I just hate math. So, mommy picked me up. We went home and had lunch. Picked Mikey up from school. Browsed "Sears", searching for skirts!!! Then picked up a book at the library. Came home and there was a huge wasp in the family room!!! So, we wrestled it out the window. Watched some TV, had dinner, more TV and now I'm on here!

*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, May 29, 2006
3:34 PM
mood: cheerful
sunday: Woke up, read a bit in bed. Ate some breakfast while reading the TV guide and the comics. Put some pictures into my album. I organized all my study sheets. The "Indy 500" was on, dad was watching it and Danica Patrick was in it, so I watched it on and off. Got on the net and puttered around. Ate some lunch, organized notes for the AP final. Read a lot and watched TV. The end of the Indy was pretty awesome. Sam Hornish, JR. sped up in the last, like, millesecond and passed Marco Andretti to win!!! Pretty cool. :) Played some "Mario World". Tried to play some badminton outside, but it was SOOOOO HOT that I could practically feel my skin seering in the sun!!! Oy. So, we came in and played some chess in the basement. Had dinner. Watched all of our "Wallace & Gromit" videos, lol. Then stayed up and watched "Alfred Hitchcock."
monday: HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!!!! I love America, I really do. Woke up, read in bed and finished "Lost in a Good Book"!!! Can't wait to read the next one! :) Talked, played some cards with Mike & dad, had breakfast. Took a shower, braided my hair, watched TV and went through old school papers. Went out with mom to pick up lunch from White Castle and McDonalds. Came home, ate and played more cards. Went outside, played a few games of badminton and then went swimming in Matt's pool! It was a perfect day and the water wasn't too cold! :) The only problem was that Matt had 2 of his friends over and the pool was really crowded, lol. Came home, sat around watching TV, re-did my nails, and it got pretty rainy outside. Watched "Jeopardy", had dinner. Now I'm on here! SUMMER IS ALMOST HERE!! I am excited beyond belief, I really am. ^__^
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Saturday, May 27, 2006
3:11 PM
mood: chipper
music: Clay Aiken: No More Sad Songs
friday: Last Friday as a junior, surreal. Ok morning, had fun talking to the peeps. Had to hear about the ninth frikkin anniversary of Katrina, last time for that! Lol. Review galore in algebra. Did my oral exam in french, I was uber nervous but I did it, and it's over. She was really impressed with the paragraphs I memorized! :) Watched the movie and then a real cute WQOP. Review in history. In homeroom, Graney came in and told us she's leaving. It doesn't really matter to my personal happiness if she leaves, but it was real sad cause she was crying. :( Talked in lunch. Played some lame-o review game in P&J. In AP, Miss Cruse came in and she is just HYSTERICAL!! And her and Miss Wille together? Even more hysterical!!!! Lol. Finished the video in anatomy and she answered our questions, mine would be: "Where can I get my tubes tied?" Lmao. After, dad picked me up. Came home, talked with the fam, stood outside with Matt & Mike for a bit. Had dinner, then hung out on the net all night. Got off, watched "Heidi", with Shirley Temple, it was cute. :) Then watched "Simpson's" and "Lucy".
saturday: Woke up, read a little, watched some TV. Parents went to the doctor. They came home, we put groceries away and had lunch. Went to Dominick's with mom. We picked up our pictures, (FINALLY), and this one whole roll is like, screwed up. The stupid flash has not been working on our goddam camera and now look, we lost a bunch of memories! Stupid thing. Mike went swimming at Matt's. Went to the mall and browsed K&G and then "Kirkland Home" then went into "Barnes and Noble". I adore it in there. :) Wandered a lot and agonized over choosing a journal. Finally bought a black one with the alphabet on the front in red letters, very cute. Also bought a cheap copy of "Searching for Dragons", good book. :) They were playing the Beatles in there the whole time and I was wearing my Beatles shirt, so the guy at the register was like, "you like the music?" Lol. Came home, watched TV. Then sat outside, watched Mike & Matt play water balloon toss and then shoot bottle rockets. ^__^ Read a little, had dinner and now I'm hanging out on here again. I may swim tomorrow......I don't know. Well, Happy Early Memorial Day!! And more importantly, Happy Long Weekend!!!!!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, May 25, 2006
3:47 PM
mood: content
wednesday: Ok morning, except for uncooperative hair, grrr. Talked to the peeps. First and second period were switched so algebra was first again. We took a test in there, not sure about that one. Worked on a packet and talked with Ashlene in anatomy. Oral quiz and notes on WWII in history. Read and talked in homeroom. Talked a lot in lunch. P&J was majorly pointless. Played tic-tac-toe and hangman with Ashlene, lol. :) Talked about the final in AP. Prepared for the final in french. After school, checked the email and there was one from mom saying she would pick me up. So I went out and we drove home. Watched "Jeopardy", practiced french oral exam, had dinner, watched TV. Hung out on the net for a bit and then got off to watch......THE AMERICAN IDOL SEASON FINALE!!! It was two frikkin hours long and in the last 5 minutes, they gave the results. Taylor Hicks is the new American Idol!! Soooooooooooo happy he won!!!!!!!!!
thursday: Last Thursday of junior year, what a weird thought. Ok morning, the cafe was closed so we stood by the window the whole time, had fun talking. Watched a movie in french and the sex video in anatomy (The Miracle of Life), did review sheet in algebra. Miss Carroll sat in on AP Lit for a little while and told us about our summer assignment, not so bad. Had fun talking in there and continued reading a play. In P&J, I read and Ashlene played her electronic Sudoku. :) Read "The Amity" in homeroom, talked a lot in lunch. Took the Illinois Government test in history, not hard at all. After school, met up with the peeps, checked email real quick (it said mom was gonna get me), sat and talked with Chrissy and Lin in the cafeteria. Sooooooooooooo much fun!!!! ^__^ Came home, watched "Jeopardy", practiced oral exam, had dinner, watched TV. Now I am on here. Gotta go update my livejournal! Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
1:25 PM
mood: content
monday: Ditched school because of transportation issues. So, woke up, watched some TV. Then I got on the computer to blast some music and read some fanfiction. I read the latest update of "Imperius" and it was super dissapointing!!! Grrrr. She just leaves you hanging until Friday!! Not fair! *pouts* Lol. Then I began a new one called "Once in a Blue Moon", which is a Remus/Tonks romance that is far superior to any other I've read, (except ones authored by Jess Pallas and mercutio-rane, of course, they are my ff gods!!). It's a really good story. Made myself some lunch and ate. Dad came home. I read more fanfics. Mom & Mike came home and shortly afterward, mom & dad left for the doctor's. Me and Mike lounged around watching TV. Parents came back and had the bad news that..........my dad needs an operation on his leg. He has a crack in the bone near his hip and they need to put a plate and screws in there. Yuck. If I were him, I would totally be freaking out, so I admire him for being so collected about it. That leaves the worrying to me & mom, lol. And I am quite worried, operations are scary things. Ate dinner and watched TV. Hung out on the internet. Then watched "The Apprentice".
tuesday: I actually wore short socks today cause it was so nice out!! Lol. Ok morning, lots of traffic. I am SICK of school!!! Grrrrrr. When I got my admit, they also gave me my portfolio cause I missed the collection day yesterday. I just had to get the work to put in it at the beginning of each class, no biggie. Talked to the peeps. Felt dizzy in algebra (don't know why) and we reviewed for a test in there. More reviewing in french. Talked about "Glass Menagerie" and about the final in AP Lit. Had the speaker in P&J, two actually, and we watched a video. Talked in homeroom and lunch. Took notes off a PowerPoint in history. Took notes on SEX in anatomy. Heeheeehee. I enjoy that more than bathroom functions!!! Chrissy says there's a kinky side to me, lmao. After school, I went in the library. Went to my locker, talked to Chrissy and little and guess who came in??!?!? Liz Frietag!!! Pretty awesome. Hung out on the net in the library. Came home, ate dinner, did homework and now I'm on here! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, May 21, 2006
3:44 PM
mood: content
saturday: Finished "Eldest" last night, how awesome. What an awesome ending!!!! Can't wait for book 3!! Lol. woke up, finished reading "The Glass Menagerie" in bed. Watched TV, had lunch. Then me and mom went to the library (where I picked up some books) and Dominick's and Aldi and then picked up some Frostees at Wendy's (the only soquid you can eat with a fpoon, lmao!!!). Came home, put the groceries and watched some of the Cubs/Sox game. Holy crap, A.J. Pierzynski got into a broo-ha-ha with the catcher!! AWESOME! Pretty sure we won, lol. Went outside, untangled some vines, then we cut up a bunch of this ugly bush we have. It was hard work!! Came in, had dinner, talked. Hung out on the net. Got off, watched "Ferris Bueller's Day Off", which was awesome and then a show on Cary Grant. i LOVE Cary Grant!
sunday: Woke up, read in bed, watched some TV, parents went out. We watched a Mary & Mike Show and the parents came home. Had lunch, read. Went in my room, put on some Maroon 5 and kept reading. By 2:00, I was done with "Pardon My French", short book, only about 200 pages. Vacuumed and watched the last game in the Crosstown Classic. Cubs won, blah. Showered, shaved my legs, braided my hair, played a little Pacman. Had dinner and now I'm on here! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, May 19, 2006
4:18 PM
mood: content
thursday: Ok morning, dad stayed home cause he had another doctor's appointment. Painted my nails sexy red, lol. Talked to peeps. Worked in french, colored in anatomy, took a quiz in algebra and read a little. Read a play called "Sure Thing" in AP. Ashlene did Sudoku and I read in P&J. Read in homeroom, talked a lot in lunch. Saw a PowerPoint and took a quiz in history. Dad picked me up!!! Came home, watched "Ellen", and "Jeopardy", did my AP homework, kinda. Had dinner. Got on the PC and played "Mooshu" then surfed the net. Got off, played more "Mooshu" and sat upstairs with mom & Mike.
friday: TGIF!!!! Ok morning, Mike stayed home, he didn't feel good. It was the senior's last day, very sad. Talked to the peeps. Did great on my algebra quiz (MIRACLE) and started a new thihng. SAD WQOP in french class, OMG, I totally cried, I'm not gonna lie. Watched a really good video on the 1920's in history, I really liked it. :) Read in homeroom cuz Ashlene wasn't there. Lunch was boring, I read more. P&J was STUPID as always. I want to kill myself in there, his voice is INFURIATING. Grrrrr. Talked about "The Glass Menagerie" in AP. Went over sheets and talked about bodily functions in anatomy. After school, went into the library, checked mail, surfed Mugglenet. Went to buy a Pepsi and Katie was there! So we talked for a little while. Came home, had dinner, did some work and watched TV. And now I am on here, relaxing. I'm almost done with "Eldest"!! I'm really excited!! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
4:16 PM
mood: content
tuesday: Had another weird dream....I need a dream analyst, lol. Ok morning, had a lot of fun talking with the peeps. Hard stuff in algebra, presentations in french, "Gatsby" in AP. And Miss Wille told us that since she's not coming back next year, she's going to school in Connecticut to become a priest in the Episcopal Church...how weird. Had a great speaker in P&J who was really really awesome! :) Evaluated teachers in homeroom and checked mail, lol. Talked in lunch. Stupid people in history........gawd. Took notes in anatomy on.....poop. How gross. Mom picked me up. Came home, watched "Jeopardy", did homework, finished "Great Gatsby"....what a sad book. :( Got on the net and surfed. Got off, watched "Idol", I love all 3 people who are left, I don't want anyone to go!!! Lol. Voted and then watched a "Nova" about some megaflood. It was good.
wednesday: Ok morning, talked with the peeps. Did STUPID cats in anatomy, but we are DONE now!!! Awesome. Ms. Prendergast as a sub in algebra and just did a worksheet. Had a panel on immigration in history, oh brother......surprise, surprise, all the people on it were Mexican! Shut up. Had a presentation on service and ministry opportnities in homeroom. Talked in lunch. P&J was dumb, just did anatomy and worked out a Sudoku puzzle with Ashlene, very fun, lol. Had fun talking in AP, it started to rain and we took a "Gatsby" quiz that I did very well on. :) Loved that book. Groups for "Petit Nicolas" in french. After school, went to chess just to take a pic for the yearbook cause Mr. Wolff couldn't stay. Then I waited for Chrissy to finish taking her algebra quiz. We started to clean her locker out when I got paged!!! Eek! I forgot that mom was coming for me!!!! So, I went down there and there she was...sheesh. Stopped at "Party City" for balloons for Mom's co-worker's graduation. Came home, had dinner, watched TV, did homework. Guess what? The McCartneys, (Paul and Heather?), are getting divorced!!ALREADY! Sheesh, she's too young and he's too old. Lol. Later dudes!!
P.S. American Idol tonight....who will go?? I'm so nervous!! Eep.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, May 15, 2006
4:02 PM
mood: content
sunday: Happy Mother's Day! Dad woke me up and we gave mom her presents. She cried when she read my letter! :( How touching! Cooked bacon and pancakes and eggs for her. We ate while listening to "Breakfast With the Beatles" on the radio. :) Got on the PC, burned some CDs for dad, organized icons. Got off, me, Mike and mom sat upstairs watching "ToothlesS", LOVE that movie!! Lmao. Ah, the movies of yesteryear. Chilled and talked with mom about a lot of random stuff while the boys mowed the lawn. It was nice to talk with her. :) Made some icons on the computer and listened to music. Had dinner, got on the net for a little while. Got off and played mom in a fiesty game of Scrabble, which I won, lol. Very fun. Last, we watched "Hard Days' Night", the Beatles movie, which I LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! Great movie, I recommend it!
monday: Had a vivid dream.........mom and dad stayed home today because dad had a doctor's appointment. Had an...."eh" morning, lol. Talked with the peeps. Presentations in french, worked on packet in anatomy with Ashlene and found out that I got a 93% on my test! Awesomeness. Notes in history. Ms. Geinosky and Ms. Graney gave a presentation in homeroom. Talked a lot in lunch. Worked on questions in P&J. Talked about "Gatsby" in AP. Took a little quiz in algebra and reviewed. After school, the fam was there to pick me up. Came home, watched "Jeopardy", ate dinner, did homework and watched some TV. Now I am on here. Later dudes!!! ^__^
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Saturday, May 13, 2006
4:09 PM
mood: content
friday: Rainy morning but a good morning. Talked with the peeps. Got a 4/4 on my algebra quiz and learned some new stuff in there. In french, we were listening to presentations and we heard the sophomore class across the hall trying to sing the french national anthem! So, we went over and sang it the right way for them, lmao. And Ms. Cruz was in there and she made some references to Casablanca! Love that movie. Took quiz in history and then started a new sheet. Talked in homeroom, saw the "Barbie" themed WQOP, creepy! We got the "Mosaic Literary Magazine" and the losers at our lunch table have poems in it, EW. Talked in lunch, finished the movie in P&J. People brought in 'mondos' for snack time in AP, lmao. Miss Wille wasn't there so we all just talked and went nuts, lol. Took the test in anatomy, it wasn't that bad. After school, mom picked me up. We went to Blockbuster and they were selling all their VHS so we bought some! Lmao. We got, "The Digimon Movie", "Emporer's New Groove", "Toothless", "Willy Wonka", "It Takes Two" and "Sailor Moon: The Promise of the Rose". Aahhhh, the memories, lol. Came home, watched TV, got pizza out for dinner, yum!! Went to Fannie Mae and Dominick's to get candy, flowers, and cards for Mother's Day. :) Came home, sat on the net all night. Got off, started "Emporer's New Groove", then the parents started falling asleep. So me and Mike finished watching it upstairs then watched "Simpson's" and "Lucy".
saturday: Dreamed something new, don't remember it though. Woke up and mom & dad left real early for a doctor's appointment. Watched some TV, finished algebra homework. Mom and dad came back and then went out for lunch. Watched more TV, they came back, we ate. Watched TV with Mike and mom, Mike went out with Matt and me and mom watched "It Takes Two", oh man. I used to be obsessed with that movie!!! Lol. More TV. Had dinner, just put on "Jeopardy" and now I'm on here. Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, May 11, 2006
4:13 PM
mood: content
wednesday: Pretty good day! Had some fun talkin' with the peeps. Review in anatomy, hard stuff in algebra, chart in history. Did math in homeroom, talked a lot in lunch and the losers were at choral practice!!!! It was quiet, lmao. Watched stupid Michael Moore's "Roger and Me" in P&J. In AP, we slid Kristin Lewis out the window!!! LMAO! It was hysterical!! Presentations in french. After school, practiced for FNHS Inductions and then everyone was at the board meeting, so I sat in the cafeteria listening to Shoebox and doing my algebra. Came home, ate dinner, watched TV, got on the net. When I got off, we watched "The Amazing Race", where our least favorite team got kicked off!! And then on "Idol", Chris got kicked off!!! How awesome!!! LOL. Then I watched a little of the Sox game that Chrissy was at, lol.
thursday: Sox lost last night, 12 to 6, BLAH. Very rainy day. Talked with the peeps about the game mostly. Talked about possible trip to France in french game. In anatomy, we played a review game and everyone was relying on me to answer, the plague of smart people, lol. We won though! Quiz in algebra, and learned new stuff. Poetry in AP, movie in P&J. Read in homeroom, talked a lot in lunch. Chart in history, very very boring. After school, hung in the library on the net for a little bit. Went to the chapel at 3:00, mom and Mike were there for my FNHS re-induction. Folded some programs with Abby and then the cermony began. I was a little nervous about holding the lit candle, lol. Don't really like fire.....eep. Got another pin and then they took some pictures and stuff. Went in the dining room for refreshments and we talked with Miss Geinosky a little. Came home, had dinner, watched TV and now I'm on here!! Lata!!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
4:20 PM
mood: content
monday: Ok morning, talked with the peeps. Listened to presentations in french, dissected cats in anatomy, which was DISGUSTING. Ick. Video in history. Talked and read in homeroom, talked in lunch. Mr. D just talked about the questions in P&J, I read "Eldest", lmao. Talked "Gatsby" in AP Lit. New stuff in algebra. After school, went down to the office looking for guidlines for letters of recommendation. Mom picked me up. Came home, watched "Jeopardy", did work, had dinner, read some of "Eldest". Got on the net. Surfed around while also watching "Deal or No Deal" and then watched "The Apprentice".
tuesday: Ok morning, it was really nice out. :) Had fun talking with my peeps. Got a 76 on my algebra test, blah. Did some new stuff in there. Listened to presentations in french, did "Gatsby" and poetry in AP Lit. We were in that stupid circle again in P&J, I just read "Gatsby". Talked in homeroom and lunch. Notes in history, stupid, gross, disgusting cat in anatomy. After school, hung out in the library listening to Mugglecast. Came home, had dinner, watched TV, did homework and now I'm on here! Later dudes! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, May 07, 2006
2:04 PM
mood: happy!! ^__^
saturday: Had a weird dream. Woke up to a wonderful surprise! I got my monthly friend!
Yip-pee. Lol. Watched a lot of TV. Did some of my anatomy, ate lunch, read some ff and
listened to music while curled up in a ball of cramps in my computer chair. Yuck. Went
upstairs, watched a little of Goblet of Fire. Mike came up and we watched some special
features. Then, for the whole afternoon, we watched old, old tapes of our family. Like
mom feeding me in the highchair and Mikey crawling!! It's really weird to see yourself
that little......very odd.
sunday: Woke up, watched more old tapes of us, lol. It's fun! Did my lab report, ate
lunch, finished my lab report. Then we watched the White Sox game that my neighbor was
actually at. They won!!! It was a great game too!!!! It is soooooooooo frikkin nice out!!! It's a great day. GO OUTSIDE!! Lol. :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, May 05, 2006
4:54 PM
mood: chipper
thursday: Got up early so we could make it on time for my AP test. Got there right at 8:00 and Miss Wille was doing yoga, lmao. Went into the Catherine Room to take the test. After a lot of filling in of ID stuff, we began the multiple choice part, took one hour. It wasn't that bad. Had a break. Then we did the essay part. Three essays, two hours. I think I did well. :) Got out at noon, and I didn't know where to go, but I had homeroom next so I just sat in Ms. Prendergast's room. Talked with Ashlene in homeroom and lunch. Went to history, had to listen to STUPID people, gawd. After school, talked in the cafeteria with Chrissy and Katie. Mom picked me up. Came home, watched "Jeopardy", did a little homework, had dinner, played "Mooshu", watched "Simpson's" and "Seinfeld" and guess who cut the grass? My brother! LOL. He did a good job. Hung out on the net a little, got off and watched some TV with the fam.
friday: Thank God it's Friday!! Cinco de Mayo too, lol. Ok morning, I was in kind of a weird mood, I dunno. Took a quiz in algebra that I am sure I failed. Saw WQOP in french class, Ferris Bueller themed!!! But the sound was screwed up. Watched some "Chocolat". Talked and saw a video in history. Watched WQOP again in homeroom cause they fixed the sound and it was much better! Lauren's still a depressed loser, HA! I was like, "Isn't life great??" Lmao. Did questions in P&J. AP was really fun. It's an immensely long story but we did experiments with balloons and putting stuff inside them and seeing if they would pop and now we have to class pets, "Marble Man" and "Chalk Chick". LMAO!! You had to have been there.....worked on the packet in anatomy. After school, went to the library but I had an email saying that mom was gonna pick me up. So I went to my locker and mom was there for me. :) Came home, watched "Arthur", had dinner and read some of "Howl's Moving Castle". Now I'm on here. Thank God it's the weekend!!!!!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
4:10 PM
mood: content
tuesday: Riot day at school, lmao. Protesting cuz of Nolan and no one would have been in classes anyways so mom let me stay home. Woke up, watched some TV, played some "Mooshu Tiles", more TV, did some homework and ate some lunch. Dad came home around 1:00 cuz he had another doctor's appointment. Continued working, took a practice AP test, mom and Mike came home. I played "Mooshu" and got 5 in a row!!!! Lol. Mom & dad left for the doctor. Watched "Jeopardy" and "Dr. Phil" and "Arthur". Ate some dinner and soon, the parents came home. Got on the net. Got off, watched "American Idol", painted my nails and voted. :)
wednesday: Back 2 school. Teensy weensy bit sick still. Ok morning, talked in the cafe. Quiz in anatomy (ZOWIE!), new thing in algebra, teacher just talked in history. Read and talked in homeroom. Stupid-ass Lauren was a drama queen in lunch, crying about something.....L-O-S-E-R!!! Mr. D blew up at Jasmine in P&J, lmao. It was sooooooo boring in there, I read "Great Gatsby". Talked about the AP test tomorrow in Lit. I'm a little scared....eeks. Presentations in french class. After school, talked to Chrissy, took my make-up history quiz and then went to chess. There were only 3 of us and we spent the whole time talking with Mr. Wolff about video games, lmao. Came home, had dinner and watched some TV. Now I am on here.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, May 01, 2006
4:25 PM
mood: chipper, but still sick
sunday: Another blah day!! Yay, lol. Woke up, had some muffins, watched some of our old tapes. Then I played "Mooshu Tiles" for a while. LOL. ^__^ It was rainy all day, not a bad thing. Got off the computer, mom went to the store and I took a shower, which was nice. I put away my clothes and braided my hair. Mom came home, we put away the groceries and then I began some chores. Put away mom & dad's clothes. Had some lunch and just talked with the fam. Finished chores. Finished "The Long, Long Trailer" from the previous night and did my algebra. Watched "Mission Impossible" and had yummy chicken soup that mom made, it was good for my cold. :) Watched "The Odd Couple", "Mary Tyler Moore", "60 Minutes" and "Carol Burnett". Then watched "Bringing Up Baby" with Cary Grant, excellent movie!!
monday: Back to school, yuck. Dad went back to work, thank God. Still a little sick. Ok morning, had fun talking with the peeps. Talked in french and then listened to a presentation. Did a lab in anatomy, took notes in history. In homeroom, we took teacher surveys and I checked my mail, mom had emailed me and said that she was going to pick me up. Talked in lunch. Did sheets and talked in P&J. Talked about "Great Gatsby" and then the AP test in AP Lit. Miss Geinosky congratulated me on my ACT score. :) Algebra was......wow. After school, mom was there for me. Talked a lot on the way home. Got home, watched "Jeopardy", played around, started work. Had some dinner and did some more of my work. Now I'm on here and I just finished my P&J paper, BLOWOFF!! Lmao. Well, lata!!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
seventeen, QoP, chicago, friends, family, blogging, fanfiction, Harry Potter, Remus Lupin, chocolate, journaling, driving, The marauders, classic rock, alternative, swing music, Beatles, Graham Colton Band, Switchfoot, Maroon 5, Beatles, Billy Joel, Michael Buble, Click Five, Wicked Jack Lemmon, the 50's and 60's, conservative, George W. Bush, old movies, reality TV, SHOEBOX PROJECT, AIM, remus/sirius lurve, remus/tonks lurve, White Album, inside jokes, hangin' out, internet, LiveJournal :)

%Mood: Busy
%Book: "Duty and Desire" by Pamela Aidan
%Song: KT Tunstall, AAR & Switchfoot
%TV:"Seinfeld", "Simpson's", "Frasier", "Arthur", "Nova", "The Apprentice"
%Film: "The Terminal"
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
Daily Dudes
%Mary ~ Slowly Drifting
%Kris ~ Blurred Vision
%Kelly ~ Lost Freak
%Chrissy ~ Burning Soul
%Lin ~ Fairytale Dreams
Affilates of Myself
% My MySpace
%My LiveJournal ~ "Notorious Notations"

%The Marauders
