Thursday, June 29, 2006
6:19 PM
mood: Chipper
wednesday: Woke up, watched TV, painted my nails. Took a shower and got in a bad mood while thinking about crap in there. Blah. Me, Mike and dad went out to lunch! YAY! Out of the house! Lol. It perked my mood. Got McDonald's and ate it in the forest preserve. Nice and quiet and breezy outside! :) Came home watched "Lucy". Played "Mooshu" while trying to get on the net. Took forever!! Finally got on and browsed around. Got off, did the treadmill and watched "Dr Phil". Painted toenails and started the dinner. I had to use the grill, yipe!! That thing is hot!! Mom came home, we ate and watched some TV. Went out bike-riding with Mike and Matt for a little while. Came in, watched TV, organized some stuff in my room and watched the Sox game!! Bobby Jenks is my hero!! :)
thursday: Had a three-part dream that I will post on my LJ. Woke up, watched a bunch of TV and then put on "Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones". I luuuuuuuuv Star Wars!!! :) Went down to make lunch and there was a wasp on the kitchen window!! Eek!! Dad killed it. I vacuumed. We started to eat our lunch and noticed there were more wasps on the kitchen door! Watched "Lucy" and Mike kept having to go check for wasps, we had about ten in the house. OMG. There was this hole outside that we noticed them going into, so they must have come into the house!! Scary! Watched the beginning of "Ellen" and ate some cookies. Watched "Jeopardy". Went down to do the treadmill and watch "Dr. Phil". Started dinner. Mom came home and we ate. Went out to "Dominick's" for a few last minute party things and then to the dollar store where we found some firecrackers! Came home and now I am on here.
PARTY TOMORROW!!!!!!! ^__^

*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
1:36 PM
mood: chipper
monday: Well, Grama spent the night so she was still here. We watched TV all morning. It got a little rainy, which was nice. Played "Mario Kart", had lunch, folded towels. Then we played a game of "Trivial Pursuit". That game really makes you feel stupid! Lol. Started the dinner and
Grama the Potato Peeler Extraordinaire helped us. :) Mike gave her a demonstration of his bottle rockets and they blew right in his face!! Yow! Played "UpWords" and I won!!!!!! Awesome. Mom came home, we had dinner. Then Aunt Chris came to get Grama. We talked with her for a little while and then they left. We watched "Wife Swap" and "Treasure Hunters". Also made some little friendship bracelets, so now I have about 5 on my ankle, lol.
tuesday: Woke up, mom was home today because dad had a doctor's appointment. Watched TV. Parents left, we goofed off. Made lunch, watched TV and ate. They came home. Dad doesn't have any staples in his leg anymore!! I'll show you guys the x-ray at my party, it's quite a sight! Lol. But, they're gone now, so that's good. And now I am on here because the afternoon connection is better than the evening one, lol.
Party is coming closer!!!!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, June 25, 2006
5:16 PM
mood: content
saturday: Pretty good day! Woke up, sat for a bit and then washed up and me & mom went shopping. First went to "Sears Essentials" where we bought a bunch of candy, lmao. Then onto "KMart" where I bought a cute new purse. Lastly this grocery store called "Sterk's". Came home to drop off stuff and then went to "Dominick's". Came home and ate lunch. Then it was outside to do some yard work!! Nice to be outside! :) Snapped some dead branches off of our tree out front and cut them up with the 'branch loppers', lmao. It's fun!! Came in and watched the Sox game! Extra innings and they won!!!!!! Sweet. Got on the internet for a while. Got off, ate some dinner, watched a little TV. Then we went outside. Played a little badminton with Matt until he had to go home. When he came back we played croquet and then more badminton. Mom and Matt's mom talked for a long time on the porch and the whole time we just goofed off on the driveway. Went inside, listened to a little music and then Matt had to go home. Watched some TV and then went to bed.
sunday: Woke up pretty early. Took a shower and then we went to pick up Grama! First we went to "Sara Lee" and got a cake for my party. Yum! Picked up Grama and came home. Chatted for a while, had lunch and chatted more, lol. Me and mom went to "Menards" to get more badminton rackets. Came back, played a game of "Scrabble" and then had dinner. Just finished the "Scrabble" game {Grama won by a landslide} and I am on here.
Only 5 days to my party!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, June 23, 2006
4:29 PM
mood: bored
thursday: Had some dumb dream, didn't include the Brokeback boys so it's not worth documenting. Woke up, watched TV and goofed around. Finished "Pride & Prejudice". Played a game of "Upwords" and then ate some lunch. Played "Mario Kart", watched TV, goofed around with dad. Went on the treadmill and watched "Jeopardy". Took a shower, braided my hair. Watched some more TV and mom came home. She went out to pick up some dinner. She came home and we ate. I got on the internet and browsed. Got some really bad news and got off because the connection was crappy and I wasn't getting anywhere. Read some of "Something Rotten" and then watched TV all night.
friday: Had another odd dream, I'll post it at my LJ. Woke up, watched TV all morning, quite dull. Had lunch and we actually opened the windows and turned off the air conditioning! A miracle! It is suuuuper nice outside!! Awesome. We watched "Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace". We're going to watch all the saga movies we own in order, lol. I also played some "Mario Kart" during the movie. Now I'm on the internet. Not much will happen tonight, I can tell you. I'll do the treadmill and have some dinner and then watch TV and read. Bo-ring! Lol. Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
5:18 PM
mood: content
tuesday: Happy birthday to me!!!!!!! Yayness. Woke up and the folks gave me my cards and gifts. I got "Pride & Prejudice", "Eldest", a photo album and a CD player. Mom left for work. I tried my CD player, it's pretty cool! :) Watched some TV. Mom called at the time I was born, heehee. Put on "The Great Race" for day 2. I actually finished a sudoku!! Awesome. Had lunch, watched TV. Got on the computer and watched part of "Pride & Prejudice". Sigh. Went on the treadmill and watched "Jeopardy". Got on the internet for a little while. Mom came home so I got off, she brought home pizza for dinner! :) We ate and watched some TV. They made me get out of the room for a few minutes and when they called me back in, there were streamers and balloons and green cake!!! It's this pistachio cake from "Jewel". Ohhh, it was soooo delicious! Played a game of Scrabble and listened to the Beatles Birthday Song! :) It was a good birthday, overall.
wednesday: Had a dream but I don't remember it, lol. Woke up, watched TV. Today we skipped "The Great Race" because we had chores to do. I vacuumed the whole house, sheesh. Had lunch, helped dad with his leg exercises. Watched "Lucy". Got on the computer to write my next essay for AP. It's ok, but I don't like it as much as the last one. Got on the treadmill as usual. Matt came over and he and Mike acted annoying, lol. I did some sudoku puzzles. Watched "Arthur", emptied the dishwasher, had some dinner. Called grandma to thank her for the birthday card {I hate the phone}. And now I'm on here!
Hope everyone's summer is rocking! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, June 19, 2006
4:21 PM
mood: content
sunday: Happy Father's Day! Woke up and gave dad his stuff. We got him a CD of "The Who" and the DVD of "Bullitt". Listened to his CD and had breakfast. Played some of 'Mario Kart' and then put on "Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone". Sigh, gotta love HP. Had lunch, goofed around. When the movie was over, dad got up and walked on his crutches a little. Got on the computer. Played solitaire and Mooshu and read the last chapter of "Imperius". It's over!!!! How sad. :( Got on the net and did some various junk. Got off, played more solitaire. Had some dinner. Watched TV, did some puzzles in the book we got for dad and watched TV until bedtime.
monday: Had a cool dream that had two halves. The first half was about me going to Miss Wille's house and...I'm pretty sure she had Mister Darcy visting.......how odd. The other half was about "Brokeback Mountain". Before they were even married or crap, Jack was living in Ennis' basment, trying to get away from his stalking mother. Very odd. Lol. So, woke up, watched "Oprah" and did some sudoku. Urgh, lol. Then we put on "The Great Race". Aha, it is only day one. Lmao, every summer, we watch that movie every day for a week. Very enjoyable. :) Had lunch, when the movie finished we watched "Lucy". Folded some towels and read. Mom came home and her & dad went to the doctor's. Capped some of the Ralph Fiennes interview on the GoF DVD. Then the bookmobile came! We went to it, got books renewed and picked up some that we had a hold on. Matt was there and we talked a little to his mom. Came back, did the treadmill {which I have neglected!!}, laid down for a bit and then took a shower. Had dinner and the parents are home and I am on here!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Saturday, June 17, 2006
5:08 PM
mood: content
music: Beatles: Helter Skelter
friday: Happy anniversary to my parents!! :) Had a really cool murder mystery type dream. I posted it on my LJ but I don't feel like writing it all out again, lol. Woke up, mom left for the hospital as soon as we woke up. Watched some TV, folded towels, put my clothes away. Had lunch and watched "Lucy". After lunch we decorated the kitchen for dad cause he was coming home! Watched TV, played some cards and around 3:00, they came home!!! Yayness. He got up the stairs on crutches pretty well! We played cards in there and chatted with dad. Gave him & mom their anniversary cards. :) Watched "The African Queen" and ate dinner. Uncle John came over to visit dad, we chatted, I love that guy! :) Got on the net and surfed. Got off and watched various television until bedtime.
saturday: Woke up, laid in bed a while and then dad actually got on his crutches and came into my room, it's good for him to move around. We sat in his room chatting up a storm. :) Started "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" but I went to take a shower. Braided hair and shaved my legs, lol. Me & mom went out. First to "Shell" to make copies, only 5 cents, quite good. Went to the post office but it was closed. Went to Kmart, bought "Eldest", it's for my birthday and I'm not supposed to know about it, lmao. Ordered pizza at "Pizza Hut" and then went "Corwin Drug Store". It's a really cute old-fashioned drug store. We got some candy and I bought a pen {like I need another one, lol}, and we mailed my schoolbooks off to the place. Got the pizza and picked up a milkshake for dad. Came home, ate, made out my invitations. Went out to "Target" and on the way, this dude on a motorcycle was checking me out!!! LMAO!! Ahem, at "Target" I got "Pride and Prejudice" on DVD and a nice photo album, both things are for my birthday but I'm not supposed to know, lmao. Also sent invitations out! Came home, did some word puzzles, ate dinner and now I am on here.
Only 3 days until I turn 17!!!!!!! ^__^
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, June 15, 2006
4:12 PM
mood: content
wednesday: Surgery day, yipes. They woke us up really early so we could say goodbye before they left. It was really.......really early. After they left I laid in bed a bit until migrating to the couch downstairs where I fell asleep, only to be awoken an hour and a half later with a crick in my neck and the phone ringing. Watched some TV, mom called and said everything was fine and that the procedure went well. Had lunch, played around, mom called us again. Watched more TV, mom came home and told us everything that went on. Went on the treadmill and watched "Jeopardy". Went to Dominick's and got flowers and a balloon for dad. Then we went to visit him. The stupid elevator was really jerky. Grr. I hate elevators. Well, dad was really groggy and he just slept most of the time. Watched a little TV in his room. Then he actually asked us to leave so he could sleep, so we found stairs, lol. Stopped off at "Jewel" where the cashier was this really cute guy with a 'Switchfoot haircut', lmao. I love their hair. :) Came home and ate and watched "The 100 Most Inspiring Movies", really cool. :)
thursday: Woke up later than usual. Had to make up for lost sleep yesterday. Got on the net for a little bit and found out that Lin got an LJ, how awesome?!?! Lol. Got off, ate some lunch and we went out. First went to the library where we printed a card 4 dad and I printed some pictures. Went to the hospital and had to take the stupid elevator again! Urgh. When we came in these two workers were helping him get out of bed and start to use the crutches. I think he did well on them. Showed him the card we made. Well, he was much much better today, sitting up and talking to us more. Watched some TV in his room and chatted. We left and took a different elevator and I swear it was a demon elevator, it would not go down! Only up!! Scary. Lol. Finally got out of that damn building. Stopped for dinner, came home and ate and now I am on here. Thanks for your prayers 4 dad, he's fine now and I'm glad it's over! Later days! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
4:46 PM
mood: okay
monday: Pretty good day! Woke up, watched "Green Acres", "Petticoat Junction", and "Oprah". I played some 'Mario Kart'. Got on the computer, blasted music and read the latest update of "Imperius" and then began my summer essay for AP Language. :) Took a break for lunch and "Lucy". I got back on and finished it!!! It was awesome, I really like it. :) Matt came over a little. I played some 'Mario Kart' and I was really trying to beat this one circuit and I guess it wasn't charged and it just shut off on me!!!!! NOOOOOOOOO!! Lmao, I was mad. So, did the treadmill, did really well today. Mom came home, I read her my essay. Dad came home. Had dinner, played 'Mario', got on the net. Got off and watched the premiere of "Hell's Kitchen", which people scoff at but I rather enjoy.
tuesday: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!! Had a dream about me & Lin hanging out, lol. Watched some TV, played "Mario Kart". Then me and Mike put together a little photo album for dad to take to the hospital tomorrow. Had lunch, played more 'Kart', read a lot and finished "The Well of Lost Plots". It was excellent!!! Played a little more 'Kart' and then got on the treadmill. 105 calories burned!! :) Watched TV. Mom came home and soon after, dad came home. We gave mom her present and cards! :) Parents went out to pick up dinner, they came back, we ate and now I am on here. Surgery tomorrow.........keep him in your thoughts. ^__^
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, June 11, 2006
3:57 PM
mood: chipper
saturday: Woke up and the washing maching was being delivered. I saw it, it's very white, lol. Read in bed a little. Talked with the fam, had lunch, read some more. Showered, braided hair, me and mom went out shopping. Went to "J.C. Penny's", where I bought some softy shorts. No jeans, no skirts. Then to "Rave" and "Kohl's". No dice. Went to "Barnes and Noble", bought a CD for dad and a journal on a bargain rack. Also picked up invitations for my birthday bash! Gotta send those out soon!! Heeheehee. :) Came home, played one game of solitaire and mom and me went back out. Shopped at Dominick's and then picked up dinner cause it was late and we were all starving. Lol. Came home, ate dinner, watched a bunch of TV late into the night.
sunday: Had a dream about "Mario Kart", lmao. Woke up, read in bed. "The Well of Lost Plots" is an EXCELLENT book. Watched TV, including this cool thing on Billy Joel that the parents taped for us. Looked at some old photos. Had some lunch, talked with the peeps. Then the whole fam went out. First we went to my Uncle John's, talked for a while. Then went to "Game Crazy" where Mike...........BOUGHT THE NINTENDO DS!! Stopped at "Jewel" to do a little more shopping and then headed home. I played.......MARIO KART!! I absolutely love that game, and now we own it.....~sigh~, lol. Had dinner and now I'm on here! Later days!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, June 09, 2006
5:01 PM
mood: content
note: Sorry for all the entry confusion, I missed a day and then blogger was being a bitch, grr.
thursday: woke up and there was good news to be had. The leader of Al-Qaeda is dead! D-E-A-D, dead! Happiness, lol. Watched some TV, listened to music, read ff. Guess what was on? "Bob the Builder", lmao. Had lunch, watched "Lucy", played a little solitaire, did the treadmill while watching "Jeopardy". Watched more TV, played some more solitaire. Dad came home, mom came home. Got on the net for a little, stopped to eat dinner and then got back on. Got a little mad at some people. Got off, read and watched TV.
friday: So, woke up a little later than usual today because dad stayed home for a doctor's appointment. Watched "Oprah" and "The Price is Right", dad left. Watched "Cosby" and read some of "bird by bird", I loooooove this book! :) Goofed around, dad came back with food. Ate, watched TV and then we went out. Well, getting dressed was annoying, I HATE all my clothes. It happens once in a while, lol. Went to "Menard's", picked out cards for various occasions coming up. Came home, went on the treadmill and watched "Jeopardy". Read and watched a lot of TV. Had dinner, played a little Mooshu and now I'm on the net!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
4:36 PM
mood: chipper
monday: First REAL day of summer! Woke up, watched "Oprah". Got on the PC. Read the newest "Underground Lake" column with Mike, organized icons, made a new Summer Shoebox wallpaper. Had lunch, watched "The Monkees", "Gidget" and "Lucy". Gotta love classic TV!!! :) Back on the PC, listened to music, read the latest "Imperius" chapter, watched some of "Ellen". Then, the "Bookmobile" came around!!! How awesome is the idea of a "Bookmobile"? Very!! So, me and Mike walked over to it and got some books. Came back, sat around, dad came home & Matt came over. Watched some TV, had dinener, got on the net. Got off and watched the finale of "The Apprentice"!! Guess who won? Sean!! The dude with the english accent!! Awesomeness. :)
tuesday: Oh no, it's the apocalypse! Lol. Woke up, watched "Petticoat Junction" and a little of "Regis and Kelly". Then we put on "The Lady Vanishes", which is an excellent Hitchcock movie! :) Read a little, started reading "bird by bird", which is great so far! Had lunch, watched "Lucy" and Mike did some card tricks. Read some fanfiction, got on the treadmill!! Ok, every single day of summer at 3:30, I'm gonna do the treadmill, it's my new resolution. Dad came home, we watched TV, mom came home. Parents went out, watched more TV, watched the "Mission Impossible" we had on tape, it was really good!
wednesday: Woke up, watched "Petticoat Junction", and then "Oprah" and saw Sean from "The Apprentice" on "Regis & Kelly". -sigh- Then we looked through old pictures in the closet, it is soooooooooooo fun looking at old pictures!! ^__^ Had lunch, watched TV. Matt came over for a little bit. I wrote a chapter of fanfiction. Watched "Jeopardy" and did the treadmill. Took a shower, dad came home, watched TV, mom came home with dinner, and now I'm on here! Summer rocks!!!!!!!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, June 04, 2006
5:07 PM
mood: content- IT'S SUMMER!!!!
saturday: First day of summer break! Woke up, read in bed, watched some TV. Parents went out, I read some more and then vacuumed the entire upstairs. Had lunch, watched TV with Mike. Parents came back, I vacuumed the family room and watched more TV. Then, while Mike & dad mowed the lawn, I helped mom clean the downstairs bathroom. I swear, I am getting a cleaning lady when I grow up! Read more, got the buyback thing for my schoolbooks in the mail. Then we all went out for pizza at "Ed & Joe's". Reallllly good pizza!! Got an oil change and went to "Fashion Bug". I bought some softy shorts and a really cute pink sweater for my senior picture. Then onto "Walmart" where I bought a pack of pens, some ink refills and a box for index cards for AP next year. Came home and we got soquids!!! With fpoons!! LMAO!! Yummy....then me and Mike played badminton and basketball outside. Came in, hung out on the net and made a mix CD. Oooh, also, SOX WON! Lol.
sunday: Had a really weird dream, about school, yuck. Woke up, read in bed, and guess what I got? My stupid-ass monthly friend...stupid femininity.....watched some TV and listened to the CD that I made. Mike went to his friend's house. I watched TV and curled up in a ball of pain. OWWWWW!!! My god....laid in bed a little and read. Parents went out. I kept reading. I started to feel a little better so I made lunch and watched TV. Parents came back and said they bought a new washing machine! Ours is leaking, yikes! More TV, talked with mom, finished reading "The Little White Horse". Showered and got on the PC, typed out some stuff, got out some aggression and listened to some music.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, June 02, 2006
6:26 PM
mood: having fun already
thursday: Happy June! Ok morning, talked to peeps. There were freshman at our window, lol. Had history first, it wasn't so bad. Hung in Ms. Davis' room, then went to Peace and Justice. SO EASY!!!! Piece of cake. Got out, went to my locker and Ashlene's and then out! We drove with Katie and this freshman to Giordano's! It was really fun! We all hung out and just talked, it was nice. Only downside was that Ashlene's friend Kathleen brought some of her preppy friends, kind of annoying. Ashlene drove me home. Watched "Jeopardy", planned the "M&M Show", ha dinner, watched TV. Began translating a massive story for the french exam. Watched some of the Spelling Bee. :) Got on the net for a little while and I just got pissed off.......people. Got off, finished translating and watched the end of the Spelling Bee.
friday: Last day!! Ok morning, talked to peeps. Last day standing at our window, how sad, lol. AP Lit first. Had a vocab section, then multiple choice on a "Pride & Prejudice" passage, and then we wrote 2 essays in the voice of a character & then a letter to Miss Wille. Took a pic with Wille and then left. Couldn't find peeps in between classes, lol. Went to french. Had questions on "Louisette" and then translating verb tenses and then questions on "Je quitter la maison". It wasn't so bad. I took a pic with Ms. Jancys too. Got my letter of recommendation from Ms. Lynch and then it was off! SCHOOL IS OVER!! Thank the Lord, I couldn't take it much longer. Mom drove us home and left for work. Ate lunch, watched "Lucy" and then we did our "Mary & Mike Show". It came out really good. :) Dad came home, we watched our show, mom came home, we ate dinner. I watched some TV and then went outside to play some badminton. There was a bunch of little birdies in the bush and they flew into the street and one got run over. It was sooo sad. What a horrible thing. :( Came in and I'm on here.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
seventeen, QoP, chicago, friends, family, blogging, fanfiction, Harry Potter, Remus Lupin, chocolate, journaling, driving, The marauders, classic rock, alternative, swing music, Beatles, Graham Colton Band, Switchfoot, Maroon 5, Beatles, Billy Joel, Michael Buble, Click Five, Wicked Jack Lemmon, the 50's and 60's, conservative, George W. Bush, old movies, reality TV, SHOEBOX PROJECT, AIM, remus/sirius lurve, remus/tonks lurve, White Album, inside jokes, hangin' out, internet, LiveJournal :)

%Mood: Busy
%Book: "Duty and Desire" by Pamela Aidan
%Song: KT Tunstall, AAR & Switchfoot
%TV:"Seinfeld", "Simpson's", "Frasier", "Arthur", "Nova", "The Apprentice"
%Film: "The Terminal"
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
Daily Dudes
%Mary ~ Slowly Drifting
%Kris ~ Blurred Vision
%Kelly ~ Lost Freak
%Chrissy ~ Burning Soul
%Lin ~ Fairytale Dreams
Affilates of Myself
% My MySpace
%My LiveJournal ~ "Notorious Notations"

%The Marauders
