Sunday, July 30, 2006
8:35 AM
mood: content
friday: Dad's last weekday at school, sad. Woke up, watched some TV, took a shower. Went to the bank and got some lunch out. Came home, ate and chatted about when dad lived in Oregon, very cool. Mom came home and they went off to physical therapy. Got on the internet and had a wonderful post from 'LadyJaida', she said another Shoebox update is coming soon!!!! :) Got off, read some Shoebox, got on the treadmill. Mom & dad came home and brought pizza with them! We ate and watched old Digimon reruns, FUN! :) Watched TV all night and then read a bit too.
saturday: Fun day! Woke up, read a bit and ended up finishing "Searching for Dragons" AND "bird by bird"! Had a little breakfast, watched Mikey on the "Goblet of Fire" computer game, read, played around with the typewriter. Matt came over, home from camping. Went to "Dominick's" with mom and saw Blake, lol. ;) Came home, we were planning on going to see my cousin but every time we tried to call, the phone was busy! It was like, busy all day! So, we baked some stuff and then Chrissy called and invited me to swim!!! :) So, went over there. Just me, Chrissy & Lin again, lol. Talked for a bit and then changed and went swimming! Played a lot of ABC volleyball, which got much much more interesting, lmao! At about 6 we got out to watch "Titanic". Wow! What a great movie!! We only watched the first half but I really really liked it. :) So, my fam came to get me at about 9. Came home, ate a little something and just hung around all night. :)
sunday: Well, yesterday I was supposed to post Friday and Saturday but I was out late so I didn't have time when I got home. So, I have to post three days today. Blah. Lol, oh well. Nothing much has happened yet today, it's pretty early still. Woke up and I'm sore from volleyball again! Lmao. Had a weird dream that I was at my grama's house and her basement was a palace, {looked like the Titanic, lmao}, and grama was dressed like a rich person and she knew movie stars and then I had to go and I told her that I was going to make a TV appearance with Humphrey Bogart {HUH???} but instead I went to do a skit with Mike and Miss Wille, and in between it there was a commercial for "Brokeback" and my parents were like, "I hate that movie!", and I got mad. ODD dream, wow. Well, all I know of that we might do today is try to go see my cousin, if her phone isn't off the hook, sheesh.

*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, July 27, 2006
12:09 PM
mood: content
note: My sole commenter is back from Mexico! YAY! Lol.
wednesday: Woke up and watched some TV. Took a shower and we went out to the store. Dad actually drove and came into the store with us! No more crutches!!! Lol. Came home, had some lunch and watched "Lucy". Mom came home and I got on the internet. The parents went out to the store and mom left some homemade chicken soup simmering on the stove. The smell was sooooo yummy!! Parents came home. I got off the net and went on the treadmill. Read a little, had some soup and then dinner. Watched a lot of TV. Parents would not let me watch "Ray" with them, well, I am 17. Quite ridiculous, really. So, I watched "Alice in Wonderland" instead. I adore that movie! Then we watched a special on Walter Cronkite, interesting. :)
thursday: Woke up, watched TV and goofed around with dad and Mike. We have been in this house toooo long!! Lmao. Well, dad gets to go back to work on Monday! Got to see "Bob the Builder", lmao. Had lunch and chatted. Got on the computer and typed up my second journal for "bird by bird". I did it on the chapter "Index Cards". I looooooved that chapter, it sounded just like me!! And I had a lot of fun writing the journal, now I have to read something by that lesbian and write two journals on her, gag. Aaaaaaaaand, now I'm on here! Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
12:14 PM
mood: meh
monday: Woke up, watched "Oprah". Took a nice shower. Put on "Episode III" and finally
finished it. Had lunch. Folded towels and vacuumed. Typed some of my last essay and I hate it
already. Mom came home early. Got on the internet and not long after, the parents left for
the doctor's. Afer I was done on the net, I got on the treadmill. Played some Sega. Watched
TV and sat around in the basement with Mike, starving. Finally the parents came home with
dinner and good news as well! No more crutches for dad! Yay. Ate dinner and then pretty much
watched TV all night.
tuesday: Woke up, watched TV and dad was able to get his own breakfast!! Lol. Had lunch,
called the school and asked when we're getting our schedules. They said this week, thank God,
we have to order our books! Sheesh. I was just finishing my essay, it's the shortest one yet
and I really despise it. It's horrible and terrible and awful and I just hate it. Yuck. Gonna
go read some fanfiction now. Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, July 23, 2006
1:46 PM
mood: content
saturday: Woke up and it was a very sunny and pleasant morning. Looked at the huge catalog again, read my book and me & Mike goofed off looking at Digimon stuff and getting nostalgic, sad. Talked, had some lunch and then got on the internet. Browsed around. Got off and me and mom went out. First to "Menard's". Then to "Dominick's" where Blake the bagboy bagged our groceries, sigh. Picked up dinner, came home and ate. Read a bit, watched TV and some of the Sox game. Got really stormy, it was nice. Got on the computer and wrote up some of my detective novel details. Sox lost, crap! Watched TV til bedtime.
sunday: Happy Birthday to Daniel Radcliffe!! :) Woke up, watched TV, read some of the paper, shaved my legs and went out with mom. First we went to "SuperCuts" cause she wanted to get a haircut, it's much better now! Came home and took the boys' orders and then went out to get some lunch. Came home, ate, watched TV, did my nails. Mom went on the treadmill and we hung out down there too. Now I am on here! Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, July 21, 2006
1:09 PM
mood: happy
thursday: Woke up, watched a bunch of TV. It was stormy and the power kept like, half going out, lol. Weird. Dad finally got a call he had been waiting for and we got dressed. Had lunch and then went out to the mall. First went to "Office Depot" where we bought some looseleaf paper. Then to "Barnes & Noble" where me and Mike stayed for a looooooong time, lol. Ended up buying "Northanger Abbey" by Jane Austen, "The Eyre Affair" by Jasper Fforde and a Lisa Simpson bookmark, lmao. Stopped at Blockbuster and got "Cinderella Man", "Ray" and "Rear Window". Came home and got on the net. Afterwards, got on the treadmill and then played Sega with Mike. Had dinner and watched various TV. The night, was fun! Played around on the typewriter a bit, played "Aladdin" on Sega, listened to the "Aladdin" soundtrack and the "Anastasia" soundtrack too! Fried my eyeballs playing 'Casino Night' on Sonic 2 and then watched TV with the fam.
friday: Had to wake up pretty early and we left before mom did!! Drove dad to his physical therapy, and Taylor was on the TV there. Awesome. :) He had a different girl this time and he went on an exercise bike. I swallowed a tic-tac{LOL} and read my book. Stopped at "Walgreen's" on the way home. Came home, thumbed through a catalog that we got in the mail, very fun. :) Started "Star Wars;Episode III: Revenge of the Sith", had lunch and an insurance dude came to check out the van. Did some typewriter stuff and then played some games on the old computer, what a dinosaur! It shut down on me and I felt at home, lmao. Now I'm on here! Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
11:58 AM
mood: calm
music: Michael Buble-You'll Never Find
tuesday: Woke up earlier than usual and was kinda crabby, lol. Drove dad to physical therapy. Thank God it was on the ground floor, no demon elevator! Lmao. Waited and soon his therapist came. I just read through the whole thing. Went to two collision places to get estimates on the damage I did to the van Monday night. Got lunch and came home. Ate and then went to one more place to get an estimate. Watched "Lucy" and then got on here. Browsed around and got a Jake buzz from IMDB, lol. Got off and did the treadmill. Had dinner, mom came home. Finished reading "The Big Over Easy"!!! What a great plot! :) Went to the store with mom, came back and watched the Sox game and some TV.
wednesday: Well, woke up, watched "Oprah". Played some Mario and goofed off. Took a shower and braided hair. Had lunch, played Mario again and then watched "Lucy". Now I'm on here. That's all for today, lol. Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, July 17, 2006
12:46 PM
mood: blah
sunday: One year since HBP! Lol. :) Woke up and was sore from volleyball, wow. Read some of the paper, watched Mom cook breakfast on the grill {LOL} and chatted with the fam. Got on the net and we discovered that the phone upstairs was ruining the connection! So we unplugged it and it's super fast. Had some lunch, played some Spider solitaire. Got off, sat around. Then we decided to go in the basement. Moved the futon and vacuumed up some bugs and then tackled my Barbie dolls! Sooooooo many, lmao. We put them all into a big plastic tub. It was fun looking through them all. :) Had dinner, watched "Seinfeld" and a really good story on "Dateline". Then just sat around goofing off and playing 'Password' until bedtime.
monday: Had a weird dream last night. There was this lady who turned dust into corn and we got really fast DSL in the basement and there was this little girl with cerebal palsey. Weird! Woke up, watched TV and read "The Big Over Easy". I read a lot of it! And I am slowly falling in love with the main detective guy. Lol. Had lunch, watched "Lucy" and now I am on here. I miss Chrissy and Lin already! How pathetic am I? Lol. Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Saturday, July 15, 2006
7:34 PM
mood: happy
quote: "Come on, raft, do your job!!" ~ Crazy Chrissy
friday: I realized last night that this is the first year I watched the Oscars, and I've seen 4 of the movies that were up for awards! Lol. Woke up, watched TV, read a lot of "bird by bird" and wrote a small piece on Brokeback that I may post on my LJ. Had lunch, watched Mike on Dreamcast, typed one of my journals for "bird by bird". Got on the net and browsed around, slowly getting on a Brokeback buzz, lmao. :) Got off, did the treadmill. Played Spider Solitaire and read some fanfiction. Mom came home with pizza! Ate and watched TV. Read and watched TV for the rest of the night.
saturday: Fab day! :) Woke up, watched TV and read a bit. Called Chrissy and started making plans. Took a shower and ate lunch. Chrissy called again and we made plans to swimmmm!! So, got ready, stopped at "Walgreen's" for candy, lol. Got to Chrissy's and we drove to pick up Lin and the leather seats in her daddy's car were sooooo hot that I had to sit on newspaper! Lmao. So, picked Lin up, went back to Chrissy's and got in the pool! Really nice and shady. :) Played a lot of alphabet volleyball which is really quite kickass. Chrissy's mom even played! Got out a bit for snacks and then went back in! Played more volleyball and Chrissy's friends the rafts helped her out, lmao!! It was soooooooooo fun! We couldn't get past A and B!!! Lordy. So, floated for a bit and then got out. Her mom made some yummy hamburgers and stuff on the grill and we ate and then talked and played around with ring tones. And now, I am home and on here. :) Awesome day.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, July 13, 2006
1:18 PM
mood: content
wednesday: Not a bad day. Dreamt about Brokeback on and off all night. :) Woke up, watched TV and then got dressed. We went out to the bank and got gas and lunch. Came home and discovered that stupid-ass White Castle had screwed up my order! So, had to go back and stand in line and wait for my chicken rings, lol. Finally came back home and ate. Then went to "Aldi" and me and Mike went in all on our own, lol. It was fun. Came home, browsed the internet. Got off, chopped potatoes for dinner and then got on the treadmill. Got off, watched TV, mom came home and we ate dinner. Wrote a short fanfic, watched TV and read all night.
thursday: Woke up, watched TV and decided to put on "Chamber of Secrets". So, we did. Took a break for lunch. Finished it and watched "Lucy". And now I am on the internet, that was my day, lol.
p.s. {Brokeback!! AHHHHHH! Lmao}
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
5:30 PM
mood: ecstatic
music: Click Five: Say Goodnight
monday: Woke up, watched TV, played Mario, more TV. Mike got on Dreamcast and I watched him play that. Ate lunch, and still watched Mike on there. Folded towels, emptied and reloaded the dishwasher. Got on the net and sat there for a good 2 hours. Did the treadmill, atched TV, ate dinner. Got back on the PC and read a lot of fanfiction. I got the results of my AP test! I got a 3, which apparently means I am 'qualified', whatever, lol. Helped mom make brownies, read, watched "Treasure Hunters". Boring day.
tuesday: AWESOME DAY!! Woke up, it was rainy. Watched TV. Around 10:00, Chrissy called me and said they were hanging out and she invited me along! So, I showered really quick and they came to get me! We blasted music on LaGrange while going to La Grange, lmao. It was POURING RAIN, like whoa, lol. Went to "Noodles & Company" and they ate. Got soaked going back to the car, lmao. Went to the mall, wandered, looked for sandals, browsed "Hot Topic". Then....Chrissy mentioned that her mom had rented "BrokebackMountain"......AHHHHHHHHH! Yea, I've been waiting close to 8 months now to see that effing movie! So, we drove to her house, made popcorn and watched it!!! Ach, it was soooo sad! But Jake Gyllenhaal was sooooo sexy. Omigod. It was lovely. Such a sad story, I cried at the end. "Jack, I swear"....SOOOOO sad! Lol. So, then I had to go home for dinner so they all drove me home. :) I had a lot of fun! We need to do that more often!!! Heehee. So, mom came home with dinner, we ate and watched TV and now I am on here. :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, July 09, 2006
12:18 PM
mood: content
saturday: Woke up, watched some tennis and played Mario Kart. Got on the net and Ashlene had sent me a bunch of party pics! A lot of action shots from badminton! Lol. Got off, played a lot of spider solitaire and had some lunch. Sat around, Matt came over, he showed his new Lego magazine. I hung out with him and Mike for a while. Shaved my legs and got dressed and we set out for my cousin Beth's wedding shower! It was really nice out, perfect weather for an outdoor party, really. It was at her fiancee's house, he is really cute and he's got a nice house!They had a tent set up and music playing and an inground pool and a slushy machine, and like, servers to bring around more pretzels for the table, lol. Kind of a big event! So, we just sat at a table and chatted to passing relatives cause dad couldn't really get up and mingle. Kevo came and we talked to him. Had some delicious food! The guy from "Chuck's" by QoP was actually there Had some really good lemon cake and some other goodies. Then we had to go cause dad couldn't sit any longer. Stopped at "walgreen's". Got some cards for Matt's birthday tomorrow and some pens from the bargain bin, lmao. The cashier was a cute guy. :) Came home and watched TV until bedtime.
sunday: Woke up, watched some more of Wimbledon and had some tasty donuts. Got on the computer. Finished writing my third essay for AP while listening to music. Read the essay to my public {the fam, lol} and then had some lunch. And now I am logged onto the net. Off to the fanfic pages! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, July 07, 2006
4:06 PM
mood: chipper
thursday: Grama came over again on Wednesday night so she had slept over. We woke up, watched some TV. Browsed the net with a great connection for once! Got off, got dressed and we all went out for lunch. Got food at McDonald's and then ate it in the forest preserve, peaceful. Drove past some really big houses, heehee. Came home, read some of my book. Watched "Jeopardy" and then went on the treadmill. Finished reading "Something Rotten", what a good book! Picked up dinner, came home, mom came home and we ate. Talked, wrote the next chapter of my fanfic and then we put on "Walk the Line". Wow!!! What a fantastic movie!! I really liked it.
friday: Woke up and guess what we watched??? The Brokeback episode of Oprah!! They let me see it!! Jake is so sexy. Sigh. Aunt Chris came and picked up Grama. Did nails, had lunch. Mom came home and I took a shower. We straightened my hair and I got all dressed and then it was off to the photo studio for senior pictures!!!! It was pretty far away! Got there and had to wait for about an hour, oy. The photographer was nice, he really paid attention to the details and I think I took some pretty nice looking pictures! Picked up some Pizza Hut, came home, ate and now I am on here. :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
2:36 PM
mood: meh
tuesday: Happy Fourth of July!! Mom was home! Woke up, watched TV for a while and then got on the computer. Played "Spider solitaire" and browsed the net. Mike mowed the lawn and a few more wasps came in! Got off, had lunch and watched "Lucy". Played "Mario Kart" and then watched "Jeopardy". Got on the treadmill. Watched TV and ate dinner. Took some aspirin for my pounding head and we left for the fireworks! It was fun! We did a special "Mary and Mike Show" from the van, lol. They had a band and the fireworks were pretty good, we had a nice time and it was nice to get out of the house! Came home, did some little 'party snaps' on the driveway and watched TV till bedtime.
wednesday: Woke up, watched TV. Dad had me running ragged up and down the stairs bringing him stuff cause he was making some phone calls. Oy. Read and watched TV. Got to see "Bob the Builder", lmao. Dad called some wasp exterminator and he came and sprayed the hole. Played "Mario". Then, right before lunch, there was a wasp on the plastic and dad sprayed it with this stuff and I kinda freaked out cause there was poison in my family room and then, I don't know, I'm really moody from my stupid monthly crap so I actually just cried for a while. It felt kinda good. Ate lunch and watched "Lucy" and now I'm on here.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, July 03, 2006
12:10 PM
mood: chipper
music: Michael Buble: Come Fly With Me {makes me melt!!!!}
sunday: Woke up, read some of the Sports section of the Tribune, heeheehee, loooooots of Sox VS. Cubs stuff. We smoked 'em! Cut some of it out of the paper for my bulliten board. Also got my monthly friend, OW!!! I'm glad it missed my party though! Got dressed, watched a little tennis. Went out. First we dropped Alex at home cause he slept over. Looked at "Payless Shoes" but they had nothing. Bought the "Pride and Prejudice" soundtrack at "Coconut's". Got a gift card for my cousin at "Bed, Bath & Beyond" and made a quick stop at "Jewel". Came home and was really in a lot of pain. Had a little lunch and watched the Sox game. OMG! Stupid Buerlhe! Stupid Cubs!! Gave up 7 runs in the first inning, WTF?? on the net and browsed a little. Watched the Sox game, we put up a good fight but the stupid Cubs beat us. Big deal, we won the series. Listened to the "Pride and Prejudice" soundtrack and then helped mom with dinner. Ate and watched "The Simpson's" and then some of "Dateline". Then we put on "Zathura", it was a good movie! I liked it. Also, mom put some poison junk in the wasp hole, so hopefully they'll be gone.
monday: Had a dream but can't really remember it. Mom was home today cause tomorrow is the Fourth! :) So, woke up, watched "Oprah" all about redecorating, I like those ones, lol. Watched "Cheers" and one "Cosby". Took a shower. Had some lunch and watched "Lucy". Now I'm on here!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Saturday, July 01, 2006
4:42 PM
mood: content
friday: What a great day!! Party day!! YAY! Woke up and dad was killing a wasp in his bedroom, yipe! Watched some TV. Showered and shaved my legs and nicked behind my knee! OW!! Had lunch, decorated my cake. Me and Mike made some water balloons. Around 3:20, everyone but Ashlene arrived, lmao. Because Lin drove everybody! So, we talked for a little bit and then decided to tackle the badminton net. We got it up and started playing and everyone got a Sox player name, lmao. Ashlene came, we went in and talked a bit. Pizza came, we ate and talked. Next was presents! I'll just post them all at my LJ. I got some great stuff! Ate some cake and then back outside. Played some badminton, Ashlene took pics and my brother and his friend started throwing water balloons over the house!! So, me and Kelly went and took some and hit Chrissy!! :) Came in and Lin & Chrissy drove Kelly to this pizza place so her dad could get her. They came back and we played more badminton. Talked a lot too. So, then we took a group picture by the fireplace and they had to go. :( I didn't want 'em to! Lol. When they left, me, Mike and Matt played some of "Scene It".
saturday: Woke up and talked a lot with the parents. Listened to "Click Five". I LOVE it!!!!! Did my half of the vocab list and typed this up. Had some lunch and Mike's friend Alex came over. Me and mom went to "Blockbuster" and "Dominick's". Came home, watched the Sox game {SWEET!!!} and now I'm on here!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
seventeen, QoP, chicago, friends, family, blogging, fanfiction, Harry Potter, Remus Lupin, chocolate, journaling, driving, The marauders, classic rock, alternative, swing music, Beatles, Graham Colton Band, Switchfoot, Maroon 5, Beatles, Billy Joel, Michael Buble, Click Five, Wicked Jack Lemmon, the 50's and 60's, conservative, George W. Bush, old movies, reality TV, SHOEBOX PROJECT, AIM, remus/sirius lurve, remus/tonks lurve, White Album, inside jokes, hangin' out, internet, LiveJournal :)

%Mood: Busy
%Book: "Duty and Desire" by Pamela Aidan
%Song: KT Tunstall, AAR & Switchfoot
%TV:"Seinfeld", "Simpson's", "Frasier", "Arthur", "Nova", "The Apprentice"
%Film: "The Terminal"
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
Daily Dudes
%Mary ~ Slowly Drifting
%Kris ~ Blurred Vision
%Kelly ~ Lost Freak
%Chrissy ~ Burning Soul
%Lin ~ Fairytale Dreams
Affilates of Myself
% My MySpace
%My LiveJournal ~ "Notorious Notations"

%The Marauders
