Thursday, August 31, 2006
1:04 PM
mood: content
Wednesday: Woke up, did routine, hair is still pretty. =) Sat in the cafeteria and then by the window talking to the peeps. Also, heard the piano cause it's Wednesday, lol. Talked abot poems in Creative Writing. Discussed this worksheet we did in Government and there was a bee flying by me!! Yikes. Discussed essays in AP. Spent the whole time in study on the net. Fun times. Went to the club fair in homeroom/journalism. Walked around with Ashlene. Talked in lunch. LWF was kinda boring. Wrote Chrissy a note, lol. Did verb shtuff in French. Gave Chrissy her note and went with her to her locker. Mom picked me up. Came home, watched TV, did homework. Dad came home. Ate some dinner, watched more TV and the parents went to physical therapy. Finished my homework and just lounged. Parents came home and we threw streamers and stuff cause it was dad's last day of therapy. =) Got on the net. Got off and just watched some TV.
Thursday: Well, got my monthly friend last night. Ew. So, I woke up this morning and had really super bad cramps. I don't know why, but it's been really bad the past few times. So, mom let me stay home. She took Mike to school and left for work. Watched "Oprah" and the guy who sings that "You're Beautiful" song, James Blunt, he was on there. Well, he sang that one and "Goodbye My Lover" and I was honestly, bawling like a baby!!! I couldn't stop, they're such emotional songs! Lol. So, after that I watched the "Spiderman 2" bloopers, lol. Watched some of the extras on "Pride & Prejudice" DVD and a few Darcy scenes, sigh. Watched "Cosby" and made some lunch. Ate and watched some of "Goblet of Fire". Flipped channels and sat there, despondent and in pain, lmao. Mom & Mike came home and now I'm on here, trying to check if I have any homework. Yeah. So, looking back, I was such a girl today, lmao. Hate missing school but, man, what pain! Later!

*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
5:00 PM
mood: content
Monday: Woke up, did routine. Today was Mike's first day of school! First day of eighth grade, wow. Double graduation this year! Lol. So, got to school and talked with the peeps, as always. Talked about our weekends in french. Got into groups in Creative Writing to read our poems and I was stuck with Lauren again!!! Gawd. Talked about the essays we read in AP. Spent my time on the internet in study and noticed it was raining, lol. It was cold in journalism!! We took notes. Talked in lunch. LWF was easy as ever, we took a few notes. Last period was Government and we finished up debates. Spent my time after school on the internet and such. Came home, had dinner, watched TV, slogged through history notes. Started downloading a virus fixer thing on the computer.
Tuesday: Woke up and did routine. Oy, the computer was on all night, I guess it got froze in the middle of downloading, or something. Urgh, I'm worried. Talked with peeps in the morning. Took a quiz in Government. Had to hear a Katrina prayer in French, oy, but it wasn't as dragged out as it usually is. We did verb review in there, which I SORELY need. Took notes in LWF. All the sophomores had a presentation to go to, so I was alone in journalism and she actually just taught to me, weird. Talked in lunch. Did some internet stuff in study and then some homework as well. Discussed the prompt we read in AP, discussed some.....stuff in Creative Writing, lmao, not listening really. Mom picked me up. Came home, watched TV, did homework, ate dinner. Parents went to physical therapy and I kept doing homework. Taking a break on here now.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, August 27, 2006
1:04 PM
mood: content
note: Doing this entry cause I screwed up my schedule by posting last night, this one will put me back on track.
Sunday: Woke up, watched some TV. Got the paper and checked the answers to last week's crossword. Read some of the paper. Did my last two AP essays and index cards. Decorated the planner a little. Mike got a haircut. =( Weep, lol. Ate some lunch, decorated more, watched the beginning of an auto race with dad. Helped mom make some cheesecake. Went up in my room, listened to some music, organized my desk, looked at my 8th grade scrapbook. Parents went to the store and I decorated more. They came back and I'm on here. Well, that's all! Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Saturday, August 26, 2006
4:28 PM
mood: content
Thursday: Was woken at 6:00 by thunderstorms! Took a quick shower cause the power was flickering, lol. Talked with the peeps. First was french, we took a little quiz. Got into groups and read our POV things in CW. Lauren was in mine, ew. Took notes in Government. Just journal time in LWF. Watched some of the news in journalism, talked in lunch. Did stuff on the internet in study. Read our vocab things in groups in AP. After school, talked a little to Abby & Citlalli. Mom picked me up. Came home, watched TV, ate dinner, did homework. Dad came home, Mike came home from Matt's, parents went to therapy. Finally finished homework and the parents came home with groceries. Did my CW journal and watched TV.
Friday: Busy day, fun day!! Didn't get a lot of sleep though. Yuck. Talked in the cafeteria and at the window. Did a fun debate in Government. Did some review in french. Miss Carroll was playing 'Helter Skelter' in AP!!! We got in groups and talked about the essays we read. Chrissy ran into me and gave me a gold star, lmao. Internet stuff in study. Sophomores in my journalism class had to take their yearbook photos so I had to tag along. Awkward? A little bit. Abby & Citlalli joined us in lunch, we talked. Looooong prayer in LWF, easy class. Last was CW, where we talked about a very interesting poem, lol. After school, me, Katie and Keli got into Chrissy's pretty car and she drove us. We stopped at Starbuck's and then went to her house. Chilled in her room, ate a delicious 'oreo ball', Chris came and we talked. Decided to go in the pool, it was cold!! Lin came and she sat out with Katie. Then the other Mary came! Lol. We had fun in the pool. :) Then Nicole and her friend Angela came. Got out of the pool, got dressed, chilled on the patio. Ordered some food and played mind games, lol. Pizza came, ate and goofed off. Then we decided to play 'hide n seek'. Well, we started to play and then Lin creeped us all out by hiding in Chrissy's car! I was honestly scared! Lol. So, she talked to Dan a little on the phone. Me, her and Nicole chilled on the patio while the others played. Lmao, Chrissy hid and all we hear is......."HEWO!" Lmao, it was great. Parents came for me at 9:30. =( Came home, typed my blog and then watched some TV.
Saturday: Woke up later than usual, I was tired! Watched a little TV. Parents went shopping and I did my Government notes. They came back with lunch, ate and then got dressed. The fam dragged me all around the mall, looking for gym shoes for Mike. OY!! Took us like, three hours. There go my plans. Came home and Chrissy had called. Tried to call her back but it was busy. Ate dinner, did one of the AP essays and now I'm on here. Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
5:46 PM
mood: content
tuesday: Sox lost last night, dang. Woke up, did my routine and went to school, lol. Couldn't find da peeps in the morning so I went into the library to try out the new login procedure. Easy as pie as long as ya got half a brain and the connection and stuff is faster now! At 8:30, I got out of there and found the peeps at the window. Government first period, back in groups, it's shaping up to be a rather boring class. In French, we went into groups and we're going to teach the class a verb tense, it was fun. Got to see Chrissy after that, lol. God, it's crowded by her locker! Depressing prayer in LWF, lots of talk about stupid ass "Katrina". Gawd. In Journalism, we finished our paper search and took some notes. Talked with Ash in lunch. Got on the computer in Study. Cleaned out email messages and made a teensy LJ post, ((LJ works at school! YAY!)) Watched a 'vocab video' in AP Language....fun-ny!! I liked it. Last was Creative Writing, we discussed readings from the book. After school, cleaned out more email, did some homework and surfed LJ. Coming out of the library, Miss Geinosky stopped me and thanked me for the thank-you, lol. Stopped in on the art teacher, Mrs. Vorderer, whom I know and explained why I wasn't in her ceramics class ((I was still on her attendance list for some reason)). On the way home, came to the horrible realization that my CD player had no batteries. Damn. Came home, ate dinner, parents went to dad's therapy, did homework and watched TV, parents came back and I got on the net for a bit.
wednesday: Woke up, did my routine, wrote a one-page rant about someone in my Creative Writing journal, (lmao) and went to school. Talked in the cafeteria. On our way to the window someone was playing the piano and it was Ashlene!!! How awesome?? Lol. So, talked about 'point of view' in Creative Writing and actually started writing, lol. Groups in Government and did some newspaper thing. Bo-ring class! Circle discussion on the essays in AP. Went on the internet in study and it was super super hot in there! Thought I was going to die. Homeroom was cool and nice until we had to go to the Little Theater to hear the interim principal talk. I don't know, I felt bad for her, she seemed really nervous, and who wouldn't be in that position? Talked in lunch. Hottest class, LWF, lordy, it's horrible in there!!!! Depressing prayer again, WTF? Did our verb teaching thing in french, wasn't so bad. After school, surfed the net and slogged through history notes. Also got a Shoebox penpal. Teehee. Came home, had dinner, watched some TV, did the rest of my history notes and here I am. Well, that's all for now! Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, August 21, 2006
4:34 PM
mood: content
sunday: Woke up, watched TV. Checked the answers to the crossword puzzle in the paper. Ate breakfast and did the crossword. Got on the computer and looked up stuff for the crossword. Lmao. Obsessed? Just a little bit. Played some Mooshu and listened to music. Got dressed and we went out. It was soooooooo nice out!! So we picked up Mike and on the way I did my last index card for AP. After we got Mike, we went to "Plush Horse" for ice cream, delicious!! And it was so nice out, we ate it outside. :) Next to "Office Depot" where I got alphabet index card dividers and pens, and to "Target" where we got our glasses tightened, lol. Came home and decorated my planner!! Stopped for dinner and heard the news that the Sox lost. Boo-hoo. :( Did more of my planner and then got on the net. It was really screwy and froze up on me, oy. Got back on and organized all my fics from this one author and matched them up with her master list, felt very organized. :) Got off, watched football, did nails and watched "Alfred Hitchcock".
monday: Back to school, icky. Lol. Woke up and felt tired. Dad was home so he drove me, weird. It was much nicer out today! So, gave my thank-yous to Mrs. Lopez and Ms. Geinosky. Fixed up my locker and went into the cafeteria, talked with the peeps and we went to our window, lmao. Did a lot of talking in french. Got into groups in creative writing to discuss a poem. Got in a circle in AP, lol, we had a good discussion. And we got one of our papers back! :) Next was study, glorious study, I am really loving it. Did my writing homework and read. It was cold in journalism! Lol. We cut stuff out of the papers we brought in. Talked with Ashlene in lunch and a certain someone moved to another table, thank you Lord. Went to Living as Women of Faith, the right room, sheesh. It was hot in there and we got a seating chart and guess who's behind me? Therese, gawd. Last was government, got a seating chart, but I'm by Keli! Lucky. Also by Therese and Julia, shoot. me. now. God. After school, got picked up and we got some dinner at "Doro's", delicious!! Came home and ate, did homework and here I am! Later!! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Saturday, August 19, 2006
2:19 PM
mood: calm
friday: First day of senior year, oy. Got up at my old time, but it wasn't that bad at all. Halfway to school I realized that I had forgotten my lock...grr. So, got my schedule and planner (!!) when I came in. Met up with the peeps and compared schedules. First period was American Government with a new guy teacher. Then was french, the class got a whole lot smaller. Ms. Haskins is nice, just a little intimidating. Next was AP Language!!! Lin's with me!! Yay. I'm excited in there already, lol. Study was next, my double period, haha! The librarian bought us cookies, lol. After that was my homeroom class, journalism. I'm the only senior, lol. But it was air conditioned! I have lunch with Ashlene!! Thank God. Went to the wrong frikkin room for Living with Loss, thought I had Mr. D again! AHH! But I found my way to the right one, Sister Helen. Last period was Creative Writing, with Lin & Keli!! Another exciting class. :) Mom & Mike picked me up and we talked on the way home. Stopped at Dominick's and picked up my pictures, lot of them ruined, urgh. Watched some TV, ate dinner, got on the net. When I got off, we watched "Spiderman" on TV. LOVE that movie!! :) Sox lost. Weep.
saturday: Dull day. But Happy Birthday to Mandy! :) Woke up, talked a little and tried to do the confounded crossword from last week's paper, god, it's hard! Mike got up late. Yuck. I hate sleeping late. Past 10:00 is just...weird. Went to "Walgreen's" and got some notebooks for various classes. Came home, ate some lunch and then Alex came to pick Mike up for his birthday party. Got on the computer, listened to some music, printed a few pics for the planner, read some fanfiction. Made out some thank-you's for the counselor and the tuition lady. Helped the parents hang pictures. Tried to do more of the crossword with the help of the thesaurus on the computer. Now I am on here. Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, August 17, 2006
12:27 PM
mood: chipper
wednesday: Woke up, watched TV, cleaned out some of my folders for school, blah. Took a shower. Had some lunch and watched TV. Called Chrissy, she said we couldn't sleep over but should do something else, and then we talked for a while. Watched "Lucy", Lin called about plans. Mom came home and I got her to let them come here!! So, I let Chrissy know and we cleaned and cleaned the house until it was nice and presentable, lol. While we were waiting for them to come, my school books came! They look exciting. :) So, Chrissy, Lin & Keli came around 4:30. We talked a while in my room, my parents got us some White Castle and we ate and talked and Chrissy showed me the 'wombat game'! Lmao. Went up in my room, talked about annoying people and old pictures and dreams and then we got to talking about Digimon and looking at all my old stuff! Poor Lin didn't know what we were talking about! Lol. It was a lot of fun. They left around 9:30 and I just watched TV till bedtime.
thursday: Woke up, felt tired, we were up kind of late. Watched TV and organized my purse for tomorrow. I also went through some pens and I even threw some away! Lol. Taped some 'last day of summer' stuff on the camera and then a singing medley thing, which was really fun. Made lunch, ate and put on "Digimon". And now I'm on here! School tomorrow, EW. Well, later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
12:24 PM
mood: content
monday: Happy Birthday Katie! Woke up, watched a little "Oprah" and mom started her new job! Me & Mike started planning the "M&M Show" and Lin called. She wanted to do something and I really wish I could have. Crap. Kept getting ready for the show and finally started it around 11:00. Stopped for lunch and Chrissy called to make plans. Finally finished the show a little before 2:00. Mom came home and she told us about her job. She likes it! Mike went to Matt's and I kept watching the show. Got dressed and talked a little with mom. Then the Bookmobile came! Renewed books and got some new ones. Came back home, and finished watching the show. Dad came home, we ate dinner and they went to pick up the van! It's all fixed!! After dinner we went to return the rental car, me and Mike rode in it, it's a nice car. The rental place was full of cute guys!! Crazy. Got an oil change and Mike bought a game at "Game Crazy" and then we went to Walmart. I got myself an awesome "Beatles" poster and a little "Spiderman" notebook, and then I got a little something for Katie.
tuesday: Woke up, watched TV. Then all morning, me and Mike did this thing with a Star Wars board game but we were being the Digidestined playing against the Emporer and we video taped it. It came out really well. It was fun, we used to do it on audio tape so it was cool to see it on video. :) Mom came home and now I'm on here! Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, August 13, 2006
4:04 PM
mood: content
saturday: Weird dream. Woke up, had some coffee cake, watched a little TV. Then we popped our Disney Vacation DVD that we got in the mail. After that we browsed the CD-rom for it as well. Ordered my school books, {finally}, and ho-ly crap, they are expensive!! Had some lunch and then got on the net. Browsed around for a while. Got off and started organizing my brother's closet. Wowza, what a mess. But we actually had fun going through all the old stuff and he threw a lot away. Took a break at 3:00 and they went back to it. Parents got some pizza and we stopped to eat. Then we finished it! It's all clean and organized and stacked, marked boxes, it's awesome. Then cleared off his dresser, desk and nightstand. Organizing makes me feel good. So, then we were finally finished. Ate a delicious "Dove" bar, the last one, weep. Watched TV all night and then organized old photos and listened to old music until 1:30 in the morning! Lmao.
sunday: Woke up a little later than usual, lol. Looked at my old photos with mom and dad. Read some of the paper. Then got on the computer. Listened to music, went through the recycle bin and cleaned it out and then organized my favorites. I'm in an organizing mood this weekend! Had some lunch. Then went back into Mike's room and cleaned out the bottom compartments of his desk that were an absolute nightmare! Then mom helped us move his bookcase and bed and it's a whole new room! He's got a lot of space now! Crazy. Looked at some more old photos. Took a shower, had some dinner and now I'm on here.
God, I feel like such a shut-in, lmao. Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, August 11, 2006
12:34 PM
mood: meh
thursday: Happy Birthday Ana!! :) I was the only one awake in the morning, lol. Watched some TV and read. Mom got up soon and we watched "Oprah". Anderson Cooper was on there, he's kinda cute, lol. Then they had a thing on there about the dangers of the net and child predators and crap and mom scared the shit out of me. Lordy. It got really dark and thundery and there was lightening, but no rain, weird. Kept reading and watching TV all morning. Heard the news brief about the terror plot in the UK. Man, craziness. Got dressed and we went out to the photo place. Dropped off my proofs and placed our order. Picked up "Pizza Hut" for lunch and came home. Ate and watched "Lucy". Got on the internet and we watched a little "Digimon". Got off, played some 'Mooshu' and then got on the treadmill. Dad came home and we ate dinner. Parents went to therapy. Watched TV and read my book, Matt came over for a little while. Parents came back with groceries including.....DOVE BARS!! Delicious! So, we each had one, yum!
friday: Had a weird dream that I'll probably post on my LJ. Woke up, read TV and then watched a bunch of TV. Counselor called and told us that the schedule went through and we can buy books! Yay. Had lunch and watched "Digimon" and then "Lucy". Mom went to the store and I looked through old journals. Got on the computer and played Spider. Mom came home and I got on here. So, later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
12:13 PM
mood: content
tuesday: Mom woke me up cause Miss Geinosky had called. She called back a little while later and we started to work it out over the phone but then decided to come down to the school and do it. So, watched TV and my mom got on the phone with her sister and they talked forever. We finally got her off at like, 11:30. So, ate some lunch and then got ready to go. Mike stayed at Matt's and we left. Well, the whole school smells like paint, like it's all getting fixed up. AND, Miss Geinosky's office is now in the college center!!! Bizzaro. So, we sat with her, working on my schedule for a good half hour and now it's all settled! I'm glad. Came home, spent a little time fixing a wallpaper I made and then got on the net. Browsed around. Got off, ate dinner, read my book and watched some TV. Watched an episode of "Treasure Hunters" we taped. And at bedtime, I finished reading my Darcy novel! It was good, and now there are 2 more! :)
wednesday: Woke up, watched some "Oprah" and stuff. Goofed off with mom and Mike. Had lunch and watched our daily "Digimon", lmao. Put on "Lucy" and Matt came over. And now I'm on here. My mom's washing the carpet in here, so I've got earplugs on cause the machine is really loud. Earplugs are very odd things, lol. Well, later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, August 07, 2006
1:35 PM
mood: blah
sunday: Woke up, watched some TV and then read some of the paper. Got on the net and browsed. Got off, ate a small lunch and then we went out. Stopped at "Menard's" and then headed to the theater. We saw "Monster House", it was pretty good! Got out and drove around a little. Came home, made a Digimon wallpaper on the computer and then made some CD covers for my CD's, lol. Got off, ate dinner and watched TV.
monday: Woke up, mom's home with us! :) Watched TV. Tried to call school about my schedule but no one was there. Showered and mom straightened my hair. Had some lunch and watched Digimon reruns. Dad came home early. Watched "Lucy". Still couldn't get ahold of school!! Gah. Got on the computer and played some Spider Solitaire while the parents went to drop off the van so the door could get fixed. They came home and now I'm on here. Well, later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Saturday, August 05, 2006
12:34 PM
mood: content
friday: Woke up and showed mom our high score on Mario DS, lol. She left and we just played on there, I got another high score, 171 levels! Watched a bunch of TV. Read another essay by my assigned author and took notes. Ate some lunch and watched Digimon. Dad came home and we put "Lucy" on. Mom came home, she made today her last day at that job since she's got another one lined up. Finished reading the essay. Parents went to therapy and I got on the internet. Sent a sample paragraph for an "audition" to be Remus in a Shoebox RPG. Changed my LJ layout, again, lol. Parents came home, I got off and we went out. Ate dinner at "Barraco's". Stopped at Jewel where I bought a new binder, then "Barnes and Noble" where I bought "bird by bird", lastly of "Office Depot" for some of those plastic sleeve things. Came home, printed all my AP stuff and wrote my last journal. Organized it all in the plastic sleeves and put in the new binder. It looks very nice. I luv binders. :) Watched TV all night.
saturday: Woke up, watched some TV, played some DS and made a new high score!! Lmao! 205 levels, cripes! Mike mowed the lawn. I took a shower and then vacuumed the entire house, whoo! Had lunch and chatted with the fam. Got on the computer, organized all my icons and put some into a seperate folder for my planner, because school is coming. Blah. Also listened to some music and played some Spider Solitaire. :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, August 03, 2006
6:43 PM
mood: happy
wednesday: Woke up, better than the past two mornings. Wears off after the first 2 days. Watched TV and we actually played around with our Digimon handheld toys, lmao. Looked through all of our Digi-stuff actually. Had lunch and then watched Digimon, lol, we're on a kick! Mom came home. I got on the internet and worked out the kinks in my layout, it's perfect now! :) Got off and did the treadmill, which I have neglected for two days now. Took a shower. Dad came home, mom straightened my hair and I did my nails. Watched TV and played around. Um, there was some pretty awesome lightening, like you could see the bolts! And then it was rainy as hell all night. :)
thursday: Woke up, watched TV and played around. Also read a bit. Had lunch and watched Digimon. Shaved my legs and got dressed and then kept watching Digimon. LOL. Put on "Lucy" and soon mom came home. We headed out. First we dropped Mike off at Alex's and then mom took me to Chrissy's. They were all in the pool when I got there. So, I just sat and watched them...and my ass got soaked sitting on Chrissy's damn pool chairs!! LOL. Katie came! :) Watched them play 'silent Marco Polo', which is honestly better than television, lmao. Finally they got out, lol. We sat around inside watching TV and talking. Ate some dinner and then played 'BS' and 'Screw Your Neighbor', which is my new favorite game!! Mom got me at 8 and now I'm sittin' on here. Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
12:15 PM
mood: meh
music: Click Five: Angel to You(Devil to Me)
monday: What a day! Daddy went back to work! Woke up and guess what I got? Stupid ass monthly friend, yuck. Woke up, watched some TV. By 10:00, I was in such pain that I just went into my room, laid on the bed and just dozed and read. OUCH!! Gawd, stupid estrogen, lol. Finally felt a little better around noon, so me and Mike ate some lunch and watched old Digi-episodes. :) Watched "Lucy" and looked some old notebooks and then mom got home. She said she'd been trying to call and we checked the phones and they were all dead! Weird. So, we put new batteries in the answering machine and the phones worked. WTF? Lol. Got on the net, guess what??? SHOEBOX PROJECT UPDATE!!!!! Sooooooooooo happy!!! Saved it and just stared at it for a while, lmao. It's been 8 months!! Lordy. Got off and mom drove us to the bookmobile this time cause it was H-O-T and she wanted to see inside. So, I got a lot of books this time, some good ones too. The peeps in there were talking to us and didn't believe that I was a senior, lol. Came home and read Shoebox until dinner, it was really wonderful. Got off the computer and read one of the lesbian's essays, it wasn't too bad, just a bit slow. Watched "Wife Swap" and "Treasure Hunters".
tuesday: Woke up and, cripes, don't ask. Watched TV and mom left for work. After "Oprah", me and Mike started recording our soundtrack, it sounds great now that we bought quality tapes! Lol. Stopped for lunch and Digimon. Dad came home early. Put on "Lucy" and worked on my first journal for my author. It wasn't that bad, I really stretched it, lol. Well, they all went to therapy with dad so I'm stuck here on the net. :) Later Days!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
seventeen, QoP, chicago, friends, family, blogging, fanfiction, Harry Potter, Remus Lupin, chocolate, journaling, driving, The marauders, classic rock, alternative, swing music, Beatles, Graham Colton Band, Switchfoot, Maroon 5, Beatles, Billy Joel, Michael Buble, Click Five, Wicked Jack Lemmon, the 50's and 60's, conservative, George W. Bush, old movies, reality TV, SHOEBOX PROJECT, AIM, remus/sirius lurve, remus/tonks lurve, White Album, inside jokes, hangin' out, internet, LiveJournal :)

%Mood: Busy
%Book: "Duty and Desire" by Pamela Aidan
%Song: KT Tunstall, AAR & Switchfoot
%TV:"Seinfeld", "Simpson's", "Frasier", "Arthur", "Nova", "The Apprentice"
%Film: "The Terminal"
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
Daily Dudes
%Mary ~ Slowly Drifting
%Kris ~ Blurred Vision
%Kelly ~ Lost Freak
%Chrissy ~ Burning Soul
%Lin ~ Fairytale Dreams
Affilates of Myself
% My MySpace
%My LiveJournal ~ "Notorious Notations"

%The Marauders
