Thursday, September 28, 2006
5:22 PM
mood: happy!!
music: Keane: Put It Behind You
Wednesday: Woke up, did routine. Felt much less tired and much peppier and happier. Had fun talking in the cafeteria and we began to make some plans for tomorrow. Analyzed a poem in Creative Writing. Took a quiz and then got into groups for our debates in Government. Took a quiz on the essays we read in AP. We did it in our groups and it was only me and Kristen!!! Oy. Did internet stuff in Study and wrote my poem for Creative Writing, I love it! Talked about polls in Journalism. Talked in lunch, Ashlene's doggy graduated from school, lol. Took a quiz and then more notes in LWF. It was Tricia's birthday! So, in French we got cupcakes from her!! Finished the classic "Beauty & the Beast" movie and began the Disney version, which I love!! After school, did internet stuff and some of my homework in the library. Came home, ate dinner, watched TV, did homework. Then me and mom brainstormed ideas for this essay I'm gonna write for a chance to win 4 tickets to "Wicked"!!! I would LOVE to go again! Got on the net, made plans, read fanfiction, saved icons, etc. Got off the internet and continued to read the brilliance of MrsTater. Got off, watched TV.
Thursday: Such a fun day!!! Woke up, did routine. Had fun talking and 'conjugating' in the cafeteria. LMAO! So, watched the Disney version again in French. Shared our poems in Creative Writing, really fun! Got into debate groups in Government. Saw WQOP in LWF, it was all right. Did journal time in there. Got really off topic in Journalism, (LOL), and then typed our poll questions. Talked and had fun in lunch. :) Did internet stuff in Study. Did our vocab paragraph in-class in AP, it wasn't so bad. After school, waited for the peeps by the vending machines and we headed off, I rode with Chrissy. We stopped at "Starbuck's" and I got a hot chocolate. Went to Chrissy's house, chilled, drank our respective beverages and just chilled. Then we came up with the absolutely brilliant idea for "Fave Holiday Day" during Spirit Week next week!! We are geniuses, honestly. Had a lot of fun just making plans and chatting, it was awesome. So, Lin drove me home, saint that she is. And I hope she enjoys her 'puppy chow'! :) So, ate some dinner and talked wtih the folks, telling them all the plans we made so they know what's going on. And now I'm on here. :) Later!
{p.s. Three day weekend! What what!}

*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
5:15 PM
mood: frazzled
Monday: Woke up, did routine, it was really chilly out! Sat in the cafe talking, as usual. First period was French, where we shared stuff we did on our weekends. Dull. Next was Creative Writing where we shared our poems (more emo crap was shared, oy) and then read out of the book. Discussed essays in AP and I actually talked. I had to, Miss Carroll was threatening me! Lol. Spent some time on the net in Study. Talked about taking polls in Journalism, just talked in lunch. Took notes in LWF, dullsville!!!! Went to the computer lab in Government, researched. After school, did some homework as well as some internet stuff. Came home, ate dinner and watched some TV. Got on the net, talked a little with Keli-beli, lmao. Got off, made a Clay Aiken wallpaper and then watched "Deal or No Deal" and "Wife Swap".
Tuesday: Woke up, did routine, I'm not gonna lie, I was tired and crabby. Got to school, sat in the cafe talking, worried about Chrissy. First period was Government where we researched more, dull. And the computers were being shitty. Read story and watched movie in French. More notes in LWF, oy. Kinda sick of Journalism, we talked about polls in there again. Chatted in lunch and interviewed a junior Ashlene knows for Journalism. Did another interview in Study and then took Government notes with Nadia. Did one of those goddam practice prompts in AP, oy. Read from the book in Creative Writing. When CW was over, I rushed to my locker, got my notebook and came back to interview Mrs. Johnson. After that, sat in the library juggling internet and homework. Sheesh. Came home, ate dinner, watched a little TV and then it was straight to work! Did Government notes and then read AP essays and I still have french questions but I'm on here to relax a little. Week has begun crappliy. :(
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, September 24, 2006
2:08 PM
mood: content
Saturday: Woke up, read some of my book, that old show "Beakman's World" was on! Remember that?? Lol. Finished reading "Half-Moon Investigations", it was great! Got dressed and we went to the dentist, I was really nervous. Got there, that blasted dentist smell was still there. I hate that. I read a magazine with Clay on the cover, heehee. The dentist's assistant that took me in was the girl that was on 'American Idol'!! Lol. She took an x-ray, (I hate x-rays), and even let me see it. The dentist came in and told me what was going on. It turns out that there is a tooth growing in behind my front row of teeth, it's a permanent one that doesn't want to wait for the baby one to get loose. I thought all my baby teeth were gone, but apparently not. So, he says they'll probably pull the baby tooth and then I'll need a brace put in to correct the position of the permanent one. Oy. I'm scared. Went to the Italian store, came home and then got lunch out. Came home, ate, Mike's friend Alex came over. Me & Mom went out to "Party City" to get my wig for Halloween, and then to "Borders" where I bought Clay's newest album, "A Thousand Different Ways". Siiiiigh. Came home and Lin called about homework, lol. Went out to "Target", where I bought the newest "Artemis Fowl" book, yayness! Came home, the parents went out again and I got on the internet. Parents came back and it got a bit rainy. Got off the internet and had some dinner. Watched TV, did a little of my homework and then styled my wig, lmao.
Sunday: Woke up, watched "The Sunday Morning Show". Read some of the paper, checked the crossword and started the new one, oy. :P Got on the computer and did crossword research. Uploaded Clay into iTunes and played some Spider Solitaire and Mooshu Tiles. Had dinner, watched a little of the Bears game. Mom started making chicken soup.....God, it smells sooo good!! Wrote my LWF paper and the printer was screwing up one me, sheesh. Bears won! Got on the net, did some stuff and now I'm gonna eat dinner! ::GASP:: Sox won too!! Yippee! Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, September 22, 2006
5:22 PM
mood: calm
Thursday: Interesting day. Last night, my cousin had her baby! Woke up, it was cold! Did routine, went to school. Was walking to the cafe and Keli was coming towards me and she's like "They're in the library." So I go in there, and don't see 'em, so I sat on the net. I come out and they're by the window so I'm like, "Why did you say they were in the library??" And she's like, "Did I say library??" It was funny. Ms. Haskins gave me her key to open her door, but then she didn't need me to open it, I wanted to open the door! Lol. So, first period in French we did some translating. Did book stuff in Creative Writing. Took a quiz in Government. Surprise fire drill in LWF!!! Eek! Scared the crap out of all of us! Did another situation in Journalism, talked in lunch. Did internet stuff in Study. Did a multiple choice practice in AP, oy. After school, the library was closed so I sat in the cafeteria, did homework and listened to "Keane". Mom picked me up. We went to the hospital to visit Connie and her baby. First of all, parking is five million miles away from the building if you want to park for free. Second of all, you can't have more than two people up there and you can't take elevator B, only elevator A. So, we got a little lost.....ok, a lot lost, lmao. But we finally made it up there and my goodness, he is just a bundle of sweetness!! His name is Brayden, such a cutie. :) We chatted a little and then left. Got McDonald's on the way home. Came home, had dinner, did my AP homework, got on the net. Watched the Clay Aiken interview that mom taped for me. Spent some time on the internet, got off and watched TV until bedtime.
Friday: Woke up, heard the rain beating on the roof, and smiled. :) Did routine. Sat in the cafeteria in the morning, had fun talking. Did some....stuff in Government, it's so boring in there. And losers that sit behind me were.....being losers, lol. Saw a short and lame WQOP, blah. Did translation and watched the old "Beauty and the Beast" movie...it's so slow!! Another student teaching day in AP, it was fun, I liked the essays and we got to journal. :) Came into Study and the "Town Hall Meeting" thing was going on. God, they were loud. Went through my email and flist and put up a post with a bunch of pictures on my LJ, go check it out! Went to Journalism, did another mock situation interview. Talked in lunch. Took notes in LWF. Read stuff from the book in Creative Writing. Did some stuff on the net in the library after school, kinda boring. Came home, had dinner, watched TV and read a little and now I'm on here! Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
5:39 PM
mood: calm
Tuesday: Happy Birthday Hermione! And Clay's new CD came out! Woke up, did routine, was kinda tired. Peeps weren't in the cafe cause of a Human Rights Meeting so I went in the library and made revisions to my summer paper. Prepared for a mock debate in Government. Translated in French, talked to Chrissy afterwards, poor thing was sick! Notes in LWF, dull. Did a fun scavenger hunt in Journalism to practice gathering info. It was really fun, I did most of it in the main office and the ladies in there are really nice, lol. Talked in lunch, spent time on the net in Study. Did a sample prompt in AP and practiced writing a good hook. Made me feel stupid, lol. Word play in Creative Writing. After school, went to FNHS meeting, kinda boring. Came home, watched TV, had dinner, did homework. Finally finished stupid notes and watched "Dancing with the Stars".
Wednesday: Woke up, did routine, felt a little less tired. Talked in the cafeteria. Had a sub in Creative Writing, did stuff in the book and then chatted a little. Did debates in Government, blah. Got into groups in AP and went over the essays we read and did some paragraphs and stuff. Did some fun stuff on the internet in Study. Did a mock interview in Journalism, talked in lunch. Had a sub in LWF, some dude, he was weird. We just did some packet. Teacher was late to French, lol. We argued with her and got her to just let us watch "Beauty and the Beast", lmao. After school, spent some internet time in the library. Came home, took a few pictures, ate dinner, watched TV and did Government notes, yuck. And now I'm here, later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, September 18, 2006
4:26 PM
mood: content
Sunday: Woke up, watched the "Sunday Morning Show". Read some of the paper and checked my crossword, I'm getting better! Played with a remote control tank that Matt had left here the night before, lmao. Started AP essays, parents went out. Me and Mike did our homework and listened to CD's. Parents came back and then went out again. Finished my AP and had lunch. Parents came back with......A DIGITAL CAMERA!! Yeah, it rocks. So, we spent a long time taking meaningless, but fun, pictures and then uploaded them onto the computer. I love the new camera, lol. Got on the net and did some stuff. Talked a little to Lin and then there was this HUGE clap of thunder, and it was raining buckets, so I got off. Had dinner, watched some TV. And then the season premiere of "The Amazing Race" came on and we watched that. It was good!!
Monday: Woke up, did routine but we were running a little late. Chatted in the cafeteria. Shared journals in French. In Creative Writing we got to share our satiric poems!! Ours was the best, the other ones were all emo and weird. Creep-os. Did essays in AP. In Study, did stuff on the internet, took my college application to the office, did my french. Did some survey thing about bullies in Journalism and ran out of time for the class stuff. Ms. Borrowdale was like, "Stupid homeroom things!" Had fun talking in lunch. It wasn't my turn for prayer, but the person who was supposed to do it was absent so I read the passage, and then we took notes. Did this practice quiz thing in Government and took a few notes. After school, mom got me. Came home, watched TV, did homework. Dad came home from his doctor's appointment, he's free and clear! =) Had dinner and finished my history notes and now I'm on here. Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Saturday, September 16, 2006
3:42 PM
mood: content
Friday: Woke up, did routine. It was nice out and it was a Pride Day! Got to school, talked in the cafeteria. Araceli was talking to me about Shoebox, she wants to read it! Took a quiz in Government. Unannounced fire drill during French!! I knew it was coming, they weren't announcing WQOP, so I just knew. Ms.Formica took a girl out of my class to see if Ms. Haskins would notice! Lol. We read some of the original "Beauty & the Beast" in there. Saw WQOP third period, "Simpson's" themed, it was good! In AP, it was the first of many student teaching days, we did a skit, it was all right. During study, did stuff on the internet. Got yearbooks during Journalism!!! We spent the whole time just looking through them. Lunch was boring cause Ashlene wasn't there. Blah. LWF was boring too, and in Creative Writing we wrote sentences from the book with certain words. After school, waited for all the peeps by the door and then we set off. I rode with Lin and we had a small mishap with the doors not being closed, lmao. Got to "Dunkin Donuts", I got a pop. We sat at a big table with high chairs! It was me, Chrissy, Lin, Keli, Nicole and Sam. We had some good discussions, it was nice. Chrissy drove me back to her house where my parents were waiting. We went to "The Pit" for dinner. Sooo good!! Stopped at "Jewel" and then came home. Watched TV and looked through the yearbook with mom.
Saturday: Happy Birthday to LJ user MrsTater! Woke up, finished reading "Emily of New Moon", good book. Watched a little TV and then at 10:30, started chores. Vacuumed every single carpeted room in the house and the blinds in our bedrooms while the parents did yard work. Drove mom to the bank. Came back, had lunch. Chrissy called and told me that nothing was going on, lol. Crushed cans with a sledgehammer! Fun stuff! My brother needs them for the Science Club. Mopped the kitchen, folded towels and put my clothes away. Crazy chore day! Got on the PC, listened to Keane, read some fanfiction. Got off, switched my stuff into my stripey purse and watched TV. Had dinner and here I am. Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, September 14, 2006
5:19 PM
mood: calm
Wednesday: Very very rainy!! Had a horrible dream that I cut my hair and I really regretted it, ew. It was all flooded by the entrance to our subdivision and flooded all over the suburbs. Yuck. Took us a while to get to school. Had fun talking in the cafeteria and Katie gave me the "Keane" CD!! Did stuff in the book in Creative Writing, fire drill was cancelled cause of rain, so in Government, we took a quiz and went over a test. Did essay workshops in AP. Worked on my unit one AP essay during study and just felt good to write! =) Talked about interviewing in journalism. Talked in lunch. Took a class picture in LWF and translated story in French, where we were all giddy and it was funny. Last period.....lol. After school, spent some time in the library finishing up essay and doing internet things. Listened to "Keane" on the way home, sigh, REALLY GOOD CD!! Came home, had dinner, watched TV, did homework. Got on the computer, uploaded "Keane" into iTunes and fixed president letter. Felt very organized.
Thursday: Short day! Yay! Woke up, did routine, listened to "Keane" on the way to school, lol. Sat in the cafe talking, fun. In French, it was Madame's birthday! So, we did a little work in the book and then there was some food and we got to hear about Ceci's trip to Africa. I cannot wrap my mind around making a decision to go to Africa, of all places. I admire that, I couldn't do it! Fire drill in Creative Writing! I hate those. Handed in letters in Government and looked at a political cartoon. What do you think it was making fun of? Haha. Journal time in LWF. Did mock interviews with the teacher in journalism. Talked in lunch, in Study, got on the internet and surfed. Did one last day of workshops in AP, and they did my essay! I love being workshopped, lmao. After school, spent time fiddling with my LJ layout, writing my LWF paper and just surfing. Was in a good mood. :D Came home, had dinner, watched TV and started the notes of doom. Finally finished and I'm on here. Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
5:13 PM
mood: content
Monday: Very rainy all day, but that's nice. Also September eleventh. I feel very strongly about the day and what happened. Heard some stuff on the radio on the way to school that was broadcasted at the time it actually happened, scary. Talked in the cafeteria in the morning. First was French where she went over common mistakes we made in our journals. Had Mrs. Power for a sub in Creative Writing, she made me go to the attendance office and we read some story. Went over Krissy's essay in AP, it had a lot of mistakes, haha. Spent my time on the internet in Study. Went to the Peace Pole Re-dedication in the gym cause it was raining, during journalism. Turned into a big anti-Bush thing. God, just shut up. Talked in lunch. Sister Helen no longer hates me, haha. She asked me what my buttons said when I came into LWF, we took notes in there. Did a comparison 9/11 thing-y in Government. After school, did some stuff on the computer and started my Government notes. Came home, had dinner, watched TV, did homework. Played a little "Mario Kart", watched Bush make a speech and then filled out the application for Lewis University.
Tuesday: Woke up, still rainy. Did routine. Talked in the cafeteria, Katie gave me my birthday present! It's only been 3 months! Lol, I luv her. She gave me a nice necklace with the letter "M" as its charm. I like it. :) Went through our 9/11 drawings and did current events in Government. Did stuff in the book and continued to translate "The Necklace" in French. Took notes in LWF, kinda boring. Discussed interviewing tactics in journalism. Talked in lunch and Ashlene & Michelle told me about this girl in their Ceramics class who always talks about pancakes, so they call her "Pancakes"!! It was hysterical. Did a good deed with Nadia in Study. We carried some stuff up to Ms. Cruse's room. Spent my time on the internet. In AP, we were in our writing workshop groups and we went over two essays. In Creative Writing, we went over that boring story that we read yesterday, ew. My two fave classes were boring today, wtf? Spent time on the internet after school. Also worked on my AP paper. Came home, had dinner, watched TV and did homework. And now I am on here.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, September 10, 2006
1:16 PM
mood: content
saturday: Wedding day!! Lol, not for me, not yet! Woke up, watched a little TV, dad left for the wake for the owner of his company. Me and mom went to "Sears" and finally it was our lucky day! Mom found an awesome outfit to wear that night. Cutting it a little close there! I bought a t-shirt and a sweater hoodie. We came home, I played a little 'Mario Kart'. Dad came home and they went to get us lunch. I painted my nails really quick. They came back and I ate, took a shower, painted my toenails, blowdried my hair and got my outfit on in a very short amount of time. Lol. And then we left for the church! It was such a lovely ceremony, really. Beth's brothers were groomsmen and her sister was maid of honor. The bridesmaid dresses weren't so bad, a sort of gold with a cute bow in the front. Then Uncle John walked Beth in, God, it was sad! I was ready to cry and it was only the beginning! Her dress was so beautiful and she a really nice and simple hairdo. She looked like Kiera Knightley!! Lol. It was a full mass, but not so bad. The whole thing was really just adorable, I'm such a sap! After they kissed, they just looked so happy!! =) We blew bubbles at them as they came out instead of throwing rice. Went to Aunt Madonna and Uncle John's afterwards. Talked with Uncle Bernie, (who has a ponytail! Oy.), and my cousin Lauren, and we also observed our least favorite cousins squeezed into dresses, ew. Talked a little with Mrs. Vorderer, who is the new art teacher at school. HA! Funny. Came back home for a while to relax before the reception. They helped me hang my Beatles poster, finally, lol. So, headed for the reception, which was really close to our house! Went through the recieving line of the bridal party when we arrived and we found our table. My aunt on my mom's side showed up too and sat with us. She was invited cause she knew Beth when she was little. So, after a while the bridal party came down this huge staircase to the music of the Blues Brothers! Haha! Beth's maid of honor and Dan's two best men made great toasts and we watched a nice slideshow of Beth & Dan's time together. Then the food was served, it was just delicious! And the cake was great too!! They had the traditional first dances, new couple, dad/daughter and son/mother, very cute. Then people started dancing, me and Mike didn't really, just didn't feel like it. They did the traditional bouquet and garter throwing as well, I went up reluctantly for the bouqet, only because Lauren went up with me. Well, soon after we decided to leave, it was getting late. Came home, read a little and went to bed.
sunday: Woke up and watched the "Sunday Morning Show" which all centered around things pertaining to 9/11, it was interesting. After watching some other TV, I started my homework. Wrote my Creative Writing poem in a flash, came up with some story ideas for journalism, and revised Krissy's paper for AP. Parents went to the store and I got on the computer. Blasted music and typed my poem. Parents came home and we ate lunch. I got back on and consolidated all my "HP" icons, wow, I have a lot!! And now I'm on here! Later! =)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, September 08, 2006
4:28 PM
mood: calm
thursday: Woke up and felt much much better. Did routine, lots of traffic on the way home! Got to school, sat in the cafeteria talking, fun. Did book stuff in French. Mrs. Johnson was back in Creative Writing and we got into groups and me, Keli & Lin came up with a fun idea for this thing we're doing in there. =) Went over study guide in Government. Journal time in LWF. Got a 30 out of 30 on my journalism quiz!! Talked in lunch. In study, we didn't get to go on the computers cause there was a class in there, so me & Nadia chatted. Read our vocab things in groups and then watched the next vocab video in AP, fun. After school, spent some time on the internet and printed a few pics and then mom came and got me. Stopped at "KMart" and finally got a dress! Sheesh. Came home, watched TV, dad came home and we decided not to go to "back to school night", haha. Had dinner, watched more TV and organized my AP index cards. Watched the Switchfoot DVD, siiiigh, lead singer is sexy. Printed some sexy pics, did one page in my planner, watched TV and then went to bed.
friday: Woke up, did routine. Sat in the cafeteria talking. Test in Government and then me and Veronica did our current events and it got totally off track...oy, Bush-haters. Saw an ok WQOP in French and then did some grammer stuff that's kinda fun, lol. First exam in AP, wowza, kinda hard. Talked with Chrissy a little and then went to Study. Spent the time chilling on the net. Discussed in journalism, chatted in lunch and Ashlene was going nuts!!! Lmao. Sister Helen hates me, lol. She just skipped right over me in prayer!! Urgh, took a test in there too. Creative Writing was fuuuuuuuuuuun!!! We worked a little on the project thing but then we started talking about Homecoming and Spirit Week and all the dress up days and we got really excited!!! =) Dad picked me up, came home, got my bubble popped. Urgh. Watched some TV, ate some pizza for dinner and then the parents went to a funeral and I am on here. Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
4:05 PM
mood: content
music: Vanessa Carlton: Unsung
Tuesday: Well, woke up feeling like crap. But, frankly, I could not miss the day of school, too many things going on. So I soldiered on, haha. Came to school, sat in the cafeteria, took a mulitple choice for AP at like, 8:30. Peer editing of our letters in Government. Went over the quiz and our weekend journals in French. Boring notes and we wrote a creed in LWF. Quiz in Journalism, talked in lunch. Had to wait to get on the computers in Study, cause a class was coming in. But thankfully there were enough so we could get on too. I did my usual stuff. Vocab quiz in AP, oi, forgot half of them when the paper was in front of me. Read something by Chaucer in CW and she told us her mother died (sad) so she won't be her the rest of the week. After school went to the first FNHS meeting of the year, just intro stuff and really yummy 'Nutella' on bread. Mmmm. =) Went in the library afterward for a little bit. Did a lot of thinking on the ride home. Came home and mom & Mike said they thought something...as in a living creature...was in our garage. Ew. I think it was just a bird though, must have flown out. So, had dinner, watched TV, did homework. Finally finished and watched some of "Nova" and then sacked out. I was tired, didn't feel good, and it was a kinda bad day.
Wednesday: Much better day! Woke up and felt a mite better. Was in a bad mood that was lifted when I heard the piano in the main hall and hung with my friends in the cafeteria. Sub in CW, we did the questions for the Chaucer passage. Current events quiz in Government and then me & Keli worked on the study guide. Essays in AP....morbid, lol. Had a good study, did my shtuff on the net. Quiz, part 2 in Journalism, chatted in lunch. Took notes in LWF.......dull. Read "The Necklace" in French. After school, went with Chrissy to her locker and then hung out in the library. Came home, had dinner, watched TV and did homework and now I'm on here. Later! =)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, September 04, 2006
1:25 PM
mood: sick
Sunday: Let's see, woke up and felt that, yeah, I definitely have a cold, yuck. I blame school, lol. So, watched some TV, checked the crossword, started the new one, read some of the paper. Parents went out. I did my AP index cards and we watched some of our old shows. Had lunch and listened to records. =) Parents came home and then went back out again. Got on the net, did some stuff and talked to Lin. Got off, parents came home. Did my french journal. Took a shower. Had some dinner while watching TV. Got on the computer and typed up my book review for the paper. Mom proofread it for me. Cleaned out pictures and made a Shoebox Halloween wallpaper. Watched "Alfred Hitchcock" and a little of the Jerrry Lewis telethon and went to bed.
Monday: Labor Day! =) Woke up feeling very very blah. Yucky. Sat all morning in the chair, just sitting like a blob and watching TV. Wish I had a TV in my room. And a computer, lol. Had a little lunch. Just typed up my letter to the Bush-man and now I'm on here. I hate being sick. Later.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Saturday, September 02, 2006
5:25 PM
mood: calm
Friday: First day of September! Felt much better. Did routine, went to school, talked to the folks in the cafeteria. Took a quiz in Government. Liturgy was ok, Lin got inducted as a Eucharistic Minister and Katie did a little dance while bringing up the gifts. Took a quiz in french. Got on the internet in study and Chrissy came in and I helped her type her lab report. Notes in journalism, talked in lunch. Discussed essays in AP, did some drawing in LWF. Shared ads in Creative Writing and bolted when the bell rang, lmao. Dad picked me up early!! =) Came home, parents got us dinner, messed around with Matt and read some of my journalism. Had dinner, did an awesome virus scan from this dude at mom's work, and it got rid of it all!! Yayness. Finished my LWF drawings, did my Creative Writing ad and watched TV.
Saturday: Woke up, recorded my dream in my CW journal and started finding some pictures to put in there and comment on. Got dressed and we went out, pretty early. Listened to BSB in the car, lmao. Picked up my senior pictures!!! They're all done and they are gorgeous!! Lol. I luv them. Went to "Target". Got some lunch, came home and ate it. Went to "Sears" and "Fashion Bug" and did not find one thing to wear to the wedding. Gawd. Went to "Walmart", bought 2 Strawberry Shortcake folders and a notebook. Got some "World's Finest" chocolate, got some dinner, tried "Dressbarn" but didn't find anything there either. Lordy, lordy. Might as well go naked!! Came home, ate our dinner. Me and Mike started to compile songs for our personal Digimon Soundtrack and now I am on here. Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
seventeen, QoP, chicago, friends, family, blogging, fanfiction, Harry Potter, Remus Lupin, chocolate, journaling, driving, The marauders, classic rock, alternative, swing music, Beatles, Graham Colton Band, Switchfoot, Maroon 5, Beatles, Billy Joel, Michael Buble, Click Five, Wicked Jack Lemmon, the 50's and 60's, conservative, George W. Bush, old movies, reality TV, SHOEBOX PROJECT, AIM, remus/sirius lurve, remus/tonks lurve, White Album, inside jokes, hangin' out, internet, LiveJournal :)

%Mood: Busy
%Book: "Duty and Desire" by Pamela Aidan
%Song: KT Tunstall, AAR & Switchfoot
%TV:"Seinfeld", "Simpson's", "Frasier", "Arthur", "Nova", "The Apprentice"
%Film: "The Terminal"
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
Daily Dudes
%Mary ~ Slowly Drifting
%Kris ~ Blurred Vision
%Kelly ~ Lost Freak
%Chrissy ~ Burning Soul
%Lin ~ Fairytale Dreams
Affilates of Myself
% My MySpace
%My LiveJournal ~ "Notorious Notations"

%The Marauders
