Monday, October 30, 2006
4:00 PM
mood: calm
Sunday: Daylight Savings Time, wahoo. Woke up, watched the "Sunday Morning Show", it was a good one. Did you know it's been about 60 years since the first ballpoint pen was introduced? Insane. Read some of the paper and then read my second essay for AP. Watched TV. Played 'hangman' with my brother on the dry-erase board and the marker fumes really got to us, lmao. Everyone but me went outside to do yard work, so I blasted music on the PC and read some old ff. Ate some lunch and put the Bears game on, we are smokin'!!!! Played more hangman, haha. Read a bit of ff and then got on the net for a while. Got dressed and we went out to "Target". Looked at the book section and got a bunch more for my Christma list. Picked up movies for Halloween. Came home, did a few more hangmans. Heard that the Bears won, 41 to 10!! We are now 7 wins, 0 losses! Wahoo!! Watched "Frasier", had a yummy steak dinner. Then we carved our pumpkin, very scary face this year, lol. Watched "The Amazing Race", decorated the first page of my new journal and then watched half of "Hitchcock."
Monday: School, yuck. Woke up, did my routine, it was pretty nice out. Heard two people collide right behind us on La Grange, holy crap. It was scary. Was in front of Chrissy half the way on 87th, it was funny, she didn't even notice us! Sat in the cafe talking, as per usual. Discussed our journals in French. Unscrambled a poem in Creative Writing, and then me, Lin & Keli talked about Halloween and menstruation. Lmao. :P Finally got our contest entries back too. Discussed essays in AP, scary thoughts there....like the year 2030, it's far away, but it's not really. Frightening. Did internet stuff in Study, got kinda freaked out cause NaNoWriMo begins on Wednesday! Holy crap. Watched a power point in Journalism, lunch was blah, everyone was quiet. Watched some boring video on Samuel Mazzuchelli in LWF. Stupid idiot in Government told us we're having a unit test. Wa-hoo. It'll be stretched over Wednesday and Thursday. I don't give a damn, I'm staying home anyways, I'll just do the whole thing on Thursday, it's not that long. Sat in the library after school, surfing the net and doing stuff. Came home, had dinner and watched TV and now I'm on here. Later! Halloween tomorrow!!! :)

*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Saturday, October 28, 2006
5:16 PM
mood: cheerful
music: "Prisoner of Azkaban" on TV!
Friday: Woke up, did routine. My bro got to wear a costume to school so he went as an old man! It looked hysterical! Had an ok ride, talked in the cafe with the peeps. Ashlene found scissors on the ground for me since I lost mine, lol. Took a quiz and listened to Current Events in Government. Listened to music in French while we translated our stories. Saw a pretty good Halloween WQOP. Student teaching day in AP, got to be in a group with Lin, lol. Talked to mom in Study about plans after school. Last revision in Journalism (Thank God!), talked in lunch. Sister Helen had my LWF journal that I had left there. We handed in our papers and got "M&M's"! Cindy didn't want hers so I got two, lol. Did more poetry in CW, me and Lin are geniuses, we figured out "Grasshopper". We rock. After school, me, Lin, Chrissy, Keli, Nicole and Sammy went to "Starbuck's". I got some hot cocoa and paid all in change, lmao. We just happened to see Cindy at the drive-thru! So, she came in and hung with us. We gabbed and sipped our beverages, it was nice. Chrissy the saint drove me all the way home and mom gave her cookies, lol. So, had some dinner, talked with the folks. Watched some TV, started some homework. Watched "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!" and "Frasier".
Saturday: Woke up, watched TV. Aunt Madonna dropped off some clothes from my cousin Beth. Very nice stuff! Tried on my Rita Skeeter costume, I looked like I was just about the pimpest thing on the planet! Goofed off, played Mario Kart. Parents went out, played around on the computer a bit. They came home, had some lunch. Went through the clothes from Beth and then cleaned out all my dresser drawers. Then we went out to find Joliet Junior College. It's super duper far but it's really nice inside. We saw deer on the campus! Awesome. Got dinner. Came home, ate. Went out to "CVS". Got some lipstick for my costume. Came home, now I'm on here and I'mm gonna go watch "PoA", it's been a while!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, October 26, 2006
4:50 PM
mood: calm
Wednesday: Woke up, had a scary dream. It was a chilly morning! Did routing, had a long ride. Had fun talking in the cafe with mah peeps. Studied shape poems and then wrote our own in Creative Writing. Worked on our poster in Government and I left my scissors in there, argh. Discussed essays in AP. Stupid underclassmen were clogging the library in Study. Fixed article again in Journalism, talking in lunch. LWF was dull, just took notes but Sister Helen said I was "the classic example of an introvert". Lmao, it was funny. Read more of this story in French and then we had to hear Michaela's story about this fight she had with this lady, it was funny. :P After school, cleared up some crap. Spent time on the net. Saw a bratty frosh getting told off by her mom in the main office, and a homeless dude on the street. Ew. Lol. Came home, finished reading "Unfortunate Events, book 13". It was fabulous!!! Had dinner, watched TV, did my goddam history notes. Finally finished. Relaxed by watching "Dancing with the Stars" and "Secrets of the Dead".
Thursday: Woke up, I remember I had a dream that had something to with Lupin but I didn't remember any details by the time I was out of the shower. It was a very dark & dreary morning. Had an ok ride, got to school pretty early. Had fun talking in the cafe. French was funny again, we got our stories for our projects. Did poetry in Creative Writing. Presented our poster in Government and we were one of the teams that got extra credit, sweet. Although, fourth day in a row for notes. WTF?? Notes in LWF, snooore. Left my LWF journal in the classroom on accident, damn. Journalism was kinda sucky, had to revise yet again. Left my lunchbox in there and did not realize until I got all the way to the cafe. Not funny. Grrr. Talked in lunch. Had some quality internet time in Study. Got an email from good 'ol Madina and a comment from Mandy!! Awesome. Did the in-class vocab writing in AP, wasn't so bad. After school, got some stuff cleared up with Ms. G. Library was closed so I sat in the cafeteria listening to "Pride and Prejudice" and doing homework for a while. Mom picked me up at 3. Stopped off at a bakery and got some streusel cakes, delish! Came home, watched some TV, did some homework, had dinner. Wrote my LWF paper and now I'm on here! Later days! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
4:30 PM
mood: content
Monday: The weekend felt long, dragging along with fun things inserted in, so Monday and school was somewhat of a nasty shock. Woke up, did routine, had a really long ride. Red Ribbon Week begins. Sat in the cafe talking. Got out papers back in French and found out that Dimitri died, so sad. Went over poems in Creative Writing, blah. Went over essays in groups during AP. Did internet stuff in Study, as usual. Skipped the presentation on depression during Journalism, she let us skip it. We typed up our stories. Talked in lunch. Took notes in LWF, boring boring boring. Finished up dollar thingy in Government and then changed seats. I'm not by Keli anymore!! Weep. After school, did some net stuff and also took some Government notes. Came home, had dinner, watched TV, did notes. Got on the net for just a bit, sent a thank-you to my Lewis counselor, did some other shtuff. Got off, fixed my french paper. Made out an application for the University of St. Francis. Then I watched some of "Kiki's Delivery Service", I really like that movie!
Tuesday: Woke up, it was C-O-L-D!!! Did routine, had a long ride but I heard a bunch of songs on the radio that I had been thinking of, that was awesome. Saw Ms. G in the hallway and she hugged me when I told her about Lewis, lol. Talked in the cafe, good times. Started this dumb group project in Government. In French, she showed us a clip of Kirsten Dunst of the Ellen DeGeneres show talking about the Marie Antoinette movie, then we read some of this story thing. Took notes in LWF, duuuuullllll. She corrected my article in Journalism and I began to make revisions. Chatted in lunch. Did normal net stuff in Study. Talked about essays and did a practice AP essay in AP, lol. Went over more poems in Creative Writing....snooooooore. After school, talked to mom over email, took Government notes again, talked with Celi who was in the library with me. Ms. Hanlon came out of her office while I was in sitting there waiting for dad and she offered me and this other girl some Dove chocolate. Weird....but yummy. Came home, watched TV, had a great dinner, did AP homework. Got on here and this is where my story ends. Later!! ^__^
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, October 22, 2006
11:41 AM
mood: content
Saturday: Woke up, watched some TV, hung around with the bro. Got dressed and me and the parents went to the dentist. I was super nervous. They both came into the examination room with me, he looked at my teeth and gave me the low-down. I need braces, period, blah. Although, since the tooth has already poked through, I don't need surgery, thank God. Came home, vacuumed the whole house. Ate some lunch, called Chrissy to find out what was going on later. Me and mom went out. First to "Office Depot", then "Target" where I bought a new journal, two "Radio Shack"'s, "Dominick's" (Blake wasn't there! Weep.), and I pumped gas for the first time. I don't like it, gas makes me nervous....too blow-upable. Came home, sat for a little bit and then we headed out to Lin's. Got there, talked with her and Chrissy for a while. Then Keli, Nicole and Angie came. We headed to "Giodano's", the planes were right above us, it was awesome!! Had a thirty minute wait so we sat and talked. Got seated in the cool back room, lol. Ordered our pizza, Katie came, we waited and waited, we were getting hungry!! Finally the pizza came and it was really good! Nicole mutilated hers, lmao. When we were done eating, Lin opened her presents. She got some great stuff, I hope she liked it all!! Afterwards, we went back to Chrissy's to crash. Sat around, took goofy pictures and even some video. It was soooooooo much fun, really, we had a great time. When it was almost time to leave, Angela put on a special puppet show for us with Keli, Chrissy and Lin as the puppets, lmao!! Oy, so, Lin, Angela, Keli and Nicole left. Shortly after, my dad came for me. We had a rainy ride home. :) Came home and watched the Michael Buble concert that just happened to be on PBS!! Shweet. Did my journal, read a little and then fell asleep.
Sunday: Woke up, felt very well-rested since I slept pretty late. Came downstairs, watched some TV, read the paper, read my AP essay. Got on the computer, fooled around on there for a bit. Took a shower, dried my hair and now I'm on here. This is the most convenient time for me to post although not too much has happened in my day. I'll probably spend some time on here and then we're going out for pizza with my aunt and uncle. Later! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, October 20, 2006
5:16 PM
mood: content
Thursday: Woke up, did routine, was tired because I was up at 1 AM for some reason, ew. Had a good ride though. Saw Lauren the Loser "talking" on her cell phone. Idiot. Sat in the cafe talking, good times. And we saw a squirrel by the window, he was so cute!! Started a project in French. Got into groups to share our poems in Creative Writing, yuck. Had a sub in Government, did work from the book. Nice journaling time in LWF. Typed our interviews in Journalism, talking in lunch. Did the usual internet stuff in Study, Chrissy sent me a cute email! :) Discussed essays in AP. After school, Chrissy had to do some stuff upstairs so I waited on the internet in the library. She came and got me, we got the stuff out of her car, and began to decorate Lin's locker. We talked while doing it, it was real nice. The locker...she is perfection! Really, we did a great job. Met up with Katie, walked around a little, bought a drink. Came home, had dinner, watched TV. The parents went out. I did my homework and we just kept watching TV. Finished reading "Mr. Darcy's Daughters"!! It was so awesome. :) Parents came home, watched a little "Frasier" and then went to bed.
Friday: Happy Birthday Lin!! The big 1-8!! =) Woke up, did routine, saw the Loser Lauren again! Urgh. Talked in the cafe, Lin loved her locker! Hehe. Did an activity in Government where we analysed the dollar bill and Therese got in trouble for talking back, heeheehee, I hate her. Read a story and watched a video of this girl's yard decorated for Halloween in French. At the end of that period, WQOP came on, it was pretty good. Had a sub in AP, just took a practice multiple choice test, it was all right. Internet shtuff in Study, of course. Started writing a draft of our story in Journalism and talked in lunch. Took notes in LWF, blah. Forgot to do a bunch of
homework in Creative Writing, that makes me soooo mad at myself. Argh. After school, sat on the internet and got my CW done. Came home, got a huge envelope from Lewis. It was just saying that I'm in and it gave me a certificate signifying my scholarship. :) Ate dinner, watched TV. Talked a little with mom, drafted my Journalism while watching TV and now I am on here! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
4:38 PM
mood: content and happy
Tuesday: Bears won last night, unbelievable comeback!! And we are now, 6 & 0!! Shweet. Woke up, did routine, had a rainy ride. Peeps were at a meeting so I sat in the library. Found them upstairs. Government frist period, we took a quiz and some notes. Went over the homework and watched "Finding Nemo" in French, lol. Did my prayer in LWF. I was nervous, but it was no big deal. Took notes in there. Got out grades and got some papers back in Journalism. Had fun talking in lunch. Did a bunch of internet stuff and began my short story in Study. Talked about essays and did a practice intro in AP. Got a lot of homework in Creative Writing, it was insane. And we started to go a bit insane, lmao. "Hoo-ha!" =) After school, went to FNHS meeting. Ms. Jancys wasn't there. We just watched cooking videos to get ideas for our cooking party, lol. Came home and there was a messge from Lewis, I got in and I got a scholarship!!! Sooo happy! :) Watched TV, ate dinner, did homework. Got on the net for a while and also finished writing my short story. Got off, printed everything and watched "Frasier".
Wednesday: Last night, reading "Mr. Darcy's Daughters" was great! Wytton loves Camilla, not Sophie!! This is how it should be!! Lol. So, woke up, did routine, had an easy ride. It was a half day so I didn't bother bringing my backpack. Found the peeps wheeling in the piano with Ms. Cruse, lol. We slinked away from that and decided to sit in the gym since we were gonna end up in there anywho. Talked for a while. So, then the day began. We took attendance and then we were able to sit with our friends. First, we saw a presentation on college campus safety, made me not wanna go! Lol. Scary stuff. Got split up. Me, Lin, Keli & Nicole saw a panel of QoP alumni, it was all right. Then we got split up again. Me & Lin went to Ms. Cruse's room for the college essay workshop, it was dumb. Me and Lin had to "assist", it was pretty pointless. So, after that, we waited for Keli and Nicole...Alex teased us a little, lmao. Finally they came down and we set off for "Wendy's". Got food, ate and talked a lot. Chrissy almost lost her school ring but thanks to a helpful "Wendy's" employee, it's back on her finger! Close one!! Sat in there talking for quite some time, it was nice to just talk. Left around 2:30, mom was waiting for me at Chrissy's. We drove home, dropped Mike off and went to the store to get something for Linny. Lol. Came home, watched TV and read my AP essay. Had dinner. Helped mom make some fudge for Chrissy since we really appreciate her driving me. And now I'm on here! Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, October 16, 2006
4:38 PM
mood: calm
note: Holy crap, a 4-day post!!
Friday: Ahhh, Friday the thirteenth!! Haha. Also, the 13th and final book of "Series of Unfortunate Events" came out! Woke up, did routine, was pissed off at my hair, lol. Had a good ride, got there fast. Sat in the cafe, talking to the peeps and laughing at this creepy freshman that keeps staring at me, EW. Everyone was in good spirits cause it was Friday. :) Did current events in Governement. Saw a lame-o WQOP, blah. In French, we did a bit of grammer and then got really off-topic, talking about migraines, lol. Student teaching day in AP, it was fun! Got cupcakes and did skits, fun. In Study, did my usual net stuff. Talked in Journalism, chatted in lunch. Had weird sub again in LWF, just worked on a handout. Went over poems in Creative Writing, {"hope!"}. After school, sat in the library doing stuff. Araceli was in there and we talked a bit. Came home, ate dinner, packed and we headed off to Michigan!!! The ride was suuuuper long, what with all the construction, but I read one of my AP essays on the way. We stopped at the the local grocery store there and then it was onto the condo! It was freezing in there!!! We watched some TV and snacked and then fell asleep in the cozy back bedroom. :)
Saturday: Woke up in Michigan, walked out of the bedroom to see the wonderful view of the nice, blue lake. Lovely. Went downstairs, watched TV with the folks. Talked for a while and then got dressed and cleaned up. Went to the local grocery store to get their infamous, delicious chicken for lunch. also bought a postcard, lol. Got McDonald's for Mike, had to sit there forever cause they have mental block about not putting cheese on a "PLAIN" quarter pounder. They're like, "plain comes with cheese..", well that's stupid! Sheesh. Came back to the condo to eat lunch and talk. Went back out, both libraries around there were closed so I couldn't type my stuff....darn...::wink::. Drove around, got a carwash at the place with Brokeback scenery behind it, lol. Also browsed the local antique shop, always fun. Came back to the condo and we decided to watch "Sleeping Beauty", gack, it was sooooo fun to watch!! I love that movie. Wrote my book review, watched swans in the lake and talked. Went out to dinner at the "Easy Street Inn" which looks like "The Leaky Cauldron" and has great food! Only downside was that we went there later than we usually do, and the Tigers game was on {puke!!!} and it was realllly smoky in there, ew. Came back, wrote my service reflection. This lady came over from next door, she's a friend of the brother of the wife of my aunt, who owns the condo.....didja follow that? Neither did I, lmao. Watched "Finding Nemo", read some of my book and drifted off to sleep in the cozy, back bedroom.
Sunday: Woke up, watched the "Sunday Morning Show". Then we put on this video I found at the antique shop, called "The Reluctant Dragon." I used to quote it when I was like, really little, it was funny to watch. Played some "Mario Kart" and got a good score on one race I've been trying to improve for a while. Washed my hair, got dressed and we went to the apple orchard!! When we first got in, we bought a pumpkin, an apple pie and some delicious apple doughnuts!! Dropped those off at the car and ventured onto the farm. Took a hay ride to get to where the apples were. Picked a bunch and took lots of pictures, we are really camera-happy. Rode the hay ride all around the farm, went through the lame-o corn maze and then left. Got "Pizza Hut" for lunch. Came back to the condo, ate, watched some football and played "Scrabble" with mom & Mike while dad watched a "James Bond", lol. Got all packed up and we left around 4:00....::weep::, I wanted to stay!! Read my second AP essay on the ride, flipped through the AP book, I was bored. Stopped at "Jewel" where I got someone's birthday card (heehee) and then "Game Crazy" for Mike. Came home, unpacked, ate some dinner, it was nice to be home. Watched "The Amazing Race" and uploaded the pics onto the computer.
Monday: Blah, back to school. Woke up, was pretty tired still, did routine. Sat in the cafe and talked with the peeps in the morning. Felt like I missed something, lmao, I dunno. Talked about our weekends in French. Checked in journals and discussed poetry in Creative Writing. Took a mini-quiz and then discussed the essays in AP. In Study, I caught up on all of my internet shtuff. She had to talk to the sophomores about the PSAT in Journalism, blah. Talked with Ashlene in lunch, good times. Gave Celi the pic of Rupert Grint I found in the paper, lol. Took notes in LWF. Keli told me all about the "Lin Scheme" in Government, haha. :) {I know and you don't! Sorry, that's mean. :P} Took actual notes in there, like off the board.....weird. After school, my stalker was in the library, ew. I blocked the chair next to me with my backpack, lol. Did internet stuff and some of my homework. Came home, watched TV, ate dinner and did HW and now I am on here.
What a post! Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, October 12, 2006
3:55 PM
mood: content
Wednesday: Woke up, did routine, my head was in the clouds just a bit. Had a good ride to school, talked with mom a lot. Got to school, sat in the cafe talking. Everyone seemed to be in better spirits than earlier in the week. First was Creative Writing where she showed us some contests we can enter and we went over poems. Fire drill during Government!!! Holy crap!! Scared the shit out of me and it was coooold outside! We got our debates back and the only reason we didn't get a 'C' was because we won the debate and got 5 extra credit points!! Whew! Did writing workshop in AP, only one person had their paper so we goofed off. Internet surfing galore in Study. Took a test in Journalism. In lunch, found out that Ashlene's foot might be broken! Yikes. Also checked on my service hours and Lewis University was there but I didn't know it was my admission counselor!! I could have talked to him!! I come home and there's a postcard on the table, "I will be at your school at 11:15!" Yeah, thanks a lot dumbass, that's helpful now that the day is over. Gah. So, in LWF we took notes and got off-topic. She let us vent in French and then she just let us work on the assignment we had. After school, did net stuff and also worked on my AP paper. Came home, had dinner, watched TV and did homework. Spent some time on the net, commenting back and forth with Ana. Got off, finished my paper. Watched the end of "Dancing with the Stars" and then a really great "Secrets of the Dead". Good show. :)
Thursday: Woke up, did routine. Talked alot again on the way to school. Chilled in the cafe, talking with da peeps. Did book stuff in French and it began to SNOW! WTF??? Argh. Still snowy in Creative Writing where we went over some poems. Still snowy in Government where we took a quiz and talked about some chart we did. She was angry at us for some reason in LWF, go figure, she has her moody days. It was pretty boring in there, half of it was lecture time. Started snowing again in Journalism where we corrected our test from yesterday. Chatted in lunch. Internet business in Study. Workshops in AP, but we only had one paper again so it was slack off day. Haha. After school the library was closed. So I sat in the cafeteria and I managed to finish ALL my homework while listening to music. The library was back open around 3:10 so I went in there and sat on the net. Came home, had dinner, watched TV. And now I am on here. Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
4:02 PM
mood: busy
Monday: Colombus Day. Mike was off, not me. Injustice, I tell ya. Woke up, did routine, had a really fast ride to school, got there early. Found the peeps and we bitched in the cafeteria about having to be there. Yuck. Shared journals and finished "Beauty and the Beast" in French. Did journals and got our tests back in Creative Writing. Reviewed Meggan's essay in AP as an intro to the workshopping week. Test review in LWF. Internet stuff in Study and I was still not caught up with my flist and stuff, yikes. Discussed in Journalism, chatted in lunch. Had current events in Government, North Korea worries me. At 2:00 we went into the gym for the Faculty Assembly. It was pretty great, I was glad I came to school if only for that. It was hosted by the deans and they were like, looking for the perfect song to display justice. Each department got to do, like, an audition. Mr. Bell can sing...I know, it was scary and strangely...urgh, I don't know. Sister Helen was the voice of God, lol. Got a lot of moments to scream for '07!! Sat in the library afterwards, on the net. Came home, my guide to writing a mystery novel came on the Bookmobile! Had dinner, watched TV, wrote my vocab thing. Got on the net for a while. Got off and watched "Deal or No Deal".
Tuesday: Woke up, did routine. Saw a dude with a cowboy hat on on the way to school, lol. Small gathering in the cafeteria. Talked about our polls in Government. Went over our papers and then sang in French. Did review and then took the test in LWF. Went to a service presentation during Journalism/homeroom, boring. Didn't chat much in lunch, Ashlene wasn't there. In Study, did a bunch of stuff on the net. Writing workshop in AP, they did my paper and I found out it wasn't as crappy as I first thought. Talked about poems and some emo lyrics in Creative Writing. After school, did internet stuff and started on AP essay. Came home, had dinner, watched TV. Wrote my poem for Creative Writing and now I am on here. Busy and dreary week so far. Blah. Well, later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, October 08, 2006
1:13 PM
mood: tired but happy
Friday: Woke up, did routine, got to school pretty early. Talked in the cafeteria and made plans for Saturday. Had a sub in Government, we worked out of the book. Saw an ok WQOP, they're just not as great as last year's. Watched "Beauty and the Beast" in French. Got into groups in AP to play a sort of game involving the essays we read. Did internet shtuff in Study. Tallied up polls, discussed an article, and had a pink cupcake (made by Ms. B in honor of Homecoming) in Journalism. Chatted in lunch. Sat in a circle in LWF and acted out parts as biblical women, oh boy. Went over poems in Creative Writing and then listened to some stupid rap song. After school, sat in the library, being bored, doing internet stuff. Saw losers on the way home that were passing out some paper that said we should impeach Bush. Psssh. They came to our window and my dad's like, "Get the crap out of my face!" It was GREAT! :) Lol. Came home, had dinner, watched TV, did some of my homework. Watched "Deal or No Deal", some other TV and then went to bed.
Saturday: Woke up, laid in bed a little. Watched a bunch of TV, played "Mario Kart". Heard the joyous news that the Minnesota effing Twins are out of the playoffs!!! YAY! Tried on my homecoming dress, felt pretty. :) Accidentally popped the lens out of Mike's glasses while goofing off, haha. After searching on our knees we found the teensy screw and fixed it. Had some lunch. Lewis University called me and said once they find my transcript they're going to admit me and tell me my scholarship amount! Shweet. Took a shower, dried hair, set off for Chrissy's. Got there and watched "Pretty in Pink", which is very cute, while Chrissy, Keli, Lin and I straightened our hair. Got dressed and primped. Took some nice pictures in Chrissy's backyard. Went to "Bennigan's" for dinner, very tasty food. We were super early so we just sat in there talking about life. :) Set off for the dance. Met up with Nicole there and also saw Cindy and her date! So, we basically danced the night away, it was awesomeness. The music was pretty good, not too much rap crap. And we took our traditonal picture by the most prominent piece of decoration. Afterwards, we met up with Katie at "Coldstone" and had some delicious birthday cake ice cream. Ahhh, it was sooo good. Of course, it was because there was druuuuugs in it. HAHA. Went back to Chrissy's and got into our comfy clothes. My feet were killing me!! Looked at some pictures on Chrissy's computer. Then we were being a bit hysterical and thought that a serial killer might get in the house and steal the milk. LMAO. Best moment of the night, honestly. When we went into the family room, there was this HUGE spider on the couch!! Chrissy killed it and fed it to her fishies, lol. We pulled the bed out of the couch and set it up.Four of us jammed onto that bed, wow. We started to watch some "Dracula" movie with Leslie Nielsen and Mel Brooks but we all fell asleep, lol.
Sunday: What a night. I was falling off the bed half the time! Woke up around 3 in the morning cause of Lin's vibrating cell phone. Sheesh, Dan was texting her. Isn't it a little late?? Lmao, it was funny. Kept waking up, even watched a little "Nick at Nite" but I got about 6 or 7 hours of sleep, which is more than I expected. Haha. Woke up around 8:00, watched TV and laid around. Lin and Keli got picked up at 9:00. Me, Chrissy and Katie ate some cinnnamon rolls and chatted. Daddy picked me up at 10:00. God, I was so tired, still am, lol. Came home, talked with the folks a little. Got on the computer and started stupid homework while listening to music to keep me awake. Did my french paper and made revisions to my AP paper. Took a break to eat some lunch and watch some of the Bears game. We, my friends, are winning, 27 to 0!!!!!!! We rock. Parents went out and came back, kept watching the Bears! Did reading for Journalism. Bears won, 40 to 7!!! Sweetness. And now I am on here. Wow, what a great weekend. Later, dudes!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, October 05, 2006
5:20 PM
mood: blah
Wednesday: Favorite Holiday Day! Half day too! :) Woke up, did routine, checked myself out in the mirror and I was one fly VP! We had a loooooong ride to school, it was really rainy. And on my way out of the car I whacked my head, OW! So, got my admit and just went straight to the cafe, we all looked great! Took a pic by the window, it looks fab. Took the quiz I missed in Creative Writing. Listened to Keli's team's debate in Government. The other team one, only cause of one of their psycho members, (*cough* Gabby *cough*). Don't care for that girl. Took unit two exam in AP, it wasn't so bad. Got Ms. B's signature for journalism and she congratulated me on being a Republican! Hehe. Did some computer shtuff in Study. In LWF, Sister Helen flipped out cause I'm a Republican, lol. Was in the PC lab for French, we began our paper. After school, stopped at Ms. Owens' room to take a picture of all of us. Mom picked me up. We got some lunch. Came home, ate and watched "Lucy". Picked Mike up from school, stopped at "Sears" and saw the Twins game, they were losing, praise the Lord. HATE them with a passion. Came home, watched TV, did my homework. Had some dinner. Got on the net. After I got off, we watched the end of "Dancing with the Stars" and then a really good show called "Secrets of the Dead", that gave me some ideas for my novel. :)
Thursday: Woke up, did routine, got my monthly friend. EW and OW. Went to the fitness center, Miss Carroll was there and I took my AP vocab test, the one I missed. Stood by the window. First was French, we were in the PC lab again, kept working on our papers. Went over a poem exercise we did in Creative Writing. Talked about polls in Government, and got more goddam notes. I was in paaaain in there, ow. Had some nice journal time in LWF. Went to see the student/teacher volleyball game in Journalism/homeroom. Felt better in lunch, chatted. Did internet stuff in Study. Took a multiple choice practice in AP. Sat in the library, doing internet stuff for a while. Katie was even in there with me for a while! Haven't seen her in forever. Thought it was gonna be closed at 3:15 but it didn't so I chilled in there the whole time after school, even got my Government notes finished. Came home, had dinner, watched some TV. Read essays for AP and did other HW. Mom's old co-worker called and she was on the phone forever! Lol. And now I am on here. Well, later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
2:47 PM
mood: bored
Monday: Finished reading "Invisible" last night, it was wonderfully done! Wow. And I started reading "Mr. Darcy's Daughters"!! :) So, woke up, was pretty tired, did routine. Got to school, talked in the cafe and Katie the savior lent me some money to buy a Homecoming shirt, cause they were going fast! Talked about our journals in French. Read out of the book in Creative Writing. Discussed essays in AP, oy, that first one was pretty heavy duty. Thank God for Study!! I signed up for NaNoWriMo cause it was finally open! Yayness. Did some other internet stuff and the period did not last long enough! Lol. Journalism just pissed me off, the sophomores are idiots. We ran off copies of our poll. Was kinda PMS-y in lunch, blah. It was thundery in LWF!! Hehe. We took notes in there, boring!!! In Government, it got realllly rainy and we even had hail!! Yikes! My group did our debate and we won! Awesome! After school, chilled on the computer. Came home, had dinner, watched TV and did homework. Got on the computer and uploaded some music for my next mix CD. Got on the net, did some shtuff. Got off and made revisions to my first summer essay, it's so much better now! Watched some TV and read before bed.
Tuesday: Well, it was super duper rainy last night and loads of roads were flooded, not to mention all the fallen trees. So, they wake me up....just to tell me I'm not going. Haha. We'd never have gotten there in time, the roads were awful. So, I had to miss the Spirit Assembly, crap. Laid in bed for a while, read a bit, saw the news and all the damage. Mom took Mike to school and came back. We watched some TV together. She left for work, I watched some of "Oprah". Mike's friend Alex called, he has two trees down and no school, yikes. Got on the computer, listened to music and started to make CD covers for my new mix CD. Took some pictures for the cover, came out nicely, and the camera is so fun! Lol. Finished making that and had some lunch. Decided to watch "Beauty and the Beast", it was cute! I love that movie. Also took some video of it with the camera. Mom came home, we chatted and watched TV. Picked Mike up, came home and now I'm on here. More rain tonight, oy. Dinnertime! Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, October 01, 2006
11:25 AM
mood: calm
note: I hate 3-day posts but I forgot to do it yesterday!
Friday: No school, wahoo! Woke up, got to sleep a little later than usual. Read some of my book, watched some TV with mom. It was a chilly morning! Watched some TV and part of "Oprah" and then got on the computer. Blasted music, customized an autumn LJ layout, went through lots of icons and read some fanfiction. Ate lunch and watched "The Megan Mullally Show", it's really not that wonderful, lol. Got on the internet. Did some stuff, talked to Chrissy, put up my layout. Got dressed at the speed of light and quickly made an LJ post. Mom came to get me. We picked Mike up from school and went to the library. I got the book for my next review and handed in my "Wicked" essay. Came home, finished a ff, watched TV, had dinner. Did my AP homework, watched a lot of TV and helped Mike on "Family Feud" on Nintendo.
Saturday: Fun day!! Woke up around 7:50. Watched some TV and then showered. Lin called and said they had some transportation problems, crap. Watched "Beakman's World", lmao, played a little Mario Kart and then read "Artemis Fowl". Parents went shopping and came back and then went out again. I finished "Artemis Fowl"!!! It was wonderful! Parents came back with lunch, we started to eat and Lin called again. Plans were still intact! Yayness. So, after we ate, me and mom went to the mall and met the Chrissy, Lin and Keli. Found a homecoming dress at "Carson's", like right away, it was great. It's a black halter with hot pink ribbon on the top and stuff, it's nice. Bought it and then mom left. We wandered the mall a bit and then decided to go to my house. Chatted in my room, then we ate a little and talked even more. Went back to the mall, browsed "Hot Topic" and "Waldenbooks". Went to "Party City", bought nothing. Went to "Michael's" and guess who we saw?? Me and Chrissy's old principal!!! EW!! It was really creepy. I bought some cheap pens there. Then we went on a quest to find "Pretty in Pink" but it was out everywhere! Damn. Came back to my house, made our buttons for "Fave Holiday" day, Chrissy made us animals out of cardboard (haha) and we goofed off. It was fun! They left around 8:30, I just laid around and then watched "Monty Python" before bed.
Sunday: Woke up, watched some television, read my usual sections of the paper. Checked the crossword, I didn't do too bad. {It was scapulas, for the shoulder bones clue! Grr.} Got on the computer and looked up stuff for this week's crossword, urgh. Had some lunch, typed my argument for Government.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
seventeen, QoP, chicago, friends, family, blogging, fanfiction, Harry Potter, Remus Lupin, chocolate, journaling, driving, The marauders, classic rock, alternative, swing music, Beatles, Graham Colton Band, Switchfoot, Maroon 5, Beatles, Billy Joel, Michael Buble, Click Five, Wicked Jack Lemmon, the 50's and 60's, conservative, George W. Bush, old movies, reality TV, SHOEBOX PROJECT, AIM, remus/sirius lurve, remus/tonks lurve, White Album, inside jokes, hangin' out, internet, LiveJournal :)

%Mood: Busy
%Book: "Duty and Desire" by Pamela Aidan
%Song: KT Tunstall, AAR & Switchfoot
%TV:"Seinfeld", "Simpson's", "Frasier", "Arthur", "Nova", "The Apprentice"
%Film: "The Terminal"
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
Daily Dudes
%Mary ~ Slowly Drifting
%Kris ~ Blurred Vision
%Kelly ~ Lost Freak
%Chrissy ~ Burning Soul
%Lin ~ Fairytale Dreams
Affilates of Myself
% My MySpace
%My LiveJournal ~ "Notorious Notations"

%The Marauders
