Thursday, November 30, 2006
2:48 PM
mood: content
Wednesday: Happy Birthday to my blog!!! Two whole years! =) Woke up, did routine, had a kinda long ride. Talked in the cafe, good times! :) Felt kinda weird in Creative Writing, we read a story. Well, I got my monthly friend. Four days early and quite unexpected. Ew. Government was boring, took a quiz and a few notes. Got a bit rainy. :) Discussed "Hamlet" in AP. In Study, did email, flist and some writing. I changed the plot up a bit, threw in some brainwashing, you know, lol. Peer edited in Journalism. Talked in lunch and on the way out, the lights flickered! Eek.Watched movie in LWF. Grammer work in French. After school, the computers were out because of the momentary power outage. I wrote my vocab paragraph and soon, the computers came back on! Did email and NaNo and did some more writing and.....I HIT 50,000 WORDS! YAYYYY! Awesomeness. Rainy ride. Came home, had dinner, chatted, watched TV. Got on the net, IMed with Chrissy and Lin, validated my manuscript and got my speshtacal icons and certificate! :) Made an LJ post and put up my pretty new snowy layout. :) Got off, finished writing chapter 18 of the story. Because, although I reached 50,000, the book is not done yet. I had so much fun, really November was awesome and now I have a whole novel! Time to edit!! Lol. Printed my certificate, it's so pretty. =) Watched TV and read before bed.
Thursday: Parents let me stay home cause it was only 'Harmony Day' today. Woke up, Mike stayed home too cause he had a sore throat. Watched a little TV, mom left and we watched "Oprah". Got on the computer, showed him my new layout, wrote my AP stuff and revised my Journalism article. Looked through icons and listened to music. Stopped for some lunch. Watched "Bob the Builder" (lmao) and "Lucy." Mom came home. Played a little 'Mooshu Tiles'. Watched part of "Ellen" and the "Jeopardy". Dad came home. Had dinner and now I'm on here, later!

*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
4:32 PM
mood: content
Monday: Woke up, had some weird dream about a real estate agent trying to find housing for elephants. WTF? So, woke up and was really really super tired. Blah. Did routine, got to school pretty early. Talked in the cafe, everyone was a tired blob. Talked in French and got our journals back. Shared our journals and our scenes in Creative Writing. Watched "Hamlet" in AP and made a new discovery, Peter Parker's Aunt May is in it too!! Insanity. In Study, did email and flist, looked through NaNo's flickr and then did some writing. Shweet. Talked about story leads in Journalism, it was a snooze. Lunch was fun! We talked about Brokeback and Harry Potter, the perfect combo to equal my happiness. Lmao. Was in the library for LWF and so was Lin for Ms. Cruz's class, lmao! We did saint research. Took a quiz and had work time in Government. After school, creepy staring girl totally stole my computer! WTF? Did email, flist and even more writing! got 1,786 words today for a total of 46,477!! It ends on Thursday and I know I'll be finished in time! Sweetness. Came home, ate dinner, watched TV, did my AP current events. Got on the net. Browsed and updated my word count.
Tuesday: Finished reading "The Fourth Bear" last night it was soooooo good!! Sorry to see it go. Woke up, did routine, was a tad bit late to school, enh. Some of the peeps were in a meeting but I talked in the cafe with Araceli, Katie, Nicole and Amanda. Government was stupid and pointless as always. Went over some chart and took notes on the President's cabinet. Did lots of grammer work from the book in French. Watched an ok movie in LWF. Journalism was boring, we peer edited each other's articles. Just talked in lunch. Study was full of kids, yuck. Did my normal internet stuff and got some writing done. Presented some of our current events in AP and then discussed "Hamlet". Creative Writing was blah. We talked about out coffeehouse, which no one is going to be able to come to, and then read part of a story. After school, FNHS was quick and painless so I went into the library and continued to write. Came home, had dinner, watched TV and read "Hamlet" act III. Now I am on here. We just got the newest version of Internet Explorer and it is sooo cool! I like it so far. I'm only 1,618 words away from being a NaNoWriMo winner!!! So close!! May be done tomorrow!!! =) Well, that's all folks!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, November 26, 2006
11:38 AM
mood: cheerful
Saturday: Woke up and my headache was gone, but I had kind of a bad dream. So, woke up, read in bed. Came downstairs and we watched a little TV. Then I went back upstairs to organize Mike's new closet shelves. And I ended up cleaning up his whole room. Parents went out. Finished Mike's room and got on the computer to start my AP work. Stopped for lunch and some TV. They came back and I finished my AP. Started to organize my bookshelf a bit but got fed up and annoyed. Parents went back out and I got on the net. Was very boring, just surfed around. Got off and finished my bookcase, then vacuumed the upstairs. Watched the end of "White Christmas" and did some writing. Stopped for dinner. Got back on and finished my writing. Past 41K now!! And only a few days left in November! Got off, we watched "Jeopardy" and I took a shower. Fixed mom's Christmas bracelet that broke. We put on "Somewhere in Time". Stopped it to watch "Alfred Hitchcock" and then finished it afterwards. It was a nice little love story but the ending was so sad!! It was like, 'Titanic' sad, lol. Watched "Monty Python", read and went to bed.
Sunday: Woke up, laid in bed for a while, staring at my bookshelf, lol. Came downstairs. Watched the "Sunday Morning Show" and read some of the paper. Then did my stupid, goddamn government notes until they were finally finished. Cannot wait until that class is GONE! Got on the PC, did my Journalism and started my writing. Mike and dad put up the Christmas lights! :) Had lunch and chatted with mom. Parents went out. Blasted music and did more writing. I got a lot done!! Past 44K!! :) Now I am on here. Do NOT want to go to school tomorrow. Ew. Well, later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, November 24, 2006
6:16 PM
mood: tired
Thursday: Happy Thanksgiving! Woke up, read a bit in bed. Came down, watched some TV. Took Thanksgiving pictures, lmao. Watched the parade, saw the school band! Then me and Mike played Sega, like always. Fun!! Listened to Christmas music and had our lunch! Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and cauliflower. Yummy!!! Sat around, digesting. Then we put on "Sword in the Stone", as always. :) Had some delicious french silk pie and watched "Jeopardy". Finished the movie and then watched a "Curious George" marathon, lmao. Took a nice, hot, refreshing shower. Watched TV and had our leftover dinner. Started watched "Singin' in the Rain". Got on the computer and did some writing, it was hard. Got off, watched "Spiderman 2" and then "Frasier" and then "Simpson's".
Friday: Got woken up by mom. Got dressed and all ready and we set out at 8:30. Went to "Value City", "Kmart", the dollar store, "Walgreen's", another dollar store and another "Walgreen's". Came home, the parents went to get food. Keli called me and said that her, Lin and Chrissy were gonna go to the mall and she invited me along! :) Ate my lunch and sat around a bit. They came to get me around 1:00, called me from my driveway, lol. First we went to "White Castle" and they ate. Then we went to the mall, wandered a bit. Got bored so we went to LaGrange. Wandered around "Borders". Felt very bored, sat in the car wondering what to do. Decided to make bracelets, lmao. Stopped at Chrissy's to get beads and stretchy string. Then went to my house and made some bracelets cause we're nerds! Lin dropped hers like, two times, the poor thing!! They left around 7:00. Watched some of "Shrek 2". Now I'm on here. Not gonna be on long because Chrissy transferred her headache to me, ow. Later.
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
3:33 PM
mood: calm
Tuesday: Woke up, no school for Mike again. Did my routine, got to school quite early. Sat in the cafe talking, funness! :) Government was boring. Worked on pointless project #5 with Keli. Finished the movie in French, it had a sad ending! :( Picked groups for our project in LWF and then discussed some stuff. Worked on story in Journalism. Abby had a shadow in lunch, she was so nice! In Study, got to see the OotP trailer!!! Awesome!! Also read the last part of the best Remus/Tonks fanfic ever and wrote some of my novel. Watched "Hamlet" in AP, Kenneth Branagh is really good! And Peter Pettigrew is in it, bizarre! Read from the book in Creative Writing, snooooze. After school, Lin drove me to "Baskin Robbins" and everyone else (Chrissy, Keli, Nicole and Sammy) followed, lol. Everyone but Nicole walked over to "Starbuck's", I got my hot cocoa! Walked back to "Baskins Robbins" and sat at our awesome, long table. :) Talked and talked, it was fun. And then Lin finally told us all the details of her escapades, lmao. Wahoo, Lin! We had a good time. :) We left and Chrissy drove me to her house where mom picked me up. She told me that dad had been bumped by some dude on the way home, eek! He's ok though. Thank God. Came home, watched a little TV and then got on the net. Talked to people, browsed around, wrote a bunch. Also ate a little dinner and a "Tony Bennett Special", featuring Michael Buble in sunglasses!! Lol. Got off and watched "Nova" with the fam. When it was over, I got back on the computer and finished my writing for the day. Past the 35K mark! Got off and watched TV until about 11:00.
Wednesday: Ah, first day of break. Woke up, read some of my book while lying in bed. Mom left for work. When Mike woke up, we went downstairs. Watched some TV and read one of my old journals for nostalgia, lol. Got on the computer, watched some funny videos, looked at OotP trailer icons, listened to music and did my Creative Writing homework. Stopped for some lunch, after which mom came home. Watched Mike play Sega and then watched "Lucy." Read more of my book, dad came home early. Watched a little of "Ellen", parents went out. Got on the computer, did writing. Parents came home with dinner. We ate and now I'm on here, typing away at my novel and browsing. Thanksgiving tomorrow! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, November 20, 2006
4:19 PM
mood: content
Sunday: Woke up, watched "Sunday Morning Show". Watched a bunch of birds flock on our neighor's lawn, they were like crazy! Like, "The Birds"!!! Lol. Watched some TV and had a nice breakfast. Got on the computer. Did my LWF paper, my AP 'Discovery Draft' and my book review, all while listening to the GoF soundtrack. :) Took a break from the computer and watched the Bears, the game was pretty boring though. Got back on the PC to do my novel writing. Parents went out and I got on the net. Spent quite some time on there, browsing around, saving icons, IMing people and such. Felt like a vegetable so I got off. Goofed off with my brother, took some crazy pictures. Parents came home with groceries and dinner. Ate and watched "Seinfeld". Spent the night doing Government notes and watching football highlights. Also watched a great "Amazing Race".
Monday: Peace Pride Day, wa-hoo. Woke up, was very tired, did my routine. My bro didn't have school, blah. Had a good ride all the way to school. Sat in the cafe with the peeps, talked and shtuff. Continued the movie in French. Checked in journals and read from the book in Creative Writing. Read "Hamlet" in AP, my eyes really hurt in that class, lol, don't know why. In Study, did my internet stuff and then wrote like crazy. In Journalism, worked on my article and wrote my novel on the side, lol. This is why you are able to have 2 windows open on the computer. ^__^ Talked in lunch, it was fun. Took notes in LWF, boring. Took a quiz and listened to our presidential speeches in Government. After school, sat in the library writing. Got a lot done. Came home, had dinner, watched TV and took Government notes. I HATE notes, grrrr. And now I am on here! Later days! Thanksgiving break is coming!! Yahoo! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Saturday, November 18, 2006
1:31 PM
mood: content
Friday: Woke up and Mike wasn't here cause he was at his friend's house. Weird. Did routine, we were so ahead of schedule that we stopped at Walgreen's for gum, lol. Got to school and me, Lin and Nicole went to the counselor to view our schedules for next semester. Me and Lin don't have AP anymore!!! NOOOO!! Lol. Nicole showed us her lovely skeleton painting and then we chatted by the window. Finished pointless project #3 in Government. Saw WQOP, meh, they're just not that great anymore. Took a quiz in French and continued movie. Teaching day in AP, blargh. Got cookies, did skit. Didn't get laughed at this time, an improvement! During Study, did internet stuff and wrote my brains out. Skipped "Hoops for Hunger", worked in Journalism. Talked a lot in lunch. Took notes in LWF. Helped a sophomore open her locker, lol. Read out of the book in Creative Writing, we read a really good short story. Lin was jumpy and excited, lol. After school in the library, did internet stuff and continued writing. Went way over again, got 2,161 words. Shweet. Picked up Mike on the way home. Came home, ate dinner, watched some TV. Got on the net, checked email, downloaded the newest pics from "OotP", read some awesome fanfiction and IMed Kelly. Got off and we watched TV till bedtime.
Saturday: Woke up feeling warm, comfy and well rested. I love weekends. Got dressed and all ready and we set out for the open house at St. Francis. Very friendly greeters when we came in, that was nice. The mascot, a dog, grabbed me and took a picture with me, lmao! So, we had a nice breakfast and then listened to a bunch of people talk. That was kinda boring, a bit too long. Went on to the "academic fair" where you could talk to the heads of department. The English dude was pretty impressed with my book review and my novel-in-progress, lol. Looked into financial aid a bit. Then we went to the bookstore cause they gave us a 20% off coupon, so I bought some pens. Lmao. Had some lunch and then we left. Stopped at the library on the way. Got home, finished reading the book fro the book review. Got on the computer and I wrote, wrote, wrote. Got 1,432 words today, I'm past the 31K mark!! Awesomeness. :) And now I am on here. Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, November 16, 2006
4:54 PM
mood: cheerful
wednesday: Woke up, did routine, was in a good mood and had an ok ride. Sat in the cafe, teehee. Me and Lin went to the window alone to discuss certain details, lol. Read from the book in Creative Writing. In Government, we took a quiz, I got extra credit on pointless project #2 and he showed my political cartoon as one of the best. :) Got into groups to do something with "Hamlet". In Study, did internet stuff and got writing done. Did some story thing in Journalism. I was at my locker getting my lunch and Ms. Amadour yelled at me for my sweater, jerk. Was ticked off during lunch, we talked. Had a looong prayer in LWF and had time to work on our papers. Saw an awesome presentation with a pop-up book and awesome cookies in french. After school, did internet stuff and kept writing. Came home, had dinner, watched TV and took Government notes. Got on the computer and wrote my LWF paper. Got on the net, surfed around and IMed Lin, lol. Watched "Dancing with the Stars", Emmitt won. Kind of a surprise! Got off and we watched a really good "Secrets of the Dead".
thursday: Windy and rainy last night!! Woke up, did routine, had to wear the stupid sweatshirt, grrr. Went straight to the window instead of the cafeteria, talked with Lin and Nicole. Juicy stuff, lol. Started a singing movie in French. Creative Writing was fun! We read our character sketches. Started stupid project #3 in Government. Had rough draft working time in LWF. Worked in Journalism. Talked in lunch. Browsed some stuff in Study and then did some writing. AP was fun, Lin told me of her falling-out-of-her-chair incident. Lmao, that's funny! Started the movie of "Hamlet". It's got Lockhart!! And Kate Winslet!! Crazy. After school, sat in the library, did internet stuff and wrote. It was a looooong time. Noelle, a senior from last year, came back and she said 'hi' to me. Sarah T was in there and she turned around and was like, "Are you writing a book?" So, I said yeah and she wanted to know all about it, lol. Interviewed Ms. Owens for Journalism. Came home, had dinner, watched TV and finished up Government notes. Mom took Mike to Alex's for sleepover. Now I'm on here!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
4:06 PM
mood: chipper
Monday: Happy Birthday Ashlene! Woke up, I think I had a Titanic dream, lol. I was tired, but dad told me the Bears won! :) Did routine, had an ok ride. Sat in the cafe talking as usual. Good times. Saw a presentation during French. Checked journals and read from the book about fiction writing in Creative Writing. Started "Hamlet" in AP, oy. We're gonna have to perform. Urgh. In Study, did internet stuff and then wrote some. Got new story assignments in Journalism, sick of that class. Gave Ashlene her present in lunch, she liked it! LWF was blah, took notes. Government was boring, took notes and a quiz. After school, did internet stuff, wrote and searched for "Titanic" icons, lmao. Saw a huge accident on the way home, yikes. Came home, had dinner, watched TV and did a little homework. Parents gave me a semi-early Christmas gift. A booklight for the ride home! :) Got on the net. Wrote and perused around. Got off and watched TV.
Tuesday: Finished reading "Emily Climbs" last night, it was great! Woke up, did routine, had an ok ride. In the cafe in the morning, most of the peeps were in a meeting, but Amanda, Nicole & Araceli were there. Chatted. Took notes in Government and then started yet another pointless project. Presentations in French. Went to the chapel during LWF for a prayer service, it wasn't so bad. In Journalism, went to the Little Theater for a presentation on the stupid-ass laptop idea that the seniors won't even participate in, lol. Talked in lunch. Did internet stuff in Study and also wrote a bit. Listened to "Hamlet" on an awesome record player in AP and Lin made me a proposition, lol. I would get to meet Dan, finally after school! Lol. Read out of the book in Creative Writing. After school, went with Lin out to her car, chatted while we waited. Eventually Dan showed up! You can tell he's really shy, but he seemed nice. :) Went back inside and went to my FNHS meeting. Almost no one was there, we kept talking about our upcoming cooking party and had some yummy cake. :) After that, I went in the library and did some writing. Came home, ate dinner, watched TV and now I am on here. :) Well, later dudes!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, November 12, 2006
1:46 PM
mood: content
Friday: Had a dream, woke up, did routine, Mike got the day off, lucky. Had a good ride. Talked in the cafe and then stood by the window with Lin and Nicole. Ms. Cruz suggested we start a rumble with this other group of girls that is stealing our 'stand by the window' idea. Took a quiz and finished the meaningless project in Government. Did our presentation in French after many techinical difficulties, oy. It wasn't so bad. AP was....weird. I don't wanna write it down again but it was a student presentation day and....weird stuff happened. Wrote a bit and did internet stuff in Study. Finished project in Journalism, Ashlene and Michelle had shadows in lunch. Sub in LWF, worked on sheets and a bunch of girls were bad mouting Sister Helen. Jerks. Saw WQOP in Creative Writing, blah. It was a day to work on revisions, so me, Lin and Keli just talked. Very dreary weather after school, worked on stuff in the library. Came home in awesomely torrential rain. Ate dinner, watched TV, got on the internet. IMed people and wrote. Got off, watched "Trading Spouses" and various other television until bedtime.
Saturday: Woke up, watched TV and played a little Mario Kart. Took a shower, mom dried my hair and we chatted a bit. She told me that she had a dream that I met a cute guy at the library, I wish! :) Wrote a bit of my novel, I'm feeling blocked, yuck. Ate a little lunch and then we set out. Stopped at the dollar store to get stuff for Ashlene's birthday on Monday. Then they dropped me off at Lin's. It was me, Lin, Nicole, Angie, Keli and Chrissy. We all squeezed into Nicole's car and went to "Potbelly's". I just got a coke because I ate already. So, they ate and we chatted a bit. Squeezed back into the car and went back to Lin's. We went in her basement and began to play "Cranium", which is the most kickass game ever!! We got into groups of two and luckily, there were no awkward pairings. It was so much fun!! The "Star performer" category was awesome!!! Katie showed up later on and we kept on playing. Had some pizza. Played the actual game about three times and then started just using up the cards. Very fun!! Then, when the cards were gone we made up our own! It was a lot of fun, really. Got picked up at 9:00. Stopped at "McDonald's" for shakes and then came home. Watched "Monty Python" and then read before bed.
Sunday: Woke up, watched "Sunday Morning" and read the paper. Mike finally made his christmas list, lol. Watched TV and started my homework. Parents went out, kept working on homework and watched our tapes of our vacation out west. It looked like Brokeback, lmao. They came back with groceries. We ate some lunch and explained our christmas lists to the parents to insure that we got what we wanted. They went back out. I got on the computer, blasted some music, made revisions to my AP essay and read some HP editorials. They came home and now I'm on here! Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, November 09, 2006
4:33 PM
mood: chipper
noise: Michael Buble: Kissing A Fool
Wednesday: Democrats now have control over the House & Senate and Nancy Pelosi, the Liberal Bitch, is Speaker of the House. EW. A bad day for politics. Woke up, did routine, had my novel on my mind. Super foggy again! Sat in the cafe and had a lot of fun talking with my peeps. :) But then a certain someone *cough*Formica!*cough* rushed us away from our window TWO SECONDS after the bell rang and yelled at me for my green sweater. Whatever. Discussed problems in poetry in Creative Writing. Government was boring, we just discussed the results of the election. Workshopped some papers in AP. In Study, talked a little to mom and then had to budget my time. I wrote my novel for half the time, reached my daily quota and then got off and took Government notes. Did a group project thing in Journalism. Bought a Daddy/Daugher ticket in lunch! :) Took test in LWF, not hard at all. Listened to presentations in French. After school, the library was closed so I went in the cafeteria. Listened to "Maroon 5" and did my government notes. Started to draft my AP essay when Katie came in! We had a nice, long, chat about stuff. It was nice! :) Wrote my essay in the car, lol. Came home, ate dinner, watched TV, fixed my Creative Writing poem. Got on the net. IMed people, did my blog and various other things while writing my AP essay. Got off and we watched "Secrets of the Dead", I was really tired.
Thursday: Pretty good day. Woke up, did routine, was in a good mood and had an easy ride to school. Sat in the cafe talking, it was a lot of fun! Good times. Presentation in French. Poetry slam in Creative Writing, lol. Government was boring, we started some group project. Journal time in LWF, very nice. Did story project in Journalism, talked in lunch. Did internet stuff and writing in Study. In AP, did workshop and watched a video about Sarah Vowell, the kickass writer whom I want to be when I grow up!! Lol. After school, sat in the library doing stuff. Wrote some novel, made a sexy man post on my LJ (check it out, heehee) and various other internet escapades. The nice librarian gave me a kit-kat. :) Came home, had dinner, watched TV and did my teensy bit of AP homework. Now I'm on here, later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
4:00 PM
mood: content
Monday: Woke up, I was so tired! Didn't want to go to school, blah. Did my routine, felt kinda annoyed. Sat in the cafe talking. Got our journals back in French and listened to some cool music. Did journals and poetry in Creative Writing. Proofread Nicole's essay in AP and it was like, perfect. Wrote a lot of my novel in Study and also browsed the net. Went to the gym during homeroom/Journalism for a presentation on internet safety. How old are we? Honestly. Talked at lunch, it was fun. Took notes in LWF and she talked a lot. Took notes on political cartoons in Government. After school, wrote some more while emailing my mom. Came home, ate dinner, watched TV and did my Government notes. Got on the net to update my word count and such. Got off and we watched "Help", the Beatles movie. I love it and I love them, it's such a funny movie. Can't I marry all 4 Beatles?? Lol. After that was over, we watched TV and me & Mike acted goofy and British. Good times.
Tuesday: A good day! Woke up and did my routine. It was frikkin foggy outside! Tried to go do my tutoring duty for FNHS, but the door was locked. Chrissy, Lin & Keli were in a meeting but Nicole, Katie, and Amanda were in the cafe. We had fun talking. Had fun by the window too when the others joined us. Went over political cartoons in Government. Had a workday in French but we're all finished with our project. So I worked on an outline for the AP essay and wrote my vocab paragraph. Took notes in LWF. Got "The Amity" in Journalism, I'm in there! :) We started like, a group project thing in there. Talked in lunch, good times. Study was great, I wrote a bunch and surfed. Workshopped my essay in AP, it was fun cause we got to reminisce about old TV shows! :) Creative Writing was great. In fact, you could say it was a 'hoot'. :P We shared our paragraphs and read on poetry. That was boring, but me, Lin and Keli had a lot of fun! Lin needs to get more sleep cause she thought I was hysterical, lmao!!! :) After school, wrote some more. Came home, ate some dinner, did a little homework and here I am! Still have about 300 words to write so, later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, November 05, 2006
2:30 PM
mood: accomplished
Saturday: Slept on the blow-up bed with Mike, lol. Woke up, watched TV with the folks, goofed off. Played a little "Mario Kart". Parents went out. Watched some TV and had some lunch. Took a shower and we felt like being silly, so Mike timed me in the shower. Only six minutes, two seconds! Lmao. Parents came back, we put away groceries. Got on the computer. Parents went back out. I blasted music and worked on two papers for LWF. Got on the net for just bit, IMed people and did some novel research stuff. Parents came home and I wrote and wrote. Stopped for dinner. Kept on writing and I made it to 1,948 words! It's getting easier. :) Got off and felt very organized. Snooped around in my closet. We put on "Ghostbusters", which was really funny! Read some old letters I found in my closet and we made chocolate shakes. :) Watched "The Great Escape" on TV and also "Monty Python."
Sunday: Blow-up bed again! It's quite comfortable. Woke up, watched the "Sunday Morning Show" as usual. Read some parts of the paper. Laid around, watched TV, played with the zoom on the camera. :) Parents made some waffes, yum. Goofed off. Folded some clothes with mom. Put on the Bears game and got on the computer to write! Parents went out and came back and I knocked off 1,833 words! I'm really on schedule, I'm glad. :) Actually, according to figures, at this rate I'll be done three days early, sweet. Got off and watched the Bears get their butts kicked. Dang. They lost, 31 to 13. Parents went out to get some dinner. While they were gone, me and Mike got wrapped up in this movie, "Con Air", it was ridiculous! Lol. They came home, we ate dinner and now I'm on here. Later days!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, November 03, 2006
3:55 PM
mood: calm
Thursday: Half day! Woke up, did routine. I had "Titanic" on the brain! Lol. It was cold outside!! Got my admit and met up with the peeps walking in the hall. They had gone to everyone else's locker so went to mine as well. Then we stood by the window talking. Got entrusted with Ms. Haskins' keys again, lol. So, opened the door upstairs for the freshman second period and then went down to the Journalism room for French class. We did research for our projects. Mrs. Johnson teased me and Lin about being off, lol. We shared poetry in Creative Writing. Took an easy test in Government and then corrected it right there. Read the litany of Mary in LWF, accidentally left my admit in there. During Study I went to go get it and Sister Helen was asking me if my family was coming to conferences and what I wanted to do. She said I was a good writer. =) Wrote a bit of my novel in Study but it was shortened so, blah. Took unit 3 exam in AP, not so bad. Mom picked me up at noon. We stopped at the "Hostess" store, and then got lunch at "Arby's". Came home, discovered that it was that time of month, EW. Ate lunch and watched "Lucy". Picked up Mike. Came home and wrote some more. Dad came home and we soon left for parent-teacher conferences. They were in the cafeteria and the library. Went to Ms. Haskins first, then Mr. Bell (my mom said he had the weakest handshake in a man she'd ever felt, haha!), waited by Ms. Borrowdale but she was taking forever. So, we moved on to Sister Helen, then Mrs. Johnson who, when I told her about National Novel Writing Month, was kind of discouraging about it. Whatever. Went to the library for Ms. Carroll, she said I had to talk more, lol, of course. Talked to my counselor too and have decided to drop Journalism next semester. Stopped at KMart and for food on the way home. Came home, ate, watched the end of "Kiki's Delivery Service" finally. Then I got on the computer and wrote my brains out. Got 2,190 words done, I'm on schedule now. Got off, watched "Frasier" and then "Simpson's".
Friday: No school! Wahoo! Had a pretty cool dream. Woke up, watched TV and chatted with mom. Kate Winslet was on some morning show, haha. She's got an English accent! Who knew? :P Mom left. I watched "Mad About You" and then "Oprah". Got on the computer, blasted tunes and worked my ass off on my French Power Point presentation. Stopped for some lunch and to watch "Lucy". Got back on and wrote some of my novel. Got dressed, mom and Mike came home and we all went out to the video store. Dropped off and picked up "The Sandlot", "Help" and "Ghostbusters". Came back home, wrote some more and watched "Curious George" and "Jeopardy". Ate some dinner and lounged around. Now I'm on here. Well, later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
3:43 PM
mood: calm but a bit tired
Tuesday: Happy Halloween!! Woke up, did my routine, got to wear my spooky socks, lol. Sat in the cafe, Lin, Keli and Chrissy were in a meeting so I talked with the others. Keli had the cutest pumpkin earrings on! She told me she couldn't come for Halloween Hijinks, dang. Went over our review sheet in Government. Got candy in French, worked on our project thing-ys. Got the senior clothing order form, thank God. In LWF, just took notes and in Journalism we saw the PowerPoint again. There were like, no seniors in lunch, it was so depressing, they were all at a homeroom party thing. But I got to spin the wheel for 'Super Service Turn-In' and I won a free basic package of prom photos! :) Went to Study and got more candy from the librarian, did internet stuff. In AP, Lin told me she won the free prom tickets!! Sweet. We took a vocab quiz and watched the next vocab video in there. Shared poetry in Creative Writing. After school, went to FNHS (more candy! Lol). It was really quick, we just voted on what food we're going to cook for our little party thing. So, sat in the library for a few minutes and began the prologue to my novel. Lin picked me up around 3:40 and we drove to my house. Chrissy ended up coming too! So, we ate and I changed into my costume and we headed out with Mike and Matt in tow. It was kinda chilly but we walked quite a way and got some great candy! Matt's cape got stuck on this bush and then so did Chrissy's! And I ran into a tree branch, ow. :P Came home, watched "Seinfeld" and "Dancing with the Stars" while sipping hot cocoa and eating candy. Chrissy arranged my candy neatly, lmao. Looked at pictures on each other's cameras and talked for a long time about men and prom and stuff. Chrissy left around 10:30. Me and Lin put on the second half of "Titanic", OMG, it was so tragic, but so well done. I really love that movie. Flipped around and saw some late night TV (like Space Jesus, lmao) and dozed off during "Dr. Phil", lol. Slept pretty well through the night.
Wednesday: Woke up around 8:00. Sat upstairs with Mike and mom a little since Lin wasn't awake yet. Mom left for work. I put "Oprah" on and Lin soon woke up. After "Oprah" we put on "Dial M for Murder", excellent Hitchcock film! Watched a bit of "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" and then some of the special features on "Titanic". Lin headed out around 1:15. We watched "Lucy" and made a small lunch. Mom came home, she went to drop off my contest entry but we're not sure it'll get postmarked in time, damn. So, watched some TV and did my AP homework. Dad came home, ate dinner. Typed up my poem for Creative Writing and now I am on here. Halloween was a lot of fun. Glad you guys could make it! I hope you had fun too. :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
seventeen, QoP, chicago, friends, family, blogging, fanfiction, Harry Potter, Remus Lupin, chocolate, journaling, driving, The marauders, classic rock, alternative, swing music, Beatles, Graham Colton Band, Switchfoot, Maroon 5, Beatles, Billy Joel, Michael Buble, Click Five, Wicked Jack Lemmon, the 50's and 60's, conservative, George W. Bush, old movies, reality TV, SHOEBOX PROJECT, AIM, remus/sirius lurve, remus/tonks lurve, White Album, inside jokes, hangin' out, internet, LiveJournal :)

%Mood: Busy
%Book: "Duty and Desire" by Pamela Aidan
%Song: KT Tunstall, AAR & Switchfoot
%TV:"Seinfeld", "Simpson's", "Frasier", "Arthur", "Nova", "The Apprentice"
%Film: "The Terminal"
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
Daily Dudes
%Mary ~ Slowly Drifting
%Kris ~ Blurred Vision
%Kelly ~ Lost Freak
%Chrissy ~ Burning Soul
%Lin ~ Fairytale Dreams
Affilates of Myself
% My MySpace
%My LiveJournal ~ "Notorious Notations"

%The Marauders
