Saturday, December 30, 2006
2:29 PM
mood: content
Friday: Not a bad day. Had an odd dream the night before that I'm beginning to think is recurring. Blah. Woke up, watched "Oprah". Then me, Mike and mom sorted through a huge pile of school papers that we had lying around. Played some 'Yoshi' and mom went out to get us some lunch. We ate when she came back and then fooled around a bit on the computer. Watched "Lucy" and read some of my "Peter Pan" book, which is really shaping up to be good. Daddy came home early. The poor guy, his friend from work is dying from lung cancer. :( Got on the net, browsed around and talked to Chrissy & Kelly. Got off, had dinner and watched some TV. Then the parents left for mom's company Christmas party. Got on the net real quick to check on MySpace. Got off and read a darling Remus/Tonks fanfic while BLASTING music. Heeheehee. Watched a really interesting "20/20" and then some other TV until the parents got home. Then it was off to bed.
Saturday: Woke up, watched a bit of pointless TV and talked for a long time with the parents. It was nice, just sitting there and talking. Took a shower, dried my hair, vacuumed the upstairs. Had some lunch. Then we waited around for my Grama to come over, and as I waited, I read A LOT of "Peter Pan". It's really good. :) Finally, Grama arrived via Uncle John and Tim. They stayed for a while to chat with us. They're so fun. When they left, we had cocoa, cookies and chatting with Grama. Now I'm on here to update this blog really quickly and then get off again. Later!

*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, December 28, 2006
1:02 PM
mood: blah and bored
music: KT Tunstall: Under the Weather
Wednesday: Woke up, read a bit. Mom left for work. We watched "Perry Mason" and I finished reading "Emily's Quest", the last one in the trilogy! It was so good! Took a shower. Then Mike took a shower while I listened to music and organized all my CDs. They're taking over my bookshelf, lol. Had lunch and watched "Ice Age 2: The Meltdown", it wasn't fabulous. Mom came home and then she took the movie back. Watched some TV. Got on the net, talked to Lin a bit, browsed around. Got off, vacuumed the family room and watched TV. Dad came home, we had dinner. Started to play "Yoshi's Island" on my brother's DS, it's fun!! Watched "Home Alone 2" with the fam and then some other TV until bedtime.
Thursday: Boring day. Woke up, mom had the day off. Watched TV, talked with mom, played some "Yoshi" when Mike woke up. Had lunch and just watched TV while playing "Yoshi". It was a really boring and pointless day. Came on the computer to listen to music and such. Now I am on here. Later days. :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
3:15 PM
mood: blah
Monday: Merry Christmas!!! We were awake at 7:30, which is our latest Christmas to date. LOL. Peeked at the tree then got mom and dad. The gifts were unwrapped and strewn around us in a matter of minutes! It seemed to go so fast! I got "Peter Pan in Scarlet", "HBP" in paperback, "Emily of New Moon", "The Beatrice Letters", "KT Tunstall: Eye to the Telescope", "All-American Rejects: Move Along", "Beatles: Abbey Road", a bracelet making kit, an HP desk calendar, and TONS of candy!! Not a bad year. When the presents were all opened, we put on the Christmas music. I listened to some of my CDs and read "The Beatrice Letters". Watched a little TV and talked. Had some lunch, watched more TV. Helped chop potatoes for dinner. Lol, I love chopping potatoes. :P A little while later we had a grand dinner, just us, nice and cozy. Got on the PC and uploaded my new CDs. Afterwards, we watched "Radio", which is a really touching movie. :) All in all, it was a great Christmas. I got what I wanted, I was with my family and we were all together and healthy. What more do I need?
Tuesday: Boxing Day in Canada! Lmao!! Woke up and guess what? My lovely monthly friend had come to visit! Wa-hoo. At least it waited till Christmas was over, that was nice. Lol. So, watched "Perry Mason" with the fam and was in pain the entire time. When it was over I had to go lay in my bed. I just tried to read and even took a little nap. It hurt soooo much! I hate being a girl! So, after about an hour, I felt better. So, I got dressed and cleaned up to go out shopping. We had to wait a bit because when dad pulled out of the garage, we discovered there was a flat tire on the van! Yikes, lol. So, he fixed it and then we left. Went to "Borders" first. Bought the new Switchfoot CD and a Moleskine notebook that I have wanted for some time now. Stopped at the "Hobby Store" and then "Target". Found the Switchfoot CD for five bucks cheaper!!! So, we bought it there. Returned the other CD to "Borders" and then came home. Had some lunch. Got on the PC, uploaded Switchfoot. Waited around to get on the internet....had to wait cause dad was expecting a call. Finally got on and here I am! Hope your Christmas was as good as mine!! Later! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, December 24, 2006
9:40 AM
mood: content
music: Clay Aiken: Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
Saturday: Ah, the first day of Christmas break. Woke up, watched "Arthur's Perfect Christmas." Then spent the entire morning watching TV and also played some 'Mario Kart'. Had some lunch. Watched special features on "Muppet Christmas Carol" and "Goblet of Fire". Parents went out to the store. We listened to some Christmas music and I organized my AP binder. Listened a bit to the mix CD. Parents came home. We cleaned up Mike's room since we had made quite a mess of it. Had some dinner. Got on the net, browsed around and sent some Christmas cards to the peeps. Got off and watched a bunch of random TV. Was getting so tired but we managed to stay up for good old "Monty Python"!! It was hysterical! And that is how I frittered away my Saturday.
Sunday: Woke up, watched the "Sunday Morning Show". Read my bits and pieces of the Sunday paper. Watched some TV. Got in the shower, which was very refreshing. Cut my nails and re-painted my nails and dried my hair. Now I am on here. It is Christmas Eve. I can hardly believe it because there is no snow on the ground!! It seemed to come so quickly! I really cannot believe it. Today we go to my Uncle John's house for the usual family gathering. It'll be fun and hopefully it will make me feel more Christmas-y! Everyone, have a very Merry Christmas!!! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, December 22, 2006
3:01 PM
mood: chipper
Thursday: Woke up, did routine, had an ok ride to school. Met up with Keli and Lin. I gave the librarians some goodies that we baked for them. Went into the cafe, talked and such, good times. First exam was AP. It wasn't hard at all, just a lot of writing, but they were fun questions. Afterwards, Lin did her soliloquy! And next was Study, lmao. I was the only one in there, it was so quiet! The librarians thanked me for the goodies. Browsed the net, Ms. Cruz asked me to grade papers and I politely declined. Then I found out phenmonal news!! The title of Harry Potter 7 is "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"!!! I was soooo excited!!! Got out, drove with Lin to "Wendy's". Aaaand we almost got killed, yea. Lol. Stupid juniors. So, got in there, ordered and sat down. I told them the news of HP! They texted everyone they knew about it, lmao. So, we talked, it was fun. Soon, mom came to get me and I discovered Harry was gone!! Noooooo! Came home, watched some TV and talked. Then me and Mike filmed a lot for our parody of "Monty Python", LOL! Daddy came home and we had dinner. More filming and then had a screening of our footage so far for the parents. :) Got on the net, did my usual stuff and IMed Lin and Nicole. Nicole found my Harry pin!!! What luck I've had with that pin! Got off and we watched "White Christmas", sigh. :)
Friday: LAST DAY!!! Woke up, did routine, it was sooooooo rainy outside. Felt like May or April, not December. Anywho, had an awesome ride and got to school super duper super early. It was only me, Amanda and Nicole in the cafe!! Crazy. So, we waited for everyone to trickle in so we could exchange presents! Soon, we were all present. So, there was lots of passing of bags and flying of wrapping paper and sayings of 'thank you'. It was fun! I got some great stuff too. Chrissy gave me a stationary set, Lin gave me the cutest little kitty ever (I think I'll name her Pumpkin!), Keli gave me paper products (LMAO), Nicole gave me a CD of all our songs, Kaite gave me candy and 'Starbuck's' money and Amanda gave me cash. Lmao, good old Amanda. It was really fun just exchanging and no one wanted to go think when the bell rang. But we had to. Lol. First exam was LWF, not hard at all. Met up in between and talked a bit. Then was French, it was looooooooong! Just a lot of stuff, yikes. It wasn't horrible though. The dude who had his name over room 133 came to visit Ms. Haskins. My mom had him when she was there! He's very big and booming, lol! When I finished that exam, it felt soooo good cause it was OVER! Mommy picked me up, I showed off all my gifts and listened to a bit of the CD from Nicole. Gawd, it ROCKS! Lol!! Came home, ate some lunch and watched TV. Daddy came home early with his winnings from the holiday raffle at his work. He got a cheesecake, two things of cookies, some Hershey's kisses and "A Muppet Christmas Carol" on DVD!! Can't wait to watch it!! Parents went out, I uploaded the kickass Nicole mix into iTunes. Now I am on here. Later! Enjoy Christmas break!!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
4:09 PM
mood: chipper
Tuesday: Woke up, did routine, had an ok ride to school. It was the last day for all exam days!! Yay! Sat in the cafe talking. Then Ashlene and me exchanged presents by the window. She gave me a candle that's, like, in wine glass. It smells super good! All classes were boring today, just review. Finished the lesson in Government and then he just gave us like, a half an hour to talk. Ridiculous. Had time to work in French and she gave us two new review sheets. Reviewed in LWF. Last Journalism ever!! I'm glad to get rid of it, but I feel bad for leaving Sam, the sophomore I talked to in there. She hates it too, lol. Finished the test and then did teacher evaluations. Last lunch too! We just talked. Study was fun, my last real one. Got lots of feedback on my novel from my LJ peeps. And Mrs. Johnson was snooping at my screen again! Jerk. Was in the library for AP, it was pretty much a free period. Me and Lin just talked. Creative Writing was blah, some people read their stories. After school, mom picked me up. We stopped at Walgreen's and the dollar store. Came home and I did all my Christmas cards! Sweet. Dad came home, we had dinner, and I studied a little for Government. Got on the net and discovered that it was Jakey Gyllenhaal's birthday!! Lol. ^__^ Got off the net and we watched "Nova".
Wednesday: My half birthday! We decided not to decorate my locker cause they said they'll take it down over break. Blah. Woke up, did routine, had a good ride to school. Stopped at "Speedway" to get my grama a gift card and there were hoodlums all around. Lmao, I feared for my life! Met up with Keli and Lin at Lin's locker. We went to Keli's locker and then into the cafe. Talked, good times. Creative Writing exam was first. Lmao, what waste of time. We had a sub, she didn't even come to our exam. Gee, thanks. It was just a reflection, it was pretty dumb. Afterwards, I just read Harry Potter. In the passing period, me and Lin handed in our AP bibliography and got answers to the French review sheets. Next was the Government exam. It was ok, I screwed up on the vocab section a bit. Did OK otherwise though. Did French review sheet afterwards and then talked with Keli. So, mom and Mike picked me up. We went to my grama's house to give her her Christmas gift and to just visit cause it's been quite a while. It wasn't too bad, it was actually nice to see her. She's funny, lol. Went to McDonald's to eat. Yummy. Came home, watched some TV, got on the computer. Made my AP revisions. Got off, dad came home and we had dinner. Now I am on here! Christmas break is almost heeeere!! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, December 18, 2006
4:20 PM
mood: content
Sunday: Woke up, read a bit and then shuffled downstairs to watch "Sunday Morning Show" with mom and dad, as always. Got on the net pretty early, earlier than usual but we had plans for the afternoon. Parents went out to get tickets for "It's A Wonderful Life" cause you have to buy them ahead of time. So, I browsed around and did the things I needed to do online. Got off when the parents came home. Had a bit of lunch and started watching the Bears game. Took a shower, braided my hair. Did my french homework while watching the Bears. Aaaand then we left! We got to "Hollywood Boulevard" and had to stand in line for a really super long time. And there was a group of unruly, disrespectful teenage girls behind us, oy. So, we finally got in and the only seats left were kind of off to the side from the screen. Not fabulous but, you know. So, the lady that played the little girl, Zuzu, in the movie was actually there and she talked and answered questions for a bit. Then the movie began! It's just such a wonderful movie, I adore it. And it's really fun to see on the big screen. :) We had some popcorn and pop and stuff so, it was really nice. And everyone clapped really loud at the end, such a touching ending. :) We hopped back in the car and turned on the radio to find out what happened to our Bears! Well, they won.... by the skin of their teeth! Yikes! They had a huge lead and they threw it away! Oy. But the point is they won and they have homefield advantage in the playoffs. We drove to Centennial Park, which is a park that sets up a lights display every year with music playing, it was nice. Then we got some McDonald's, came home and ate. Caught the end of "The Santa Clause 2". Read and went to bed.
Monday: Woke up, did routine, had a good ride. Sat in the cafe talking, saw Keli's pimpin new glasses, lol. Worked on the story a bit in French and then just read Harry Potter cause I was finished. :) Talked about the final in Creative Writing. It's gonna be ridiculously easy, lol. Then we did a peer edit of our stories, which was kinda pointless since no on cares anymore. Went to the library for AP, it wasn't so bad, I actually found some articles. Study was really fun. I got A LOT of comments from LJ, so I answered all those, that was fun. In Journalism, I took the test and then was pulled out to have lunch with the Osbournes, who are giving me and three other girls a scholarship. I was really scared and nervous at first but they were really nice people. And they had turkey sandwiches for us, lmao. Yummm. So, overall that wasn't bad. Got a pass to LWF and showed up a bit late. We talked about different lifestyles in there, like getting married, staying single or joining the convent. NEVER would I join the convent. NEVER. I neeeed my men! Lol. Had another student-taught lesson in Government, it was a good one, actually. After school, emailed with mom and browsed on the net. Came home, ate dinner, watched TV and did homework. Now I'm on here! Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Saturday, December 16, 2006
2:05 PM
mood: cheerful
music: Keane: "Leaving So Soon?"
Friday: Woke up, did routine, Mike stayed home again. Had a good ride, got to school pretty early. Sat in the cafe talking, good times. Had another lesson in Government. Translated a story for the final in French. We were in the library for AP, doing research and narrowing our topics for the research paper. Talked with Lin in there. In Study, did my internet stuff and watched some awesome clips of OotP that were on ABC Family. Talked about features in Journalism, just talked in lunch. Took a test in LWF. After that class was over, I got my backpack and headed to the Ruffner Room for the Creative Writing coffeehouse. Lin was there greeting people, lmao. So, once we were all there, we each read at least one poem and explained why we write. She had to mention my novel, God, shut up! Took an intermission and just then mom & Mike came in! We all read again and mom loved my "Thank You" poem, lol. So, when everyone had read again, we just left. Saw the stupid idiotic imbecile 'Impeach Bush' people. GOD!! I hate them so much, I gave this guy the dirtiest look I could muster. God. Came home, watched a little TV. Dad came home and we ate some dinner. Got on the net, no one was on AIM! Lol, so sad! Browsed around, got a new MySpace layout. Parents went to the store. When they came back, I got off the net. We made popcorn and put on "A Christmas Story". A classic! Lol. It was a nice night. :)
Saturday: Woke up, read a bit. Watched some TV and then we all got dressed and went out. Went to the dentist first. It was a real fancy looking place and there was a nice girl in there with braces, whom we talked to a bit. Went in and had my consultation. Now, granted it was a free consultation, but the lady didn't introduce herself and she was looking at my teeth like she'd just drank five 'Red Bulls'. Brother. It was too expensive, so we're not going to get my braces done there! Left and we headed out to my cousin Connie's house to see her and visit her two adorable children. Brookie was waiting at the door when we came! She is just so precious! We had a lot of fun with her. She showed us her basement. Lol. And then she kept telling us to follow her up to her bedroom. Me and Mike must have climbed those stairs six times, up and down, up and down. She was a ball of energy!! My aunt came over too and Brookie got all excited cause that's her grama. The new little baby boy, Brayden, was soooo good. He just laid there, nice and content. Heehee. They were so cute. After about two hours there, we left and picked up some lunch. We got home and they had screwed up our order, dad was really pissed, lol. He drove back to get it fixed and then we ate. We had lunch at 3:00!! Lmao. And now I'm just sitting on here. Later days!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Thursday, December 14, 2006
4:32 PM
mood: calm....my eyes itch though
Wednesday: Finished reading "Northanger Abbey", it was good! Woke up, did my routine, had a looong ride to school. Sat in the cafe talking, of course. Good times. Creative Writing was boring as hell. Read an emo story, lmao. Had another lesson from one of the groups in Government, it was dull. AP was blah. Got a new calendar, I have to do my author presentation next quarter.....alooone! Noooo! Lol. Did workshop in there. Afterwards, me and Lin determined that we are slugs, leaving a trail of slime as we go. :P Did internet stuff in Study. Read a blah story in Journalism, talked in lunch. Did prayer in LWF and then we took notes. People did their oral exams in French and we had work time. After school, my nice mommy came and picked me up. Lol. I needed that after such a slug day! We came home, watched "Jeopardy" and then went to get Mike. Came back home and dad was pulling in just as we were! Lol. Ate dinner, watched TV, practiced my French oral. Got on the net, IMed with Lin, fun times. Also had some yummy cocoa while I surfed. :) Got off, took some pictures of myself, lol. Then we watched a very interesting "Secrets of the Dead". Read and then went to bed.
Thursday: Woke up, did routine, had an ok ride. My muscles felt itchy all day, lmao. Lin knows what I mean, we tight. :P Sat in the cafe talking, at least we were less sluggy than yesterday, lol. Did my oral exam in French, I did fine! I always stress and then it's nothing. Creative Writing was blah blah blah. Talked about the coffee house that is tomorrow (blah) and then that stupid story (blah again). Government was stupid. Mr. Bell did an evaluation day and it's not fair because the groups who go next now know what we did wrong so they can do it better. Not fair. He's an ass. Had some good journaling time in LWF. Read a story in Journalism, talked in lunch. In Study, did the usual internet stuff and wrote my R/T fic for the Christmas jumble over on LJ. Did my essay in the workshop in AP. After school, surfed the net, posted my finished R/T fic and did some homework. When I was waiting for dad, the fire alarm went off and all the lights turned off. I was scared out of my mind! Everyone was like, peeking out to see if there was an inferno that we should be running from. Ms. Hanlon came bolting out of her office to investigate. It was just an electrical surge, I guess. Then Mrs. Johnson come through and she asks me if I can get out of sixth period ten minutes early to come greet people tomorrow for the coffeehouse. Buzz off! Why would I help you? I told her no. No way. Came home, we were waiting for a roast to cook but it was taking too long so I warmed up some leftovers to eat. Watched TV. Now I'm on here. Later! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
5:00 PM
mood: content
music: The Beatles
Monday: Portfolio day, blah. Woke up and I was soooooo tired. Argh. Did routine, had a blah ride cause I just kept wanting to be back in bed. Sat in the cafe with the peeps, who were also bleh. Yuck. Talked about project in French. In CW, she got ink all over herself and had to go wash it off, so we talked. Lol. Then talked about stories, blah. Watched a few acts in AP and then proofread Melissa's essay. Internet stuff in Study. Wrapped presents for St. James in Journalism, talked in lunch. Took notes in LWF. Went to the library in Government to work on our stupid ass project. Then we had to go back to first period to hand in our portfolios, that was ridiculous and disorganized. After, sat in the library browsing the net. Came home, had dinner, watched TV and finished my homework. I had so little homework so I finished quickly and then felt useless. So I got on the computer and read some awesome-bossome Remus/Tonks fanfiction. Then I felt like a vegetable so I decided to log on to the net. IMed some peeps, that was fun. Got off and watched the Bears game.
Tuesday: Bears won last night!! Yayness! Woke up, felt much better than yesterday. Did routine and discovered that the stupid rain had washed away almost all of the snow. Pity, it was so nice. Had a bad ride. Got to school a bit late. Sat in the cafe and Araceli was there, oy. I avoided her like the plague. Do NOT want to get sick, at all. My group presented in Government. Keli did an awesome job! =) Ms. Haskins was playing "Singin' in the Rain" in French when I walked in!! Lol. We talked about the song project and our oral exam. I HATE oral exams. Talked and took notes in LWF. Got my new schedule in Journalism!! That class is so very very pointless now cause I know I'm dropping it after break, it's just pointless. Talked in lunch. Got some new icons and fixed my LJ layout in Study. Listened to some acts, did current events and started writing workshops in AP. CW was absolutely ridiculous. We got into groups...assigned groups...and read each other's stories. It was dumb, we didn't even get to critique them. Lol. Then she went into this huge thing about that stupid ass book "House on Mango Street". It was ridiculous. She has ruined that class for me, thank God it's only a semester class. After school, discovered there was no meeting for FNHS, so I just sat in the library once again. Came home, had dinner and watched some TV. I just finished writing my vocab paragraph so here I am! Later. =)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Sunday, December 10, 2006
12:44 PM
mood: content
Saturday: Woke up and felt so cozy in my bed. I love the weekends. Watched a little TV and had some breakfast. Then we all got dressed and ready to go to the "Field Museum". And we set out! I just adore the ride downtown, I love seeing the skyline getting closer and closer. Sigh. I'm glad we live close enough to visit when we want to. Took some pictures as we approached. Got there and found out that 'King Tut' was sold out. Damn. We deliberated for a while but finally decided to go in anyways. Parked in one of the surrounding garages, walked right out and there was the museum! It was perfect. So, went in, got our tickets and some maps and right there in the main hall is 'Sue', the T-rex. Sooooo awesome. Went upstairs and went into an exhibit about the earth's evolution, that was cool. Came out, saw a thing on rocks, minerals and pretty gems. Went to the 'Corner Bakery' located conveniently inside the museum for some lunch. Me and mom split a sandwich, very yummy! Went back out into the museum. Went through a 'Nature Walk' with lots of dead animals, lmao. Mike was psychotic with the camera, he took toooons of pictures. Then we went into an 'Ancient Egypt' exhibit that had this cool pyramid you could go inside of, lol. Well, after that we'd been there for about four hours and we were tired, so it was time to leave. Began the drive back to the boring old suburbs, lol. Came home, watched a bit of TV and then mom decided to go get a haircut. I decided to go with her and get the ends of my hair trimmed. Came home, had dinner, watched a little TV. Then we put the ornaments on the tree, finally! It was a lot of fun and it looks really nice. :) Then we watched "The Grinch" with Jim Carrey and "Monty Python".
Sunday: Just a normal Sunday. Woke up, watched the "Sunday Morning Show". Read my usual bits and pieces of the Sunday paper. Put on the Christmas music on the radio and I started my homework. Blah. Did lots of revisions for AP. Parents left for my daddy's company Christmas party. Had some lunch and acted like lunatics, nothing new there. :P Listened to a bunch of music and worked on my stupid Creative Writing story. Blech. Now I'm on here. Hope everyone's weekend was fab! Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Friday, December 08, 2006
4:52 PM
mood: cheerful
Thursday: Half day, yay! Woke up, did routine, Mike stayed home again. Had a good ride and got to school super duper early! Lol. It was just me and Katie at the table!! Weird. But then people trickled in and we had our normal, noisy gathering. =) Did book work in French. Creative Writing was stupid cause she gave us this huge assignment to write. I hate writing for school, she's making a big deal out of it. Government was worse though, he's getting out of teaching again. He's making us teach the class the last few sections, ridiculous!!! Got in a group with Keli though, so that's good. Notes in LWF. Internet browsing in Study. Discussed "Hamlet" in AP. After school, mom and Mike were there to get me. We picked up some lunch, came home and ate it while watching "Lucy". Mom took a little nap and I did some homework. I did my french, my AP and started my stupid story for CW. Dad came home. We had dinner and watched TV. And me and Mike were, like, going insane. It was hysterical. Got on the net, talked to Lin and did my usual stuff. Got off, read a loooooovely Remus/Tonks fanfic. Got off, watched TV until it was time for bed, then I read my book.
Friday: John Lennon was shot today 26 years ago....so tragic. Woke up, did routine, had an ok ride. Met up with Keli and Lin down my locker's hallway. We went to mine and then Keli's and then the cafeteria. Started working in Government. Next was liturgy, bleh. Got to sit with Keli though. It wasn't too bad. Talked about the final in French. Did normal internet stuff in Study. Wrapped presents for St. James in Journalism, talked in lunch. Watched the movie of "Hamlet" in AP and got to see crazy, wacky Ophelia! Lol. Got work time in LWF. CW was pointless, kind of talked about our stories. After school, did internet stuff in the library. Came home, ate dinner and watched "Curious George". I looove dat monkey! Lmao. And now I'm on here. Later! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
5:27 PM
mood: chipper
Tuesday: The moon was creepy last night, lol. Mike and dad got home from the Bulls game around 11:00 and we ended up talking to them until 11:30. It sounded like it was a lot of fun! Woke up, was so sleepy!! Did routine. Lin and I practiced our lines in the cafe in the morning, lmao. Government was dumb, just did the review sheet. Then I got to talk with Keli for the rest of the period, lol. Did grammar work in French again. Took notes in LWF, blah. Started a new project in Journalism. Talked in lunch and then we got our senior clothes. '07!! Lol. Well, the shirt looked a little big at first so I opted not to wear it right away. Did usual internet stuff in Study but then got kicked off and did homework. Had a sub in AP, we took the vocab quiz. Read a story in Creative Writing and discovered all the underlying sexual references in it, wow! After school, browsed the net, read part of some dude's NaNo novel. Came home, had dinner, watched TV, helped mom make cookies for my french party. Got on the net, finally went on MySpace after weeks, checked my comments and stuff. Also typed up some stuff for school. Watched "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" which is just absolutely adorable. :) Got off the computer, watched "Fraiser", read some of my book and then it was time for bed.
Wednesday: Woke up, did routine. Mike stayed home cause he had a really bad cough. Yuck. Me and mom talked on the way to school. Sat in the cafe with the peeps feeling dreadfully nervous. Oy. Talked more about the story in Creative Writing. Took a test in Government and then sat there feeling nervous as hell for the next period. And then, AP came. Nicole went and then me and Lin went. Lin was shaking and my hands were all sweaty!! Ew. But, we did our lines, we emphasized, we made hand gestures, I think we did good. And it's OVER!! Thank the Lord. After that we discussed "Hamlet" act four. Browsed the net in Study. Wanted so badly to write but I'm just feeling blocked at the moment. Discussed quotes in Journalism, talked in lunch. She was mad at us for some reason in LWF, bleh. We took notes in there. French last period was such fun!! We had our little Christmas party with food and fun. I had some of the cookie that I made and a cupcake. We talked and sang a french version of "O Holy Night". It was fun and left me in good spirits. On my way out, gave candy canes to Lin and Nicole cause they were the first people I saw, lmao. Sat in the library surfing the net, was in a good mood. =) Came home, had yummy homemade chicken soup for dinner. Watched TV and read "Hamlet". Now I am on here. Later! :)
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Monday, December 04, 2006
4:12 PM
mood: chipper
Sunday: A normal Sunday. Woke up, watched the "Sunday Morning" show. Had yummy coffee cake and read my usual parts of the newspaper. Watched some more TV. Put Christmas music on and got on the computer. Typed up my french, played some 'Mooshu Tiles'. Had some lunch and talked with the fam. Watched the Bears, a bad beginning, oy. Parents went out. I got on the net. Browsed around a lot of sites, did my flist and comments, put my french into good old translator, just surfed around. Parents came home, the Bears won (no thanks to Grossman). Got off the computer, watched TV. Helped mom cut potatoes, lol. Ate dinner, watched "Frasier", "60 Minutes" and "Amazing Race". Read some of my book and laid around and then it was time for bed.
Monday: Woke up, did routine, it was COLD outside!! Had an ok ride. Saw a wolf or a coyote on 87th, awesome. Was behind Chrissy part of the way, lol. Sat in the cafe talking, good times. Had to go to a different room for French cause she wasn't here. Did book work, boring. Saw WQOP which was themed with "Nightmare Before Christmas", it was pretty awesome. :) In Creative Writing, we read a story, blech. Talked in AP and then watched some more of "Hamlet". In Study, felt so free cause I didn't have to write!! Lmao. Just surfed around, fixed some stuff on LJ, made a post. Revised in Journalism, talked in lunch. Finished the movie in LWF, it was good. Government was stupid, finished up some sheet from last week and then he gave us a review sheet. Hate that class. After school, browsed around, read some stuff and such. Came home, had dinner, watched TV. Practiced my lines with my brother, read some of "Hamlet". Mike and dad went to the Bulls game and now here I am! Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
Saturday, December 02, 2006
4:34 PM
mood: content
Friday: Jolted awake at 8:00, looked at the clock, looked out the window and realized it was a snow day!!! :) School was closed and the yard was covered in powdery, white snow! Watched some of the news and made some hot cocoa. Also took some snowy yard pictures, lol. Mom left for work, we watched "Oprah", lol. Got on the computer, made myself a snowy wallpaper, uploaded Clay's christmas CD into iTunes, played 'Mooshu Tiles'. Had some lunch, watched "Lucy." Mom came home and she and Mike snow-blowed the driveway. I shaved my legs and showered. Got on the net, IMed some peeps and browsed around. Got off, got dressed and ready for our last Daddy/Daughter Dance. :( So sad. Took a few pics in front of the fireplace and headed out. It was COLD! Checked in with Sister Helen, lol. Stood around a little and soon, Ashlene came! We ate in the cafeteria and lo and behold, who comes to this dance? Yup, creepy staring girl, *shudder*. After we ate, we had our picture taken by the dude that was there. Sat in the cafe a little, then sat in the gym a little, lol. Then we started dancing, the music was pretty good, only a bit of rap. The creepy girl dances really weird, lmao. We had a really good time, it was fun. The end was so awful, lol. They played "Butterfly Kisses", which is just about the saddest daddy/daughter song ever written and I was weeeeping. Like, literally weeping. Thank God dad had some tissues, lol. Then, as we're leaving, they play that stupid ass "Time of Your Life" by Green Day. Oy. I was a mess. So, we got our coats and headed home. Chatted in the car. Came home and Mike and mom had decorated the tree! It was so pretty! We talked for a while and watched "Seinfeld." Read a bit and went to bed.
Saturday: Got up, got dressed and we set out for the Lewis open house! My third time visiting, lmao. I drove, haven't driven in a while. So, we get there and I found mah peeps. Lol. Registered and went into the recreation center. Talked a bit, ate a muffin. Then some of the people talked. After that we went to the chapel for a presentation on financial aid and shtuff. After that there was an 'academic session' where we could go to the specialized department tables. Stood around and chatted a bit. Then we went on the campus tour, it was COLD!!!! Lol. But it was a nice tour, I can't wait to go there! Came home and then went out to pick up some lunch. Came home, ate, chatted and watched mindless TV. Then we put on "Bruce Almighty" that we had taped from weeks ago. It was fabulous, I really liked it! Jim Carrey is great. Aaand now I am on here. I'm gonna have a 4-day weekend, har har! Well, that's all for now. Later!
*I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good*
seventeen, QoP, chicago, friends, family, blogging, fanfiction, Harry Potter, Remus Lupin, chocolate, journaling, driving, The marauders, classic rock, alternative, swing music, Beatles, Graham Colton Band, Switchfoot, Maroon 5, Beatles, Billy Joel, Michael Buble, Click Five, Wicked Jack Lemmon, the 50's and 60's, conservative, George W. Bush, old movies, reality TV, SHOEBOX PROJECT, AIM, remus/sirius lurve, remus/tonks lurve, White Album, inside jokes, hangin' out, internet, LiveJournal :)

%Mood: Busy
%Book: "Duty and Desire" by Pamela Aidan
%Song: KT Tunstall, AAR & Switchfoot
%TV:"Seinfeld", "Simpson's", "Frasier", "Arthur", "Nova", "The Apprentice"
%Film: "The Terminal"
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
Daily Dudes
%Mary ~ Slowly Drifting
%Kris ~ Blurred Vision
%Kelly ~ Lost Freak
%Chrissy ~ Burning Soul
%Lin ~ Fairytale Dreams
Affilates of Myself
% My MySpace
%My LiveJournal ~ "Notorious Notations"

%The Marauders
