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Wednesday, January 31, 2007
4:56 PM


> *I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good* -Moony

Monday, January 29, 2007
1:06 PM

mood: content

Sunday: Woke up, watched some TV and read some of the paper. Went upstairs to hang with Mike cause he brought the old computer into his room. Lol. I had fun watching him play some games and I started homework. Had some lunch and we goofed off. It got pretty snowy outside! Matt came over and the insanity continued on into the afternoon. We really had fun up there. Watched some of our old shows and came up with some ideas for our new one. Had a yummy dinner. Watched "Frasier", a really good "60 Minutes", and a funny "Simpson's". Me and mom looked through the Avon catalogue that this lady gave us and came up with a list of the stuff we want. Then we watched "The Apprentice".

Monday: Woke up and just felt crappy. I did my routine and stuff and then decided that I just didn't feel well enough to go to school. Mom let me stay. She took Mike and then came back to talk and watch TV with me. She left for work. I watched "Perry Mason" and then spent some time on the computer. I listened to music, looked through icons and stuff. Logged onto the internet really quick to do some LJ stuff. Had lots of comments to reply to. Got off, made some Ramen and ate while watching "Lucy". Mike and mom came home and now I'm on here. That was a nice day off, that's all I needed.

> *I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good* -Moony

Saturday, January 27, 2007
2:36 PM

mood: content

Friday: Peace Pride Day! Woke up, did routine, had an ok ride. Sat in the cafe in the morning and then talked with Celi at her locker. Saw a Power Point in Drawing and then worked on our chair projects. Kind of a lame WQOP. In French, we just went over the homework. Did a criticism thing on our paper bag drawings in Art, got some good suggestions. Introduced a new project and saw a video in World Religions. Went to the PC lab in Economics and we took an easy quiz. Talked a lot in lunch and homeroom with Celi and that was really fun. :D Did our last writing workshop in AP. Then it was time for the Spirit Assembly! It was more fun than I thought it would be. We had senior MC's so that was fun. There were dancing contests and musical chairs with Ms. Carroll (heehee). It was pretty good. Mom and Mike came to get me after school. Guess what?? My book came from Lulu!! It's really cool looking! :) Came home, watched "Jeopardy" and talked. Dad came home, I showed him my book. :) Then we went out to dinner. Yummy. Came home, spent some time on the net. Got off, watched "Trading Spouses" and "Frasier" and then "Monty Python" happened to be on!! LOL!

Saturday: Woke up, read a bit. Watched some TV and had breakfast. Got dressed and we went to Mike's high school registration. I drove, heehee. So, that was pretty quick and easy. Then we went to "Kmart", and "Dominick's". Came home and had some lunch. The parents went out and while they were gone we sat on the computer. But the internet was being stupid so we convinced the parents to let us go to the library!! So just me and Mike went, it was really cool. We spent about two hours there on the internet cause they have a faster connection. Spent some time on LJ and watched the HP trailer. :) Came home and now I'm on here. Later!

> *I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good* -Moony

Thursday, January 25, 2007
4:32 PM

mood: content

Wednesday: Woke up, did routine, watched the tape of "Switchfoot" on Jay Leno. Had an ok ride. Talked in the cafe. Workshopped papers in AP. Got our square drawings back in Drawing and mine was one of the ones she said was really good! :) We started a chair drawing. Worked on my paper bag drawing the whole time in Art. Just did book work in Economics. Talked in lunch and got my Daddy/Daughter Dance pictures! Talked more in homeroom. Did presentations in World Religions. Song day in French!! We got mini cinnamon rolls and it was really fun. :) After school, sat in the library on the internet. Also talked some to Celi. Came home, had dinner, watched TV and did homework. Got on the net and spent some time on there. Got off and watched 2 awesome hours of "American Idol". It was really funny last night!!

Thursday: Today was really really good! Woke up, did routine, had an ok ride. Talked in the cafeteria. Did "Le Petit Prince" in French. Continued with writing workshop in AP. Continued the chair drawing in Drawing. Took a quiz and then some ntoes in World Religions. Talked a lot in lunch and homeroom. Good times. Had a sub in Economics. We just did a lot of busy work. In Art we continued with the paper bag drawing. After school I took the AP practice essay thing. It was pretty easy and an interesting topic. :) At 3:00, mom got me. I changed my shirt in the car and we went to the DMV. It was really empty and I was really nervous!! So, we went through two lines and then waited to take the road test. This old dude gave me the test. It really wasn't hard at all! We drove through my grama's neighborhood. LOL. So, I passed and they took my picture and I am now a licensed driver!!! It feels awesome! We went to go show my Grama and then came home. I drove, heehee. Showed dad the license and we went to get dinner. Ate and watched some TV and now I am on here. Later!

> *I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good* -Moony

Tuesday, January 23, 2007
4:23 PM

mood: content

Monday: First Monday in school that we've had in a while! Lol. Had a really odd dream. Woke up and I was really in a bad mood. Did routine, had an ok ride. Had to go into the counselor's room to finish up our group poster for Economics. Blah. Stood by the window with the peeps then. Talked about our weekends and read "Le Petit Prince" in French. Workshopped a paper in AP. Art was fun, we did our paper bag drawing. Economics was actually good as well. We had a 'Junior Achievement' presentation. This dude and this lady came. The dude was from "Edward Jones" and he was really interesting. And the lady gave us some good scholarship info. Talked a lot in lunch, got measured for caps and gowns in homeroom. World Religions was good, we started a group project. In Drawing, she did a demonstration and then we started a new thing. After school, sat in the library as always on the internet. Came home and there was a package from my Grama in Arizona! She sent Mike a new baseball hat (since his old one from her is filthy) and she sent me some nice Navajo jewelery! It was a nice thing to get. :) Had dinner, watched TV and did homework. Got on the net and browsed around. Got off, watched some TV and then just relazed in bed reading. I was so emotionally and physically exhausted.

Tuesday: Woke up and got my monthly friend. Wahoo. I actually didn't mind getting it cause at least it explains why I've been such an emotional crapheap. Did routine, had an ok ride. Talked in the cafeteria with the peeps. Watched a video in Drawing. Had a sub in French so we just answered questions on "Le Petit Prince". Got into groups in World Religions and we drew our poster. Talked a lot in lunch and homeroom, and in homeroom I drew a tree. Lol. Did our presentation in Economics and so did two other groups. And then we just did book work. Art was really super fun. We watched the same video as in Drawing but I didn't have to pay attention. So, I spent the whole time working on my paper bag drawing! It was awesome. Workshopped my paper in AP, had to get used to the new workshop group! Lol. After school, went to FNHS where we had tons of business to sort out. When that was over, I sat on the computer in the library. Came home, ate dinner, did my Economics homework and now here I am.

> *I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good* -Moony

Sunday, January 21, 2007
3:45 PM

mood: GOOOO BEARS!!!!

Saturday: Woke up, read a bit of one of my old journals. Watched some TV with Mike and fooled around. Got dressed and we went out to the dentist. I made sure I went first to get it over with, lol. Made sure I didn't get those stupid x-rays. :P It was a quick and painless cleaning other than a bit of soreness. So, read some magazines while I waited for dad and Mike to get finished. We got some yummy beef sandwiches for lunch. Came home and my report card was there! I did pretty well. Ate lunch and the parents went out. While they were gone, me and Mike acted like crazy people. LOL. They came home, we watched TV and did some homework. Had dinner, got on the net. Browsed around. Got off, had chocolate shakes and watched "Seabiscuit". "Monty Python" was sooooo good!! Then we went to bed.

Sunday: Had an awesome dream, but it's much too long to type. Lol. Woke up, it snowed a lot overnight! Sweeet. Smelled delicious turkey when I woke up, lol. Yummy. So, watched some TV, read the paper. Got on the computer and started to tackle that damn research paper. Stopped for a delicious turkey lunch. It was like Thanksgiving again! LOL. Mike and dad went out for haircuts. Me and mom looked at some pics on the computer. They came back and I finished writing my paper! Watched the end of "Simon Birch"....sooo sad! And then it was.....GAME TIME!!! Bears VS Saints, the game for the Superbowl! Did some of my sketching homework while watching. It was quite a game and we really played it well! The stadium was going crazy and it was snowing like mad! It was a real Chicago football game. Ahhh, da shit man, da shit. It was really awesome. AAAAAAAAAAAAAND..........WE WON!! SUPERBOWL XLI HERE WE COME!! It's gonna be sooooo cool! And now I am on here. Later!

> *I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good* -Moony

Friday, January 19, 2007
4:28 PM

mood: content

Thursday: Woke up, felt tired. Mike stayed home again. Had an ok ride, I felt blah. Met up with Nicole and we went to the cafeteria where everyone talked. Went over the homework in French. Did a multiple choice in AP, that was crap. Did some warmups and then continued the square project in Drawing. Took a quiz and some notes in World Religions. Talked a lot in lunch and homeroom. Got our tests back in Economics....eh. We did bookwork in groups in there. Last period was Art where we mounted our nine lines drawings on black paper with rubber cement that stunk to high heaven! Ew. After school, I spent two whole hours in the library sitting on the internet. Wow. My eyes burned afterwards, lmao. Came home, had dinner, watched TV and did homework. Got on the net, did the usual stuff and ironed things out with Lin. Yay. Got off and we watched a show called "22nd Century" that we had taped.

Friday: Woke up, did routine, had an ok ride. Had a lot of fun talking in the cafeteria. Finished the square thing in Drawing. Saw an ok WQOP. French was funny, this girl presented her fave song and it was a 'Led Zeppelin'. Mrs. Haskins really didn't like it! LOL! Went to the counselor in Art for our yearly meeting thing. It was kinda boring, there's nothing to talk about! Lol. Started a new project in Art. Went to the PC lab for Economics where we did research for our project type thing. My group ignored me once again so I sat by Celi and browsed the net. Talked a lot in lunch and homeroom once again. Lin popped into homeroom! Lmao! I drew a bit, we tallked and Celi drew me a pretty picture. :) World Religions was kinda fun, we discussed an upcoming field trip and some other stuff. Had an author presentation in AP that was pretty good. After school, surfed the net. Came home, had dinner and watched TV. Then me and my parents had SoxFest Battle 2007: Round Two. I'm trying my hardest here. And now I am online. Well, hope everyone is having fun at the dance!! Later! :)

> *I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good* -Moony


i'm in ravenclaw! seventeen, QoP, chicago, friends, family, blogging, fanfiction, Harry Potter, Remus Lupin, chocolate, journaling, driving, The marauders, classic rock, alternative, swing music, Beatles, Graham Colton Band, Switchfoot, Maroon 5, Beatles, Billy Joel, Michael Buble, Click Five, Wicked Jack Lemmon, the 50's and 60's, conservative, George W. Bush, old movies, reality TV, SHOEBOX PROJECT, AIM, remus/sirius lurve, remus/tonks lurve, White Album, inside jokes, hangin' out, internet, LiveJournal :)


%Mood: Busy
%Book: "Duty and Desire" by Pamela Aidan
%Song: KT Tunstall, AAR & Switchfoot
%TV:"Seinfeld", "Simpson's", "Frasier", "Arthur", "Nova", "The Apprentice"
%Film: "The Terminal"


November 2004 December 2004 January 2005 February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007

Daily Dudes

%Mary ~ Slowly Drifting
%Kris ~ Blurred Vision
%Kelly ~ Lost Freak
%Chrissy ~ Burning Soul
%Lin ~ Fairytale Dreams

Affilates of Myself

% My MySpace
%My LiveJournal ~ "Notorious Notations"

%The Marauders
